lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light


Forgiveness - absolutely essential on the spiritual path

Forgiveness - forgiveness of others and forgiveness of self - is absolutely essential if we are to

progress spiritually. Along life's path we all encounter situations that hurt us and cause us pain. It

can be difficult or seemingly impossible to forgive the ones who have caused us such pain or

committed heinous acts against us. Many of these situations strongly engage our emotions and

energies, which in turn creates an energy matrix (pattern). Although unseen, these matrices are

every bit as real as any physical object on earth and will stay intact until the situation is resolved or

the energies transmuted. This locks some of our energy in the past, many times to our own

detriment. The past is dead and gone, and yet we keep the past "alive" by our non-resolution of the

matter. At best, it sits there and festers. If we continue to bring up these situations and go over and

over them in our minds, we feed the energy matrix and cause it to grow stronger. By the Universal

Law of Attraction, this in turn attracts like energy to us based on what we are outputting emotionally

concerning the incident. If we are angry, anger returns to us, multiplying and fueling the original

energy output. This energy can affect us on the physical, emotional and mental levels. The nonresolution

of the issue continues to link us to the situation and karmically binds us to any others

involved until the situation is resolved - in this lifetime or another.

***Key point: Until we truly forgive someone or something, we are bound to that situation or



...where there is not love that can forgive, there is little or nothing that can be done for the

individual. The one who will not forgive another or himself out of pride or some other condition of

consciousness simply has bound himself hand and foot, and he is bound from head to toe. He

cannot step forward or backward or to the right or to the left...Lord Lanto (Vol. 35, No. 47)


Forgiveness of self may be the most difficult of all

The other aspect of forgiveness - the forgiveness of oneself - can prove to be the most difficult of all.

We can be our own worst enemies, going over and over all our misdeeds and wrongs we have

committed. Many times as a result of the non-forgiveness of self, we subconsciously end up

sabotaging things in our lives as punishment. The Masters tell us that holding back forgiving

ourselves involves pride since God has already forgiven us for whatever we have done. If that is

true, than we are placing ourselves above God when we don't forgive ourselves.

The absolute need to forgive others as well as ourselves makes the initiation of forgiveness one of

the most challenging on the Path.

Our own forgiveness is limited by our non-forgiveness of others

Another very important aspect of non-forgiveness is explained by Saint Germain, where he brings

up the fact that when we withhold forgiveness, we limit the amount of forgiveness we can receive

for any and all karma:


"If there is any part of life whom you have not forgiven for any wrong (committed) against you, real

or imagined, you limit by that very resentment, by that very withholding of forgiveness, the amount

of forgiveness you can receive for any and all karma. Thus, it is true that the violet flame will not

transmute in you what you have not forgiven in others."...Saint Germain (Vol. 31, No. 72)*


Forgive and Forget?

Sometimes we are told we must "forgive and forget". In truly forgiving someone or something, we

do not forget the incident - that would be impossible. However, we do Let It Go. Many times, the

ego wants the other to be punished or see justice prevail before they'll truly forgive and let go. As

the Masters teach us, we need to leave justice to God and His Laws, which are exacting. Lord

Lanto states that forgiveness is "sending mercy on the just and unjust and allowing God to mete out

Divine Justice."

Knowing and understanding the Law of Karma (also known as the Law of Cause and Effect) is very

helpful in letting go. It states that for every action there will be an equal and opposite reaction;

which means that if we give happiness, we will receive happiness in return and if we give sorrow,

we will receive sorrow in return. In other words, "as you sow, so shall you reap". The Law of Karma

is indisputable and unerring. Thus we may know that Divine Justice will prevail.

How do we forgive and let go?

So how do we go about this process of forgiveness and letting go? This can be particularly hard if

we have been involved in a traumatic situation. First of all, we need to understand that there is a

part of the self that is responsible for these types of acts. It is known as the "enemy within" and has

been called many names throughout the centuries - the "dweller on the threshold", the anti-self, the

not self, etc. Everything which conflicts with good is an operation of the Dweller, which prevents us

from taking actions which would be better ones. What is the Dweller? It is said to be the enemy of

our souls - a giant force of accumulated evil and wrongdoings from all our past lives - the hideous

part of self that we would rather not look at. We must eventually face our old "selves" and conquer

this force by meeting and passing over the threshold of accumulated evil from the past. (See

chapter - "Defeating the Enemy Within")

