lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

WE ARE BORN TO LOVE - Eileen Zizecli-Coleman

9th April 2015

I played some Dolphin music as I prepared to mediate and am bringing the golden energy down through my crown chakra, flooding every atom of my being, healing and transforming by flushing away all negativity.

I Am pure, I Am holy, I Am whole . . . I Am healed of all afflictions of body mind and spirit. May God’s presence be ever close and may I walk in Light and Love forever more. I see the golden strands of energy flowing down to my feet and going deep down into Mother Earth as I weave that  golden web of Light around the globe, a golden Love and energy that’s surpasses all understanding. I’m now bringing that energy back up and out into the cosmos . . . thank you my friends for being close by, thank you for your Love as I send my Love you and ask that you draw closer to me this morning. As I call to you I can feel already your touch upon my forehead and I thank you, I thank you with all my heart and soul. I endeavour to strive for that lightness and that happiness within my soul, to sing and laugh and be happy, raising my vibrations and those around me. I bring my attention back to the heart centre and wait dear friends for you to join me once more upon the Earth plane. I drifted off and heard the sound of voices echoing in caves where the dolphins were playing.

We welcome you back to join us in our frolicking . . . in our laughter . . . in our Love for the human race. We welcome you to swim alongside us in one of your many forms!

I can feel my skin rubbing against another dolphin as if we are the same.

We are born to Love one another in the truest sense and yes we do come from a different frequency but one we can manage quite well in these conditions. We have known for many centuries that we would meet in this way, amalgamating and blending our energies to become one with you once more.

I can see lots of golden shapes against deep purple here, although these are not dolphins, the shapes look more crab like or perhaps they are big spiders.


There are many forms of Love, many shapes and sizes all built by the same architect . . . the Great I AM presence that evolves creation as part of the great mighty plan. And this we promise you – we will inform you of measures to be taken as we tread upon this planet with nimble feet, expressing our hopes and desires for the nation. We are wholly uplifted by your aspirations to enter our world of loving bliss and we come down to your level to help you aspire to our conditions, so all may experience the Joy and the Love that is here with us now. We have overly developed your sensitivity so that you may join us and come among us to be heard and seen on every vibrational level.

We accept that all is not as it seems to be and we actuate a remarkable recovery into your dimension to help you reclaim that part of you, which is golden in every sense and ‘beauties’ has become a phrase that is used a lot about our world to describe a frequency that radiates a most joyous connection. We unfold the vastness of the great universal plan that is coming to fruition even as we speak and we hold you back from the brink until you are ready to understand that there is so much more to come that will help to keep you on an even keel, broadcasting our messages to one and all. And we shall come among you and be seen; we shall open your eyes to all that is, to all that you have been shielded from, to all you have been held back from. We are those Divine aspirations within your breast to continue your work (there was a knock on the table at this point) and we believe, with our help, you will pull through to continue your mission on Earth, resplendent in your glowing colours of every hue.

I’m feeling quite tearful now as the gold and purple become more vibrant and I’m sensing someone on bended knee, taking my hand and kissing it. At the end here I can see a golden spider against a deep purple background and drifted off.

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Comment by Myriel RAouine on April 9, 2015 at 10:44pm

THANK YOU so much for sharing, dear siSTAR Eileen!!!

The Spider Web of LIFE comes to mind after reading the full article to the last line:

 At the end here I can see a golden spider against a deep purple background and drifted off.

The Goddess Speaks ...

by Spider - Taino Ti, author of 
Moonlodge Dreams and Songs of Bleeding

by Taino Ti (I share the Spirit of the Earth with you)

When the Universe was still so dark that not even shadows could be seen in the night, Grandmother Spider sat in her web in the Sky World, waiting and watching. No one knows how old Grandmother Spider is, or how long she sat waiting for the Universal Mind to awaken. But, every Creature Being who has ever lived knows her song and dance as the weaver of the Web of Life.

From her web, Grandmother Spider observed the first thoughts as the Universal Mind awakened from the dream. Seven energy beings floated out from the shining light in the center of the Universal Mind and solidified into bright, shining stars who went out to take their places in the Sky World. Grandmother Spider took a very deep breath and softly began to sing her weaving song while she danced across the Sky. As she spun her thread, Grandmother Spider envisioned the Web of Life. Within moments, she had woven her web connecting the seven stars and creating the Spirit Doorway through which all of the rest of life would enter.Art by Lyndia Radice

The seven stars reflected the spectrum of all colors within their glow. Dancing with the colored light, shadows came into being as the darkness took form. More thoughts flowed from the Universal Mind, entered through the Doorway of the Seven Stars, and took their places in the Sky World. These became more stars, suns and planets. Then, many other thoughts entered the Universe, each one taking a specific place according to the universal dream of harmony.

Each thought was a spirit essence who dreamed an individual dream for manifesting life. Grandmother Spider spun her web around each new energy being and the Universal Web of Life shimmered in the reflection of Great Mystery's light.

Singing her song and weaving the Web of Life, Grandmother Spider continued with her work. The Sky World filled with light and life as her creative process unfolded. As the stars, suns and planets prepared to give birth to their children, Grandmother Spider spun her cord even longer, so that all of the newly born could be included in the Web of Life. Grandmother Spider continues to weave the Web of Life throughout every cycle of creation.

