lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Co-Creating with the Crystalline Light By Natalie Glasson... And... Inter-dimensional Portals - Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians

Co-Creating with the Crystalline Light By Natalie Glasson


Channelled through Natalie Glasson – 26th August 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

We are the Crystalline Beings, we are the consciousness of the Crystalline energy and souls that inhabit crystals upon the Earth, we vibrate at the light speed of the Multi- Universal and Cosmic Levels of the Creator’s Universe. It is an honour to connect with your soul; we surround you in a circle of multi-coloured crystalline light.

 We are grounding our light from the quick vibrational levels of the Creator’s Universe through all dimensions and into the core of the Earth. We are currently working with Mother Earth at the centre of her soul to transform and enthuse her with the crystalline light, so she may remember herself as a Crystalline Being, accepting her Multi- Universal and Cosmic self. As memories of her truth return to Mother Earth, she will support and inspire the awakening of those upon the Earth in remembering their truth. As we enthuse Mother Earth with our Crystalline Light,  humanity is bathed in a healing, loving and awakening energy supporting the spiritual evolution of all.

We invite you in your quiet time to connect with Mother Earth with the focus of receiving the Crystalline Energy of Mother Earth. Allow yourself to see, sense and acknowledge Mother Earth as a Crystalline Being. As you connect with this aspect of Mother Earth, you will connect with her energy and consciousness at a deeper level, further awakening your relationship with Mother Earth.

Observing and experiencing this pure state and expression of Mother Earth will support you in releasing limitations and illusions that surround Mother Earth and hinder others in recognising their truth. Take time to connect with Mother Earth in this way and be observant of the numerous limitations and illusions being dissolved and erased. Not only will you notice Mother Earth’s energy expand, there will be a lightness and feeling of freedom for all upon the Earth.

As Mother Earth works with our energy of the Crystalline Consciousness, as well as other aspects, dimensions and levels of the Earth, both physical and energetic. We have said before that we are working alongside the energies of love being anchored into the Earth now to support healing and to give space for love and magnification of the loving vibrations.

Our energy and consciousness are becoming awoken and embedded within the core of current ascension for the Earth and inner planes, as our energy is of the appropriate qualities and vibrations to support the evolution and remembrance all.  When you recognise and connect with the Crystalline energy within your being, you prepare your entire being for multiple shifts of awakening. Whatever the next stage of your ascension may be, by recognising the Crystalline Consciousness within you, you are clearing & erasing blockages and limitations, while magnifying & bringing your desired outcome or ascension into manifestation and experience.

Affirm: ‘I recognise the Crystalline Consciousness and Light within me, and I direct it to cleanse and purify my being & magnify the greatest potential for my ascension into manifestation.’

Allow yourself to connect into your soul and ask to be aligned with your own Crystalline Consciousness born from and through your soul. Take time to view, sense or acknowledge yourself as a Crystalline Being. Imagine the energy created and drawn upon from your Crystalline Being penetrating your chakras, body and auric field. Know the energy is purifying your being while manifesting your true and Creator self into manifestation within your entire being. This a beautiful process to experience as each time the experience may alter and shift allowing new downloads of your higher self, aspects and soul into your current embodiment.

Within our energy and presence on the inner planes, there is a Council of Crystalline Beings who have a role of downloading light and consciousness from the Creator, deciphering the energy and distributing the energy to where it is required. The energy the Council of Crystalline Beings draws upon from the Creator is a specific aspect or vibration of the Creator’s light which is recognised as the Crystalline light.

If we imagine the energy of the Creator as a song with numerous words, the Crystalline Vibration is likened to one word from the song. We then embody and explain this one word and share it throughout the Universe of the Creator. The Crystalline Consciousness is never separated from the Creator; we receive all of the Creator, it is just that our focus is upon one vibration.

You are an aspect of the Creator which you recognise as yourself. Remembering who you are is simply widening and expanding your focus of yourself. Thus you will begin to perceive your whole being. Your whole being has many names, one of which is the Creator.

The Council of Crystalline Beings is constantly anchoring the Crystalline Light and Consciousness into the Earth while increasing the vibration to encourage humanity to align with and become a reflection of the Crystalline Consciousness. Thus humanity is constantly vibrating at a quicker speed which brings forth clarity, truth and remembrance.

