lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

"Heal Your Physical Heart And Conscious Mind", Message From Sananda, March, 2011

Message From Sananda, March, 2011

Through Rev. Michelle Coutant

"Heal Your Physical Heart And Conscious Mind"

Beloved Ones,

We of the higher realms watch in great joy as each of you step up to the plate, as you go forth each day to create your heart's desires. We stand with you in the love and the joy of your sacred heart. It is the love and the joy of the one sacred heart. With each breath you take, each pulse of your heart, you are pulsing the Cosmic Heartbeat of God. It is your connection to The All, the connection which serves you well in the physicality of your earthly life. Your physical body is only a small part of the vastness that is you, it is energy manifested in physical form. Your field is All Creation, it is the field of all possibilities, it is the field of Christ consciousness. Within this field, there can only be unconditional love, joy, peace and harmony, beauty, abundance, all the qualities, virtues, and attributes of God. You are the personality of God, in physical expression.

The coming equinox is a great and most wondrous opportunity for each of you to once again, reach up into the field of all possibilities, expanding your horizons, expanding your wisdom, your personal spiritual growth, expanding every aspect and facet of you. Step out of your comfort zone, as you are supported by the expansion of light and vibration of a magnitude which the earth and humanity have not know since before the fall into the density of the third dimension. Expand upon the greatness that is you. Go deeper within your Selves; discover your gifts and talents.

It is a time to intensify your meditations. You each have more of your God Self ready to meld and integrate with you, but you must take the time each day to meditate and integrate this higher light of God. Even as the light quickens in the acceleration of ascension, you must still go through the process, the steps needed to integrate your God Self. Remember the morning ritual we have given you, remember the Tenth Ray which codes your light body into the physical. As you meditate, draw in your light body, and call upon all of the higher Rays Eight through Twelve, to assist you in the merge with your I Am Presence. Do this daily, dear ones. This is a most sacred and blessed time, a gift of a magnitude which is unprecedented within human history.

You are in the front row of a grand and glorious movie. It is your movie and you may direct it and produce it in any way you so choose. Begin to direct your movie through the eyes of your God Self, through unconditional love. Miracles will occur in your life as you live impeccably, in every now moment. Your God Self becomes the director and the writer, the actor and the producer, and how cannot all in your experience be that of infinite love and joy?

Sit down in meditation dear ones, in your morning ritual. Focus on your heart center, your sacred heart, this blossom of eternity, this Flower of Life. As your physical heart pulses, surround your physical heart in the pink love light of your God Self. Radiate love to your physical heart, your connection to the physicality of The All, the Cosmos, the God Mind. Radiate love and the Violet Flame to your physical heart, transforming and transmuting the stress of your daily life. Your physical heart has served you well, and you may take the stress away and dissolve it instantly.

Allow the love of your sacred heart to support your physical heart. Sit quietly and feel the love of your sacred heart enfold your physical heart, as your physical heart rests within the expansive, all encompassing love of The All. Set quietly and feel the release, the oneness, the blending with this love, the blending and melding with the Flower of Life. Feel the blending of the physical heart, with the physical, conscious mind and allow these physical aspects to once again relieve the stress, the need to be in control. Give it all up to God, give up all the burdens of the physical heart, the third dimensional mind and allow the sacred heart and the God Mind, the Universal Mind, to take dominion within you. Allow this blending, allow your three minds, your subconscious mind, your conscious mind and your superconscious minds to be as one, with the superconscious mind as the director. Feel this blending of the minds as they become one, blending with the love of your sacred heart, the love of the Universal God Mind.

Sit quietly and feel the love, the wisdom, the power of the Cosmos, the infinite expression of the unconditional love of the God Heart, the God Mind within in you. Feel the total oneness. There is only one, and it is you, each one of you.

The times are unprecedented. Do not waste one moment. The opportunities are beyond what any of you can imagine. As you shine your diamond light more brightly, the opportunities abound even more, as you open into the great void of all possibilities. The great void is teeming with life, possibilities, with Adamantine Particles. It is the All That Is, available to every one of you in increasing strength and the variety of what you may create is endless.

The Cosmic doors have been flung wide open. The opportunities increase daily, in every now moment. To take full advantage of all that is being presented to you, the gifts being given to you, you must cleanse, clear, and integrate and meld with your God Self. Do this daily beloved ones, do this daily with great joy and love, and each step you take, brings you back home, to the wonder of eternity which you have forgotten. Remember now, moment by moment, as you merge with your I Am Presence.

