lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

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Are You REALLY Choosing Ascension?

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 09:37 AM PDT

Many of my chelas do not have the Master Messages. My channel compiled many teachings from me and my colleagues to make these available. My delivery of those messages came after twelve years of not channeling through this conduit. She had no need to channel after Awakening, and did not. When I approached her with this continuation of our work together, she agreed, not because she cared about the content, but for me. We have a caring connection, and that is why she accepted my request. My three books of messages have no comparable equivalents. They are my conduit's contribution to my dilemma of, "how to tell the true details on ascension, consciousness development, and the changes coming to Gaia, to an audience mesmerized by false messages." My conduit made no money doing this for me, so I told her the amount to ask for these books.

Clear messages about Ashtar, the Galactic Federation and all other matters of highest drama are there, commented on by those who are the guardians of these conditions, the correct ones to contribute. My next comment is for those who have read my Master Messages: consider them the most accurate advice available from my realm. No other messages are more accurate. Now, an update:

Many changes have occurred to man's consciousness, not all are good. Man is being controlled by many agents of drama, and all of them are advancing FEAR. America's government has been totally dominated by a group of men and women who are Illuminati, and they are draining all of the world's economies to complete an ancient contract. This is their only goal. They want to destroy the US, as a way of managing the entire world. No US, no defense systems against their attack-control mechanisms. They want to enter a collapsed, bankrupt country, with a most charismatic android that makes a complete mess of the freedoms that the US was based on. They are already on the way to complete takeover, and no new conditions have occurred to deflect any of their moves. My Master Messages show the way to turn this around.

Ashtar commands a fleet of Master led, man contacting, demonstrators of divine calling, who are able to defend man's control of his cause when needed. No action of this nature is now being considered, because man has not become angry enough to defend himself against this complete takeover by the Illuminati. No cause to defend has been delivered to the Ashtar Command.  My dear ones. Apathy abounds. Clearing the apathy can alter this entire drama. As long as there is no change in the level of  concern about the current condition, no defense can be engaged on other dimensions to interfere. At this time, there is no new movement of energy towards reclaiming a God directed consciousness. This delivers empty messages to this bold group of defenders who are gathered together to deliver assistance. Can another consciousness be activated? Only if my chelas do it!

The Galactic Federation will not be delivering anyone to another planet. In the Master Messages, this was an option being planned. We were counting on a group ascension in three waves. Our first wave has already ascended in consciousness, but not their bodies. This was changed, to allow those who would have disappeared, to make more contributions to the next wave. Of the original twenty million, only a very small number was on that first wave, a mere 100,000. Not enough to attract sufficient attention for governments to notice.  Our new plan is to gather one million, our next gateway is coming before the end of 2011. Are you going to ascend? There's not much time to get ready. Commit to it now, and begin a very intense journey into a new awareness. After this date, no more demonstrations will be controlled by our realm. Only one at a time, at the moment of death, will be able to ascend. Most of the ten million contracted to be on this big demonstration wave are not ready.

"Acceptance of the way it is" does nothing for an awakening or ascension. An accepting man is a man who feels he has the ability to accept or reject. In awakened, God consciousness, there is neither acceptance or rejection. Ending duality consciousness is what leads to an awakening. Growth in "being a good human" is not an awakening. Only a God energized heart can destroy an ego's desire to control. True happiness is man's natural condition, not a way of reacting to his material world achievements.

Brothers and sisters, my goal here is not to scare you, or make you agree with me. It is to deliver new directions about man's ability to ascend, based on current conditions. Pleasing me is not my concern either. God dances in many areas of consciousness, and my dialogs are only one of them. Can my dense chelas get the message and do what is needed? Are you one of those who needs a big kick? Are you on track? Only you know the answer to these questions.

If you are building bunkers, you are being led by an alien deceiver. If you are anticipating being delivered to another planet, again, an alien deceiver has caught you. If you are believing that the abundance of money you desire is more important than meditation, get ready for a most disappointing combination of conditions that are coming very soon. If you are ok about death, you can ascend. If not, don't even consider yourself a candidate for ascension. An ascension to another dimension means a different energetic condition, and is not the same as continuing life in an astral, or 5th dimension  dream. It means NO dream. It is beyond dreaming. It is consciousness, as it really is.