Constantly the Crystalline Light is inviting humanity to cleanse and magnify the truth within them so it may be viewed by all. The Council of Crystalline Light invites you to work with them to bring healing to negative and painful issues upon the Earth.

They encourage you to either imagine you are sending the core of the issue to the Crystalline Light or to anchor the Crystalline Light into the issue. Give a clear instruction for the Crystalline Energy to cleanse and purify the issue and to magnify the truth, manifesting the truth in its place.

There is no need for you to understand the core of the issue nor the truth that will manifest in its place. The Crystalline light will work with the energy of the issue, transforming it into the presence of the Creator.

The truth of the Creator we speak of is, in fact, the presence of the Creator. This is a simple process which will have powerful effects, allowing not only the Crystalline Vibrations to be ever more present but will also allow the Creator to be revealed and experienced. This is a practice the Council of Crystalline Beings encourage you to achieve for issues in your own reality and as a service for others across the world.

There are a number of other activations and healings that the Council of Crystalline Light and the Crystalline Light wish to support you in experiencing to aid your ascension at this time:

Call upon the Council of Crystalline Light, the Crystalline Beings and Crystalline Light to purify and cleanse your physical body of all harmful chemicals, poisons and diseases, manifesting the presence of the Creator instead.

Call upon the Council of Crystalline Light, the Crystalline Beings and Crystalline Light to purify and cleanse all negative patterns, thoughts, experiences and situations which have been locked into your energy system from your ancestors, manifesting the presence of the Creator instead.

Call upon the Council of Crystalline Light, the Crystalline Beings and Crystalline Light to purify and cleanse all illusions programmed into your being and especially your mind which causes you to act and experience separation from the Creator. Instead, manifest the presence of the Creator.

Call upon the Council of Crystalline Light, the Crystalline Beings and Crystalline Light to purify and cleanse the need for war, disharmony, chaos and trauma currently held within your being, manifesting the Presence of the Creator instead.

Call upon the Council of Crystalline Light, the Crystalline Beings and Crystalline Light to purify and cleanse pain and suffering from your entire being and all lifetimes, manifesting the Presence of the Creator instead.

You may wish to create your own requests using the wording of above to cleanse that which is no longer needed and to magnify the Presence of the Creator within your being instead. Thus grounding the Crystalline Energy into your being and reality while erasing limitations and remembering your oneness with the Creator. Our purpose is to widen and expand your view of yourself so you may recognise yourself as your entire being; the Creator.

Let us support you and be as one with you,

The Crystalline Beings

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Capsule of Wisdom

No 124

Your Personal Energy Portal

from the Universe of the Creator

Explore the synthesis of energies from the Universe of the Creator that are personal for you to aid your embodiment of your ascension and truth

 Channelled from Archangel Metatron

16th August 2016

Capsule No 124 is a wonderful opportunity to connect on a deeper level with the Universe of the Creator. Guided by Archangel Metatron you are supported in discovering more about yourself and truth as well as receiving all you require and need to aid the next stage of your ascension. Archangel Metatron supports you in grounding yourself so that you can access your Personal Energy Portal drawn from the Universe of the Creator. Your Personal Energy Portal is a synthesis of energies, light, consciousness and wisdom of the Universe of the Creator that are essential for you to embody now. This is an empowering, deeply healing, awakening and inspiring process which allows you to enhance your connection with all that you are and is your truth, while opening yourself up to the expansive nature of the Universe of the Creator. This is a powerful tool and experience that encourages you to acceler ate in your spiritual evolution.

