Yeshua: Prayer, Diet, And The Greatest Gift You Can Give
Transmitted through Mercedes Kirkel
January 14, 2011
Question: During this transitioning time, I’ve heard that our greatest teachers are the difficult people. I’ve also heard you should surround yourself with people that are uplifting. Is it very important to be involved with similar-type people, or is it important to work through being with difficult people?
Yeshua: There are many things I can say in response to this.
When you find yourself in a circumstance with people who are difficult for you, there are gifts in that. Very often you have called in these people because they are a reflection of you. Often the things that are difficult for you with these people are things that you struggle with in relationship to yourself. That is very often the gift. You can look at what it is specifically that is so challenging for you with these people and see how that relates to how you relate to yourself. What is it about that quality that is so hard for you? That is the essence of the gift that people who we find challenge with bring us.
It is not that we need to work to surround ourselves with people who are difficult for us. It will happen on its own if those qualities are being brought to you, because they are the ways that you relate to the world and yourself. The people are simply reflecting that. As long as that happens, it is a valuable practice to make use of that. Often times, at a soul level you have invited these circumstances and these people into your life so that you could work with these qualities. It might be lessons that you are learning. It might be an exploration that you are making of some aspect of life. For example, if you find yourself with someone who tends to criticize you all the time, you might be exploring the quality of criticism and judgment of right and wrong versus acceptance. If that is what your soul has called in, these circumstances will continue to appear in your life until your soul is complete with that exploration or those lessons that it is striving to receive and to grow from.
However, it is a spiritual principle, in general, to surround yourself with what it is that you are wanting in your life. This is part of what you call the Law of Attraction—if you surround yourself with qualities that you desire, these qualities will more and more become true of you. What is inside will be manifest outside, and what is manifest outside affects you. It is what you put your attention on that tends to change you. If you surround yourself with the qualities that you desire, you will be putting your attention on those things, and that will support you. This has always been understood as a spiritual principle.
This occurs on all levels. You eat the foods that will support your body. Most of you don’t have any problem with that; you understand it—you might have problems with it because you might desire other foods for one reason or another. But you don’t have a problem with the principle, in general. You understand that eating food that is supportive of you will help you, will uplift you, will free you from difficulties that would otherwise be caused by foods that don’t support you.
It is similar on all levels. If you surround yourself with people whose emotions support you, or whose thoughts support you, or whose acts support you, it will make it easier for you to maintain those qualities yourself. The reverse is true, too. And this is what is happening a lot in your world. People are surrounding themselves with qualities that are not supportive of them, but they don’t necessarily realize it. One of the biggest ways that this happens is through your media—through television, through radio, through newspapers, through your internet, through your movies—you are surrounded by media. For most of you this is your greatest companionship. For most of you, it is not necessarily the companionship that supports you. You may not even be realizing it. You might think of it as entertainment. In some ways it is entertaining you, but it is entertaining you at a very low level. Much of what is called entertainment in your world is based on fear. It is based on promoting fear, promoting the idea that people are getting hurt, and on the idea that people or other beings are hurting others. There is a certain kind of entertainment that you experience in this dimension that has to do with getting a rush of energy, adrenaline. But if you look at it, it is fear-based. It is supporting fear in you.
Things that you may not even think of as entertainment, things you might think of as the “real world,” such as your news, are still very much based on fear and they are supporting a fear response in you. Often times you get a certain kind of addiction to this fear response. It stimulates you in a certain way and then you start thinking, “I need to continue with this because it’s so serious—what is happening—or so difficult or negative. I wouldn’t be doing my duty, my job to humanity if I was not hearing about this.” But that is not actually the case. Your hearing about it is actually not doing anything to change the circumstance, other than you are giving your energy to it. You are feeding it. In terms of the law of attraction, you are actually encouraging it by giving your energy to it.