As consciousness, no body called "me" is deciding about material concerns, because there are no bodies. Fear of death deletes an ascension. All your beliefs about death need direct attention. Are you going to die? Can consciousness die? No, you are eternal, and do not die, no matter what happens to a body. Ascension can delete a death experience, but the effect will be very much the same - with no body to bury or cremate. But your drama as a "person" will still be over.

Are you aware of this? Are you agreeing to this? No? Then there can be no group ascension. A bunch of bodies demanding a beautiful existence on another dimension is not what ascension is about. It dissolves the body as its molecular structure disappears. Are you afraid? Good! Get yourself very clear of this actual condition now. Get ready to leave Gaia, or make no commitment to ascension. Are the doors open? Not yet. Are you going to be one of those who takes the leap?

My channeling on this blog is not to amuse or entertain. It is to communicate the actual facts about ascension and the days to come. Ascension is the more conscious choice.

If you are now aware that you have fear, get this handled. Fear deletes all movement in consciousness. Fear contracts. Make believe scenarios are abundant. They are not accurate, but look desirable. Are you caught in the deception? An ego cannot choose about this. An adept must know!

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna


Views: 148

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for very good message !
A good Question from St. Germain !!
Ang, could you direct me to the Master Messages please? Are they here on this site or somewhere else to be found...I would very much like to read them.
Thank you for this post
I too would like to be directed to the Master Messages.
Thank you for the wake up!
I get these channelings from a blog site called Compte De St.Germain. The address is
I don't know if this helps-maybe we all need to google to try to find them because this message really hit home with my husband and I last night-it was an ah-ha moment. I hope this helps everyone! :)
Love to you all,
The only issue We have is "the Books-Maters Channelings" which are refferred to in the beginning of the channeling and how St.Germain makes no money from this but the "channeler" does. So, from our understanding must buy the books to get the messages-that is the only thing that bothers us-when money is involved it always seems to take away the authenticity of the message or healing. What do you think? Just a thought. :)Wonderful message but for the right reason?
After reading this I have to ask you: do you feel fear???

Fear is a bad counsellor ... we are nearing a point in time - 10:10:10 - which allows for TIME SHIFT - TIME SHIFT!!! Do you know wht that means? When you choose to dwell on fear and possibilities of Illuminati reigning our world and so on - which by the way is a simple fact and has been so for several hundred years now! - you are giving this version of the future ENERGY. You are feeding energy to whatever you turn your attention to, and I most strongly recommend NOT to give too much thought to the scenario described in the above channeling!

From my perspective this is exactly what it pretends NOT to be: a falso prophecy, a tool of the dark forces to distract you ...

"Ashtar commands a fleet of Master led, man contacting, demonstrators of divine calling, who are able to defend man's control of his cause when needed. No action of this nature is now being considered, because man has not become angry enough to defend himself against this complete takeover by the Illuminati."

Man has not become ANGRY enough to defend himself??? Well, I've never heard that being ANGRY helps in raising any defense - only LOVE can do that!!!

This channeling plays on your feelings. What is said about the Illuminati is true - has been true for quite a time already - BUT IT IS NOT OUR FUTURE!

On 10:10:10 - and the days before and after - it is of utmost importance to fosuc your attention only on LOVE, BEAUTY and all you long to manifest! The energy follows your attention and 10:10:10 is a crucial point in history to make a CHOICE: Where exactly do we want to go???

Be prepared to read more of this kind of channeling in the next few weeks: the dark forces are trying to get you. Will you allow them to distract you from what you really want?

PEACE is the goal I envision. PEACE for the planet and bounty for ALL! (Bounty for all does not mean to have more than you need - but not needing to fear that you do not have enough - and this is an important issue: for ALL humanity - North and South.)
I see the world using GREEN technology, I see Muslims and Christians living together as BROTHERS and SISTERS, I see LOVE in every single person ...

This is the vision I entertain - and the Illuminati will fall with no effort at all, if only we choose PEACE over War and LOVE over being angry ...

