lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Notes from a Time Traveler by Lynda Mattison
“You can ask yourself, "What would happen if everything I thought was 'wrong' was actually 'right'?" Every great scientist knows about this. When what a
scientist does is not working, a scientist sets aside all of the assumptions
and starts over. All great discoveries have been made from a willingness, and
ability, to not be right. And that's what's needed here.
Neale Donald Walsch,
Conversations With God, Book 1, pgs. 7-8
Time seems to be changing, speeding up when we are engaged in routines, speeding past when we think of what we need to accomplish and disappearing from view when we give up and rest in the now. We make ourselves
tired, thinking of how tired we are. Yet, we are tired, tired of being on the
short end of time. Why do we feel this way? Has something happened?
Time is part of our consciousness, part of the lens through which we view experience, and actually, it is our consciousness that is changing. We live within many contexts, in a human body, on planet earth,
traveling in a solar ring around the Sun, within a solar system that travels
through galactic space known as the Milky Way. As our solar system travels through
space, consciousness is unfolding a new perspective. We are moving out of the
flatlands of time.
Linear perspectives have beginnings and endings and we fast approach the end of being limited to linear perspective. We have based many conclusions on our linear perspective as we projected our thoughts in linear,
sequential fashion where we see events happen and label one end, cause, and the
other, effect. You might even say, we have been living the uncertainty
principle with respect to Time.
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle states that light is either witnessed as a particle or as a wave. The view of it in one form, particle or wave, collapses the view of it in the other form. Our view of time
as a linear phenomena is changing. Why? Quite simply is it is because Earth, in
its celestial travels is moving through a part of the cosmos that is
photonically dense and more photons pass through our fields. This has quite
literally energized our consciousness, and so we access frequencies of Light
previously unavailable without the added photonic influence.
Continuing with the uncertainty principle, we have also had a choice to view time from the moment point, now, or, from the linear perspective, projecting forward and remembering back, drawing a distinct timeline.
From each point where we perceived ourself in time, we felt a weight of history
behind us, and an inevitable movement forward toward death. Choosing the linear
perspective collapsed all others, and we experienced living in the now as
surrendering to linear surprises.
Thank the photons. We are becoming aware Now of a multitude of perspectives, which give us more authority over how we do our time and space. One is the Law of Attraction where we magnetize through our focus. Another is the Principle of Harmonic
Resonance where like vibrations attune to one another. These are both energetic
viewpoints. How do we integrate them into the concrete material world? It all
begins with our understanding of Time.
Einstein and others perceived, formulated and verified the existence of the timespace continuum. We popularized the thought of time as a fourth dimension and layered this in with the three dimensions of space.
Without realizing it, we ascribed to Time, the properties of space, and saw it
as a line. This left scientists with many questions such as, Does Time flow?
Does Time have a Direction? Can we travel through time?
Let’s suspend our certainty about linear time, and postulate that perhaps we were accepting limits of a third dimensional orientation. We will have to develop a new language and new mental maps to explore Time, for
Time is spherical and expanding from multiple centers.
Our consciousness is expanding, vibrating in higher frequencies; we are believing more and seeing more than before. Prepare yourself for reality to touch what previously existed only in imagination,
because imagination is part of the foundation of reality.
From every point of experience, we have multiple choices. Were we to look at all of these as probable, from each point of our time, multiple radii would extend outward. When we make a choice, our attention and
focus goes to that one path. What happens to the others? From the third
dimensional perspective, they cease to exist. From the fourth, they exist as
probability. From the fifth dimensional viewpoint, they exist as part of a
If you were an ant, traveling over the ground and you came to a stone, you could take multiple paths with regard to it. From the ant’s perspective, whatever path is chosen is a line, a line that connects the
beginning of its travel to the end. Looking on the ant from above, before it
chooses, one might see the many different ways it could traverse the stone. All
of these would appear equal to the observer above because we do not have the
values of the ant. For to the ant, going around the stone may feel like a
change in direction and climbing straight over the stone a more natural
extension of its forward path. These are analogous to translating an ant’s two
dimensional perspective into the third and fourth dimensional perspectives.
