lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

St. Germain, connecting the spiritual world to the physical world.


As the energy is building up once more, you have been seeing the messages and much of what is revealed to, as they tell you that it is really happening.


Yes it is really happening, and now is the time for you to make it happen.


It all seems easy at times as the energies are building and you are being supported by so many beings outside of yourself.

Yes I am saying outside of yourself, as the physical reality does not match the spiritual reality. Even though many know that everything is within them, they are still using outside sources to
pull themselves upwards along the spiral of ascension.


Let me explain this to you as we have come to a new energy date, 11-11-11.


If no one would know about energy, we could send all the energy we want and no one would do anything with it. If there were no channels for us to keep you informed a lot less would be happening with
all of you.


Yes there would be some that would be able to get it from within, but most are still at a point where they say they will find everything within, but from there they go into an illusion that they
know everything that is within.


Another example, you can all read the message. What if no one was there to teach you how to read, to explain to you that these little scribbles, these letters are actually something you can read?
Without someone telling you how would you figure out what it says.  


You can see this when you are trying to translate another language. "kun je dit lezen". Just an example.

You can guess, but it is a guess, not a knowing.


This is where we are trying to give you the information, this is where can give you examples. But it is still up to you to find the translation of much of what is happening within you. How is this
done? By teaching the human mind, growing your human understanding of what is
happening. Mostly this is done through outside sources as there is much
information available at this time on all different subjects of


This information is however translated through human minds and the information is sometimes in contradiction to each other as each human does translate in a different way.


Yes we would love to give you an explanation of each specific energy and what it means, but each energy is being experienced in many different ways, so it will be of no use for you to do this
as each person will still have their own explanation and experience. This is the
way it is supposed to be, as each person needs their own experience.


This is why it is important to understand not only the spiritual reality, but also the physical reality. As to really integrate the spiritual reality you will have to have the knowledge to do
this available within your physical reality. You will have to have a full
understanding of your physical reality.


This is where many are missing the boat as they are focused upon what is happening within the energies and the spiritual reality and sort of shoving aside the physical reality as an illusion,
a dream, nothing is really happening there.


This is an illusion by itself, as you have convinced yourself that the physical world is an illusion, you are denying yourself a full understanding of the spiritual world as well. As the human is
part of your spiritual world, just as much as the spiritual world needs to
become part of the physical human world.


Yes, and this is where many are not taking responsibility for their own choices, their own inner knowledge and the translation and integration of all this into the physical reality. We see it
many times as people are reacting with the phrase "it is all an illusion", most
of them don't even come up with a reason for why they think it is an illusion,
others come up with something they have read somewhere else, and a few actually
can find some reason within to explain to themselves why they think it is all an
illusion. For me as an outsider looking in it is funny to see the reasoning as
many see the so called dark world as an illusion, but the light world as


The reasoning behind this is amazing to me, as they discard all that they seem to think is negative as an illusion and all that is positive is real. This is where the real duality thinking sets
in big time. The ego that is involved in this way of thinking as they seem to
think that as long as they ignore the negative and only work on the positive
they are good light workers.


Yes you heard me say it, and as I have a channel that is not afraid to say these words for me I will say it again. The ego is involved in this and it makes you feel good to think you are an
amazing light worker as you only work for the light and oh well, the dark does
not exist, all an illusion, look at what I have accomplished, I am such a
positive, compassionate and loving being.


The physical world has many parts that are considered negative and you can ignore them or deal with them in many ways. Yes,a loving attitude towards others is one of them, but how long can you
keep that loving attitude? At one point you will get fed-up with something and
get angry. Not one human being can live within that state of love full-time. Do
not kid yourself in this as you know I am speaking the truth right now at this
moment. You are already upset because I said something about your


Now many will say, this is not the real St. Germain, he is a loving being. My beloved Master St. Germain would never speak to me like this. Yes I love you all dearly, but that does not mean I
cannot tell you the truth at times. What friend would I be if I did not tell you
the truth at times?  


The truth can be tough, and as your friend I have to be tough at times.


It is time you take responsibility for what and who you are, you are a human being and it is your job to bring in a new reality for the earth. This cannot be done if you ignore the physical
reality, you will have to merge the physical reality with the spiritual


You will have to find the understanding and knowledge within both worlds and be able to use this knowledge in both worlds. Forget about all the fancy stories, this is real work that needs
to be done by you. It is time you set aside your ego, start your work. Now by
setting aside your ego, I am using a figurative way of speaking, as your ego is
a part of you and all you need is a good talk with your ego, your ego is
perfectly willing to assist you instead of working against you.


Yes you are all great light workers, but many of you have taken it a step too far and are too convinced of your own knowledge while having no real experience to support this knowledge.

Others have experiences but are still missing the overall picture at times.


It is not about what lies ahead of you, it is about what you are going to do in the now moment with what lies ahead and with what is there already.


Yes, visions of the future, of what is or might be happening are important as they can give you guidance on the direction you need to follow.


But do not forget that at this moment only a small group is actually on their way of really understanding what is happening, all others are following suit by reading their experiences. But most
of them are not inclined yet to find their own experiences.


Many belief systems are being dissolved at this time and new belief systems are entering the human consciousness. This is where you will have to pay attention as again this will
bring in attachments to the new belief systems and again interference within
your process. Releasing an old belief system and replacing it with a new belief
system might put you on the path and you got one step forward, but how are you
going to do the next step. 


Each belief system, no matter how big or how small, it will prevent you from reaching a full understanding and full integration or merger of the physical world with the spiritual world, and full
integration or merger of the spiritual world with the physical world.


St. Germain

Through Petra Margolis

November 4, 2011

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Saint Germain you rock!!!!!  A true friend indeed!  Love, Amanda

...and you too Sonja XO



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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