This is not to say that you should have your head in the sand. If there is something in your life that’s actually affecting you and it is something that you might call negative, and it is not something that you want, it doesn’t mean you should avoid it. You should deal with it and you should support the highest outcome possible. But so much of what you involve yourself with actually has nothing to do with your world. You could call it virtual reality. You don’t even know that it’s existing other than the fact that some media outlet is telling you that it is so. But it would not change your actual world to not be involved. This may be difficult for some of you to accept, but it actually would be the most supportive thing that you could do. If you were to turn away from the fear base and give your energy to the light, to love, it would actually be supporting that situation, as well as supporting situations in the world that you actually interact with.
This is a very serious circumstance in your world right now. It has been created this way because there are many who do not want you to grow. There are many who think that they are benefiting by you being kept at the level that you are. They might be benefiting financially. They might be benefiting in terms of having power in the world. It is not really benefiting them, but they think so. So they are very committed to maintaining this order and this system that is in place and has been in place for a very long time. One of the programs to do this is to keep people in fear and to keep people distracted from the things that actually would support their growth—because if people grow they will become strong and will no longer support the current system. So it takes awareness, it takes strength to be conscious of these things and to make choices that truly support you. But that is one of the best things that you can be doing.
Eventually, as you grow stronger and move into the higher dimensions—the next dimension being the fourth dimension—and especially at the higher levels of the fourth dimension, you will not experience these kinds of dualistic oppositions. You will not experience people who seem to be so difficult versus people who seem to support light and love for you and are more easeful to be around and supportive. It will not be that way. You will have gone beyond this level of opposition. Your whole life will be much easier at that point and more joyful. At this point you need to support it in a way that brings your will into it. You must use your will and your power to support those things. Eventually, as you move into this higher level, you will be naturally supported in that way, and that is a wonderful thing. So you are moving towards that. Until that is the case, you will need to bring more of your personal power and your will to making this so.
Question: I got a message today about sweet surrender. In light of what you were just talking about of using our will and making choices, I’m wanting to know when to surrender and when to act with a clear intent and move forward on it. I’m looking for that discernment of when to act and when to surrender.
Yeshua: The surrender that you seek is surrender in God, and that is always called for. Yet especially at the third dimension, it takes different forms. Sometimes the surrender seems like a going inward or just letting go, releasing, choosing not to act, choosing not to be involved. choosing to just allow. Sometimes the surrender that you are called to is to be God’s advocate in the world. This is to act, to bring your will to do what is required. There is a prayer, that many of you are familiar with, known as The Serenity Prayer, that addresses this—talking about the courage to act when it is called for, the serenity to release action when that appears to be the highest way, and the wisdom to know the difference. This is what I hear you calling for in asking for discernment.
The best thing that you can do is to pray for this, to pray for that wisdom, that discernment. If there is a particular situation, ask for help in knowing what is the highest path. What is the path of surrender? Is it a path of action, or is it a path of letting go relative to this circumstance? You can also ask for clarity, in general, to know your guidance, however you receive that. Some people receive guidance from their angels; some people from their higher self; some people from a sense of communicating with God; some people from other beings who they trust to communicate God’s will and word to them. You can ask for help with this. For truly, that is part of the transformation going on for all of you, also: your own direct guidance is opening up, and will continue to open up. Many of you have not had access to this direct guidance as fully as you would like in the past, so you have relied on others to guide you and direct you. That time is coming to an end. It is time for each of you to find your own direct guidance. You all have it; you all know. It is a wonderful thing to pray and ask for. It is a wonderful thing to listen for when you meditate… and also to listen at other times. It can happen in the midst of any event. You can be doing anything and that guidance can come through. So practice your listening.
This season is an excellent time for doing that. In the old times, in the old ways, people understood that this was a time of connecting deep to the earth, to the great quiet and depth of the earth. It is a time for listening. So this is a wonderful, empowered time for doing that, more so than even most times. It is a very strong practice. Ask and it shall be given. Ask for this ability and you shall have it.