Understanding that there is this Dweller within was a major key for me personally in finally being

able to forgive and release things. It allowed me to see that there is a part that can be judged,

condemned and not forgiven, while at the same time the soul can be forgiven. Many on a spiritual

path understand the need for forgiveness but fall short of being able to do so because they have

the false concept that by forgiving they are excusing the offender for his behavior. They do not

understand that forgiveness of the soul is a two stage process - forgiving on one hand but lawful

judgment and justice on the other. Here is this wonderful teaching of Mother's (the Messenger -

Elizabeth Clare Prophet):

The Messenger's Key to Forgiveness:

"If you find it hard to forgive others for wrongs committed against you, understand that it is the soul

you are forgiving, not the dweller-on-the-threshold. You can make fierce calls for the binding and

judgment of the dweller - the portion of the self that is evil, that is not of God and that is not to be

forgiven. Then turn your attention to the soul.

"The soul may be impure and have all sorts of imperfections, but it still has the potential to one day

realize God. Therefore, no matter how bad a person's deeds are, you can call upon the law of

forgiveness for the soul. You should call to Astrea to encircle the soul and to liberate it from

negative momentums of psychology and past records that have caused the soul to sin. Ask for the

soul to be cut free by the angels and to be taken into the retreats of the Brotherhood to be tutored.

"As you give the violet flame, pray for the soul to make a turnaround, to be converted by the Holy

Spirit and to come into the service of God. You can give your calls for forgiveness and for the

binding of the dweller-on-the threshold for a certain period of time, such as fourteen days. Then

turn over the soul and the entire matter to Archangel Michael and the will of God. When your inner

work is done, you can know with absolute certainty, that in God's own time and way, justice will be

meted out and the soul will be assisted and given new opportunity according to God's will. When

you call for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold of someone who has wronged you but

forgive the soul, both divine justice and mercy are satisfied and you yourself can be cut free from

any sense of injustice or anger that would tie you to that one."

Set the "Forgiveness Blueprint"

Some of our issues of non-forgiveness may involve incidents that happened years ago and the

matrix we have established by going over and over these situations in our minds can be very

powerful. At times, we can even become addicted to the pain and suffering we feel when reliving

these events. That is why it is necessary to set a new matrix - a "Forgiveness Blueprint" by having

the clear intention and commitment to resolve the situation by forgiveness. This commitment must

come from the core of our beings - from our hearts. Once we COMMIT from our hearts and state

our clear intention to forgive, the power of that energy will begin to undo and shatter the old matrix

while at the same time establishing a new blueprint for forgiving.


"Sooner or later you must decide that you will have your victory over Death and Hell. Whether it is

now or in ten thousand years, YOU must make that decision. You must right all wrongs, seek

forgiveness from all whom you have wronged and surely pour forgiveness without end upon all

who have ever wronged you." ... Mother Mary


Developing a Merciful Heart

Saint Germain states that one of the most important gains we can make is to develop a "true and

profound heart of mercy." A merciful heart will give us a deeper sense and a deeper ability to fully

forgive. Daily calls and decrees to the Goddess of Mercy, Kuan Yin, can greatly aid us in

developing more mercy and the ability to forgive. She tells us that, "it is necessary for you to forgive

and to forgive daily" and relates why people need forgiveness:


"I will tell you why they need forgiveness. It is because people make mistakes. Is there anyone on

earth who has not made a mistake, a great mistake or a small mistake?...Be there...then, with mercy

- mercy as enlightenment and understanding, mercy as caring, mercy as assisting another to bear

his burden. Let mercy increase because you have looked within and seen that you are also frail,

that you are also human"...Kuan Yin (Vol. 36, No. 24)*


"....others have gained a merciful heart simply out of gratitude of experiencing just what the violet

flame and God in that violet flame has been doing for them"...Saint Germain (Vol. 31, No. 72)*

The Violet Flame - the "Flame of Forgiveness"

Behind our inability to forgive may be conditions such as hardness of heart, resentment, even envy

and pride that causes us to withhold the full cup of forgiveness. The key to transmuting the

energies of these situations is the violet flame, which has been dubbed the "forgiveness flame".

The power of the violet flame cannot be emphasized enough. The violet flame energy is the

highest vibratory aspect of the Holy Spirit. It serves as a "cosmic eraser" to transmute the energies

that have been locked up in old energy matrices of unforgiveness and the cause and core

conditions behind our inability to forgive. But first, there must be a willingness to truly forgive

and let go of the incident so that the violet flame can do its magic to vibrationally transmute

and dissolve those matrices.


