lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Death does not exist but only within the human mind

As you all move closer toward the ascension it is time to release the biggest hurdle that can prevent you from achieving the ascension.

Many of you still have not released the belief system of the physical death.

This is what creation is, thought manifested within the energy of the creator.

You manifested the physical body and this reality together with many other beings throughout creation.

You also created a physical body that goes through recycling of death and rebirth as this allowed you to move into spirit and regenerate, update and learn more about the path that you set for yourself. You needed this as you created the physical reality to be disconnected from the spiritual reality.

Only way to reconnect with the spiritual reality was to leave the physical body and return to all other parts of you that are within the spiritual reality.

Many teachings were developed to bring you back to the spiritual reality.

Many were distorted as the duality within your physical world remains a big issue even now.

Now you can all let it play out and see what happens as this is one of your choices.

The other choice is to start using your creational abilities to release the thought of death and embrace the thought of life.

What has been created in duality is all your own creation, you can blame it on the dark hats or illuminati or many other groups. As you still remain within that duality consciousness you will not be able to change the reality of what is happening.

Duality is just another name for different groups having different thoughts about what should or what they would like to happen within their own creation.

Groups can be a lot of people or just a couple or even just one person that has a different point of view on creation and what could or should happen.

The thought form does become more powerful when more people are involved in the process.

This is what duality is in reality, thoughts of creation.

Now the thought form of death of the physical body is one of the most powerful creations as it has been accepted by most humans as a reality for a long time.

It is engraved not just within you but within the consciousness and realities that are being created at every moment.

It is engraved within many parts of your being as it has been a part of your physical reality for such a long time. Releasing this thought form of physical death is not just as simple as saying I change my belief system, it has to be released from the many energy systems that make up the physical body as well as the reality you created within this physical body.

How to release all this?

By becoming what you are in spirit here within the physical body on earth.

Get to know all those parts of you in spirit.

Those parts know that the physical body is a thought form, a creation, in fact those parts of you created this physical body so who better to ask for assistance in releasing the thought form of death.

Your spiritual counterpart consists of many integral parts of knowledge and being within spirit.

Let me explain this a bit further in a way that is clearer for the human mind as I know your spiritual mind will know this already.

Your being came from source, the highest frequency possible, to create a human body upon earth, within you third dimensional reality it has to step down the frequency, this is done in sort of a step ladder. Parts of your being stays within the highest frequency, other parts go into a lower frequency and this happens all the way down to the human reality. So the human reality has the low frequency needed to create the human reality, the physical reality.

So every step up the ladder you will encounter parts of your being that have knowledge not known to the physical part of you.

The higher on the ladder you get the more knowledge as it requires a certain level of frequencies to be able to hold certain knowledge.

The higher up the ladder the clearer the knowledge becomes as well as those higher parts of you have a larger oversight as to what is going on within your spiritual being.

For example, your higher self is the first step up the ladder.

The key to this process of releasing is to consciously with the human mind be able to communicate with those parts as it is the human part that needs to be converted into a new way of thinking.

I know many of you love to connect with other beings in spirit, channel many of those beings in spirit. But one thing is more important and this is to know your own being in spirit.

The changes within the earth reality cannot happen in a complete way if you are not connected with your entire being in spirit. You will see changes, but the changes will still contain the death of the physical body. Those changes are only changes outwardly not inwardly within your own being.

Yes there is much that needs to change within your human reality and yes you need to be a part of this as you are the creators of all of this.

You as spiritual being are in charge of this creation but also many other creations throughout the cosmos. This is something many of you do not realize as you are focused at this time on your earthly creation. But all you do here has an effect on all that you do out there within spirit.

This also brings me to the channeling and messages out there, you have to realize that those messages are focused on you and your human understanding of what is happening. It does not apply to much of what is happening in many other parts of your universe and other universes where you do have parts of you working within creation as well.

This is not ruled by one person, a God or even the Source you came from. This is ruled by each and every being, creation happens within very moment by each and every being either on earth or in other parts of the universe and other universes.

You all came from the one source, but when you left you left with free will to create of your own free will.

Many messages are just that, a review, explanation of what you feel as a human and think as a human is going to happen or should happen.

Any message out there that has duality thinking in one way or the other is influenced by the human way of thinking.

Within spirit you know there is no duality as every being in spirit has its right to create in free will.

Yes you might not agree with it and yes sometimes you will even prevent it from happening but that is also included within the free will of creation. It's a play of each other that teaches you, gives you experience and allows for a greater expansion of what you create and this is what makes the free will important.

The message about beings that are going to save you, that are taking care of you, that is your creation as a human, within your higher spiritual part it is known that this is not going to happen and will not happen as free will is not about being saved by others, it is about saving yourself.

Saving yourself, being your Self, being what you are completely, not just a human being but a spiritual being creating out of free will. Stop fussing about what others are doing wrong, acknowledge it and move on and create what you think is right.

You have the right to create as does every other being, if you see something you don't like, you can do something about it, but do it from a place that is not influenced by the thought form of duality thinking, the human thought form, do it from a spiritual place within your being, do it from within your entire being in spirit.

