lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Salusa, November 11, 2011the ascension of earth.
First I would like to address a couple of subjects that are dear to my heart.
I have seen the expression of some as I thanked my channel for her willingness to give a message from me to all of you.
Many are thanking us at times at the end of their channeled message and this is being placed within the message. Does that mean I am full of ego as I allow it to be within the message?
Many will say no, but seem to consider it ego from the channel when I ask for these couple of lines being places within the message as I am really thankful.
Yes she was honest about her feelings and very hesitant about bringing out a message that completely differs from all other messages you see out there.
Some actually took it to the very limits against all of what I have been teaching and attacked her outright, not just with words, but with energy attacks and she spent most of her day fighting of these attacks. She did not complain and just did it, as she is used to this and knows this can happen. Many are not aware of what they are sending out within the energies and have no conscious awareness of what it does to another person.
My intention is to be very honest with you and tell you that many messages out there are being translated to what the channels belief system can agree to.
This does not mean there is no truth in the message and that I am saying they are bad channels, I am saying that many channels still have attachments, just like this channel has certain attachments. The channels are willing to give our messages and we are very grateful for that at all times.
Being a channel does not mean you have nothing to learn, it also does not mean that the information you are receiving is appropriate for each person out there.
Being a channel means you have a responsibility to find out if there are any of your own belief systems and attachment weaved into the message.
I do not see any person at this moment that does not have attachments or belief systems in one way or the other.
This is something that is not usually discussed and is something that many who do channel do not want to hear. But as you are all moving further up in the energies it is time to address this.
Yes you carry a responsibility towards others as you bring out the messages to the public, if you would channel just for your own information and leave it at that, then it becomes different. At this time however where we see more and more able to channel and willing to bring the messages to a greater audience, we do need to address this.
It is also very important for each of you as a reader but also as a channel to understand that the information within the message is based upon the level of understanding of the channel and the audience.
As the channel grows and is open to receive the messages can and will change. If the channel does not release attachments and belief system and in this way does not open his or herself up to receive a greater understanding, the messages will not change but will be mostly a repeat of what has been said before.
Now the channel will receive many messages and can ask at any time for a more clear understanding about their own path and what is happening on earth.
As each channel also reads other channels, some of the translation will be done through what they have already read and know within their mind as this is where the translation of energy takes place.
As you receive any messages there has to be some understanding within the channel of what the message is about, as this allows for a more accurate translation of the energy.
This is why I am at this moment talking about the subject of channeling, as more and more are ready and/or are getting ready to channel.
We are open to every channel no matter what their level of understanding is at that moment in time, we are grateful that more and more are opening up at this time. As channeling is the pathway to your inner connection and we expect that at one point you find that inner connection.
Once you have found that inner connection within it does not mean you cannot channel anymore messages, it means that you have a greater clarity and understanding as you translate the message.
Having more understanding allows for more clarity and more accurate messages as this is of great importance at this time where more and more are awakening to the possibilities and choices that are available.
Now as I have talked about this, I would like to mention that we are not all knowing.
I am not all knowing, and no other being is all knowing as the energies are flowing at all times, new creations are taking place and there is always something to learn.
We are all beings within the oneness and we all express within that oneness in many different ways. And within that oneness we all learn in many different ways.
Just something I wanted to express and have written down.
Now we can move on to the reality at hand.
The process that is occurring on earth is mostly a new process each and every one of you is going through and we do not have a full experience or understanding of what can or might happen. Planets have ascended before, humans have ascended before.
Never before have we ascended an entire planet with physical life upon it.
As the earth's ascension process is one of great importance to us, and her ascension is a much anticipated event not just within your universe but way beyond. This process is well underway and we have an almost complete idea of how to assist within this process as we have stood here before many, many years ago within you earth time.
At that moment we could not proceed as many humans were not ready and there was some interference we were not able to stop.
At this moment we will not let anything interfere as mother earth has offered herself in order to stay present for all that live upon her.
