lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Equinox Invocation and Channeling; by the Elders/The Equinox Focus of Service in Love ~ March 20th/21st AnritaMelchizedek




Through the many celestial activities of Light that are occurring on our planet.

And through the Unity Grid of Light, the Crystalline Grid of Light and Solar Grid of Light,

we are now able to lift ourselves into the higher dimensions as a collective,

and hold this focus of Love through the Crystalline Cities of Light, and these collective grids of Light,

bringing through the new blueprint of Light for all Life on this earth plane.


~ Invocation to the Equinox Collective Consciousness of Light~


I call upon the Overlighting of the Company of Heaven, Helios and Vesta,

the Ascended Masters, the Brotherhood of the Light, the Christed ET's, the Archangels, Mighty Elohim,

Nature Intelligence and Mother Earth,

as I align myself through Mother/Father God,

and my I Am Presence.


Through the amplified energy of the Sun and Equinox energies of Light,

I ask to be taken in Soul Consciousness into the Unity Grid of Light,

within and around this Earth plane,

and connect to the Light workers, star seeded ones and Beings of Light

along this Crystalline matrix of Light.


I now call upon Helios and Vesta,

and ask to experience the Solar Grid of Light.

I am now taken through a portal of Light, a dimensional doorway,

into the Ascension Seat and heart of the Sun,

so I may experience the amplified frequencies of my individual and collective key codes of Light,

so I may bring through the collective key codes for this Golden Age of Light.

I now bring through the new Ascension Codes of Light,

through this Cosmic ray of Solar Service,

as I now find myself back on the Unity grid of Light

and anchor and activate these key codes  within the Unity Grid and Crystalline Grid of Light,

allowing these Ascension key codes for the Divine Plan of Earth to be available for all Life on this Earth plane.


I now link into the etheric Crystalline Temples of Light through the related earth chakra power points,

 and through this, into the related axiatonal lines,

and combining these amplified frequencies of Light through a beautiful copper-gold flame of Light,

I take it into all those areas around this Earth plane,

needing these amplified frequencies of Love-Wisdom.


I now bring a focus to Japan, to New Zealand, to the Middle East, and now to all other countries needing this Divine Love most at this time.

And through the power of manifestation,

send healing, Love and Light,

and assist in bringing through an understanding of the Collective Divine Plan of Light


I assist in manifesting for this Earth and all her Life,

abundance, joy, Love-Wisdom and harmony.

I am a Child of the Sun,

an Ambassador of Light,

in Service to this Earth and Solar System.



Artwork by Daniel B Holeman

Music by Michael Hammer

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek





The Elders, ancient celestial Beings and High Council Members speak on earth changes and frequencies affecting our Consciousness


Welcome sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you today speaking on the earth changes and frequencies affecting your consciousness.


With the most recent tsumani and earthquake in Japan, there are many who may be wondering whether Mother Earth and all her Life is going to experience immense earth changes of cataclysmic proportions or even a physical pole shift and if this really is only the start of what is to come. From our perspective it is difficult to say how many more natural or man-made disasters will occur during this time of transitioning, but there are of course geographical areas that may be more affected by earth shifts by being in a particular Ring of Fire, or places of increased volcanic activity or tectonic stress, which once activated, can shift the axis of the earth by a few degrees. However, while these earth changes can cause great stress, and distress for all Life, coupled with the remembrance of parallel realities when Mother Earth herself underwent huge planetary shifts, there is a difference in this timeline in that the grids of Light within and around the Christ  Consciousness grid have been restored. This serves to stabilize particular areas of stress, and also, retain the memories of the Highest Potential of all Life through the Unity Grid and electromagnetic grid of Mother Earth. Further to this, it is to remember that these beautiful precious Souls that are choosing to pass over are being assisted on the inner planes by so many Beings of Light that they are able to transmute these traumas very quickly. Additionally, this is also bringing the focus of Humanity together in Unity Consciousness and compassion, as together you send your Love and healing, with the assistance of the Beings of Light from On High into those areas needing it most at this time. And of course you are seeing so many paradigm shifts within the collective unconsciousness as power and control issues, and "lesser than and better than" consciousness issues are surfacing to be cleared all over this earth plane. The collective unconscious is merging with the frequency of illumination  and the people of this earth are no longer wanting to be controlled by others. The Illuminati and related dark forces no longer have any power over you, and freedom is coming for each individual on this earth plane who so chooses this, so it is indeed a most precious time when collectively you enter into Christ Consciousness as you shift frequency, absorb more light at a cellular level, and awaken to your true magnificence as these Master Beings of Light.