This requires you to get the full scope of what is happening, not just what others have told you, or what you see as a human. You will need access to every part of your being as this is where creation can happen in the most pure form possible.

This is why we say get to know your own being, every part of your being, you will be amazed in how much this will change your way of thinking, your way of reacting and your way of being.

This is what makes the changes happen for real; this is how you bring your creational abilities into the human reality.

How does this tie in to the ascension process that is happening?

This is what ascension is all about, it's not about changing the others; it is about changing yourself, becoming yourself, becoming what you are in spirit within the physical reality you created as a learning experience for your entire being in spirit, not just for the human part.

It is about learning how to create your own reality from the highest level possible.

This is your soul purpose within spirit.

You have many other things to be done as I know many are asking for this. What is their role now, what are they supposed to do, what is their future role.

Your spiritual being has ideas about this and they might be a bit different than what you think as a human, this is why it is so important to connect with all those parts of you in spirit.

Think of what you can do in the moment and focus on becoming more and more acquainted with your own being as this is the most important purpose you have on earth. Learn how to create a new reality, work on creating a new reality as this is all about creation.

Everything on earth is a part of creation, all your illnesses, healing systems, belief systems and everything else that is happening is part of what you as a group have been involved in creating.

All with the purpose to learn about creating, creating on every level within every part of your being and everywhere else.

Yes ascension as you call it is part of this as the ascension process is a part of the learning experience to leave this physical reality and return fully to a spiritual reality without the death of the human body. Being able to exist within every frequency and create within every frequency to expand and learn even more about creating and creation.

What is the end goal here?

There is none, as the universes are ever expanding and you are ever expanding there is always something new to learn for every being.

I am Isis

Through Petra Margolis

September 16, 2011


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Wow again.  Thank You for sharing that.  Love, Amanda
You are welcome,Amanda :-)

Fear of Death.


I would like to explain a bit more about the fear of death as all that intent to physically ascend will have to deal with this.


There is a moment before the physical ascension and as you are going to be consciously aware you will know this moment is happening. The moment where you know the physical body is to change into a
spiritual energy.


This moment will feel like death to the physical body.


Many that have experienced death will say they are not afraid of death, and this is true.


But have you consciously experienced that moment, that precise moment just before you die, this moment where you know consciously that you are going to die?


This is the moment where the fear can prevent you from physically ascending.


This is the moment where the fear that is within your physical body, your mental body and many other parts of you that have gone through this moment in many lifetimes can prevent you from moving
forward into full physical ascension.


Yes there is fear in that moment and this is the fear that needs to be overcome or changed as to not prevent you from physically ascending if that is your choice.


Many will just go from the 3rd dimensional frequency into the 5th dimensional frequency and they do not have to worry about this as it does not apply to


But for those that want to physically ascend it is something that is of great importance.


This is what was practiced during the times of the mystery schools including the pyramids as many have memories of the sarcophagus and the lid moving on top of it and you going onto a journey into
the spirit world. The sarcophagus was used to transform the belief system of


This knowledge was known mostly to the ones that were completely committed to the physical ascension.  


Completely committed is the key word here.


It means working every moment of the day on your progress of raising your frequencies and clearing, releasing and becoming fully conscious of every part of your being. And I mean day and night
as many would consciously travel during the night with the physical body in a
sleep state in the sarcophagus or any other place that was safe for the physical
body as it was left behind to rest.


This moment of fear just before death is the most pivotal moment of physical ascension.


So yes even those that say they do not fear death will have to deal with this.


Just think about it, you do not fear death as you know you will move into spirit.


But as you have family, children, loved ones, you will have this moment of fear where so many things will go through your mind as the ascension of the physical body is something you have
not experienced consciously before and it will feel like death of the physical


You will have the thoughts going through your mind of not wanting to leave your loved ones.


The fear is ingrained within many parts of you including some of your higher parts as they have the experience of death and disconnection of the physical body, it is within the memory of your
cells within the physical body but also within the particles of energy within
the spiritual bodies.


There are several energy matrixes that are within those bodies that have the memory of fear of death as well as it is completely within your belief systems and consciousness around the


Even though you have made up your mind and say for yourself I do not have any fear of death, this does not mean other parts of you have the same thought or belief.

This is also something that you cannot do safely by yourself as others are needed to safely guide the process of going through this part of fear and releasing it from many parts of your


The changes needed within your entire belief system and consciousness is something that has to be done in a guided way through a teacher that is capable of seeing what is needed for you on a personal
level as this is not something that is one size fits all in many


This is also something that is not done easily by just doing a meditation and you are done.


Work and commitment to this process is required as it is something that is going to take some time and effort on your part as well.


You cannot just ask your being to release this or change this within you. It has to be done consciously as only consciously you can defeat this fear once you move into the moment of physical


And here we get the questions, where do I find a teacher, I don't have the money for a teacher and everything else that you can come up with to not fully commit yourself to what you set out to do
in this life time.


We will discuss this in the next message as it is a whole subject by itself.




Through Petra Margolis

September 20, 2011

Mystery School Advanced Teachings.