Each and every being that is incarnated upon earth knows this consciously and/or unconsciously.
The choice available for each human is to either move into the 5th dimensional frequency new earth reality, or move beyond this within the many possibilities that are available if they work on it while they are upon earth at this time.
Some have chosen to take it one step further and move completely out of the incarnation cycle and return to their full source being, but this means they will have to integrate their full source being upon earth first. Become their full source being or to say it in other words become the full expression of their entire being upon earth within the physical 3rd dimensional reality.
So yes for many it will be sort of a free ride as each and every being that has chosen to do so will move into the 5th dimensional reality. This is still a physical reality but the difference will be that there will be more and easier access to the spiritual reality.
But that doesn't mean there is no work to do for those that have chosen to serve at this time. Many are on this path to serve, and their mission is to create and be part of creating this new earth reality, but also to assist in opening the ascension portal needed for mother earth.
This ascension portal is also of great importance for you all as humans as this is what will move you into the 5th dimensional frequency. Or even beyond as some might choose to move further into the higher realms to advance from there.
This can however only be done if you have integrated those parts of you that can support you into moving into those higher realms.
And of course we have the ones that go for complete or cosmic ascension all the way.
They are the ones that will be holding the energies for the portal as they will also be holding the energy of all humans and lift them up through the portal, as many are still within a 3rd dimensional frequency.
Now this is what was agreed to before each human came into this incarnation upon earth, so lifting all of these humans up into a higher frequency will not be against their free will.
Of course this agreement can be changed at any time.
The choice at this moment available for all of you is moving into the 5th dimension, or working on your frequencies and integration of part of your spiritual being and move beyond the 5th dimension, and the final choice is to go all the way and complete the process of full or cosmic ascension and become the full expression of your entire being upon earth within the 3rd dimension before the portal opens.
Now as the energies are changing upon earth the processes of ascension are different in many ways compared to years ago, even only as little as one year ago or even last month.
The energies are becoming more supportive as we are moving into a new cycle of ascending and descending and the energy is building up to that point.
This is what allows you to make the choice and complete ascension all the way and complete it within a shorter amount of time than before. Many that are on this path have worked on this in previous lifetimes and do know part of the process already.
I will leave for now as I think I have said enough to make you think about your choice and what you would like to accomplish in this life time.
I will return through this channel and many other channels when asked or when I think it is needed.
Through Petra Margolis
November 11, 2011
Salusa, November 12, 2011 what is channeling.
Many channels are channeling in a different way but the starting point is the same. A message is sent from someone that is not on earth at this moment and depending upon the dimension they reside in within this moment the message is being sent to the channel from that dimensional frequency.
Now this does not mean the being sending the message is only within that frequency as sometimes the beings will lower themselves into the lower dimensional frequency to reach the channel if needed.
Depending upon the dimension the message is being sent from the information can differ very much.
The higher dimensional frequencies that can be reached by the channel the more clear the energies will be that are the message.
The energy of the message can be sent in through different parts of the channel, it can be the higher self, or any part above the higher self.
This also has a great influence on what is perceived by the channel as the message.
As more parts of the channel are integrated they can reach a point where the message can be sent in through the source level of the channel.
The message is always energy but can be perceived by the channel in many ways. Some channels are audible as others are more visual, and yet others will receive it through a translation made within their brain and mind as words flowing through.
Some channels will need a time of silence and meditation to receive the message and translate the messages, others will use the trance method and part of the being that sends the message will come into them. Others can channel at any moment no matter what is happening around them and they don't need a quiet space or meditation to move into that space.
Some channels only are connected at the time of the message, others can remain fully connected at all times.
There are many in betweens.
The difference is that channels that are able to stay connected have integrated more parts of their being and usually are connected to their own source. Meaning they have an open communication channel through all parts of their being up until the highest part they can reach at that moment.
Some have this channel all the way up to their source part.
For many it seems connecting with the higher self is already a great part, I can tell you that it is only a small part of your being. Your higher self contains only a small part of the information that is available in your entire being in spirit.