Something changes markedly when you add another dimensional view, that of the
whole. Suddenly we are looking at all possibilities forming a whole. And how do
we judge this whole? It simply is. Right paths, wrong paths, forwards paths and
backwards paths, hard paths and easy paths all exist in the whole. This is a
very different point of view. Somehow, wholes include opposites naturally.
Our perception of time is wrapped up in how many dimensions we include in our perception. Time is spherical in nature when viewed from a perception of the whole. This is much more radical than it may first appear.
What has contributed to our personal definitions of time and why was this not
apparent before?
Think about your life as a map through time. You are born and you grow into being your own unique viewpoint with your personal history, the result of myriad choices, some noticed, some defining, and some so subtle
they are automatic. We calibrate our time together through the use of devices
to synchronize ourselves with others. The clock and the calendar are two of the
most important timing devices we currently acknowledge to be the standard. We
accept these timing frequencies and are immersed in them, but what exactly have
we accepted? The Gregorian calendar has 12 months. These stand out
individually, being unequal in length and one must synchronize life to fit the
calendar by consulting it frequently. Natural cycles appear to be secondary and
embedded. Unless one’s inner nature seeks cosmic alignment, the calendar is
used as a scheduling tool, and not expected to provide any deeper reference
point for life. Consider the phases of the moon, which are often recorded on
the calendar. They do not coordinate with calendar time in a cycle that we can
intuit using a calendar alone.[1]
These two facts are unimportant from a third dimensional perspective, which
uses clocks and calendars to impose order on time. However from a perspective
of universal wholeness, they evidence time, experienced as fragments. By
relying on our clocks and calendars, we have not accessed the true nature of
Time and space exist woven together as a whole. When your perspective is defined into fragments, then you do not readily intuit the whole. You may experience life as the passage of years, with cyclical holidays.
When a holiday is past, you go back to life as a stream of days. The facts that
Christmas is coming, or a vacation time comes, or the weekend is here, these
repetitions become the time cycles of your life. Family events and
celebrations, birthdays and anniversaries are the marks in time you make. Yet,
since not everyone marks Christmas, not everyone has the same vacations,
birthdays, etc., you share these cycles with small numbers of people who
resonate with your timing. You experience your time as separating you from much
of the world and nature. This view of time from a separated perspective is both
normal and time consuming. We just do our time, and try to do something better
the next time. We keep this going in
our own particular way; aware that someday, time will be up.
How do we access time and space as a whole? The answer to this is pretty astounding to we who are used to feeling small and relatively insignificant. We must open our
awareness to include the greater natural whole of which we are a part and begin
to participate in the cycles of nature. There is nothing artificial about
nature and we are part of nature, part of all nature’s expressions on earth and
in the heavens above. As you look more deeply at the expressions of nature, you
will see that everything emerges in patterns and cycles. When we allow our
relationship to nature to enlarge, we take these cycles into our being and our
understanding of the meaning of time will change dramatically. Truly, it is our
disconnection from nature that has blocked this unified awareness. Begin to
open your awareness to the solar ring that earth travels through around the
Sun, to the patterns you observe under your own night sky. When you place your
consciousness into these large natural spaces, you will begin to touch greater
fields of awareness and you will discover that space is neither empty, dark nor
dead. Rather, the opposite is true. We have been deadened to vast parts of
ourselves, because we have been disconnected from natural time.
You are a part of Earth, and the Earth travels through time space with you safely on board. The Earth participates in small and vast cycles, its orbit around the Sun, the solar system’s orbit around the star, Alcyone,
and the galactic movement of the Milky Way. These are spatially large cycles
and what could this mean to you personally? Did you imagine that your heartbeat
is coordinated electro-magnetically to synchronize with energetic fields that
sustain planet Earth? That your consciousness matters because all life is
connected to you and through you. Maybe it is time to know.