As you tune into the higher dimensional frequencies, you will also find that you are more sensitive to changes occurring on this earth plane; for each one of you is connected vibrationally through this energetic matrix to one another, electro-magnetically to this earth plane, and as vibrating atomic particles of Light, to this entire Multi-Universe, all the galaxies, stars, planets, as well as to all the Beings of Light of Light from On High. In understanding some of these frequency changes and how this affects your consciousness, you are better able to expand your consciousness into this unified matrix of Light through the Unity Grid of Light, the Crystalline Grid of Light and Solar Grids of Light around this earth plane.


The Unity Grid of Light is the Christ Consciousness grid of Light around this earth plane holding the Highest Potential of all Life on this earth plane, both animate and inanimate, as well as the Akashic records. In connecting into this forcefield of Light you are able to both download and receive key codes of Light that are constantly being upgraded, as you take yourself into a deeper level of Service in Love as planetary Light workers while creating the I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light, the Adam Kadmon Blueprint of Light, which assists in merging you into the Oneness of group  collective consciousness and the Unified Hologram of Love; and directing these collective thought forms of unconditional Love into those areas that are needing it most at this time. Further to this, as you merge and deepen your connection to your I Am Presence, you start to build the geometries of Light within and around your body and energy field as they are found within and around the Earth plane, and are able to tune into the collective Cosmic Christ consciousness through an understanding of these geometries of Light as well as create the Light Body/Merkaba field of Light. Additionally, as you experience and integrate these higher dimensional light frequencies, many of the shapes and patterns creating these new blueprints of Light are transmitted through torsion waves ~ torsion waves, sweet Ones, are energy waves composed of nested (fi) phi-spirals of light of electro-magnetic radiation travelling faster than the speed of common light, or rather we could say,  travelling vibrationally in the amplitude of light.  In the human body, as you create and build the I AM Avatar blueprint, or etheric, electronic body of Light, this is experienced primarily through the third eye in key codes of Divine Light, or scrolls of Light, so to speak. The torsion waves bring through the appropriate geometries of Light as well as connect into the DNA, awakening you to another level of your multidimensionality and further to this, are then anchored and activated through the energy of Mother Earth. Now, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light hold these imprintings of Light transmitted through the torsion waves, and these energy waves are further experienced through many of the crop circles and sacred sites, brought in primarily through an implosion of these perfectly nested phi-spirals of Light. What is also build around the body sweet Ones, is specific geometries of Light, primarily based on the platonic solids and through these specific geometries of Light, you have the ability to experience the activated Light Body, the activated Mer-Ka-Ba, as we have mentioned.  


There are two more grids of Light around the earth plane bringing in Cosmic matrix key codes of Light sweet ones. The first is the Crystalline Grid of Light, and this matrix of Light within the Unity grid holds the crystalline key codes of Light that are assisting in shifting the carbon based cellular structure within the body into a silica based crystalline structure of Light, and is amplified primarily through the many sacred sites and vortices within and around this earth plane, powered by many master crystals, as well as Crystalline cities above these earth chakra points and also, through the amplification of the Master Crystal Temple of Light existing on the fifth dimension within Alcyone, the Central Sun focus for this earth plane, which is powered too through photon rays of Light.


Photons are formed through the collision of an electron and its anti-particle opposite, the positron, which produce two quanta of Light. And the super-electron, activated by Lord Metatron, is the Life activating force which impulses the transmutation of the positron on the lower dimensions. The photon rays of Light, which you have been shifting into and out of on your Earth plane and which will be experienced more permanently from the year 2012, have been stimulated through the super-electron and manifested as photon rays of Light using the sub-electron on this earth plane. For the earthly electron is a sub-electron within the super-electron, the sole electron of your Multi-Universe.  The photon rays further facilitate the clearing of karma, which is one of the reasons why so much clearing has individually and collectively taken place on the Earth plane ~ so that all Life may come into the frequency of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness, represented as Planetary Christ Consciousness. Once this occurs, and this Earth plane shifts through the null zone and into the photon band, Humanity will experience Solar Christ Consciousness and the energy vibration of the photonic rays through the electron, a much higher vibration of Light than you are currently experiencing on this Earth plane. The photon rays enter into the etheric Crystalline Cities of Light, Unity Grid of Light, into the Crystalline Grid of Light, and into all the sacred sites, leylines and earth meridian lines, and assist in awakening and activating you into this multidimensional matrix of Light, which also links you into Shamballa, Agartha, and many of the inner plane Cities of Light and ray ashrams, while increasing your Light Quotient through the magnetic and eternal nature of the photon rays of Light, and the stepped down energy of the super-electron. Further to this, these electron positron pairs within the body release any frequencies still needed in holding you in a three-dimensional limited state of consciousness as the atoms and subatomic particles in the body spin in increased frequencies of Light through this photonic ray energy and through the energy of the super electron and the spiritual microtron.  The spiritual microtron in particular increases the vibratory cellular light within the body breaking down the sub-atomic particles splitting them into increased light frequencies and spinning them faster in this increased light through the energy of this super electron.  This allows for this crystalline matrix of light to be built on a physical level as the chakras merge in one unified column of Light.