These teachings used to be available in the mystery schools, but not for free. The dedication and commitment was required as well as a lot of work to support the mystery school which included daily chores and working for what they were about to receive.

This is not possible in this time as there are no real mystery schools available anymore where you could get the teachings needed for just working in the garden.

At this moment in time where you as a whole have decided that everything is paid with a monetary exchange, you will have to deal with this.

The church requires 10% of your income just to be a member, and those teachings will not get you much further as they are not focused on the physical ascension.

So what do you think is appropriate to pay for your spiritual teachings as they are being offered at this time?

Many of you think that everything spiritual should be offered for free, but is this reasonable.

What is your commitment in this, what are you giving in return at this moment to the ones that do their outmost best to guide you in many ways.

Even if there would be no money used as a payment or compensation for the teachings, what is it worth to you to receive the appropriate teachings for you at this time?

In every time, in the past there has always been a form of payment for the teachers, either in food or money, it does not really make a difference.

Never ever have any of the teachings been given for free as the full commitment was always required which usually meant leaving society and live the rest of your life in the mystery school.

Many religions have a form of payment either physically or monetary.

If you want to spend time in a Buddhist monastery to receive their teachings you will have to work physically to receive their teachings.

This is what you have created on earth at this moment and many of you are not taking full responsibility for this as you are taking and not giving.

This is also related to fear as many of you are in a situation where money is not flowing fully and you are living on the edge of what is possible.

There is so much fear on earth of not having enough, of not being able to and fear of what will happen if you do not have enough. A creation that you created for yourself through the fear that is being spread through your leaders who are bringing in more fear than solutions.

This is the time where you have to start creating solutions as many of the teachers are not coming forward as they know they will not be able to survive if they fully commit themselves to teaching what is needed at this time. There are many healers who cannot fully commit as the support is not there for them to take their healing abilities and use them fully in a way that won't physically destroy them.

Teaching is not something that is easy and it is physically hard on the person teaching as they use a lot of their energy to give their teachings, reason why in many of the old mystery schools the more advanced teachers would not have anything else to do but teach.

As they do not only teach but also provide for the correct energies to be present during the teachings as well as protection for their students during their time they are spending in meditation.

The mystery schools were always targets for the ones that do not agree with bringing the correct information to the students that are committed to their path of ascension.

Making sure none of those negative energies could affect the students was the fulltime job of the advanced teachers and this required them to be fully aware at all times. They could not doze off and let their guard down at all times.

The teachers that are teaching the more advanced programs for physical ascension have to know this as well as many are still unaware of this and will not be able to fully guide their students toward physical ascension.

Their work doesn't stop after class, as many also have enough work to do on the changes that need to happen on earth so they do have a fulltime job in teaching and everything else that is involved in being able to assist the earth as well.

These teachers have fully committed themselves to the teachings and are going through all the activations and clearings as well so as you are experiencing some of the effects of the energy changes in a physical way, just imagine what these teachers are going through as they are being prepared and working on their own process, as well as teaching and working on assisting the earth.

Many are taking this for granted as they receive the messages and think they should receive all this for free as this is the spiritual way of living.

It is not, there has always been an energy exchange at all times.

You do not expect a carpenter to come in and work on your house and pay him or her nothing, you will find an appropriate exchange at all times.

This is what is needed right now for the teachers of ascension as many are ready to commit themselves fully but the support is not there for them to do so.

Yes teachers are needed and many will become the teachers on the new earth as they will have the experience and needed knowledge to become teachers on the new earth.

But they can only become the teachers on the new earth as they are allowed to gain the experience and knowledge at this time before the changes happen. There is no time to start as a teacher when everyone moves to the new earth. Experienced and knowledgeable teachers will be needed to teach others how to teach and to teach the ones that will be ready at that moment for the teachings.

If you are one of those that knows you will become a teacher, start working on this now. Take good use of the teachers that are available at this time and prepare yourself now.

For those that do not feel they will become the teachers, this is the time to work fully on yourself to be able to take advantage of all the changes that are and will be happening within the energies on earth up until the ascension of the earth.

At these times of communication all over the world you don't even have to leave your house to follow the teachings which will make it easier as you will have no cost for traveling.

There are many good teachers out there and you will have to find the right direction within yourself as you are looking for someone that can take you to the end point of either physical ascension or becoming a teacher within the new earth, or at least take you to a point where you will have an easy transit from this 3rd dimensional reality into a 5th dimensional reality.

And not everyone is going to need a teacher as some of it can be done through studying and learning how to communicate within your own being consciously and becoming aware consciously of what is happening not just within your inner world but outside of the inner world within the spiritual world which is very important at this time as much of what is happening happens within the spiritual world.

This is all about awareness, conscious awareness of what is happening within the spirit world as this is where everything is happening for you. The 3rd dimensional reality is a play, a creation of all of you in spirit.

Whatever is happening there is created to deter you from awakening fully at this time and you will have to see it as such.

This is your time and your choice.

Take the time to review your choices and fully inform yourself as to what it is you came here to do at a soul level.


Through Petra Margolis

September 20, 2011 



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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