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Are You REALLY Choosing Ascension?

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 09:37 AM PDT

Many of my chelas do not have the Master Messages. My channel compiled many teachings from me and my colleagues to make these available. My delivery of those messages came after twelve years of not channeling through this conduit. She had no need to channel after Awakening, and did not. When I approached her with this continuation of our work together, she agreed, not because she cared about the content, but for me. We have a caring connection, and that is why she accepted my request. My three books of messages have no comparable equivalents. They are my conduit's contribution to my dilemma of, "how to tell the true details on ascension, consciousness development, and the changes coming to Gaia, to an audience mesmerized by false messages." My conduit made no money doing this for me, so I told her the amount to ask for these books.

Clear messages about Ashtar, the Galactic Federation and all other matters of highest drama are there, commented on by those who are the guardians of these conditions, the correct ones to contribute. My next comment is for those who have read my Master Messages: consider them the most accurate advice available from my realm. No other messages are more accurate. Now, an update:

Many changes have occurred to man's consciousness, not all are good. Man is being controlled by many agents of drama, and all of them are advancing FEAR. America's government has been totally dominated by a group of men and women who are Illuminati, and they are draining all of the world's economies to complete an ancient contract. This is their only goal. They want to destroy the US, as a way of managing the entire world. No US, no defense systems against their attack-control mechanisms. They want to enter a collapsed, bankrupt country, with a most charismatic android that makes a complete mess of the freedoms that the US was based on. They are already on the way to complete takeover, and no new conditions have occurred to deflect any of their moves. My Master Messages show the way to turn this around.

Ashtar commands a fleet of Master led, man contacting, demonstrators of divine calling, who are able to defend man's control of his cause when needed. No action of this nature is now being considered, because man has not become angry enough to defend himself against this complete takeover by the Illuminati. No cause to defend has been delivered to the Ashtar Command.  My dear ones. Apathy abounds. Clearing the apathy can alter this entire drama. As long as there is no change in the level of  concern about the current condition, no defense can be engaged on other dimensions to interfere. At this time, there is no new movement of energy towards reclaiming a God directed consciousness. This delivers empty messages to this bold group of defenders who are gathered together to deliver assistance. Can another consciousness be activated? Only if my chelas do it!

The Galactic Federation will not be delivering anyone to another planet. In the Master Messages, this was an option being planned. We were counting on a group ascension in three waves. Our first wave has already ascended in consciousness, but not their bodies. This was changed, to allow those who would have disappeared, to make more contributions to the next wave. Of the original twenty million, only a very small number was on that first wave, a mere 100,000. Not enough to attract sufficient attention for governments to notice.  Our new plan is to gather one million, our next gateway is coming before the end of 2011. Are you going to ascend? There's not much time to get ready. Commit to it now, and begin a very intense journey into a new awareness. After this date, no more demonstrations will be controlled by our realm. Only one at a time, at the moment of death, will be able to ascend. Most of the ten million contracted to be on this big demonstration wave are not ready.

"Acceptance of the way it is" does nothing for an awakening or ascension. An accepting man is a man who feels he has the ability to accept or reject. In awakened, God consciousness, there is neither acceptance or rejection. Ending duality consciousness is what leads to an awakening. Growth in "being a good human" is not an awakening. Only a God energized heart can destroy an ego's desire to control. True happiness is man's natural condition, not a way of reacting to his material world achievements.

Brothers and sisters, my goal here is not to scare you, or make you agree with me. It is to deliver new directions about man's ability to ascend, based on current conditions. Pleasing me is not my concern either. God dances in many areas of consciousness, and my dialogs are only one of them. Can my dense chelas get the message and do what is needed? Are you one of those who needs a big kick? Are you on track? Only you know the answer to these questions.

If you are building bunkers, you are being led by an alien deceiver. If you are anticipating being delivered to another planet, again, an alien deceiver has caught you. If you are believing that the abundance of money you desire is more important than meditation, get ready for a most disappointing combination of conditions that are coming very soon. If you are ok about death, you can ascend. If not, don't even consider yourself a candidate for ascension. An ascension to another dimension means a different energetic condition, and is not the same as continuing life in an astral, or 5th dimension  dream. It means NO dream. It is beyond dreaming. It is consciousness, as it really is.