We would like to see each and every channel reach higher and higher, do not be satisfied with only a small part, ask for all of it.
As any message coming in will come in through the understanding of that part of your being the energy is being sent through. To further explain this, if the message is sent through your higher self, I will come in on the level of understanding of your higher self. If you do not have a full and clear connection with your higher self the message will not be completely clear.
This is the case for each level of your being in spirit that you use to receive messages.
The other part is that if you can receive messages from higher dimensional levels, the information will be more complete as your being is able to understand the information on the higher levels. It makes it easier for your own being to send the message down through the channel in the most clear way without any interference of the parts of you below it.
Many of the lower dimensional messages contain information only about the lower dimensional levels, as you are able to reach higher levels, the information will change and you will get a more expanded view of what is happening.
Depending of course upon the channel, as some channels are placing their focus upon what is happening within their physical reality, they will receive information related to this physical reality. the information is however not clear and much of what is within the translation will be what the channel weaves in as the translation is reliant upon the knowledge of the channel and the understanding of the channel.
At this moment where the ascension is near, it becomes more important to focus on the self than what is happening on earth. Changes on earth are a very slow process, changes within yourself can be a very fast.
The easiest and fastest way to change the consciousness of humanity is to start with your own consciousness.
Merging the physical reality with the spiritual reality and in this way make a change within the consciousness as more and more will become aware of this possibility.
It is very important to work on yourself, do not let anything deter you from working on yourself. Even if it is another part of yourself giving you the message that something will happen in a certain time frame, be aware that your belief system can influence any and all message even if it is received within your own being.
This is why it is important to get a clear connection with your higher self and from there move upwards within your own being and clear any all and blockages that can stand in the way of a clear open channel within your own being.
Now as we have talked about channels, I want to add one more thing that I see as important as the channels are all working very hard to translate our messages and bring them to a greater public.
Some of you reading these messages seem to deem it fit to judge at times and many seem to think that they have the right to judge any and all channels if the message does not agree with their belief system.
So I have a challenge for all of you, channels, and readers.
For everyone who would like to join this challenge, I will send a message to each and every one of you.
This is a short message and if you take the challenge I would like you to translate this message and post it right here under my message.
We will see how many are able to translate the message correctly, and maybe this will help many to understand that all these channels are giving you a great gift by translating our messages for you, instead of you having to do it yourself.
I will reveal the translation within my next message.
Through Petra Margolis
November 12, 2011
Kuthumi, The oneness within and/or outside of you.
It does me great pleasure to see that some have come to experience and understand part of what the oneness means.
Many are taking advantage of the new energies and it is lifting them to new levels within.
At this moment I would like to explain, or try to explain with words what oneness is to us that do not have a physical body.
As you have a physical body, and I have experienced this just like you many times upon earth, the oneness that can be felt is never a complete oneness as the physical body does not allow for this.
You can start to experience the oneness from a spiritual point of view.
A feeling that you can experience within the human mind and heart as you become more connected to the spiritual reality.
Now as I am within spirit it is a feeling of completeness, but it is more than that, as we do not experience the oneness as a feeling, we are the oneness, as everything that is outside of us is also within us.
We can choose to experience the oneness within the all, or we choose to experience the oneness within smaller parts. All depending upon our intent and work that needs to be accomplished.
Oneness is being everything at all times, or being part of everything at all times.
As we are all connected we are all one, but we all have our own different consciousness experiences and depending upon where we are guided or would like to assist, or learn, or experience we move our energies to that space within our own being.
We are not experiencing the limitations you have as a human where you experience, and learn through emotional expressions.
We are every emotional expression at all times.
But we are more than that, as the emotional expressions of the human are only part of the whole within the oneness.
The human is only a small part of the spiritual world.
It does however give a great learning experience for the spiritual part as it allows the spiritual part to express and learn within the slowest frequencies at this time.
Within the oneness there is everything to experience, everything to learn.
There is no duality, meaning there is no wrong way of experiencing and learning.
