lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

For Our Earth Mother on Mother's Day - A Powerful Healing Technique

As I mentioned in our last newsletter, I had just made an intention to meet others who are true think tank people for the new paradigm; who are transcending the mainstream matrix mindset; and who are really making a difference in our world for the better - and right away I received a call from Intender John Kelley from the San Juan Islands in Washington State. He was excited about a technique he's been working with to bring healing to the body as well as to areas of the Earth Herself. Long story short, John shared his technique with me and I started doing it that same day. He said when I did it right, the wind or some other element of nature would give me agreement for what I was doing. No more than 5 minutes into the exercise, the wind, which was relatively calm until then, blew strong in my face and I knew I was on to something . . .

So, without further ado, here, in his own words, is John's technique . . .

Go to a quiet space outdoors where you will not be interrupted. Clear your mind. Breathe. Visualize pulling in your aura to about 2 feet around your body, evenly distributed above your head, below your feet, behind your back, to your sides and in front.

Now, visualize a bright golden beam of Source\Cosmic\Universal energy coming from the center\source of the Universe straight to you, through you, to the center of the Earth, connecting to the earth's core. This beam is translucent, not solid, meaning you can see through it, and it is about 6 feet in diameter, flowing to the center of the earth, through you, a non-stop flow. [Use your mental focus to visualize it, and feel it running through you. Continue to breathe normally. If you have trouble visualizing golden energy, you can find a piece of gold foil and stare at it often until you can see gold with your eyes closed. You can also keep it on hand and glance at it when needed while doing this technique.]

Now, as the energy is passing through your system, it lifts off all stagnant, lower vibratory energies and all foreign energies until your whole system is the same golden vibratory rate as the golden frequency you have summoned in from Source. If, from your inner vision, you see some dark spots in your system, just smile, and with a feeling of gratitude and love, allow the Source Golden Energy to dissolve these blockages, bringing your whole energy system into vibratory alignment with your Source\ Self. (Everything is vibration, some term it frequency. In the like attracts like principle lower frequency {vibration} cannot exist within a higher vibratory frequency, thus all lower frequency must match the higher frequency or dissolve, being rendered neutral.) This is the first half of the technique.

Now here's part 2; Once you get to this point, which through practice will take mere minutes, expand the golden pillar(beam) of Light to encompass your entire local area, the width of the beam being equal from Source\ center to Earth's core, with you as the center. As this is initiated you will see - all the way from the Earth's core to the outer most layers of our atmosphere - all of the stagnation, frequency interference, environmental pollution, anger, hatred and everything which is lower than the golden vibratory energy lift off and dissipate. Now, at this point, envision the Earth's beautiful deep Bahama blue energy rise up the golden beam all the way so that the golden energy from Source is flowing into the Earth, and the Earth's core energy is flowing simultaneously into Source, synchronizing, cleansing, aligning to a single tone of harmonious resonance. (Ed. Note: This is how you can clean and purify your town and local vicinity. I saw all sorts of gunk and junk rising up and away from the area where I live.)

Now, at this point, you can take it a step further if you like and spread the beam to engulf the entire planet and atmosphere, with the golden beam actually passing through the entire planet extending into infinity. You will see all lower vibratory energies, frequency interference, radiation, environmental and etheric pollution either synchronizing or dissipating and being neutralized. Hold this flow as long as you wish, basking in the core energies of Source, Self, Earth. Know that you are doing a grand service utilizing your ability as a conscious creator to assist DIRECTLY in the natural ascension of Mother Earth and Her inhabitants. Punctuate your day by doing this most important energy technique as much as you like. Intend and know that 10's of 1000's of creator's will be doing it also and that with our combined effort the Golden Age upon Earth will manifest on schedule. IT IS DONE!!!

This is one of the very best presents we can give to our Earth Mother on Mother's Day - and everyday thereafter. Thanks for sharing it with us, John!

Molding Our Future - A Message from Dr. Dean

As many of you know, I lived in Pagosa Springs, Colorado for a number of years, and while I was there I was fortunate to be in the same social circle with my friend and chiropractor, Dean Sanna. Dean and I lost track of each other after I left Colorado to go on the road, however (after I made the intention to meet more think tank light-worker people), we just connected again. He happens to be in Portland, Oregon now, right up the interstate from where I am in Eugene - and he sends the following heartfelt, poetic message to you . . .

Dear Fellow Intenders,
It is our time to mold the future.  We are the ones we all have been waiting for.

We have awakened a deep buried memory of our co-creative abilities.  

 We can navigate these challenging times, with our heart's compass, if we stay awake.  

I let no heartless agenda take hold with-in me.  No hint of negativity is noticed.  I prosper through my attention on positivity. 

 I can only feel my way through the fog of ignorance, which has kept me from my own understanding. 

 My thinking mind has run amuck too long, it has led me off the path and into the deep thicket.  

I know now how to find my way, with my heart, and trust the light as it shines on me perpetually, without prejudice.  

Regardless of my own nature or state of being, I am loved always, forever.

Intenders, this is a mighty strength that we have - and mixed together with infinite compassion and infinite patience we are bound to be successful.  Bound to be successful!

 It is not a fight, but our right, to spread the truth of how we can build a paradise, which is fed by only light.  

