lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
A message from Goddess of Creation
Channeled by Shelly Dressel
Sunday, 19 September, 2010 (posted 30 September, 2010)
This channel is about
opening to a greater perspective of you as a human. For so long, people
have been striving to manifest more of their divinity, to be less in the ego or
their personality. The next phase of integration is about a deeper
acceptance of yourself as the human you are. The greater your
understanding, acceptance and integration; the greater amount of your divinity
you can manifest. The Goddess goes on to talk about the various energy bodies
that make up who we are as a person; physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and
lightbody. When you consider this as five different aspects that make up
who you are, then your physical body becomes much less dominant in your
From here the Goddess takes
you through each of your energy body as a means of releasing and
connecting. Most often our emotions flow to our thoughts, to our
spirituality, to our physical existence. It's all aligned and most often
the flow is smooth and easy. When you have blockages in one part or another,
you find yourself pushed out of balance. This may also be when you find
symptoms in various parts of your life. She spoke of the idea that we get
caught up in the drama of our lives. That our emotions become entangled
and that in turn amplifies what we may be feeling or experiencing. What
would be like to let that go? To accept who you are, just as you are without a
need to prove anything. What a relief that would be!!
The DNA is shifting within
our bodies. It is a part of our cellular makeup within our biology.
As each person expands their personal vibration, they are expanding their
DNA. Your DNA in part is your link to all that is human and earthbound,
all that is within the universe and your lightbody energy. Through this
conscious alignment within yourself, you can assist in the expansion that is
taking place within you and anchoring it more fully within.
Truly ‘see' who you are as a human and
embrace all of who you are!!
Nama sika; venia benya I AM the one, I AM
the whole
I greet you my beloved family! Here we are.
We come together at this time so that we may share energy. You feel mine, I
feel yours and each of you that are here present, whether it's conscious at the
time I'm talking or later on; you are all part of a group that choose to come
together and experience yourself as you experience each other.
Feel what that means to you. Consciously
open up your heart center so that you can first and foremost, truly feel who
you are. From there has a sense of reaching out to everybody else who is
present; realize that you are not alone. You have others that are here with you
and from that awareness let yourself revel in that sense or that feeling of
I have heard from so many people that they
feel separated; they feel alone, they feel isolated. This is your chance, this
is your time to feel each other and know that you are not alone. You have not
only God and Goddess, you have the angels, you have the teachers, you have the
guides, but you have the multitude of people there present upon the earth who
are with you also.
I invite you to have a sense of shifting
your focus. As you do so, feel as if you let go your physical body and you let
yourself reach out and stretch until you find yourself aligning within the
magnetic grid. If you look around from within this space, you may see those
interlocking pathways. But mostly, feel who you are, because this is where your
higher self resides. This is where you can link with your divinity and still
know who you are as a human.
This space is changing as a result of
everything that you are doing, that I am doing, that all the other light
workers are doing, as they consciously open up to bring in the higher
vibrational energies. There is less of a difference but feel yourself as you
shift through into the crystalline grid. As you arrive here within the
crystalline grid you feel first of all the release of the magnetic pull of the
Earth but you also feel how your consciousness shifts its alignment as it
expands into all the potential that flows through this space.
Let go your tension, let go your stress and
allow yourself to feel as if you float, being fully supported by these
energies. Sometimes when you come within this space and you experience it in
this manner you may feel as if it's giving you an energetic massage. It may
feel as if it's assisting you to relax in a way that you have not been able to.
In addition to that you are tapping into the many potentials that are here.
Each of you use this space on a consistent basis and even so, people have not
yet tapped into the full potential of what this will be.
I invite you to have a sense of letting your
focus or your consciousness shift once more into the soul plane. As you arrive
within this dimension, it may feel very similar to the crystalline grid, yet it
is different. This is where you have any easier access to your divinity. You
may feel it as it comes up within you, you may see your divinity as if it's an
energy coming towards you. Reach out to embrace all of what this is for
As you find yourself aligning with or
integrating with the energies of your divinity, ask yourself the question; how
much of my divinity am I conscious of? The question that goes right along with
that is; is there something more that I should know about? In this manner you
are consciously creating a new alignment between yourself and your divinity, so
that you may receive more information, perhaps more love, more support;
whatever it may be.