There is no wrong way of expressing yourself.
Now this is an explanation within words as within the oneness there are no words and we only see the changes within the energies as we learn, and express ourselves.
This is where the human world collides with the spiritual world as humans need words to express themselves.
Within the human world there is duality, there is right or wrong and there are limits on how you can express yourself as some expressions are seen as right or wrong.
For example speaking your mind can be seen as a good thing if others agree with what you are saying, if they don't agree, they don't want you to speak your mind.
If they do agree with you, you will get beautiful reactions making you feel good. If they don't agree with what you are saying some will react with anger or agitations, others will react by saying you can speak your mind, they love you no matter what. And some really mean that, others will have this little thought in the back of their mind saying, I know this is the right way to react but I don't like what this person says and their feeling of love is different from the feeling of love they feel to the ones they do agree with.
This is where the duality comes in as well, as many see love as the ultimate expression of life.
Oneness is the ultimate expression of life. If you are one with everything, what that person said that you don't agree with, it is part of you.
Meaning that no matter what a person says it is part of what are. As you are all one.
Every experience, every thought, everything you learn, it is being experienced by each and every other person on earth, consciously or unconsciously. As within spirit you are all within the oneness.
Oneness is finding the balance within everything, finding everything, becoming everything.
Now that doesn't mean you become a murderer or a saint.
It means you allow for yourself to express yourself in the oneness, meaning the oneness within the spiritual part of you expressed within the physical part of you.
Oneness means, yes you can be angry, yes you can love, and you allow yourself to be all of that. As within all of that is the balance, the oneness, the peace that can only be found within the oneness within you.
If I would have to find one word that might describe the oneness, it would be peaceful. As within the oneness there is no need to worry about hurting others with how you express yourself, there is no need for any limitation in how we express ourselves. As there is no duality within the oneness, there is no duality between energies, there is only oneness with everything.
There is no need to be loving towards every being, as we are already everything that is.
This is why I am so delighted to see that many are getting closer to experiencing the oneness more fully, as the experience of oneness opens your mind, your heart to the greater possibilities that are ahead of you.
The world is changing, but the change is within you.
As everything is within you.
Release the attachments to a world outside of you and explore the world within you.
Each one of you has their own world to explore.
Until we meet again and maybe next time it will be within your own world that I share with you at all times.
Through Petra Margolis
November 14, 2011
Salusa November 14, 2011, Channeling Part 2
I would like to thank all for receiving my message.
The message was: "I am Salusa, thank you for receiving and channeling my message."
I have not seen many reactions but I have seen many willing to give it a try and they all reached within and channeled a message that was within them.
It doesn't matter if it was my message or not, you all have these messages within you, all you have to do is try.
As you can see the message was short, and this explains why I say that sometimes the channel will weave part of their own within a message.
As we normally do not speak in words the messages are usually very precise, a lot of what is expressed within the wording of the message is the way a channel translates the message.
Some channels are very eloquent with their way of speaking and this translates within the message.
Messages are to be used for the inner work, to find your inner self, your inner being, and find answers within your own being. We can explain in many ways what is happening, what can happen and what might happen.
This is to be used to find the inner truth of what you want to create within your own life.
There are beings within the lower dimensions that will give you messages that are more focused on the circumstances within your life on earth, messages about government and what is happening with the dark cabal as they are called by many of you.
This is not our preference and much of what is transcribed within those messages is not what is the truth.
There are messengers that are working for a different cause, this is within your reality, but not just your own reality. This is the case in many other worlds beyond yours.
As we are all one, we are also allowed our own choices, each and every being makes choices at all times.
This is what we would like to make clear as within the oneness this does exist, each being learns, experiences and chooses to learn and experience and create according to their own choices.
I know others have already touched this subject, but it is for many still a part of what is happening that they do not understand, as they do not understand fully what is means to be within the spiritual world and to be within the oneness.
