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My Divine Presence is with you. I am shining my light upon you, to surround you, and as you absorb it, to fill your whole body-mind.
I will tell you more about my light, Beloveds, as light carries information.
My Light teaches you to soften your body in total surrender, because you trust the Presence of the Divine and you accept the principle of receiving, to be filled with my radiance of beauty, joy and pleasure.
I am worshiped as being the Compassionate One. But what is compassion other than Heart-Fulfillment, feeling your own completion which is a state of deep inner relaxation, acceptance and love. In such a state you experience that everything is already yours, that you do not lack anything.
When you feel your completion you do not judge. Judgement comes when you do not feel whole, when your Divine Essence is being suppressed. When you do not judge you love unconditionally and you love also those who suffer, because they imagine they are separate. This is compassion.
My Gift to you is my Divine Fullness that so gently caresses you with infinite tenderness. It heals all your pains and all your stresses and disappointments. It is the balm that calms your fears and sorrows and takes away all reason to be selfishly angry. That is the way I AM.
I AM that Female energy that unites humanity at their heart and showers contentment and nurturing presence upon you. If you feel Me - as I am right beside you – your separating perspective of life changes instantly.
Suddenly you perceive life from a completely different point of view, a view that has been withheld from your planet for Millenniums and which could only flower sometimes in intimate circumstances where people felt safe and loved.
However now the time has come, as the Feminine Presence on your Beloved Earth has returned, that humanity as a whole needs to reconnect to this beautiful quality that I embody for the sake of your liberation.
There is still predominant the distorted male power between too many of you. The male power that does not know the sweetness of the human heart, or has forgotten it.
I am here to remind you that you can call Me at times when harshness of life is still disheartening you, when you feel the pain of separation, when love is not yet shining and when you can’t remember your female vibration, whether you are a woman or a man.
Both genders can luxuriate and bathe in my soft pink and golden and white showers of graceful harmony and balance, resurrecting your Divine Dignity and Self-Authority.
Every cell in your body smoothens delightfully in my Presence which is also a quality of yours. Because how could you feel Me if I AM not already a part of you. I AM no other, but I show you what you have forgotten, I remind you to re- integrate what was once yours.
This female part of yours must now be lived by humanity. This is the deeper meaning of the return of the Goddess to Earth. The Goddess is not outside of you, Beloveds, She Lives Within, She Is You. The Gift is there. It is up to you to use it. And I AM a Personification of that Divine Gift to remind you of Yourself.
What is your identity and who do you think you are, while you are worshiping Me as an external entity?
Enlightenment comes with the realization that everything is already Your Own, and there is nothing outside to realize. But what appears outside of you is just a mere reflection of what is already inside of you.
Do worship Me as your own Divine Goddess-Quality that lives as you, when you allow it.
Call upon Me and these Qualities will flower in you, filling your being and healing the illusion that there is separation and non-love. Love and Unity are Divine Qualities that are the foundation of Existence. They are felt when the head does not lead, but the heart does, infinitely expanded in deepest tenderness. Both, men and women can live this way of life, because both embody the soul.
In this state of Beauty and Harmony you forget your own separateness and pain, and you smoothen every conflict in your world, even more, you change your world. In fact, you can change it now. In this moment. You have the power, who, if not YOU?
It is your choice, what will you choose?
With all My Divine Blessings I am by your side as You!
I AM Quan Yin
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