I do hope you enjoy,

Many blessings,


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Inter-dimensional Portals - Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians

The Arcturians through Sue Lie
Sometimes we feel as if we are on the edge of going in to and out of time.
What we have heard inside is that once we get to a certain degree of alignment with our fifth dimensional self, we begin to see reality as it is, in the NOW, instead of the third dimensional perceptions in which we view reality as it “should be,” or “where we want to be,” or “how it has been in the past.”
Right NOW, within our every thought, within every second of the time, and with every emotion, we are creating our reality. We are also beginning to discover that it is our greatest challenges that force us to follow our own destiny.
When we are able to perceive reality within the NOW, rather than some version of the past or hope for the future, we begin to realize that WE have created our life to be a reality on the edge of the NOW of the fifth dimension.
When we are standing at the edge of our octave shift into a fifth dimensional reality system, we think of that transmutation into the fifth dimension as a major reality shift. In the third/fourth dimensions we were trying to remember who we really were and why we got this Earth vessel.
When we chose to bi-locate into a human vessel, it was often because a version of our Multidimensional SELF was stuck in the paradigm of the third/fourth dimension. Therefore, we took an earth vessel to assist that self.
Very often that “SELF” is our ascension self because that expression of our SELF volunteered to go into our deepest darkness and clear it with Unconditional Love and Violet Fire. However, the “us” got stuck in that resonance and called out for assistance.
A dimension is a frequency of resonance, and a reality is the “script” that we created during our earthly sojourn of that reality. The third/fourth dimensions were created to provide the initiations that we needed in order to understand and master third dimensional cause and effect, polarity and time.
Bit-by-bit and breath-by-breath, we are choosing to participate in the higher frequency of the “Ascension Energy Waves” that are increasingly developing. These fifth dimensional and beyond energy waves are quite common for a reality resonating to Earth’s transitional frequency.
Earth has resonated to the third-physical and fourth-etheric and astral frequency for eons. Now Earth is merging with, and returning to, the fifth dimensional frequencies of reality. However, it takes quite a great deal of adaptation to merge with these higher frequency carrier waves.
In order to calibrate our consciousness to these fifth dimensional, Ascension Energy Waves, we have found it is best to fall into this experience. This type of surrender is now possible because then the fifth dimensional energy frequencies are flowing into, through, and out of us, NOW! If we surrender to these fifth dimensional energy fields as they flow 'in-to' and 'out-of,' it is easier for us to accept and slowly adapt to them.
These fifth dimensional energy fields are as fragile as butterfly’s wings, in that we can’t try hard to touch it or to hold it. Instead, we have to be “still as a tree,” “soft as the grass,” and “as changeable as the sun” We also need to feel the Love of Venus and accept the mystery of the Moon.
As we stand, sit, flow, & merge with our Divine Self, it merges more and more with our many multidimensional selves, and we are opening our Portal. This Portal is very important in that it assists our consciousness to unify with the fifth dimensional portals of Unity of Diversity.
One of the main lessons we came to learn on this planet is to be able to live in unity of diversity. Unity of Diversity means to be able to unconditionally love everyone and everything even if it is quite different than our selves.
Then, whenever we have an experience of fear, to blaze the Violet Fire transmuting all Shadow into LIGHT. Whenever we experience a sense of fear, loneliness, anger, or sorrow, the Violet Fire will reset our emotional body.
Once we have reset our emotional body with that Violet Fire, we are able to return to loving our self unconditionally. As we continue to love our self unconditionally, we begin to notice that these new higher dimensional waves of energy, these fifth dimensional thoughts and feelings are getting louder and louder every day.
We have the sensation of “louder” because these higher dimensional thoughts and emotions are coming online with our Multidimensional Minds and our High Hearts, which are both inter-dimensional portals. Therefore they are constant components of our ascension.
This ascension begins with our ascension into fifth dimensional consciousness, fifth dimensional perceptions, and eventually fifth dimensional experiences. In fact, we are all having more and more fifth dimensional experiences. Sometimes these experiences make us feel like we are looking into a portal of another reality.
At first, these portals give us a quick peek of a possible reality. Fortunately, as we continue with our adventure, we begin to discover that we have been taught to believe that our only reality is the third-dimensional, physical world.
Many of us have often been taught that we should feel guilty, or embarrassed, or angry, or sad, but who was creating these situations to make us have these emotions? And why were these emotions labeled as bad?