There are many messages out there that have come from beings who made different choices than what you would have done. These beings will bring you hope, joy, love and disinformation that sometimes seems too good to be true, but for many seems true as they see it as love, joy and hope that can bring in the change they want so much.
They are giving you the information as they want you to believe in a world that is full of abundance and love, many say they will come teach you, help you, and assist you. They will take care of everything you do not like on earth at this time.
They will move you from the earth if needed.
You can see it within the wording as the channels are translating them and many of these channels have been convinced that there is a need for others to come in and assist them in taking care of all the bad things that are happening within your world.
When someone says for example, we will teach you all these magnificent ways of creating clean energy. Who doesn't want that? Another example is where they say we will teach you to work together. WE, who is WE and why do you need them to learn how to work together?
The problem is that many want to channel, but do not know how to differentiate between any of the messengers. This is why I spoke of connecting within first, through your higher self, from there you can move even higher within your own being.
Another part is that many lay the blame upon others, and yes sometimes others are to blame, but they are not completely responsible for all that is happening as you can make changes, but you will have to start within your own being. And only you can do this and make these changes within. Another being call tell you how to do it, but the change will have to come from you.
There are no other beings outside of you, that can change the way you see the world around you, or that can actually change the world around you.
There is the Law of One that does not allow for interference with free will and choice, which are within the Law of One in fact the same.
Yes there are beings that do not live by this rule and yes there are beings like that within your universe, as there are within other universes, and there will always be beings like that no matter what reality you will choose after this one.
The reality is that within your universe, but especially upon earth, you have created an experience of being separate. Meaning that each being upon earth makes choices that you see as good or bad as this is within the created reality upon earth.
You see beings as separate, as you are within a dualistic reality.
Just as many see god, source, or the creator outside of yourself.
You can see this reality for what it is at this moment or you can step out of the reality by returning to the oneness within your own being.
This requires a greater understanding of what is within your reality at this time.
As the way to return to oneness is what many call ascension.
We call it return to oneness.
As you created a physical body, and the life cycles of incarnating within the physical body, you also created a way out of this cycle.
You will have to find the way out within this reality of separation and dualism that is present within this reality.
We can only give you the guidance on how to do this and the guidance is for each and every one of you the same.
The way out of this is to find your way within your own being.
Your entire being within the oneness.
Place your attention on the messages that assist you in finding the way within.
Yes sometimes these messages will be not full of love and hope, but they will inform you and at this moment in time information is important as many are trying to find their way within.
This does not mean you should ignore the world around you, it is a reality you created and the way out of this reality is to find the way out within the oneness that can be found within you. This is the place to find the answers.
You created a reality where there are forces working against you within the physical and part of your spiritual reality.
Within the separateness, duality consciousness you have created certain rules and belief systems that are part of what you are in the human body. As you grow more into the spiritual reality this will slowly disappear and you will see a new way of thinking emerge.
Now the realization will have to come for all of you that even though the energies coming in are available upon earth for each person, many will not react to this.
As awakening light workers you have started to create a new reality for yourself, this reality is not something that will be taken over by the largest part of your world very fast as they are not at that moment of their path and awakening for them will not happen before the ascension of the earth.
Most of the humans that are not awake still have many lessons to learn and to play out upon earth. Even though they all agreed to the movement into the 5th dimensional new earth reality, this does not mean they will suddenly have a full awakening within the new earth reality.
Even the ones that are awake now still have a role to play out within this earth reality before the movement takes place to the new earth reality.
This part has to be played under the rules of the Law of One and this means that anything you do against the free will of others is not allowed.
This has many complications and can be seen from many different perspectives as you move further to a greater understanding of your spiritual reality merging with the physical reality.
You have to realize that even as light workers you have created other belief systems and attachments to what is happening and should or could happen.
You have been working on creating a new reality for the entire earth, without taking into account that many are not ready to receive the reality that you want to see created.
The oneness we talk about is to be found within your own expression of the oneness.
Within the oneness you will find more answers as to what is your path and purpose within the whole of creation.
Through Petra Margolis
November 15, 2011
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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