As consciousness, no body called "me" is deciding about material concerns, because there are no bodies. Fear of death deletes an ascension. All your beliefs about death need direct attention. Are you going to die? Can consciousness die? No, you are eternal, and do not die, no matter what happens to a body. Ascension can delete a death experience, but the effect will be very much the same - with no body to bury or cremate. But your drama as a "person" will still be over.

Are you aware of this? Are you agreeing to this? No? Then there can be no group ascension. A bunch of bodies demanding a beautiful existence on another dimension is not what ascension is about. It dissolves the body as its molecular structure disappears. Are you afraid? Good! Get yourself very clear of this actual condition now. Get ready to leave Gaia, or make no commitment to ascension. Are the doors open? Not yet. Are you going to be one of those who takes the leap?

My channeling on this blog is not to amuse or entertain. It is to communicate the actual facts about ascension and the days to come. Ascension is the more conscious choice.

If you are now aware that you have fear, get this handled. Fear deletes all movement in consciousness. Fear contracts. Make believe scenarios are abundant. They are not accurate, but look desirable. Are you caught in the deception? An ego cannot choose about this. An adept must know!

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna


Views: 148

Replies to This Discussion

Thankyou Ang in appreciation and gratitude
I don't believe this, as written.
One sentence that shows something doesn't add up is when this is asked... Are your afraid? And then is says Good!!! This is not very positive. I believe the tone of this is a little like you say, swinging back and forth with our feelings... A true Master would be careful of the energy in the words being used in a message... It would always be one of respect knowing we have free will.... I don't believe all in the government are controlled by the Illuminati, I really think the Illuminati are desperate and are using all tactics possible to make people scared, they simply want to transmit to us what their feelings of fear are right now...Like SaLuSa from Sirius said in one of His messages The Illuminati are playing their last cards any way they can think of... they are really scared of the changes that are too obvious to be ignored any longer...They underestimated the power of the people... Blessings to All and keep up the good work, visualize a world of Peace, Love and Unity... We ARE All ONE
Love is the only way. Love and fear can not coexist - choose Love. (fear is what keeps us attached to our separated "realities", to our bodies as we perceive them, ........ let go and BE LOVE.) Thank you for this posting.
Wow, I am sooo RELIEVED to see the replies from Sonja and everyone else coming to the aid of the LIGHT CONSCIOUSNESS!!! You are all VERY amazing! I LOVE you all!

I was VERY shaken up by this 'channeling' and several others I've been seeing, of late...

"Fear is a BAD counselor!" - Awesome. And true.

Somehow the focus of several messages I've seen lately have left me with an almost hopeless feeling. As if we've pretty much screwed ourselves by not being active enough in our future... I'm being VERY active, in my own way, which is the way it's supposed to be... I'm trying to be, yes, a better human, lol... How is that not enough? That's not what anything is about?

This type of message leaves me feeling negatively and fueling me with negativity to unintentionally spread to my Loved ones and the world! I'm a front desk agent at a Hampton hotel and about 95.5% of my guests are traveling from far and wide... BELIEVE me when I say that the amount of negativity I exude, no matter how small, on my BEST 'bad day', is sending out A TON of negativity!!! To nationwide travelers AND international friends!!!

This type of message leaves me feeling like the negativity I see in guests as the prevailing agent in our global situation... These messages, honestly, make it seem like I should be trying to goad people along in THEIR journey to positivity in order for ME to be happy! I was raised a certain organized religion, and I see it as very insincere, now, and see several disturbing patterns in my old behavior that are obviously, for lack of a more suitable word, mind-control... The negative/dark/destructive/unnamed force in the universe is sly, but it's obvious when you see think of what the base goal of anything is...

I wanted to change the people around me, or get away from them to preserve my own peace of mind, because I've been reading that my positivity, essentially, doesn't really even count.

This is my interpretation of a certain tone that's been happening, lately... Probably because of the HIGHLY sensitive times we're experiencing right now! OUR PEACE of MINDS are KEY!!!

We're going to be ok. Because that's the way it's going to be. There is no other outcome, and I do not have to try and get other people to 'ascend', nor do I have to feel ashamed that I may not be 'ascended' enough.