Now, what is further being activated within the body is the axiatonal lines as they are directly connected to the meridian lines along the body of mother earth. The axiatonal  lines lie along the acupuncture meridian lines and connect into twelve spin points of sound and color frequencies found along each meridian line. The activation of these 144 spin points at each dimensional level creates the appropriate sound and color frequencies necessary to actualize the DNA as well as connect you to your multidimensional Selves and the Master vibration of 144, the Christ Consciousness number for this Multi-Universe. Further to this, these axiatonal lines exist at each dimensional level and not only link you to the appropriate dimensional Christ Consciousness/Unity grid, but also assists in the regeneration and rejuvenation of the physical body. Additional, as we have mentioned, the chakras start to merge in One unified column of Light and a deep sense of interconnectiveness and unconditional Love is often experienced.Now imagine a world that is focused on the reality of One Unity Consciousness through the Love of all Creation, the Love for themselves and the Love for all bands of consciousness.  This is what is happening to your precious jewel on which you physically exist sweet Ones, Planet Earth.  Within the realms of Light, the axiatonal lines are the light grids used by the Brotherhood of the Light to assist in the Forward Evolution of the lower worlds. Your Higher Light, your Higher Self of the Light and Mighty I Am Presence create a blended frequency with the  geometries of your physical organs to form the physical body, which can be described as a grid of magnetic domains. And the lines that cohesively bring together the body as a grid of magnetic domains are the axiatonal lines. Working with the Cosmic rays, these rays of Divine Light, spiralling forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and the axiatonal lines, which collectively hold the color frequencies necessary for the physical immortality of all Life on this planet, you are able to create on your perfect physical Light body as well as experience the building of your multidimensional bodies of Light. The axiatonal lines, through the appropriate geometries of color and sound, are able to bring about the necessary noise light emissions, as they are called, to cure dis-eases such as cancer, arthritis, blindness and many other illnesses. 


Now, what is also occurring sweet ones, is the activation of the dormant DNA. The 97%  dormant or so called junk DNA, holds the encodings and blueprints of each lifetime and related timeline as well as how to achieve ascension and enlightenment in each timeline. However, what is perhaps less known about the DNA is that it is actually connected interdimensionally to each wormhole, portal or stargate experienced and these stargates are to be found around and within the Unity Grid of Light as well as within the etheric Crystalline Cities of Light. The DNA strands or light particles within the DNA act as transmitters as well as receivers to these wormholes; in other words, the DNA itself is activated and actualized through these wormholes as well as becoming these wormholes of stralim radiation, of Divine Light. Wormholes or portals have the ability to receive information from outside of our time and space, and this information is transmitted in the form of light particles to the DNA. However, the DNA itself has the ability to transmit information in the form of light particles interdimensionally - and this further connects you, sweet ones, to each atom and molecule within this Multi-Universe. In addition, this activation assists in creating parallel merges. Parallel merges occur as you streamline your lifetimes, often experiencing numerous lifetimes simultaneously within this Now. Initially of course this is all very confusing and maximizes many of the ascension symptoms, however, as this recalibration takes place at a cellular level as well as through the seven master glands and related chakras in the body, ending with the activation of the pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands, your DNA is further activated and actualized through the virtual/etheric 12 strand DNA, and a stabilization occurs as you become more multidimensional.