I the Goddess come within this space, I
reach out to you, I reach out and blend my energies with you; in doing so you
feel yourself shifting into the All That Is. As you come up within this space,
feel the expansion and feel yourself as if you are stretching out and expanding
even further.
Any time that we get together in this
manner, when we have the experience of a conversation - which is what this is
in a bit of an abstract way, because I always am feeling, hearing, sensing,
what you say as I go along - but when we get together like this, it's a purely
creative process. I am creating from the energies that you send to me. I am
also creating by drawing on the energies of things happening out in the
universe and also upon the earth. Therefore, whenever we come together it's as
if there are a multitude of different ideas, potentials, thoughts, that
scramble to come to the forefront for what will occur during the
I always love to take the time around
the equinox and use it as a springboard into the next quarter upon the Earth.
And that is how we shall begin this evening. As you are aware there are the two
equinoxes and the two solstices that make up the four points of conscious
shifting and transitions upon the Earth. Many of you will on a monthly basis,
put forth your intention for the next month. There are times when people
perhaps on their birthday or on the first of any new year will put forth their
intention for the next year. But when you feel the rhythms of the earth and
when you feel the natural even flow of the seasons, of the oceans, of the
migration of animals; all of those are in alignment with the solstice,
solstices and the equinoxes.
I invite you to stand here on the cusp of
the fall equinox or the spring equinox, depending on where you live; as you
stand here have a sense of letting your focus look backwards over the last
three months. Have you put forth anything as your intention for that timeframe?
If so, where do you stand? If you have a feeling of disappointment around you,
I invite you to take this as an opportunity to purge or clear, whatever that
disappointment may be.
If there was nothing in particular that you
were looking at, then simply take in the energies of the last three months. You
will notice that an immense influx of energy has occurred. If you stretch that
outward and look at the last six months, since the last equinox, you can tell
in an even more dramatic manner the changes that have occurred. Simply put,
there is a great deal more of the crystalline energy available to you in your
daily life.
There is a great deal more of your own
alignment with that through your Lightbody energy. As I speak of this allow
yourself to open up and feel what that is to you. Here, within this pace of
expansion, you all enjoy the feeling of light, the feeling of expansion, the
feeling of awareness, and it makes you feel good! I love to see how some of you
zip around as if playing tag with one another, others expanding and contracting
as you play with the energy to see what it is for you. Here within the All That
Is, potentials and opportunities are limitless. You may do whatever you feel
drawn to do.
As you look around, allow your energies to
open in such a way that you are either looking at or aligning with yourself and
your physical reality. You may have a sense of creating a hologram that
represents your physical life. You may feel as if as if a stream of energy
directly links you to your physical body. Take in this perception.
As I see people doing this I notice how
there are some of you that as you link with your human existence the energy
that is you, begins to constrict or shrink. As that occurs, you recognize that
you are cutting yourself off from some of the energy potentials that are around
you. When you are in your physical body, when you are living your daily life,
this too is occurring. So with that understanding, if you consciously take a
breath in and as you breathe in and breathe out your consciously expand your
energies once more. Feel yourself getting back into that space that feels
good. And then again, if you look at your physical body, this time most
of you are able to stay in that expanded state.
When you came into this life you chose your
physical body, you chose to be male or female. Sometimes you chose
particular experiences that others might consider a handicap, sometimes mental,
sometimes physical. Sometimes you chose you put forth the intention that you
were going to live this life with the optimum physical body, if it would be at
this timeframe upon the Earth.
And then you came down, you were born,
you've had life experiences, you have this existence in which you are living
right now and it makes me chuckle because I hear so many people saying; where
did I go off track? How did I end up over here when I was going to be over
there? I hear other people saying, it's not as bad as I really thought it was
going to be. As many people as there are, there are opinions and
The next phase of the work that we are going
to be doing is about more fully integrating your divinity with your physical
existence. You have always come to this space to link with the majority of your
divinity. When you are living your daily life, many of you can reach up and tap
into it at any time.