The challenging thing is that every part of ascension has more challenges then the last, as these “initiations” are forming a “stairway of ascension.” All of the many parts of our ascension that confuse us, frighten us, excite us, or welcome only occur if we “pay attention.”
If we pay attention to our life, we can consciously participate within this process of ascension. We also need to remember to perceive reality from our Higher Self FIRST. Then, we can also perceive that reality from our third dimensional self.
In other words, we are moving our “Ascension Command Center” upstairs into the fifth dimension. First our “primary command center” was our third dimensional physical body, but we are now in the process of making our “primary command center” in our fifth dimensional light-body.
As we change this command center within our own awareness, our own consciousness, our own reality systems and our own choices, we will begin to flow through many of our alternate, parallel, simultaneous, past and simultaneous versions of our present reality. As we become accustomed to these inter-dimensional perceptions, we will begin to closely perceive the higher dimensional energy waves more and more clearly.
 Furthermore, as the frequency of our body and our consciousness calibrate more and more to the fifth dimension and beyond, we will receive even more information from the higher dimensional frequency waves.
This information comes to our super-conscious mind because only our higher frequency states of consciousness can receive information from the frequencies to which it has been calibrated. One thing we will begin to experience is that we have different channels in our brain-mind.
These mental channels are much like the channels on a television. We have been collecting the necessary information that resonates to each “brain-mind channel.” Therefore, these “channels” include different versions of our reality, life, dreams, or our need to become ONE with the reality that WE are creating.
Remember we came to Earth’s schoolhouse to learn…
1) The law of cause and effect
2) To blend the third and fourth dimensional polarities to create Unity of Diversity
3) To Live with Unconditional Love and the Violet Fire of Transmutation.
With unity of diversity we will no longer have the need to fight with each other because of our differences. Instead, we will remember how we love to be loved, as well how we love to be accepted and feel like we are part of creating our personal and collective reality.
Some of us have spent many lives fighting because they were different than others. Many of these are people who are somewhat shell-shocked from their myriad third dimensional lives. Therefore, we send them unconditional love and acceptance.
Fortunately, as we fully merge with our third/fourth dimensional Self, we can more fully recognize our fourth dimensional talents and traits. As we remember and use these talents and traits we create a happy and creative feeling within our body.
At first, our fourth dimensional feelings are very visceral, as we feel them within our physical form. But as we become accustomed to feeling, integrating and living a fully integrated third and fourth dimensional life, we increasingly experience fifth dimensional sensations.
Our fourth dimensional sensation feels very visceral in that they often feel as if these sensations are occurring within your physical body. However, they also feel as if we are doing and/or observing something that is creative. Hence, our fourth dimensional feelings and perceptions remind us of the joy of being creative, athletic, artistic, happy, playful.
On the other hand, our fifth dimensional experiences are something that we need to document because they are new to our brain, perceptions, and experience. Hence, we have not yet “made a file” in our brain for higher dimensional input.
Each of us are getting sensations of “Wow, what was that feeling I just had? That was not a fourth dimensional experience! That was a different kind of sensation.”
Very often the easiest way to identify a fifth dimensional experience is that, when we feel the kundalini within the core of our spine either moving up and down or hovering over a certain chakra, our body is likely being stimulated by a fifth dimensional perception.
This kundalini is the “machine,” the “chemical machine” and the “interactive machine” that will assist us to remember that the process that we are going through is very important. Therefore, our perceptions are important, and most of all, WE are important.
As we identify this new way of loving ourselves unconditionally and honoring our physical sensations, we will feel more inspired to share, fine tune, to write down, draw, paint, teach and share our fifth dimensional experiences in whichever manner feels most natural to us.
By this sharing we ground our fifth dimensional experiences into our fourth dimensional astral body, our third dimensional brain and physical body, as well as Gaia’s third dimensional planet.
With this dedication to our personal and planetary evolution, we invite these higher dimensional energy waves to be planted into our physical body, into our heart and into our mind and into Gaia’s planetary body.
As we accept, plant, nurture, and grow these higher frequencies of energy within our physical bodies, more and more inter-dimensional information will come into our own awareness. This inter-dimensional information allows us to expand our consciousness.
