lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Archangel Michael With Soho, A Rainbow Child: Dance of the Wind
Transmitted Through Elanthra
27 February ~ 3 March, 2012
Greetings One and All ~
This is Archangel Michael, coming to you on the latest ecstatic Wisps of Love Light.  Hopefully lately you have all had a chance to reflect into your past, present and future, and we would ask you all today, was there anything that you especially gained insight into that surprised you?  Did you enjoy the process?
Many of you have been experiencing ascension symptoms, such as upper back pain, crown chakra pressure, indigestion, frequent urination, etc., and I would like to advise that it too will pass.  Know that your bodies are assimilating the newest energies, turning from carbon-based into Crystalline.  You may also experience pleasant symptoms, such as feelings of glee or bliss, tingling, ringing in the ears, physical objects that transmute into picturesque messages from spirit, or you might even glance sparks of coloured light out of the side of your eye.
The latest energies will encourage you to get in touch with the magical, playful side of yourselves, your Inner Child per se, and I suggest that you all enjoy yourself and rise up in dance on ‘The Path of the Wind,’ as you soar into sublime magicality with The Rainbow Children!  Know that if you move the Rainbow Swirl through your chakras, that it will heal and renew them quite magnificently indeed!
We are ever here with you to accompany you on this ‘Simple Journey of the Heart,’ and know that you are ever deserving of experiencing much bountifulness and thriving in the blessed Magical Abundant Flow Of One.
It is with immense love, and on this note now that I ask that you all to take a deep breath.  If you so desire, please connect with your Highest Selves, as I would like to pre ~sent to you a square, dark brown ‘Wooden Picture Frame.’  Can you see the beckoning Horizontal Lines across the top of it’s border?  And if you trace the lines, you will see that another line follows in rippled suit above the other... and then the other in perfect symmetrical placement and mystical adornment.  Line above line ~ above line ~ above line ~ through line ~ through horizontal line until... and the lines traverse through and manifest into a ‘Bright Cheerful Wonderland’ ~ a joyous ‘Heavenly Playground.’
The Rainbow Children laugh and play gayfully, running around hopping and skipping, chasing each other in the light of the sun, and the ‘Jump Rope’ twirls rhythmically ~ so lightly and mystically.  We invite you to come skip inside the Jump Rope as it whirls and swirls ever so softly and peacefully ~ transporting One into magical splendour in a Gleeful Overtaking.
As One immerses themselves into the tranquil flow, One can feel One’s own heartbeat follow suit ~ playfully and blissfully in the Light of One.  One... and two twirl... and three twirl... As One follows the twirl ~ they are transported to the ‘Divine Windmill’ with the ‘Golden Diamond Heart of God’ affixed in it’s very center.  Know that the Windmill serves as a navigating source for the Crystalline Flow.  The center of the Diamond Heart of God now transmutes into a ‘Coiled Rainbow Vortex Portal’ that swirls counterclockwise, inviting attention.  We ask that One and All now stop and take a deep breath, and peer into, but not enter through the Eye of the Vortex.
As One is afforded this sacred moment, the hand of an ‘Elohim’ ~ so exquisite and delicate ~ hands down a ‘Fawn’ through the Eye of the Vortex.  Know that the Fawn Power Animal symbolizes gentleness, kindness, unconditional love, grace, and an ability to listen and appreciate beauty and balance; and let the Fawn also represent ‘Newness, Transformation, Evolution, openness, and the ability to leap and soar forwards in progressive bounds, ever-venturing towards a New Light and a New Dawn.
The ‘Universal Wizard’ ventures forth now with a wink and releases Crystalline Wisps that float down in feathery enchantment, blessing One and All and the Earth and Galaxy, even as it covers the ‘Goddess of Light.’
The Goddess of Light has now graced us ~ a beauteous vision to behold ~ her white chiffon frock free~flowing hypnotically in the wind’s soft caress, and swirling roundabout clockwise, before carrying out a splendid swirl of an anchoring into Mother Gaia.