Blessings of Love, Light and PEACE to ALL,

Sonja Myriel

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day

Beloved one, throw off all of the old conditioning. All of you have come into this lifetime with old wounds, old baggage, old self-image that has been reinforced by the parents, by the peers, by your religious/philosophical teachings. But you have come to a certain place in your thinking that has said, “What if? What if all of those old teachings are just that—old teachings? Not truth, but just old ways of thinking. What if there might be another way to look at something so that I could feel excitement once again in my life? You are all wanting to feel excited about life once again and to feel that there is hope and there is reason for being.
I've just received this message:

Isis' Message of the Day -

Lower the stress level in mass-consciousness and increase World Harmony. Devote yourself diligently to unifying "all of humanity." You can create a formidable wave of positive energy in the world if you do not allow fear to drive your thoughts. Remember, what you fear you draw unto yourself. There is but "One family" on planet Earth and that is the Human Family. Celebrate diversity. Create a powerful new spirit of unity around the world with collective meditation on peace/harmony/unity it will be the key factor to turn the tide.

I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.

~ Lady of the Light ~
And yet another message which I have just encountered in my mail box and would like to draw your attention to: LIGHT GROUNDING: Making SPACE for EMPOWERED HUMANS - through Steve Rother:

Magnetic Emotions

This month the group gave us a very clear and strong signal that it was safe to move forward. The channel had a different energy, very direct and even a bit forceful. They said speak your mind in all things and let your voice be heard. It’s time for each of us to let our vibration out into the universe. The example they showed me was not only complaining when something was wrong, but also speaking your mind when something is right. Have we ever thought to write a note at the bottom of the electric bill that reads, “Thanks for doing a great job this month!” My first thought was that no one important will ever see that note. But the group quickly reminded me that it was not even important that any read it, only that I write it. Basically, they said that all of our vibrations will be felt more at this time.

They also mentioned an effect we will be feeling for years to come. In this channel they specifically spoke of forms of emotional instability that can be triggered by the magnetic fluxuations caused by the solar flares. They have mentioned this before in the Magnetics in Motion channel, but this time they gave us the figure of 76 hours after the flare. From the site I can tell you that it does not take that long for the magnetic wave to hit Earth after a solar flare. However, I think they meant this as the time it takes to destabilize our internal systems and for us to feel the effects. It does not happen to everyone, but right now is a time on Earth when a new vibration is beginning and anything out of synch with that vibration is coming to the surface. More relationships are experiencing stretches than ever before for that reason. It is a time to get right with YOU and be heard!

Have a great month!

Greetings from Home

To read the channeling, follow this link to our Tyberonn and Rother group:

Here's a brief quotation to illustrate the power of THOUGHTS - and the above channeling is indeed introducing a powerful thought into your system if you are open to it...

The energy of each thought merges with the energy of all the other thoughts you hold as truth. If the new thought successfully merges with your existing field, then the physical attraction process begins. This is the same way that you created your experience this morning when you first awoke and saw the sunlight as the first possibility of this day ...

Sometimes we are attracted by tragedy - choose LOVE instead and you will be astounded by the POWER you can experience thorugh this - lol!
You are right sister-very true-playing on fear and anger. It is so hard these days to pick through the good and bad messages you get you know. I sometimes don't read them because I don't trust them. How do we know when it is the ego or darkness?So at times I just avoid them and think positive.........this was great to get such a good conversation and us all thinking!My husband agrees as well!:)
I hope more read and see:)-the differences!
Thank You dear sister!
I love you!
I think avoiding channelings is quite a good idea sometimes - lol!

You see the difference in your energy system - your emotions tell you a lot - and if a channeling is not focussing on the POSITIVE sides of live - it re-inforces the dark ... mostly there is some truth interpsersed - thus, reading with your MIND usually does not help. the best parameter is that of how uplifting the channeling is :-)

BLESSINGS of LOVE and LIGHT to you, your husband and your kids, dear Angela :-)

Sonja Myriel
You are quite right sister! Blessings of Light to you and your family as well! We are all doing very well!I'm feeling 100% now!:)

Love you :-)



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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