Now, the third grid of Light that we would like to bring your focus too, is the Solar Grid of Light, which wraps the Unity Grid of Light in a beautiful copper-gold grid of Light. All Life moving into this Golden Age of Light is starting to experience these key codes of Light from the Sun and Solar Core in particular, Overlighted by Helios and Vesta, as well the amplification of the first Cosmic ray, the ray of Solar Service; which brings through the frequencies of all twelve rays, unified in the golden ray of Unity Consciousness with a focus on Love-Wisdom. For this is your reality sweet Ones. As you co-create this reality of One Unity Consciousness, you step beyond the ring-passeth-not existing around this earth plane, and onto the spiral of Forward Evolution, allowing for the frequencies of Light and Beings of Light from On High to lift you into the Divine Unfolding liquid Light and Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. Now, when you journeyed down to earth, you entered through the Sun and Solar Core, downloading through your Soul consciousness all the key codes that you would need in this lifetime to accomplish your Life task, and receiving in return the Solar imprinting of the collective Divine Plan for earth in this lifetime.  So, sweet ones, in creating ceremony at sunrise, noon and sunset, you align with these Divine frequencies of Light of the Cosmic ray of Solar Service, and a deeper level of understanding of your Life task, as well as receiving the updated key codes of Light for earth and all the planets within this solar system. Now, additionally, you have been experiencing the effects of Solar flares, which affects both the collective consciousness, as well as the earth plane. A solar flare is a magnetic storm on the Sun, releasing tremendous amounts of high-energy particles and gases. This affects the sensory system and central nervous system as well as creating weather pattern changes. But primarily what these amplified Solar flares are doing, sweet ones, is awakening you to your Highest Potential and sacred contact, and coupled with the photonic rays of Light are bringing these higher vibrational frequencies into the body and energy field, clearing old cellular memories, false beliefs and judgments and aligning you with your original Divine eight-cell blueprint through the activation of the dormant DNA. This causes oscillation of the emotional bodies as these old memories, beliefs and judgments are released, bringing you into your Highest Potential as a co-creator and Master Being of Light, and the potential to take your service work collectively to a deeper level through inspiration, joy and passion as you receive and tune into these collective downloads of Light. So take time sweet ones, as often as you can, and certainly through solstices and equinoxes to bring experience  these Solar frequencies of Light, through the twelve earthly rays and six Cosmic rays, the Sun and Solar Core.  

The rays can be described as vibrational frequencies of Divine Unfolding Light emanating from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. They bring with them particular qualities, colors, and sonic vibrations that are integrated within your various energy bodies, and allow you to be conscious of yourselves as these magical Beings of Light. They further assist in the activation of the dormant DNA, and the awakening to your multidimensional memories. As such, the influence of the rays can take you into a deeper understanding of your Light work, sweet ones, as well as giving insight into particular behavioural patterns you may still be integrating. And sweet ones,  it is now possible to experience the frequencies of all the rays and we encourage you to work with this energy system, to experience many of the initiations of Light through Shamballa, the Ashrams and the many inner plane Temples and Cities of Light.

And now, from an astrological perspective, Uranus has recently started a new 84 year cycle, having recently entered Aries. What this brings is another initial push into finding your focus as a Light worker and Keeper of Light. Again, it is a time of letting go of what you are not wanting, to truly create what you would like within this reality of One Unity Consciousness. While this may be bringing up further shadows to be cleared, or a sense of needing to create change, trust and surrender sweet ones, to your Higher Light and Mother/Father God. Just truly let go and let God direct you sweet ones, for you are being supported on so many levels and it is a wonderful time to network and support one another while co-creating this reality of Love and Unity Consciousness.

There are so many planetary events and activities of Light that further affect you individually and collectively sweet ones, from the ninth wave Mayan Underworld Unity Consciousness transmissions of Light, to various initiations of Light, inner plane teachings, Equinoxes, Solstices, New Moon/Full Moon transmission of Light, not to mention these ongoing earth and frequency changes and of course the perceived everyday reality and duality of living on Planet Earth ~ so be conscious and mindful of what is going on, on this sacred planet on which you physically exist, and you will truly experience your full multidimensional as this magical Keeper of Light, and co-creator to the Company of Heaven, which will allow you to  navigate this earth plane viewing Life through your Master eyes.

Further to this, sweet ones, you are now at a point where collectively you are able to lift yourselves into the higher dimensions and hold this unified focus of Love as well as assist in bringing through the collective blueprint of Light for all Life on this earth plane. And that in itself is the most incredible achievement in paving the way of this Age of Enlightenment.

We welcome you as these Master Beings of Light, as these guardians and caretakers to Mother Earth, and are holding your hands as you enter into this new Golden Age. And with this, we bid you a most magical day.

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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you for this most important and enlightening message, dearest Hilda!


I will repost it at our group on grid information as well so we can easily recur on the information here given :-)


Have a BLESSED Full Moon and Equinox weekend, my dear,



Sonja Myriel

Good Morning Dear Ones,

I'll admit, this is very deep, but I'm trying hard to obsorb Your precious words.  Thanx sooo much and I look forward for the next...

So Much Love-Peace&Light-IN,

I Am Bernadette

((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) FOR All My Brothers & Sisters !



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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