Question: I was wondering about a prayer to help bring in guides, but you just answered it: “Ask and it shall be given.”
Yeshua: Absolutely. And your strongest prayers are the prayers that come from your heart. If another prayer resonates with your heart and feels strong to you, make use of it, most definitely. Prayers do not need words. Words can be helpful, but prayer is a direct communication from your heart with God. You can find your own prayers. Prayers may come to you through others, and you may create your own prayers and share them with others. Whatever it is that connects your heart with God is your most powerful prayer.
Question: You were speaking of taking care of the body and sustenance. Is it helpful to have a vegan diet or a lighter raw diet…?
Yeshua: Everyone’s diet is different, what is right for each person. For some people, eating meat may be the strongest diet for them. It is for each person to find what their diet is. And that may be changing. It may be right now that this is your highest diet, and then that will change.
The animals came to the earth with the understanding that they would be food for other beings. This is not a conflict. It is a conflict if they are not being treated with love and given humane circumstances. But there are some who require animal foods, and that is not a problem.
The process is for each person to find what is your diet that supports your optimum health—and beyond your health, what supports your optimum openness to light and love. And that is different with each person. As with all aspects of life, listen to your guidance. Your body has wisdom. Listen to the wisdom of your body. This is an arena where you might get the message directly through your body, or you might hear it another way. You have what you need to be guided. Develop the ability to listen. If you are not sure, ask.
There is another arena I wish to address. It is not easy to find words. I will do my best to express what it is. For a very long time, long before I incarnated onto the earth, and still going on today, your world has been dominated by what you could call the masculine. It is a certain way of thinking, in particular, and relating to the world that is masculine-oriented. All beings contain the masculine and the feminine. So this is not limited to men. Women contain this, as well. It is in some ways more natural to men. They resonate with it, perhaps, more naturally. But it is something that resides in all beings.
Your world has been out of balance for a long time with this domination of the masculine, and the feminine being suppressed. This is changing and the feminine is getting stronger. This is creating a challenge for many beings—for many men who are comfortable with the masculine and don’t understand the feminine, and for many women who have developed their masculine and have not developed their feminine as strongly. This has to do with being very much in your minds, very much controlled by your minds, and using your minds as the instrument that pretty much runs your life. The mind is important; the mind is not to be abandoned. But for many of you the mind has dominated your heart, and this is the domination of the masculine over the feminine.
This is changing right now and this is going to be challenging for many people who are very mind-dominated. The heart does not wish to dominate. The heart wishes to be in union with the mind. In fact, the part of your mind that most of you use is going to be serving your heart, and you’re going to be opening to your higher mind. This is part of the process that’s underway. For many of you this is going to be very unfamiliar and possibly scary, because you are going to be required to let go of controlling your life with your thinking in the way that many of you have adapted to. It is necessary to let go of the control of the mind to make space for the heart to blossom, for the heart to come forth, for you to know your heart and to start to live from your heart. I tell you this so that more and more you can understand the process that you are going through and have compassion with yourself and with others, who may find this very scary and may try to cling to the old way of controlling with the mind—trying to control yourself with your mind; trying to control others with the mind.
The thing that will help in all of these circumstances is, as much as you are able, to love these beings from your heart. Do not get into a battle of minds. There will not be a winner from this. It will simply take you into that mind-dominated arena that is your lower frequency that you are growing out of. Trust the process. Stay in your heart as much as you are able, and love. Show love. You can show love through a touch. You can show love through your eyes. You can show love through your smile. You can show love through a gift. You can show love through your loving, heartful words. There are many ways. Do this with yourself and do this with others. It will be the greatest gift you can give.
I extend my love to you, my blessing. I hold you in God’s light, as God, the Divine Being, made manifest in your form and in all forms. I love you. Blessings to you dear ones.
And now I leave you. I AM Yeshua.
Copyright 2012 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my e-mail ( and website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. E-mail: Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love will be available in November through her website. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to or contact her at *
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