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Wisdom From The Ascended Masters
 A Dialog Via The
Akashic Records

a message from Akashic
channeled by Michelle
Thursday, 5 August,
2010  (posted 6 August,
wisdom can you offer to those who are struggling on their spiritual

Dear Ones, it is a time of great
learning and accelerated growth. Each of you chose to incarnate at this time,
knowing that the path would be filled with many spiritual lessons and tests for
each of you. Do not despair, as you have all the spiritual gifts available to
you to assist you on your journey. As you incarnated you asked for and were
given, the appropriate spiritual gifts to assist you in your transformation.
You must go into meditation and ask for your spiritual gifts to be activated,
to be made aware to you and you must begin to use theses spiritual gifts to
assist you. Every soul on this planet has spiritual gifts available to
You must hold your determination at the
forefront. You must use discrimination and you must continue to trust that you
are up to this challenge that is before you. When you look back upon this
lifetime, you will see it as a most blessed gift, the lifetime that you had
been waiting for, for eons. This is it, and the challenges are great. In the
human realm you say to each other, ‘that which is worth having is worth working
for” and “what is worth having most is what you must work the hardest
Sometimes the spiritual path requires
you to release, as much as it requires you to work hard. The hard work you will
be required to do, comes to you in the form of educating yourself, as to the
nuts and bolts of what is required to raise your consciousness. You must do the
work to stay within your heart center each Now Moment, which requires the
diligence of noticing your thoughts each moment. There is the work which is
required of you, of learning how to follow the straight and narrow path, of
always making the highest choices of the Master. You must ask yourself in each
moment, if the choices you are making and the thoughts you are thinking are the
thoughts, actions, and choices of a Master. As you raise your consciousness,
much is expected, as much is given. You are expected to live in impeccability,
as a Master. Do not despair, Dear Ones, you have not been given more than you
can handle.
The process of releasing the old outworn
vibrations which no longer serve you will greatly assist you, as you raise your
consciousness. Releasing the low vibrations will make way for the new and
higher vibrations, which will allow you to come into the peace and harmony, and
the love and the joy, which you are seeking to be.
Meditate when you are in despair, when
your trails and struggles seem so great. Meditate and ask to connect to the
Ascended Masters and the angels whom you resonate with. We are here to assist
you and we will help you in the moment to return to the love of your Sacred
Heart, if you will connect with us. Ask us to give you a shower of light and
love. This will greatly assist you to return to the love of your Sacred Heart.
Feel our love, and you will return to balance and harmony within your heart.
Allow us to assist you. Allow the company of the heavens to assist you. You are
never alone and we will assist you to the greatest extent allowed by Cosmic
Law. Bask in the vibrations of the Ascended Masters and feel the love and
support offered to you. You will greatly enhance your journey and you will move
forward more easily and gracefully upon your spiritual path which you have
How do we come to the place of
total surrender to God?
Beloved Ones, you must have a clear
knowing of what it is you desire, and your desire must be that which is for
your highest good and for the highest good of all. You must be very clear about
what it is that you desire. Many of you vacillate from one moment to the next
and you are not at all clear about what it is you choose to create. God is most
desirous of fulfilling all your dreams and desires, as God knows no lack and
limitation. This is the human condition which you have experienced in the third
dimensional reality. You are the God Source, so you too, are limitless, having
every experience available to you which you choose to experience for your
highest good and the highest good of all.
Be in meditation and breathe deeply and
ponder upon the expansiveness and the limitlessness of God, of you, of all
Creation. Blend your consciousness, your physicality, and your total and
complete awareness in this deep, deep knowing of all Creation. This is you,
Dear Ones. Feel this. Incorporate it into your very Beingness. For you are all
Creation. Draw this substance of all Creation into your physical body, your
mental and emotional bodies, and fill your heart with the love of the Creator,
this unconditional love of Source. Meditate upon this often, and each time you
do so, surrender to this unconditional love of all creation, surrender to the
God Source. It is you. Surrender to this knowing. Surrender and allow this life
force to flow through you unimpeded. This, Dear Ones, is the surrender you are
asking for and in this moment you may surrender your desire and dreams to the
God Source, to all Creation, and know that you are in alignment with all
Creation, as you have asked for your dreams and desires to be for your highest
good and the highest good of all Creation. As you are in the universal flow of
life force substance, you are in the flow of abundance, love, joy, peace and
harmony and the fulfillment of your desires.
How do we find the place of
trust and faith?
Trust and faith is a byproduct of raised
consciousness. As you begin to let go of that which no longer serves you, you
come into the awareness that there is no separation, there is only One Mind,
One Heart, and that is the mind and heart of God and it is the mind and heart
of you. As you begin to understand, and know this truth, you develop the wisdom
of the knowing and along with this wisdom, comes the ability to trust and have
faith that you are One with the God Mind and One with the God Heart. All that
God knows and experiences is yours for the asking. God knows only light without
needing to know darkness. There becomes trust and knowing and faith that this
experience is available to you also, as you are God.
How do we “let go and let
Breathe Dear Ones, with the conscious
intention of letting go of all that no longer serves your highest good. Breathe
with the intention of filling yourselves with the vibration of the All That Is.
There is no need to hold tightly to all that you desire in the human realm. The
All That Is knows all your dreams and desires and there is no room for lack and
limitation within the All That Is. Fill yourselves with the All That Is,
breathe it in, breathe and breathe continually. Breath in the prana, the elixir
of life and you will have no room for the lower vibrations which limit you and
block your manifestation of your dreams and desires. Fill yourselves with the
All That Is, Dear Ones. It is so simple yet most do not understand how vital is
the process of deep breathing, and how this fills your very Being with the God
Source. You have “let go and let God”, when you fill each Now Moment in this
What other wisdom would you like
to offer at this time?
Dear Ones, release the old patterns of
low self worth. You are the God Source and the Divine Mind. The Divine Mind
knows only unconditional love, as the Divine Mind is unconditional love. You
are the Divine Mind. Feel it, breathe it, Be it. And fill your moments with
this unconditional love. Feel this love in meditation and every moment as you
breathe. Know that this love is you, and fill yourselves with this love, be
this love and fill your field with this love. Look in the mirror every day and
see the beautiful Being that you are, and love yourself as you look at your
reflection in the mirror. Love the beautiful physical body which is your vessel
which you have chosen for this lifetime. It has served you well and will
continue to serve you well if you will shower it with love and take care of it
as befitting of a Divine vessel of God.
Love yourselves, Dear Ones, and as you
do, you will radiate this love outward to the earth and humanity and all life
forms. You will be filled to overflowing with love, and your life will be
filled with abundance and miracles and you will have a bounty of love to share
with all those around you. You will not only greatly assist yourselves in the
transformation you desire, but you will greatly assist the earth and all life
forms in this great shift of the ages.
We are the Ascended Masters.
Call on us, Dear Ones. We are here to assist you in this time of


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Thank you.
I feel so loved... it is wonderful to be here at this time...We are all truely blessed... Thank you Ascended Masters for your Love, we love you dearly.... Thank you Sonja for this beautiful message...I send you Love and Light...Blessings
Right back to you, dear Amparo :-)



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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