Your consciousness of time has helped create your definition of who you are. Today, who you are may be conceptualized to you through your family, your work, and your faith. As a matter of personal choice, these
relationships have developed into the integrity of your daily life and its
routines. Yet, who you are is also planetary. It is also galactic. Who you are
expresses across a multitude of dimensions whether you follow the flow into
these dimensions or not. Whether you
trust your own ideas or prefer the certitude of historic developments like
modern science, life in time grants you complete freedom to express whatever
you believe in. Your brain receives incredible amounts of unprocessed data from
light, sound, and electromagnetic frequencies because the brain sifts out what
can be translated through your beliefs systems – so it is true that you can’t
know what you can’t imagine. This idea alone places the scientific method on a
par with intuition for discovering what is true. There is always more you can
Given that we are more than we thought we were, what might we do to know and express the larger parts of ourselves? One of the first steps is to expand our conscious awareness into larger natural cycles. Observing the
sun in its motion across the sky whenever you are outside and observing it with
your own deep questions is a start. Try to connect with the sun in your
consciousness. Is light alive? Does the sun, then, have consciousness? What
about the space between you and the Sun? That space only looks empty because of
data you have no beliefs to process. Consciousness changes through simple
awareness. You will evolve and receive light codes streaming from your personal
connection to the Sun. Observe the moon throughout its phases. Try to drift
away from the tendency to name and let your mind play with the grandness of the
cosmic art in nature. You may look up to the stars or deeply witness the trees,
birds, flowers, and rocks. Read nature as you would a book, looking for new
meaning and significance outside of your routine beliefs. Notice your beliefs.
You are not a separate child of the universe. The universe lives through you.
When you only focus on the world as a stage for your actions, you miss the
larger drama of which you are an integral part. Most people think of space as
disconnected from time. Yet, whenever you look up at the stars, you are looking
backward in time. Time lines fill space and space lines define the structures
of time. Your relationship with nature can only be as deep as you imagine it to
be. And you are only as significant as you allow yourself to feel. To board
your timeship, you must establish a living connection with nature because that
is an unobserved part of who you really are.
You may start to sense your consciousness expanding and opening up new spaces within. In wholeness, energies of you and your consciousness animate every living thing. That sense of oneness provides a safe
and stable beginning for your larger experience of yourself in time.
Another part of your timeship involves assigning significance and what this creates forwards and backwards in time. There are many patterns in your life, and these are all reflections of what is
significant to you. Rather than strive to keep up with external demands, your
attention to significance allows demands to be met both forwards and backwards.
It is creating first within, rather than reacting. A look at significance can
often help you create past old patterns. Patterns reverberate and cycle through
our time spheres. They will never cease to do so. Our attention to the
significance of the pattern holds it within the present experience. Only by
assigning new significance to old patterns can we alter our experience with
We are always traveling in time. Many people travel through time like a driver, carefully studying the rear view mirror. In trying to protect themselves from pain and suffering, they hold on to the significance of old patterns and spend their time there,
doing what they most do not want because what they do not want is so
significant. Time is round, and when you find yourself in a pattern, you are
simply following the lines of pattern closure. You are not experiencing all
time is, inside a loop of your own timespace closure. To observe your patterns,
observe the feelings that have anchored those patterns into your timespace.
Simple observation is the beginning of disengaging significance and expanding
your freedom to do time the way you want it to feel.
You have been on this timeship all along, but never known what it was capable of. Thinking linearly, it seems as if effort must accelerate you closer to the focus of your efforts. That is actually more often
false to experience than true. More often, devoting effort to something narrows
your attention into smaller and smaller fragments of your time. Where your
attention is, your energy is. The psychology of effort, while practicing the
virtue of persistence can actually push you further away in time from what you
are efforting towards. Your efforts act like inflating a balloon, where the
balloon is you and your desire and everything moves further apart by the effort
of inflation. Why doesn’t your effort cause the effect you want? Time does not
behave as a line outside of yourself; it flows out from within you, and wraps
around every piece of space in your consciousness. Our fragmented view,
sandwiching time into the three dimensions of space, is responsible for the
perception of time as happening independent and outside of ourselves. This
perspective of being carried along from birth to death puts us at the mercy of
time. But like ants, carried on a spaceship, we have no idea of the larger
space through which we are moving.