As we continue along the Divine Vision ~ a delightful rainbow-coloured ‘Bunch of Flowers’ is handed to One, even as it rotates counterclockwise, before transmuting into a ’Light Beam.’  The middle of the Coiled Portal opens now and the ‘Elohim and Seraphim’ silently dance down.  Just to the left, over yonder, a wise ‘Owl’ (a Wisdom Keeper) greets One from the broad ‘Ancient Tree,’ and the head of the Owl is seen to transmute into a ‘Spinning Top’ which in turn anchors into beloved Mother Gaia.
The ‘Rainbow-coloured Birds’ sing melodically, oscillating counterclockwise before transmuting into ‘Musical Shakers,’ and the enriched ‘Golden Chalice’ floats forth now magically, rotating out of the Coiled Portal and across the Globe.
Soho, A Rainbow Child Speaks
Dear Beloveds ~
As you ventured through the Wooden Picture Frame, know that you have joined us in the ‘Land of Milk & Honey.’  This Land is a Crystalline Wonderland, where the Rainbow Children reside.  It is surreal ~ so real ~ sooo real indeed.
Know dear Ones that this has become part of your New Crystalline Earth, and possesses fifth dimensional heavenly vibrations and higher.  I AM Soho, a leader of sorts here in this Land, and I have a few pointers to relay.
In brief, We The Rainbow Children have already relayed to you that we are now part of your Earth, and have been born into every persuasion, from your Artists to your Scientists, and hopefully we will be your future Politicians.  What is important to us is ‘Integrity and Peaceful Co-existence.’  Why are we here? ~ to “Revolutionalize the New Generation!”
Each Crystalline or Rainbow Child will possess special abilities or gifts, for example, most of your children will be in tune with the tides, and will be able to navigate and commune with the waves of the water, as well as your dolphins, whales ~ the cetaceans per se.
Our Crystalline systems are like byways of flow, and as you know, our bodies are largely water.  We will be in tune with the interplanetary systems and galaxies; it is natural for us to attune to the galaxies and star systems that flow through our chakras, as do most of you.
The wind seduces you with it’s dance, the sun sooths you with it’s warm rays, the skies woo you with vibrant and soft pastel hues, and the sand caresses your toes as it smoothly trickles through their terrain, causing you to swoon.  There are countless enjoyable ways to attune oneself to nature.
If you take one thing away with you today, we, The Rainbow Children, here in the Land of Milk and Honey, would like you to know that you can and will experience the things we do today as our world coalesces with your world; and know that the changes have begun.  It is instrumental for you to know that the changes will begin with each of you, in your hearts.
Listen and observe every child, and know that they will bestow upon you ‘Precious Gifts Of Simple Wisdom,’ and sometimes the sound you hear will be the ‘Sound of Silence;’ it can be quite fulfilling!
Our love pours forth today on the Path of the Wind.  We would have you know that this New Wave will exhilarate you with a soft, peaceful and tender sense of breathtaking BE~ing, that will be quite magical.  Our love when spiralled through you will calm, renew and heal you, and transport you, and cause you to soar to splendid heights of awakening, awareness, loving and compassion.
We are ever here beneath the ‘Violet Skies,’ and if you listen, you can hear our voices rise up in song as we dance on the Path of the Wind.  Now that we’ve made your acquaintance ~ we urge you to visit us often, and come visit the sacred ‘Tree of Exuberance’ and ride on the captivating ‘Flowered Musical Carousel.’  But mostly you will recognize us, and it will be crystal clear and delightful if you peer into the eyes of many a newborn babe.
May our rainbow love sooth, encompass and transcend you now and forevermore.
We take our leave, if only for this moment.  We will come again. 
Watch for us.
Blessed be.  As above so below, and so it is. 
Magically and playfully yours,
I AM, Soho for The Rainbow Children,
I AM, Archangel Michael
Universal Copyright ©2012 – Elanthra, Live with Light – Please feel free to duplicate and distribute, provided that this channeling is duplicated in it’s entirety, nothing is altered in any way, all links are included, and no money is exchanged.

Elanthra is an Indigo, Crystalline Walk-In Healer and Energy Anchorer from the Omniverse, dedicated to service in a creative and playful manner.  She is especially passionate about all the "New Children." *
* Website: *  E-mail:   *    

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Thank you so much for the heads up, dear gino :-)


Sonja Myriel




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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