Then when you look at your physical reality,
when you have a sense of looking from an outside perspective, you as your
divine essence in that human experience, is but a fraction of your divinity and
quite frankly this is way more than it used to be or shall I say, than what was
able to come into the earth plane. And for that you owe yourselves the
appreciation and the acknowledgment for all the work that you have done. With
the influx of energy that came in during August of this year, (2010) with the
opening of those portals of energy and light it creates enough of an expansion
into the crystalline energies so that you in your individual life may access
your divinity to a much greater ability.
As I say this, I see all of you making
several adjustments and subtle choices that will allow for this to have a
greater ease within you. And then we come back around and we take in your
physical reality.
As you look at your human body; what do you
see? If the first thing that came to you was something negative or something
that's holding you back, then I invite you to [Deep breath] consciously breathe
in and then breathe out and let it go. And then come back around and I ask you
again, as you look at your physical body, look again, because there is the
physical person, the head, shoulders, torso, legs, but then, your physical body
is also made up of the energy of your emotions, your mental body, your
spiritual and then your Lightbody. As you look at it from this
perspective and as I named each of those energy bodies, I invite you to open up
to the potential that your physical reality is now about 1/5 of what makes up
you as a human. And yet for so many people that physical reality is dominated
as if it was 100% of who they are as a human.
We will take some time and I invite you to
first of all link with your physical body. As if you take a deep breath in,
allow your consciousness to follow within going inside your heart and through
your breath you can follow your bloodstream as it moves through your body. This
is one way to create an alignment that goes inside of you. If you so choose,
you can open to your perception of knowing; ‘I have' and you can fill in the
blank. Okay, for some I see a number of different things that you list.
But in this manner you are creating a perception or an awareness of your
physical body as you feel it internally and as you look at it externally. Your
physical body is the vehicle that allows your divinity to express itself. Your
physical body is a means of experiencing just that, being physical, walking,
touching, smelling, all those many, many things that have to do with being
I therefore invite you to open up to the
potential of feeling gratitude, that you have a physical body, mmm... I don't
always like that word gratitude, so shift it to appreciation. Can you
appreciate that you actually have a physical body? I hear some of you saying,
‘it's better to be pure spirit, it's better to be pure vibration or pure
essence such as the Angels or God and Goddess'. You as a human with this human
body are equal to anyone that is God, Goddess, Angels; no matter what it may
be. Everyone on this side of the veil has a deep respect and admiration for
every person who has chosen a life upon the Earth. We would invite you to open
to that appreciation also.
Another part of you as the human are your
emotions. Look at you from this perspective of the All That Is, open to become
aware of your emotions. For some you may see them as a color, as a swirling
mist, others may have a sense of specific emotions; happiness, anger,
frustration, fear, rage, joy. Each of those emotions makes up a part of who you
are. There is a direct alignment between your emotions and your physical body.
For some if you have physical ailments, disease, problems, you may see a link
to your emotions. For others it may be that there is a blend or a swirling
between your emotions and your physical and yet nothing in your emotions is
creating an end result in your physical.
So many times I see you shifting outside of
emotions that you sense are holding you back, such as limitation, anger, fear,
frustration, and indeed this is a wonderful way to shift those energies. I do
have to ask you though; do you ever find yourself getting caught up in looking
for emotions that may be holding you back? Is it possible that you can accept
yourself; that you can accept that your emotional body is there as a part of
your human experience and you may have times of fear, frustration, anger, times
of joy, laughter and that all of it is simply a reflection of what ever may be
happening in your life? If you can allow yourself to shift into that, as a
means of experiencing your emotions, you will find it easier to be in a state
of balance.
Your mental body is unique from both your
physical and your emotional. As you look at yourself, as you ask to know what
your mental body looks like to you. Is there a sense or an awareness that comes
to you? Are there thoughts or beliefs that have an effect upon you? Let me name
a few. Do you believe it is possible for you to have complete acceptance of
yourself? Do you believe that you can create a life in which every day is
filled with experiences that bring you joy? Do you believe that your physical
body is perfect just as it is? Do you believe that you have belief systems that
are holding you back?
