lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Wake up Call: Brotherhood of the Cross of Harmonic Freedom, April 27, 11


There comes a time in everyone’s life when the changes that are taking place everywhere envelope the very body that you walk in. These changes reflect the changes that are happening throughout the universe, and as they come, they take their passages through all of life.


Those passages come to fruition in many ways. It depends on the particular cellular structure and memory and the other variances of life that come to be in the evolution of the species. With the human there is much taking place now that is bringing a feeling of topsy-turvyness to many.


As this takes place it brings about many emotional as well as physical aspects to the lives that are felt to be already in disarray on a worldwide perspective. Now the worldwide perspective is being shown to be that oneness within the body of many people and animals, especially for the people. Some feel their bodies are being tossed in and out, up and down in whirls of non understanding bringing moments of confusion.


This is a conditioning that is taking place to meld and bring into harmony the physicalness with the soul and Spirit. As this comes about it brings much upheaval to the person’s body and life in many ways; from what to eat, decisions made about lifestyle and what worked before that does not work anymore. It is a time for many changes and it all begins at home. There you will find a road to peace and wellness in your heart and body as long as you take the road most enlivening for you.


How do you find this enlivening, you wonder, when it is so unsettling in your life? You take the moment and ask what is the best way to live it. You listen then with your heart and when it says to do this or that, you do it. Follow the inner guidance as it comes in the moment, for that is where the truth of your peace of mind lies. As you do this you will find your moments expanding to minutes, hours, even days and you will begin to live and know what it means to be in the moment in a harmonious way. You will see that being in the moment does not necessarily mean to change your direction with every other thought, but to incorporate the momentous decision into the next step and the next until it no longer fits and agrees with what you heart is saying.


As for how this is all affecting your physicalness, many of you are being faced with illnesses, disturbances in your bodies. As they flow through your life they bring with them confusion, and the need to change your diets, your ways of thinking of what suits you, and how to find the ways to adjust to the body changes that are taking place in your lives. This can be unsettling for many of you, for it upsets the old accustomed way of knowing what your body does well with. It can mean that now you cannot eat certain things, or cannot have then at the same times of day as worked for you before. This can be a challenge for you to be able to accept and to even welcome the changes. However, you can do so because you know that it is all leading up to the brand now you who is headed for a harmonious way of being with all of life.


You can do it! It is a matter of being in tune as well with all of earth life. Mother Earth is going through her changes too, and as she does she experiences many unsettling experiences. She knows however that this must happen in order for her to achieve the pristine state that she is destined for. She knows that even as the tears form in her eyes and heart she is bound for a state of ecstasy, peace and inner love that will resound throughout the universe forevermore, as so will you.


We are all here for you. We are assisting you to your destined liberation from the ties that bind. We are the Brotherhood of the Cross of Harmonic Freedom and we sing and dance along with you as you ride the waves of change in these days of evolutionary progress to your destined freedom. You will find that after each roll-through of change that you meet with love and allowance you will come forth with the best way of being that you could have imagined.


After each step on the ladder to freedom you will find a rest period in which you will be able to assimilate the new you and feel the familiarity with which you will resonate. Then when the next step is ascended you will once again feel a new you. Each step will be successively easier and short lived, until the steps are accessed as a floating breeze that takes you to the final rung, and then on into the freedom of ecstasy for which you are bound right now.


We encourage you to take the journey with all of the love you can muster for the moment. Know that there is every reason to love yourself and to excuse the feelings of self-doubt and non-forgiveness for what you are going through. Realize that this is but a momentary whisper in the song that you are singing that will end with the purest, melodic tone that you have ever sung. Know that, as every turnaround in your life takes place from this moment on. Know that you will be assisted to every step in this ladder to the heavens and on into complete freedom forevermore.


The bridge to Love is yours to traverse, and we are right here alongside you. Come sing with us, and the next thing you know we will all dance through the heavens forevermore together as One.