Time exists through all space dimensions. Like inflating a balloon, you can guide it by expanding your knowing. More and more, physicists have acquired evidence of instantaneous communication between electrons across
large distances by changes at one location, being immediately reflected at
another. Immediately. No time elapsed. It is as if the universe is a giant round
mirror, reflecting all of itself to itself. No one really goes anywhere. This
is the hologram of life. You act as a hologram, too. This means that evidence
of who you are is all over the place. It is not confined to your partners,
paycheck, degrees or remembered accomplishments. It is more than the sequence
of events you agree to be you. Every part of a hologram contains all the
information possessed by the whole. You access that whole in every part of
yourself and you can also express as an individuated part. That is being both
the message and the messenger or being both consciousness and the expression of
consciousness. Are you in wonderland, yet? If you are, remember you are the
rabbit hole as well.
What’s in your hologram? Well, everything, but again, your brain translates energetic information through the matrix of your beliefs, so our personal holograms, while
potentially unlimited, are experienced as limited and in ongoing need of effort
to improve conditions. Change is about focus, not effort. Have you ever
wondered why commercials repeat and repeat boring and trivial messages, and
companies grow and grow their tentacles into our lives, no matter how inspiring
or weak their message? It is because they are creating holographically. Simply
placing an image in the hologram activates energy. The energy sparks
connections and life dances along. No right or wrong is involved. Being sparks
You too, can create holographically. This is evidenced by the law of attraction, but that’s just dipping your toe in the water and finding it is wet. To create holographically, you must look where you have not
looked, and bookmark what you know you will find beyond your current linear
experience. You must look outside of sequential flow. Sequential flow is
useful in a linear sort of way. We would not have the assembly line or the
workday without it. Yet, addiction to sequence is like any addiction. It
establishes conditions. What about non-sequence? What is that? Non-sequence is
instantaneous communication and connection in living light throughout our
universe. It is all that is beyond linear. Can you see now why we have not seen
ourselves as creators? We have been trapped by our belief in the religion of
People have said that God uses time to keep everything from happening all at once. That sounds pretty good, but everything does happen all at once and we deal with it. It is not time that does this through us. And it
is not time that keeps us from knowing God, it is the importance we have
assigned to sequence. We have made sequence a property of time. Non-sequence is
an integral part of time, too. Don’t confuse time with instruments that measure
it, such as your watch. Your watch measures linear, sequential time. That is
only one way time can be perceived.
When you come to recognize the non-sequential elements in your hologram, you will know that you cannot think of something that is incomplete. If you dream of inventing something, it is because it is already
done. I’m sorry, but you cannot have a completely original thought, either. It
is not your insufficiency, it is that there is no true original separation
between beings. You are picking up parts of greater wholes through resonance.
So to experience more of anything you have imagined you want, you have to abandon the belief that it cannot be. What you wanted is there in the hologram because you have perceived it through your thought. Your
journey is like working a puzzle, to find other pieces of the hologram,
connecting you to what you imagined. Wander. Drive off road, metaphorically.
There is no shortest distance around a circle. Wherever you are is a go point.
Think of yourself circling around and around your focus. Look for evidence of
your dreams and imaginings to come from all and mostly unexpected directions.
Evidence will magnetically gather itself to you. Ok, linear disappointment
time. You will never exactly get there. “There” will change along the way.
However, where you become in this journey will be more than you imagined,
because there is always more expansion. So you may well find that what you
originally hoped “there” would be, has become even more special than you’d
hoped for. Investing the best expectations for yourself will make this round
journey full and happy as you consciously fill your time.
And, what happens if you tenaciously cling to the beliefs that such and so cannot be. Well, you expand that failure part of your hologram. The sliver of reality where you do not have the particular success is
true because the belief of failure exists in counterpoint to success. You can’t
deny or exclude it: just don’t make it so probable by spending lots of time in
that part of your hologram.
[1] If a calendar were based on the moon, it might have 13 months with four equal weeks with one day left over.
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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