Darkness, does not exist, for it is merely the absence of light which allows it to be.  Keep burning our lights brightly for all to see!  Join me and shine your light, all day, all night!  

 Our right!  Burn your light, bright!  

My Vipassana Teacher, S.N. Goenka, shared a story with me at a meditation retreat over thirty years ago, which has guided me ever since!  He spoke of four basic types of people in this world. There are people going from dark to light and there are those going from light to dark. Some people move from dark to darker and some from light to lighter.   

My intention, for my life, is to be a light seeker, and I desire to live, work, and play with other seekers of the light.  

I desire and intend to build a world based on love of self and others.  I intend to co-create with other sisters and brothers, who stand in the silence, and receive guidance and inspiration from Source.  Take the time to unwind the mind.  Silence is sacred!  Meditate & instigate. It feels great!

Please join me, as family and friends of all life forms, past, present, and future.  Forgive us our trespasses and forgive those who trespassed. We are the future. Our thoughts are the DNA that spawn our children, of the future.  I send you, and them, love and light. 

 If you treasure truth, compassion and impeccable living, I relish your support. May our love and vision dilute the ignorance, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us to a world of love and compassion. 

Be well. Be happy.

(FYI: Dean's latest project is Sacred Space Outdoor Adventures and I will be joining him and his friends around the campfire at his next Adventure at the Salmon River Reserve in Welches, Oregon on Mt Hood on the weekend of June 4th. Join us if you like! More info at or call Dr. Dean Sanna at 971-221-4797)

Views: 133

Replies to This Discussion

Blessings to You both Sonja and John ...

When I received my last channel from the 'West Spirit Keeper'... I received the 'Golden Healing Tool' from Spirit; in the Middle of Our Stargate Portal and when I posted the message on here ... then I saw Your message from John ~

So wonderful to have this confirmation Dear Sister ... and many Blessings to You and John!  Aroha!

Thank YOU, Beloved Sister Sonja, John & Dr. Dean.  This is so much FUN!!  I've been doing this technique since 1995!  

Also, my Guides recently asked me to pass on to everyone another simple technique called "Grounding Heaven to Earth."

 With All the Love & Appreciation You Can Imagine, Summon the Beautiful Golden Light of Source/Spirit of ALL That IS to Channel through your Soul Star above your Head, Crown Chakra, Heart Chakra, Earth Chakra below your Feet, to Mother Earth's Heart. I begin with a Channel as big as the width of my shoulders/hips, creating a cylinder flowing through me. Beloved Gaia will Respond with Love sending back to Your Heart Her Light.

THEN, Part 2.  Whenever You Encounter Negative Energy/Vibrations, Radiate Out ALL the LoveLight You Hold Centered in Your own Heart, to the Source Heart of that Negative Energy (Be it Human, Animal or just "Energy"). And watch it Transform. Say nothing, Do nothing, just Radiate LoveLight and Observe.

Blessings Dear Ones.  We ARE the Ones Creating the Change to Heaven on Earth.  Never Doubt It!  BE the Change.


Be Well, Be Happy & Prosper!

With Infinite LoveLight,

CrystaLin Joy


Absolutely Beautiful Dear Sister CrystaLin ... I just read your reply now and this is what I posted on Fbook  this morning for Mothers Day here! ... wonderful synchronicity!
Mihi Aroha Ki 'Te Whaea Papatuanuku' ~ Mother of Mothers... "May We stand outside upon Our.          'Grand Mother Earth' and through Our Hearts 'Consciously Create'... 'Visualize'... "A Golden Beam'... Streaming from 'The Heart of Source'... through 'Our Heart'.and down into the Core 'Heart of Grand Mother Earth' and...
returning back up to 'Source'... Clearing... and Rejuvenating All within it's 'Golden Beam                                      'beginning with Yourself ... Your surroundings ... Your area You live ... towns ... cities ... the World!  It may be easier to look at the Sun first ... to get the 'Golden Beam' image; most of All... 'Feel It' It works! ... Am doing it as often as I can now ~ 'Hold this 'Golden Beam' image for as long as You can and or till Your body stops Vibrating ... You will feel the vibrations pulsing through Your hands!'  Have Fun ...We Are Powerful Creators ... Send Aroha to All Life even into the Cosmos!                            'We Are Consciously Healing and Creating Our Beautiful Selves ... Our World... Our Omni verses!         "Nga Manaaki 'Blessings to Us All Beautiful Beings of One Love One Heart!'   Aroha   We Are!

I will pay more attention to the pulsing vibration in my body from now on! Thank you, dear sister Kereru, we are closely connected and this is so beautiful to see that no matter where we are on this planet - we are ONE with our soul sisters :-)





Sonja Myriel

will pay more attention to the pulsing vibration in my body from now on! Thank you, dear sister Kereru, we are closely connected and this is so beautiful to see that no matter where we are on this planet - we are ONE with our soul sisters :-)





Sonja Myriel

so beautiful, dear CrystaLin Joy! What you say is exactly the same I use to do as well - and when I encounter ngative energy I usually add the violet Ray to simply BEING and emanating LOVE :-)


We are ONE, NAMASTE :-)



Sonja Myriel



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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