Thank you dear Brotherhood,

Love, Nancy Tate

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Hi Everyone,
Atfter I did the Wake up Call this morning I wondered who is the Brotherhood of the Cross of Harmonic Freedom? During the day it kept coming up and I decided to do another WUC tomorrow and ask. Then I decided not to wait, for I felt prompted to live in the moment and ask now. So here it is for you to all share in with me.

Wake up Call: Brotherhood Part-2, April 27, 11


Nancy: Dear Brotherhood of the Cross of Harmonic Freedom,


I am curious about you, who you are and why you have come into my awareness. Please explain about yourself and your part in this period of our ascension process.


Brotherhood: We are one energetic being in purpose and love for all of mankind on planet earth, as well as for all life in the universe. We come in completion of the gathering of many beings who reined on Maldek and who were taken aboard the ships after the destruction of that planet. We began our journey to Oneness as we took leave of the area of the universe in which we held a magnetic draw to the experiences we had there.


As we departed that area of the universe we took many precautions to not take with us the idea of our identity being only in that place and intoned with that experience, for with that experience we took many liberties to withstand the un-coming devastation that befell all of that planet.


As we traveled through the reaches of the universe, we touched down on many planets throughout the universe and tied in with the various energies that had been represented on Maldek. We took liberties once more to gather to us the inherited energies that we came into being with, and took them into a place within that was destined to become one with the other.


As this happened it was a residual pattern that was being woven and in this we found that there was much that was seen to be a contributing factor of energy that led to the destruction of Maldek, through the inability of the people there to be able to access their own inner strengths and to rely on them to pull them through that experience in a way that gave them the upper hand.


As we saw what was being played out, we found that there was a missing factor in the equation. This missing factor was the ability to see what could become of them in the face of the destruction of the planet they resided on. There was a decided belief in the largest percentage of them that no evil could come to them that would be so powerful as to override their ability to survive, no matter what. This came from their inner knowledge that they are immortal beings, and that they would always exist. What they felt, and how they interpreted this was that their physicalness was who they were and that it was in oneness with their Soul and Spirit. In this perspective, they went to their deeply known truth that they are immortal and that they would always exist.


This came as such a shock to them that when they saw that their bodies were not part of their true beingness, they then lost their connection on the deepest level with the Source. That is why they had to be rescued by the ones from whom they had migrated to Maldek in the first place. They then were brought back to a state of being where they would be able to go to earth and take the experience to another level, one that had the fullness of their existence to give them the perspective that was more fully lived and expressed in their time on earth.


We are those who gathered them all together in a solid feeling body that was in reality the oneness of Truth, along with the various levels downward to the expression of who they were when they came to earth to begin their descent into duality.


We are originally from the energy of the Mushaba Force, and as we come into this plane of love and beauty with all of you on earth, we stand in place to allow you to see what it is that you left behind that is so dear to you and so true in it’s recognition of who you are in the eyes of The Creator through all that you have experienced. We call ourselves the Brotherhood, rather than the Sisterhood because that is the energy in which you came into the experience. That is the energetic blueprint that created us as we are now and we stand ready with you to be reunited with the other part of us that is the feminine energy. In that way we will be relegated to our Oneness along with you in the entirety that is the destiny of us all. That feminine energy has been treasured, and held in readiness for all of us by our dear Gaia, Mother Earth. She is the gatekeeper of that feminine energy with which we will experience our Oneness once more.


We stand in readiness with you to take the last rungs of the ladder together, for we are you and we are ready for you to serve us in your ascent into the Truth of who you are. We are one, and we see all of us in the Freedom that is our destiny. Realize it is already with you, for we are here now to walk, dance, sing with you to the ultimate Truth of who We All Are.


Dearest Beloveds, welcome Home. You are so close we can see the Light in the Window of Welcome for all Time.


Thank you dear Brotherhood,

Love, Nancy Tate



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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