"...apologize to those you have wronged, call on the law of forgiveness for them and yourselves,

and be certain that you kneel in prayer before you retire and ask God to forgive you and all whom

you have injured. Do not go to sleep until you have invoked the violet flame to transmute the

cause, effect, record and memory of the incident. Be certain to send love to self-styled enemies as

well as to friends who may have been out of line in their interchanges with you. Forgive and forgive

again, for this is the way of the Masters"...Jesus Christ (Vol. 37, No. 45)*


The Law of Forgiveness

The Law of Forgiveness is God's law of transmutation. In the "Heart, Head and Hand Decrees," El

Morya has given to us a mantra for forgiveness. This forgiveness puts us in tune with our inner Real

Self, the Christ, who has the authority within our being to forgive sin.

I AM forgiveness acting here,

Casting out all doubt and fear,

setting men forever free

With wings of cosmic victory.

I AM calling in full power

For forgiveness every hour;

To all life in every place

I flood forth forgiving grace.


"Thus as we forgive life, life forgives us. Jesus taught us to pray, "Forgive us our debts, as we

forgive our debtors." This mantra for forgiveness demands that we release forgiveness to everyone.

Wherever we have the sense of injustice or we have been wronged, we visualize this violet flame

of forgiveness going forth from our heart, going forth in this mantra of the spoken Word. We

visualize it contacting every individual with whom we have ever had a misunderstanding, and we

feel a tremendous peace and love and a resolution of discord in problems that have occurred...As

we send out forgiveness, life sends forgiveness back to us"....Elizabeth Clare Prophet


How do we know we have forgiven?

When we can meet the situation or person in our minds and the sting is no longer there, we know

we have successfully forgiven. An analogy would be having a painful abscess a year ago - the

memory is still there, but the pain has been forgotten. We may know then that we have released the

person or situation and are no longer bound - we are free from the entrapment of non-forgiveness.


"So know that it is an hour to consider the ultimate prayer of forgiveness. Truly it is an hour to let

go! It is an hour to forgive the worst enemy and the best friend. It is an hour to bring to one's pillar

of fire in the center, in the midst of the temple of being, all that must pass into the flame for

transmutation....As the days and hours move on, you will need, YOU WILL REQUIRE, truly the gift

of forgiveness as never before. Forgiveness shall liberate you....forgiveness is a letting go. It is

a blessing of all life."...Archangel Michael (Vol. 36, No. 12)*



1. Kuan Yin suggests that we dedicate a section of a personal planner to the quality of mercy. "List

those situations in your life where you have not forgiven yourself or others, where you have set

aside the requirement of the Law to forgive daily, to forgive gratefully and generously and seventy

times seven. Then note what stones of stumbling and stones of hardness of heart you have let pile

up where you have not entered in to the full flowering of Mercy's ray, sharing it with others."

2. Establish a new "Forgiveness Blueprint" for each situation of non-forgiveness.

3. Make daily calls to Kuan Yin for her aid in helping to establish a merciful heart for the complete

forgiveness of self and others.

4. Apply the "Messenger's Key to Forgiveness" to every unresolved situation in our lives.

5. Direct the violet flame through daily calls and decrees into the cause and core behind any

inability to forgive - hardness of heart, resentment, anger, pride, etc. - and to transmute the energy

of non-forgiveness. Invoke the Law of Forgiveness for every part of life - all who have ever

wronged us, all whom we have ever wronged.

Decrees: "Forgiveness" from the "Heart, Head and Hand Decrees"**

Decree 70.16 - "The Law of Forgiveness"***


*Pearls of Wisdom, © Copyright by Summit Lighthouse, P.O. Box 5000, Gardiner, Montana 59030-5000, All rights reserved.

"Pearls of Wisdom" are thousands of dictations (messages) from the Ascended Masters as delivered by Mark & Elizabeth Clare

Prophet over the course of 40 years.

**"Heart, Head and Hand Decrees", "Meditations, Mantras, Prayers and Decrees for the Expansion of the Threefold Flame

within the Heart" (booklet), released by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Summit Lighthouse, Inc., Copyright © 1962, 1987, All rights


***Copyright © 1965, 1975, Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc., All rights reserved



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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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