As I have talked about these few things, my
perception of each of you is expansion and contraction of your energy bodies.
So what I would say to each one of you is to take the time some time and just
let yourself experience, various thoughts and beliefs that you may have. Feel
which ones gave you a sense of expanding and which ones feel as if they come in
and constrict around you.
There, just as with your emotions. Is it
possible that you can find yourself in a state of balance or a state of
awareness that you move beyond the judgment of your beliefs and your thoughts?
Is it possible that you can find yourself in a situation in which your energy
feels constricted and with that awareness comes the instant relief? [Deep
breath] As you breathe in you let go that thought, that belief, whatever it may
be and then you immediately find yourself expanding once more.
For some this may be very easy and
comfortable for you and you step right into it. For others it may be that you
feel a sense of needing to release in a very conscious manner, whatever it is
that's around you. I honor you with whatever you choose and I also let you know
that by shifting your perception you can shift the effect of all your beliefs.
It does not matter how ingrained they are. If you believe or if you shift your
perception or awareness in such a way that any thought, any belief that keeps
you from feeling good, happy and strong can be easily transition then that will
be your experience.
There are threads of energy that move from
your mental body into and through your emotions and your physical body and all
of these are creating an even greater awareness and balance of you as your
human. Your spiritual body, for some, this is how you define your belief in
God, for some it's filled up with your beliefs you've learned in church. Your
spiritual body can reflect whatever it is that makes you feel good. I would say
to you that as your divinity comes in more fully within you then this part of
you expand and grows through that experience.
Your spiritual body is very much a part of
you in your human existence. For some of you right now it may in many ways be
out of balance with the rest of you, because it is so filled with your
divinity. For others it may be as if your divinity flows through there and the
body itself remains in a state of being.
I also speak of the Light body. Now, the
Lightbody has always been these aspects of yourself. Some have defined it as
the parts of you that were nonphysical. Others have considered the energy
centers within your body, the chakras, as the Lightbody and indeed they all are
correct. This part of you, as I'm speaking of it and as I am sharing with you,
is more specific as the part of you that is aligned with the universe, with the
crystalline energy and with the expanded DNA. Therefore as you look at
yourself, as you have a sense of the energy bodies around you there is your
divinity, and then your Lightbody and in this way you have a discernment of one
from the other.
There is though a distinct blending and flow
that moves back and forth between these two energy bodies. As you are looking
at your Lightbody energy; how do you perceive it? What is your sense of
why you would invite this to come in and be a part of your physical existence?
The more that you allow yourself to open up, and feel whatever those answers
may be or see or sense the more that you will discern it as it is within and
around you.
Have you ever had an experience where you
look at another individual and think; ‘look at how radiant that person is'?
Perhaps you may say to yourself, ‘that person looks as transparent as an
angel'. Sometimes it may be a feeling that you get when you're around another
individual. Those people who allow the Lightbody and the spiritual
energies to flow through them with ease and with balance are the ones that
emanate that unique sense of being, that sense of awareness.
All of you do this. You may not think you
do, but you do. Every human upon the earth radiates an energy. Some
intrinsically and very naturally radiate that light essence, others do so
through conscious intention and still others may have dimmed down the natural
energies, but they are still there, they are still present.
Now then, have a sense of stepping apart and
is if you look, sense, feel, howsoever you receive your information, see how
the physical is the most dense all the way to the emotional, mental, spiritual
and Lightbody energies are from the most dense to the most transparent, but
they all make up who you are. So from your physical most dense aspect of
yourself reach out and blend with your emotional, mental, spiritual and
Lightbody energies.
As these are all coming into place within
you feel how you have the ability to balance yourself at any given time. For
example, if you are feeling a physical discomfort, we will say a headache, then
your focus comes upon your physical body and the headache that you are feeling.
In order to create a shift or a transformation allow your energies to expand or
shift in such a way that you just open to that flow of the rest of the energy
bodies that make up you as the human and as you open and allow this flow to
move through your physical body put forth the intention that it releases the
headache, it clears out that energy and you come back into that space of
balance and awareness.