All life everywhere in the Universe is connected by the Web of Life. We are not separate beings. We are each a part of the Great Mystery, manifesting as an individual awareness in a separate physical body, but sharing the same energy as all other life. The energy web is anchored within our center and is our connection to the Great Mystery.

Along with Grandmother Spider's web cord, we carry within our center our dream for living that includes a promise and a purpose. Before we came into the Earthwalk, we chose the gifts and talents that help us create the reality that we envisioned. We also chose the lessons and challenges that motivate our learning and growth.

Our dream for living carries a specific vibration of sound and color that guides our spirit essence in it's flight from the Universal Mind, through the Sacred Cave, and into the womb of our physical mother. During our Earthwalk, we live our choices and lessons, and develop our talents and gifts, as we meet each situation and challenge of our growth. We must remember our purpose and promise and focus our life in this direction if we are to be happy and fulfilled.

Art by Lyndia RadiceGrandmother Spider weaves the Web of Life around us when our spirit essence enters its physical body inside the womb of our mother. From feet to head, our spirit essence is woven together with our physical body as Grandmother Spider sings her weaving song to us.

When she completes her weaving, Grandmother Spider does not cut the cord, but leaves an energy trail with her weft thread that goes out from our center to connect with the next Creature Being that will enter the Web of Life.

The gift of Grandmother Spider is the personal energy web that we walk with throughout our entire life. This energy web allows our spirit essence to experience our senses, emotional feelings and physical pain and pleasures. This connection also allows our physical body to develop an intuitive perception of Universal Wisdom. Through the web, we can work with energy for creativity and healing. Our personal energy web maintains our connection to the Web of Life and the Great Mystery. This gift of Grandmother Spider insures that we are never alone, for through it we always share the love of All Our Relations.

Our energy web surrounds our physical body, enveloping it with a vibrating energy that is our personal rhythm. Our energy web is connected to our physical body through energy centers that are the communication channels between our physical body and spirit essence. Our mind is the link between body and spirit essence, interpreting and directing the flow of energy back and fourth. Breathing and movement enables our body to direct energy and our thoughts to affect our physical health. To live in comfort, we need to maintain a balance of body, mind and spirit within our personal energy web.

Grandmother Spider is always busy with her work, as the creation of life is happening at every moment. After connecting each Creature Being within her vibrating threads, Grandmother Spider goes on to the next, spinning out a continuous cord in her never ending dance. A Creature Being enters the Earthwalk, then a Plant Person, a Stone Person, a Water Person, a Four-Legged, a Two-Legged, and on and on. For each of these, Grandmother Spider weaves a personal energy web and extends her cord out from this Creature's center to continue on with the weaving of the Web of Life.

The Web of Life is a beautiful braid that holds the energy of all life together. Grandmother Spider's dance of spinning and weaving continues indefinitely, as new patterns within the web are being woven every moment when each new life enters the Earthwalk.

At the other end of Grandmother Spider's tapestry, the web is always unraveling, as every spirit essence travels back through the doorway of the Sacred Cave to the Spirit World when life is complete.

All life shares an equal place within the Web of Life. The gifts and contributions of each and every Creature Being are very important for the survival of MotherEarth. Each Creature Being, in following through with the performance of their specific life task, affects the welfare of all the other Creature Beings in the web. Without the benefit of even one Creature's work, the Web of Life would lack the energy of wholeness necessary for the circle of life's cycles to continue on with their rhythm.

© Spider 2000, an excerpt from Grandmother Spider And The Web Of Life

by Spider - Taino Ti, author of 
Moonlodge Dreams and Songs of Bleeding

Comment by Steve Hutchinson on April 9, 2015 at 10:48pm

Thank you so much Eileen for sharing your beautiful experiences in meditation....and thank you Sonja for sharing this with everyone.

Blessings of Love & Light,


Comment by Myriel RAouine on April 9, 2015 at 10:56pm

For you, Steve :-)

Comment by Ishema, Carol Suchecki on April 10, 2015 at 2:06am

Thank you both for such beautiful messages,



Comment by Myriel RAouine on April 10, 2015 at 8:02am

I would like to interlink your post with Lina's, Eileen - LOVe is in the AIR :-)

Love isn’t about finding the criteria we think we need in another person.

Love is more than our list of what we want.

Comment by Eileen Coleman on April 10, 2015 at 9:31am

Myriel thank you so much for posting these together . . .  Spider/Katie there are tears in  my eyes as I read your words 'The Webb of Life' how blessed we all are. 

Comment by Myriel RAouine on April 10, 2015 at 9:51am

Yeah - many have forgotten about the original myths of the Spider and the Web of Life ... fear has replaced the original wisdom. But it is of exquisite importance to re-MEMBER!!!

As I forgot to post the direct link - here it is, in gratitude to Taino Ti

And then I would like to share another link explicitly here - which is included in the above article, anyway, but it has helped me a LOT to re-MEMBER again ... so here it is:

The Goddess is Alive in Every Woman

 The True Story of How She Came to Be, How She Disappeared, and How...

Comment by Melvin "Yahweh" M. Lusterio on April 10, 2015 at 12:10pm

The Good Force be with you!

Nice posts, Myriel & Eileen! Thanks for sharing & keep it up!

Yes, indeed, Love is a many splendored thing surrounded by many beautiful angels!

Live forever & prosper! Alleluia! Amen! <3 O:) * (Y)


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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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