lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Keep That Inner Smile In Your Heart When...&...Taking Action By Suzanne Giesseman...&...A Vision for Joy & Delight...&..The Practice Of Giving Silent Gifts ... & ... How Gratitude Can Change Your Life

Keep That Inner Smile In Your Heart When.....

  • When you observe your past with Love, no matter how bad it has been
  • When you see the other with the Divine Wisdom of the heart. Put yourself in the other's place and understand him instead of judging him.
  • When every moment is bringing more Divine Love & Wisdom into your life - no matter what your experience is.
  • When you thank everything you have at the moment from your heart.
  • When you stop asking and dedicate yourself to giving.
  • When you fill your mind and heart with the Light of God.
  • When you enjoy today, and stop worrying about tomorrow.
  • When you see your sunrise as a blessing
  • When your emotions are Golden/White Stars in your body and you don't have thorns of pain.
  • When you calm your mind and give way to your intuition. You look inside you for the answer and not outside of you.
  • When you hear what your heart wants to tell you.
  • When you become aware that what you do to the other you do to yourself.
  • When you believe that miracles can be created through your prayers.
  • When in your thinking there is only one goal to meet... And that's loving. Let yourself feel the Love of your Soul, and the Love of Father/Mother/God.

Author unknown

Love and Light,


Video Link: New Moon Message For You -






Taking Action By Suzanne Giesseman


Do not sit and wait for your dreams to manifest. Yes, you are creating them with your intentions, but part of the process is taking action as guided. This is a crucial aspect of manifestation … being guided. Tune in to the energy-information available to you at all times and ask from the heart, “What is the best next step for me now? Lead me. Guide me, please.” And then act … not as a lone manifester of miracles, but one who acknowledges that co-creation is the miracle, itself.

You are so very loved.


Video Link: A New Vision For 2025 -




Intenders of the Highest Good present The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Joy and Delight


The following Vision comes to us from David Diamond in New Jersey and it is one of the most beautiful Visions we've ever received. Thanks to you David for sharing your heart with us!

David says:

I create reality with my Thoughts, my Images, and, perhaps most potently, with my Feelings. I envision a world of Joy and Happiness. I feel the freshness and vitality of the moist, green grasses. My spirit is elevated by the colors and fragrances of rolling hills of brilliant flowers, shimmering in the sunlight. I feel warmth and love from the sun, and refreshing energy freely given to me by the trees. I feel as if I, and all of the beings on this planet, are an energy bridge connecting the Earth and the Heavens in sacred marriage.

I feel the delight of children singing and dancing in scintillating rainbow sprays of water and mist. I feel the love of my fellow humans, and the love of all beings, freely giving to each other, filled with awe and gratitude for the endless abundance of everything that we could possibly need. There is so much Joy, Delight and Love, that I can barely contain it. So I just let it wash over me and flow through me.

People are nurturing people. People are caring for the animals, plants, minerals and waters of the Earth. They, in turn, are returning the love, many times over.

There is a natural flow in this World of Joy and Delight, and we all flow with it, accomplishing whatever we want, effortlessly.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the "YES!" Button below.
Yes! I Align with this Vision. 
Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.


Video Link: Special Livestream For The New Year - Yogananda's Self Realization Fellowship -


The Practice Of Giving Silent Gifts

Look for a public place, such as a square, a park, a station, and place yourself in a place that allows you to observe walkers discreetly.


Let yourself be carried away by your heart, letting your heart felt intuition choose the people to whom you will make your anonymous and silent gift.
When you see someone affected by an ailment pass by, send them Divine Blessings for good health in your thoughts.
If you see a dejected and sad person pass by, send them Divine Blessings of peace and joy.
If you see a crying child, send them Divine Blessings of Divine Happiness with a beautiful future.
If you see someone with a harsh and angry gesture, send them Divine Blessings of love and forgiveness with the Violet Flames.
If you see someone in need, send them Divine Blessings 0f prosperity and abundance in their life.
And do so, with all the people who cross your path.
Become each of them into your heart for a few moments, wish them the best and send them blessings.
You may never see any of these people again.
It's okay that it's like that; you don't need any confirmation, love is never imposed, it is simply offered to whoever has to receive it.
Be Love.
Sometimes doing good does not imply that we do too complicated acts, with our conscious and focused thinking, even in silence, we can deliver our Light and give our Love to the world.
A thousand blessings, light and love for all,

Video Link: Divine Healing By Patricia Cota-Robles



How Gratitude Can Change Your Life

► 1. The more you are in a state with the divine energy of gratitude, the more you will attract thing to be thankful for

• Be grateful for what you have, and you'll end up having more.

• Focus on what you don't have, and you'll never have enough.

► 2. Being happy will not always make you grateful, but being grateful will always make you happy

• It is almost impossible to appreciate a moment sincerely and be frowning at the same time.

• Being happy now doesn't mean you don't want more, it means you are grateful for what you have and patient for what is yet to come.

► 3. Gratitude fosters true forgiveness, which is when you can sincerely say, "Thank you for this experience. "

• There is no point in condemning or regretting an important life lesson.

• Gratitude brings meaning to yesterday, peace for today, and creates a positive vision for tomorrow.

► 4. You never need more than what you have at one given moment

• It has been said that the highest form of prayer is to give thanks. Instead of praying "for" things, be thankful for what you already have.

• When life gives you every reason to be negative, think of one good reason to be positive. There is always something to be thankful for.

► 5. Gratitude includes it all

• Good days give you happiness & bad days give you wisdom. Both of them are essential

• Because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude. This is especially true in your relationships. We meet ordinary people in our lives; but if you give them a chance, they all have something important to teach you.

► 6. What you have to be grateful for in the present, changes it

• Be thankful for everything you have now, because you never know what will happen next. What you have will eventually be what you had.

• Life changes every day, and your blessings will gradually change with it.

► 7. A grateful mind never takes things for granted

• What separates privilege from benefit is gratitude.

• The circumstance (or person) you take for granted today may just be the only one you need tomorrow.

► 8. As you express your gratitude, remember that the greatest appreciation is not simply uttering words, but living them daily

• What matters most is not what you say, but how you live.

• It's not enough to say, show it. Promise is not enough, prove it.

► 9. Gratitude includes giving back

• In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we almost don't realize that we receive much more than we give, and life cannot be rich without this gratitude.

• It is so easy to overestimate the importance of our own achievements in comparison with what we have with the help of others.

► 10. The greatest tribute to people and circumstances you have lost is not sadness, but gratitude

• Just because something didn't last forever, doesn't mean it wasn't the greatest gift you could imagine.

• Be grateful that your paths crossed and that you have had the opportunity to experience something wonderful.

► 11. To be truly grateful you must truly be present.

• Count the blessings in your life, and start with the breath you are doing now.

• We often forget that the greatest miracle is not walking on water; the greatest miracle is walking on green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment, appreciating it and feeling completely alive.

► 12. Letting go of control multiplies the potential for gratitude

• Sometimes, we invest too much strength trying to control every aspect of our lives that we completely lose ourselves along the way.

• Learn to let go, relax a little and take the path that life takes you sometimes. Try something new, be fearless, but most of all do your best and be good with it. Letting go of unnecessary expectations allows you to truly experience the unexpected. And the greatest joys in life are often the unexpected surprises and opportunities you never foreseen.



Author Unknown

Love and Light,


Video Link: Embrace Christ Consciousness & Divine Light


Views: 44


Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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