Mayan Messages: Conscious Living
As Received by Theresa Crabtree
DAY 43
I am Akbal and today I join with you to discover the belief codes that keep you from experiencing all that life has to offer. With the assistance of today's Tun 4, we will help you to uncode your dreams and unconscious thoughts that hinder you from moving forward.
The aspect of 4 that we will look at has to do with four corners where pillars are placed to create a strong base for any building. On a more etheric level, we will view these four pillars in this way: truth, strength, honesty and desire.
From birth onward (and also from previous lifetimes) each of you has unique life experiences. Along the way, you make choices. These experiences imprint in your memory, which are then stored in your physical and aural bodies.
These events can seem small, but being the basic foundations, they receive more strength as you have more experiences. As an example, let us say that when you were very little, you were hit by a car. Your injuries were minor, but it traumatized you. From then on, you became more wary when you entered roadways.
You become sensitized to cars. Your ears perk up if you hear ambulance sirens or hear about car accidents, traffic, etc. Depending on your personality at the time of your accident and the reactions of others surrounding your car experience, future events such as being in a car accident again and many other factors will all play a role in what belief codes you have attached to each of your pillars.
Let us look at possibilities surrounding each of your pillars. First, we will begin with truth. After being hit by a car, your initial belief code may be, "That was painful; going into the street can dangerous." As time and events occur in your lifetime, you may get to the point where it is fearful for you to even cross the street or you may become wiser and always look before you cross the street.
Another pillar, strength, could be affected in a myriad of ways. Perhaps your incident will cause you to have more inner strength and not only cause you to be more cautious when crossing streets, but in other areas of your life, as well. You could go to the opposite extreme and be fearful in other areas, too. You'll do anything to avoid pain and the other emotions and events surrounding being hit by a car. This is the beginning of phobias.
Your honesty pillar could be affected in a variety of ways. You may not accept responsibility and blame everyone else for your incident: the driver should have been able to miss you, your mom should have been there to keep you safe, the world is not a safe place, etc. If you choose to believe that the world is not a safe place to be, then your future experiences will attach to that pillar and could grow to such a proportion that you become a recluse.
The fourth pillar, desire, can also be affected tremendously by this one basic event. You may have really wanted to get to the other side of the road to pet that kitty. Now that you have been injured by the car, your desire to cross the street has diminished. In your young mind, a possible thoughtform could be, "When I am curious, I get hurt." If you are in a situation where your parents are over-protective and most of what you hear when you are curious is, "No, no, no!" then it is likely that your level of curiosity will be greatly diminished.
Now, we realize there are a many possibilities for each pillar. Our desire is that you see how each person could respond in a myriad of ways to each basic event. That event causes an initial belief code. Reactions and belief codes triggered by future events will be added to the pillars. Through time, the pillar gets stronger and stronger until you now have an entire building with walls that are impenetrable.
I would like to take time to make a distinction between love-based belief codes and fear-based belief codes. Love, in all forms, whether they are thoughts, words, actions or emotions are free flowing. They wisp in and out, flowing through the Universe creating waves of sensuality and causing tides of yumminess. Fear, on the other hand glops together, creating a dense mass that is hard to penetrate.
Fear-based emotions and thoughtforms are what we are addressing today. As your pillars were constructed with fear and negative thoughtforms, they created a substantial web of interrelated belief codes. The physical pillars are within your body, being charged with neural sensors and deposited in various locations in your body. Through time, they will destroy your health as they manifest in a variety of diseases. Please read Louise Hay's* books to understand how to de-code the physical manifestations. With sincere desire, you will be able to uncode these thoughtforms before they manifest physically. In addition, they must be eradicated from your aural field in order to not cause you problems in the future.
To change these belief codes, they must be unraveled, one at a time. At times, they'll be like dominoes; when you break through one belief code, many others that were built on that premise will dissipate, as well. What is actually happening within your body is that you are re-wiring the neural transmitters in your brain. There is much scientific evidence to help you discover the reality behind this.
With assistance from Akbal 4, we invite you to look into your shadow sides, whether they are from dreams or your awake time. Listen to your body; the belief codes are stored there. For example, when you were hit by the car when you were little, if your right leg was most affected. As you grew older, if you still hold onto the belief that if you cross the street you will get hurt, then it is possible that every time you cross a street, you get a pain in your right leg.
These codes can take years to unravel, but the good news is that there is a fast track. Love is the answer. Facing your fears is your homework assignment. You can begin today by facing your fears, observing and knowing what is stopping you from reaching a goal. By walking through your fears, the belief codes will start to tumble.
The key is to look at the base of your pillars: truth, strength, honesty and desire. Each step you take towards speaking your truth, standing strong for what you believe in, being honest with yourself and others in all aspects of your life and the desire to move forward to experience your passions will lead you closer to living the life of your dreams.
Most of you will need to chip pieces off the pillars and do minor repairs while many of you may have to blast the pillars down and totally rebuild. Either way, as you rebuild your pillars, you will be rewarded with a life full of hope, promise and incredible joy.
Happy building! Akbal 4
Theresa Crabtree
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Theresa Crabtree is a channel for the Mayan Day Keepers. She may be reached at: or through her website: * An eBook containing all 260 messages is available for $15.00 USD. These messages are raw and unedited, in their original channeled form as received by Theresa Crabtree.
To read previously published messages, to receive free weekly messages or to purchase the eBook, visit: The website also includes many resources on herbs, gardening and ways to gain optimal health and wellbeing. *