Also, as we expand our consciousness, we can observe that the polarities of light and dark, of introspection and outer perceptions, of illumination and confusion, of right and left, of good and bad, of our light-side and our dark-side are beginning to meet in-between our inter-dimensional portals into the fifth dimension and our physical reality.
As we send the wondrous power of our Unconditional Love into this “in-between,” our own inner darkness and our own inner light slowly “de-polarize” to just be “inter-dimensional experiences.”
As we experience our own inner darkness and our own inner light merging into ONE, we can stop trying to keep them separate as if the light shouldn’t know of the darkness or the darkness would be embarrassed by the reflection of the light.
The third dimensional polarities are beginning to merge into fifth dimensional unity. The increasing income of fifth dimensional energy fields is serving to “fill the in-between” of that which was once considered “light” or “dark.”
Hence, we are beginning to bring together our light, bring together our darkness, and allow them to merge and fill that place “in-between.” That in-between place, which are the fifth dimensional portals, are the areas where the polarities are merging into ONE.
As we allow this merging to continue within our consciousness and within our physical forms, the higher light will go in directly into our Third Eye to allow us to better be able to use our clairvoyance.
This higher, fifth dimensional light will also go into our High Heart to assist us to better understand Unconditional Love.
As this Light goes into our High Heart, we begin to fully understand how the Unconditional Love of our High Heart is merging with the clairvoyance of our Third Eye.
This understanding allows us to increasingly perceive how our third dimensional expression of reality is progressing into a fifth dimensional expression of reality. The third and fourth dimensional expressions of our reality still exist, and are serving as ONE to create the “Bridge to Freedom.”
This Bridge to Freedom is forming so that we can easily, and consciously flow into the first “conscious” components of our fifth dimensional SELF. As this fifth dimensional light activates our Multidimensional Mind and our High Heart, we begin to intermingle our “Inter-dimensional Minds and High Hearts” with our daily consciousness.
As we share our inter-dimensional abilities, our sense of Unity Consciousness expands to encompass ALL Life. Then, our “sense of self” expands ourselves to include EVERYONE’S process of becoming fifth dimensional. This merging of our consciousness with ALL life accelerates our process of merging with our Multidimensional Self.
The acceleration of the merging of our physical self and our Multidimensional SELF allows us to use our Multidimensional Mind to perceive reality through our Third Eye and our High Heart, and to perceive reality with Unconditional Love. As we remember to perceive reality with unconditional love, our opened Third Eye and our activated High Heart begin their merge.
As we calibrate our Unconditional Love with our Multidimensional Perceptions, we calibrate our High Heart and our Multidimensional Mind to work as ONE. As we allow our Multidimensional Mind and our High Heart to merge into ONE, we activate our conscious perception of ALL multidimensional perceptions.  
As this process, this merging, this joining, this blending moves deeper and deeper into our physicality, our fifth dimensional light-body begins to activate. The first thing that we recognize is that we can now see these energy waves in a clearer way than we could ever perceive them before.
We also realize that we can feel the Unconditional Love that is flowing from these fifth dimensional energy fields in a way that we could never experience before. Most important, as we blend our Multidimensional Mind with our High Heart, we blend our third dimensional format of reality with our fifth dimensional format of reality.
With the constant contact between our third dimensional body and our fifth dimensional body, which are connected via the bridge of our fourth dimensional body, we are able to more easily remember to keep our physical brain in alignment with our Multidimensional Mind and our physical heart in alignment with our High Heart.
When we remember to keep this alignment, we naturally remember to keep our third/fourth dimensional consciousness aligned with our fifth dimensional consciousness. As we maintain this alignment, not only do we perceive the many inter-dimensional portals, we become the inter-dimensional portal that we have always been!
It is through these “inter-dimensional portals” that we can integrate our physical self with our Multidimensional SELF. This integration is much like, “the plane is on the runway and ready for take off.”
Each of us, together and as ONE, are the guardian for our Personal and collective Unity Consciousness with ALL Life. This Unity Consciousness is constructed of all the Unconditional Love and Multidimensional Thinking that we have shared with ALL life.
As we open the inter-dimensional portals of our Third Eye and High Heart, 
we declare that we are NOW preparing to enter the ONE.
Affirm: "I NOW declare that I am OPENING the portals of my Third Eye and High Heart!

Sue Lie and the Arcturians 


Views: 318


Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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