I am with you dear ones, as are all those of the higher realms. Allow us to assist you, to be with you in every now moment, in the love of your sacred heart.

I Am Sananda.

You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Sananda through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to:

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All my Love and Many Blessings,


3472 S.W. Oar Court, Palm City, FL. 34990, USA

Views: 86

Replies to This Discussion

Thank you so much for posting this precious message here, Ayanna! I just wanted to do the same when I saw you had already done it :-)


Isn't is amazing how intense these times are? This here is a beautiful reminder to work with all the higher rays daily top fully integrate higher consciousness ... I will do as suggested above and meditate blending and melding with the Folwer of Life - Giving it all up to GODdess - allowing my physical heart and brain to melt into my Higher Heart and Universal God Mind.



Sonja Myriel

I have just come across this message through Petra Margolis and would like to add it here. It helps us to understand WHY healing our physical heart and conscious mind is so important - why we FIRST have to heal ourself before we can heal the world ... Here we go:


"Isis: What can you do about what is happening now / Petra Margolis"

What can you do about what is happening now.

With so much happening everything seems to be scary and many are afraid of what might happen.
Fear is spreading fast throughout the earth and is bringing in yet another way to keep your minds busy in one way or the other.
We would like to explain some of what is happening and what YOU can do about it.
Lets take Japan for example and the effort of the light workers to assist in the outcome of what is happening.
Balance is needed, not just balance within the earth but also balance within yourself.
Balance is when all energies are integrated and in balance within you.
All energies, good or bad need to be balanced. There is a difference however in what people think is balancing these energies within them. They will say they have accepted their so called dark side and are only working from the good, or light, or love side.
This is not balance; balance is when you can walk the line in between the good and the dark side. When you can walk this line your reaction is neutral, but can be directed both ways very easily, always returning to the neutral. Working on these disasters has to be done from a neutral point as not to have your personal attachments and feelings have an effect on the outcome.
Now many will say that you can only do well if you sent love and light, so let’s have a good look at that.
How many of you started sending love and light when everything happened?
How many of you did it without attachment?
And I mean really without attachment to the outcome?
You go into a mode of something happens and we need to help, we need to make it less worse, am I right?
So you have an attachment.
The thought that you have to make it less worse or better for everyone. Many things are happening on earth at this time and groups of people have taken it upon them to assist in a very personal way in balancing, or neutralizing the energies that are being released by the earth at this time.
When you are sending your energy with the attachment to make it all better, you prevent these groups from completely fulfilling their purpose, and sometimes this results in them not being able to completely balance what is needed.
The earth needs to clear, release the energies. Do not interfere.
If you want to do something to assist, do it on a personal level, just like these groups of people have taken it upon them to do it on a personal level to balance the energies the earth is releasing.
Do you think it worked as you all went into emergency mode and have sent the energies of love and light and look at the circumstances that are changing every day and at this point the power plants are not doing very well.
This is what is happening and let’s take a power plant for example. The core is hot and is being cooled with cold water. Hot and cold, two opposites needed to bring balance in the outcome.
Let give you some more examples, the human body, your breath in, you breathe out, two complete opposites but without them you would die. The same thing with the human heart, it expands to bring in the blood, then it contracts and all the blood is pressed out. It goes from being completely filled, to completely non-filled, two complete opposites but yet without that your heart would stop beating.
So when we say that you live in a world of opposites, you can see this everywhere even on a daily basis with day and night, light and dark.
The earth herself has a balance within her, light and dark, 50/50. You as humans have lived on her for a long time and a lot of your dark has been released in the earth over time, so right now the earth has more dark than light within her, of course a lot of that dark is not her and she is releasing it.
She doesn’t need more light, she has that all of her own.
The earth needs to release this dark, but this dark has to go somewhere, where does it go? Into to universe. But just as the earth, your universe has its own dark and light, its own balance. So when the dark out of the earth is released out of the earth into our universe, it needs to be balanced there.
What if you as humans could take that dark energy and neutralize it so it does not affect anything anymore?
Wouldn’t that be a great solution?
Guess what, you can.
It does require personal responsibility, and yes work.
It will affect your human life, yes and some things might seem to be negative effects.
But what if lets say for example 100,000 humans would have worked on this neutralizing, for all those humans the effect would be for example to have a flat tire. But by doing it they would have prevented the radiation from being released into the air, or there would have been less aftershocks. Or a tsunami that would have only been a couple of feet instead of 20.
Wouldn’t that be worth it?
With everything that is happening and we are not just talking about Japan right now, your whole world is fighting for freedom. Many Middle Eastern countries are fighting for freedom.
This is also the result of the balancing that is needed for the earth. You can work on this in two ways, you can send your love and light, or you can assist personally in neutralizing the energies that are being stirred up. Energies that do need to be neutralized if you want a peaceful world that is in balance.
Many of you have heard of the seven seals, yes it’s in the bible, doesn’t mean it is not true. These seven seals are as real as you are. At this moment you are within the energy of the sixth seal and in previous lifetimes you have been in the first five of the seals.
Each time one of these seals opened a choice was available for mankind, to bring balance within themselves and the earth, or just move along the path they were already on, the path of losing the connection within and becoming completely disconnected from their own source.
Most humans have always chosen the disconnection and this can not always be blamed on an individual person as it is usually more of a group decision.
Now we are at the last seal and the paths chosen during the first six seals have an affect on the outcome of the opening of the seventh seal.
Within the energy of the sixth seal many have awakened, but not many have found their way to balance within and complete connection within source, within their own being.
Remember that balance means to be able to walk the line between both opposites and from there work on what is needed to bring balance around you.
As we would like to get ready to open the seventh seal, we need to neutralize what has happened during the first 6 seals, just see it this way, when the first seal opened there was a fork in the road, you can go right, straight or left, lets say you took the left road. When the second seal opened another fork appeared and again you take the left road, and so on.
This takes you only in one direction, the left side.
Now since you are already following that direction, the only choice that remains, no matter if you take the left, right or middle, your are on the left side of the middle.
If you had chosen the middle from the beginning and would have stayed there, there would be no need to neutralize since you are on the path toward balance.
Needless to say that if we look at what is happening on earth at this time, humanity did never really choose the middle.
So the solution at this time is to neutralize what happened, or bring balance into what happened in the past so we can open the seventh seal and all have a new choice again.
This can only be done when you are balanced within, walk the line between two opposites and be ready to take that personal responsibility of working with these energies on a personal level.
We will let our channel give you her story about what it meant for her and some of her students.
One last subject we would like to discuss as it seems to come up at times.
Some do not consider themselves, good or worthy enough to do this work.
This is something you have to resolve within you.
This work is taking care of the personal effect you have had during many lifetimes on your planet. By working on your personal effect you assist others that do not have the possibility at this time.
It is not about being good enough or worthy enough, it is about taking a chance no matter what the outcome may be, to be of assistance to the earth and humanity including you in a way that can bring in a change that is needed so much at this time. Balance within the energies in the earth, every being upon earth and your universe so you can move into a world without war, suffering, and a world of equality for every being.