For some, if you have something going on
within you that is hard to shift away from that focus, perhaps it's an illness
that you've had for many, many years; perhaps it's a physical challenge. You
can still create a change that brings your physical body into whatever it is
you may seek to have and it occurs for you most easily when you allow these
other energy bodies to support you more fully. You are human. It involves all
that we are staying, and even more.
Your DNA is another part of the physical
body within your cellular structure within your blood that allows you to
incorporate these higher vibrational energies. I invite you in this moment to
have a sense of breathing down as if you breathe down inside of yourself and
you let your awareness move all the way down into the molecular structure of
each cell within you and consciously aligned with the DNA in such a way that
you embrace and you acknowledge a perfect balance between your physical body
and everything else.
Your DNA is linked with the earth, with the
universe, with other people. You DNA is made up of that physical particle that
people can look at under the microscope, but there are energy bodies that are
also associated with the DNA. So invite the Lightbody energy to come within
you, merging with your bloodstream and allowing it to activate those energy
bodies within your DNA. [Deep breath] And as that happens, you breathe in and
out, you let it circulate through your body and you find it helps you to create
and manifest the exact body that you are seeking to have.
I would encourage you to be pleased to have
a physical body, and recognize that you have whatever body it is that you have.
You, as the creator of your life, have created the body you find yourself in
right now. Your experiences, your beliefs, your emotions all those various
things that have come into play in your lifetime have created the physical body
that you have. But that doesn't mean it has to stay the same for the rest of
your life. You can manifest change through creating this very balanced energy
and infusing the Light body energy into your DNA. You are each magnificent
beings of light, you are each here in The All That Is and you have done exactly
as we've been talking about with ease. You can do this in your physical reality
upon the earth.
As you do so, I invite you to accept
whatever your process may be. Accept yourself at any given moment as you move
through an experience that greater balance. So breathe deeply, feel that
balanced energy move through you, feel it come down within your physical body
as each one of you consciously bring that alignment down into your physical
body. Let your energies come back with that, it flows down within, you breathe
everything in and it comes into your heart, and it moves up and down through
your energy bodies. It moves through your bloodstream and moves into every cell
within you.
Rather than infusing all of this into the
hologram, I invite each one of you to let that experience move all the way
through you and down into the physical earth. In this way, you are anchoring
yourself for one thing, but you are also infusing your own balanced energy into
the Earth. You anchor it where ever you are and is there and readily available
to you in your everyday life. As everyone is doing this it moves through to all
parts of the world going all the way down and anchoring within the center of
the earth and then it radiates back out from the center, it comes out and it
goes up through the earth, it goes up through the water, the trees, the
flowers, and it goes up into every person upon the Earth.
Let your focus come back within the All That
Is, so that you may have a sense of shifting back into the soul plane. Out of
curiosity, as you look at your I AM presence, what is your perception? Do you
have an awareness of how much more you are able to take in at this time? You
may have a sense of more of your divinity coming with you, but there is still
always that part of you that is anchored and remains within that space and you
let your focus come down into the crystalline grid. As you link with it your
energy becomes enhanced or bolstered by this vibration. As you allow your
consciousness to shift, you feel yourself moving even deeper through the
crystalline and into the magnetic grid.
As you come back within the magnetic pull of
the Earth, feel how your energies adjust. Consciously bring that feeling of
balance and that feeling of expansion. The more that you allow yourself to be
human and the more that you accept all that is you as a human the more of your
divinity you will be able to manifest. So open up and allow it to come
You shift your energies back once more into
your physical self. You may feel a need to expand your energy bodies around you
but feel yourself as you come back an anchor within. Feel that flow of energy
or essence. As you allow your consciousness to once more anchor, feel your
physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and Lightbody energies as they flow, as
they swirl, as they move within and around you. As this is happening feel
yourself opening up and accept; this is who you are right in this moment. And
breathe deeply, breathing that all the way down within you.
Alright beloved family, as you feel yourself
coming back within once more, as you find yourself anchoring upon the earth, I
invite you to come back within the room. If you would like to ask a question,
you may press *6 upon your phone, and that will bring you into the queue so
that we may answer whatever questions you have.