I have to LOVE myself, my LIFE, my LOVED ONES, and EVERYONE I come in contact with every-single-day. I'm human, I can get down. I'm not a superhero or a psychic or anything else. I believe that I'm CAPABLE of ANYTHING, and that different people have figured out different abilities, of course, but at this point in my story I guess I'm still what you would call an 'ordinary' individual guy and I go to work every day and I apply spirituality in the way that it feels RIGHT. THAT is the way it's supposed to be. Everything else will come along after you've achieved that satisfaction, though. Don't punish yourself. That's obviously not what you're supposed to do with your spirituality. Limit yourself, doubt yourself, hurt yourself.

A friend of mine once gave me the best advice... I was going through some religious angst, of sorts, and was doubting a lot, etc. etc... He, however, was very sturdy in what he believed and why, so I asked him one night "how do you know your religion is the right one?" He said "because it feels right." Isn't that AMAZING?? I didn't appreciate it as much at the time as I have grown to through the years, but it was deep enough to have made such a lasting impact! So, this spiritual awakening I have experienced, and the ascension that I'm experiencing along with every other thing on Gaia and beyond is experiencing, is very real and very beautiful. All, by, itself.

Sorry for babbling, I either babble or stay quiet. This made me want to break the silence, lol.

I would hope that everyone who says anything for other people to listen to would make sure that it is from a place of Love. I hope there are no negative intentions behind anything. Money does change things. That's just a fact.

I don't know much. But I know what makes me feel positively, and I know what makes me feel negatively, which leads me to give negativity to others and to draw mostly negativity FROM other people. My faith has been restored. LOVE. LIGHT. POSITIVITY. All will work itself out if you try to be a better-human-being. We're going to evolve into being something better by BEING something better! We'll all get there. You just worry about your journey. Everyone else, even your partner and children and parents and everyone in your life will experience their journey THEIR WAY. You LEAD BY EXAMPLE! Share when it's appropriate. When it will be absorbed as a message of pure Love. NOT coersion.

Ok. I'm done. I hope I didn't make anyone feel badly in any way with this message. I just want us to all feel ok and recognize when something we hear is going to make us leave a negative impact on the mass consciousness. That will effect me! :-D
Thank you Lonnie, for not being silent, but sharing your wisdom from the heart. Your words and insights are so authentic-honest-true to the Sacred within and so you share these blessings and I thank you. Authenticity and honesty are true openers of the Heart. You are listening to the beauty and truth of your heart and you are honestly sharing from right here and now - what a gift! Thank you! The people you share life's ways with - and you share with so many! - are blessed to be in contact with a beautiful one as You! Your Love shines through so beautifully through your words. Your understanding of the human condition AND the awesome LOVE human "potential" (I use quotes because time is and illusion and "potential" becomes reality when we realize that Sacred Eternal Being has nothing to do with time!) that IS here right now! is so honest and real. You have shared your truth and that has given me gratitude - a most heart opening energy of Love! Blessings!
Thank you both, Lonnie and Param Gian Kaur, for speaking out your truth!

I was hesitant in the beginning to speak out mine - I had to re-read the channeling and really think of it, but once I did I was stumbling over several messages which showed me how imortant is really is to step out and SAY what you have to say ... in this way we are breaking the silence: we become visible - and we no longer hide our light as we have done for so long - mostly because it simply was too dangerous to not hide ...

Lightgrid is a place where all your comments are most enthusiastically appreciated - LOL! This is a SACRED SPACE where we can train this stepping out and saying our truth and I thank you so much for having done this here!


Sonja Myriel
I love seeing so many positive things being stated and positive conversation! This is beautiful! We finally told my daughters boyfriend(they have been dating 6 months and we wanted to make sure he would not judge her or us) lastnight about our family being Lightworkers etc.....He was open and very interested-it was awesome and beautiful. He really seemed taken in by the entire amount of info we shared-I felt Spirit led us. He is now interested. No judgement made at can definetly tell change is happening! WONDERFUL!
Brightest Blessings!
Great News :-)

Sunshine Blessings of Perfect Balance and Harmony to you and your family, dear Angela :-)

Sonja Myriel



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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