Through Petra Margolis
March 15, 2011

High 5 "Isis", 

I just really wish SomeBODY would pop down here and just show Me already, I'm wasteing so much time... I feel so "ALONE" and unproductive... HELP... I send so many ((((((((((H U G S)))))))))) ... And Sooooo much "LOVE" out there...


Love,Peace andLight-IN...

I Am Bernadette


Dear Bernadette, you are LOVED and we are all here to help you whenever you need something!


Just let us know what exactly is going on, what help you need - and we will find a way to show you that you are NOT alone!





Sonja Myriel

Bernadette, how are you? When/if you would like to share, we are here.

You are in my prayers, as you traverse along your journey.



Michelle, dear Michelle.  Perfect timing for this message.  I know I wrote you before.  That was before I got a negative diagnosis (heart) by my doctor.  Spent 3 days of tests at the hospital.  But 25 years ago, I was in a similar situation.  When the surgeon came in to repair the damage, it was gone.  I know that this will happen again.  This is just a repeat to give me the opportunity to know that I create my own reality.  And to appreciate the Oneness.

That isn't an ego I.  I'll be using my shaman, and am asking for prayer from all those in churches I have contact with.

And of course, from this network.  I'll also repeat this meditation daily.  In gratitude, Ana

Dear Ana Antaka, I am with you, sending Love and Light and HeALING energy your way ...


If you would like to ask for help from more members, please start a discussion in one of our HEALING groups and describe what exactly happened to you, will you?


Meanwhile, please know that you are not alone :-)


Angels are watching over you, my dear,


Sonja Myriel

Sonya, Thank you for your wonderful message.  I will write a message tomorrow or the next day.  I have an extremely full schedule for tomorrow.

I know that I'm not alone.  That is the gift.  But sometimes I feel like it.

much love, Ana Antaka



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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