Question: Oh, hello thank you Goddess!
This journey has been so timely with all the new downloads we've been going
through and the shift. Thank you so much for bringing this balance, I enjoyed
it so much. I hope I did everything as you were guiding us through. Did I
accomplish all the integration?
Answer: You are very welcome beloved and yes
my sense is that you did accomplish a great deal. You as with so many other
people have already been upon this journey. You've been upon this sense of
opening and asking for you divinity; opening to allow it to incorporate within
you. So it's as if you've done a lot of the back ground work and this is
taking it the final step. We do see you as much more greatly
Thank you very much because I do that as
part of my daily breath; even before I open my eyes. It has become a beautiful
routine for me and I'm thinking, what else am I here to do than really
accomplish this? But it feels just so good. The challenges
of the downloads, facing all these ascension symptoms; I don't know sometimes
what's an ascension symptom and what's a harp [I think this is what she says,
not sure what it means.] energy that's going on; with all the people sick to
their stomach or detoxing. It's a little bit of a bumpy road isn't
It is for many people and if it's an
ascension symptom or is it a physical virus someone's going through; the
symptoms in the physical body are all the same. So whether you are sick or
you're ascending, it's finding the balance in all the energy bodies that make
up who you are that allows you to feel better. So if indeed you have
something and need an antibiotic, you need a meditation and it makes you feel
better, that's fine. Each individual needs to do what they need to
do. The end result of it all is to continuously seek that space of
balance and that space of alignment within all their energy bodies. In
the doing of that and the incorporating of that within a consistent part of
their day, they will be less vulnerable to these
So you are giving us a great technique
to move right through the ascension symptoms then.
Exactly, exactly.
So what i went through this past week
and this whole week was that ascension or was it caused by environmental parts
or biological energy that has been around.
The sense we get is that it doesn't matter;
it's equal in the end. For you as we look at this particular thing, it
was a combination of the two. For example, if you had not been on this
ascension path and feeling those symptom's, you may not have been vulnerable to
the other and vice versa.
I see, I see. Okay, thank you so much in
finding that balance. I do have a very physical question here. Last
year I was faced with finding a roommate exactly this time of the year. I just
received a surprise also the same room. The fellow got admitted to the
university mid to last minute and said he's leaving, he has to go, it will be
available November 1st. Can you please help me put out the
energy so that I will find the right person to move in? It
will be available before November 1st. Last year I lost a couple people because
my roommate didn't move out on time, I had to ask family to help cover the rent
for the month; it was a nightmare! My intention now is that it will go
Well, yes and absolutely we will.
First of all let us say to you that between now and last year humongous shifts
have taken place not only in yourself, but in the energy and the vibration of
the earth. So now more than ever, you have the ability to work with your
intention and send your intention out through the vibration or the energy waves
that have to do with the crystalline vibration or the lightbody vibration. So
when you take a moment and you allow yourself to feel that balance within and
feel good; you take that deep breath in and blow it out. As you blow it out you
see going out from you circles of energy just going out and flowing out from
the intention that you manifest the right and perfect roommate, or tenant or
whatever you call them; and that they come to you quickly. This is really all
that you need to do. We have done this with you just in the speaking of
it and we have amplified your energy that this will happen quickly for you this
year. Our sense is that it's not going to be like last year and it's
important for you to put forth the intention that it's not going to be like
last year. You can fall into that pattern by worrying that it's going to
be a repeat of last year.
Exactly! Just because the mental
mind is still reading that old program I want to be able to delete it and
create a new creation for this year.
And that is why you can go back and
re-listen to this channel again and work with your mental body or you can just
do it on your own in this way.
Perfect, perfect, perfect. Can I take
your time for one more thing?
No, we actually need to go on to the next
Thank you, thank you so
You are very welcome beloved.
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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Posted by Steve Hutchinson on October 25, 2024 at 10:00am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on October 24, 2024 at 11:45am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on October 3, 2024 at 7:17pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on July 28, 2024 at 1:30pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on July 26, 2024 at 5:30am 0 Comments 1 Like
July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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