lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
In 2009 a channeling from Saint Germain was posted anonymously
at the Spanisch site of the White Brotherhood
„About the USE of the VIOLET FLAME"
Soon a circle of soul family, who was called by the Hierachies of Light, was forming and connecting on a daily basis to bridge the gaps of light between the continents and races
with the help of the Violet Ray,transmuting misqualified energy back into PURE DIVINE POTENTIAL, thus aiding humanity on our way to RE-MEMBER our Divine Heritage.
A Spanish site was set up to spread the information and then a German one - - and finally the English site at was born.
We are now connecting world wide four times a day and no internet is needed -- only MEDITATION. Please choose the time which suits you best if you would like to join us:
We CONNECT four times a day:
At 11 am/pm and 5 am/pm CET - Central EuropeanWINTER Time (for example Austria/Vienna)
Daylight saving time is the same time in objective terms - but the clock shows one hour LATER!!!
For details follow this link please:
Now, what we DO during our connexions:
1.) About the importance of SYNCHRONICITY:
Many of you know that time is an illusion - and so it is - yet, this illusion is exactly what we want to ENLIGHTEN and thus overcome. And this is the reason why our CONNECTON TIMES are so important. To consciously CREATE SYNCHRONICITY - from whence it can SPREAD ... and create UNITY! So, if somehow possible, join in at our connexion times to weave the Net of Violet Light all around the globe and planet!
OR feel free to find your PERSONAL partner on the other side of the ocean and CONNECT to each other whenever you feel is right for YOU! What really matters is to establish conscious SYNCHRONICITY in our endeavors! If you find several people who would like to connect with you at another time than our usual lightgrid connection times, you can also open up a GROUP here at lightgrid so you can MEET there and exchange your experiences, stay connected and organize your personal meditation times!
The goal is to transmute all negative patterns of the past on our planet - and in doing so, establish NEW ones which resonate to the higher frequencies of LIGHT. One of these new patterns is to communicate freely through TELEPATHY. And to consciously access this wide field of telepathic communication it helps enormously to start out with SYNCHRONIZED tranmissions ;-)
2.) At connection time, call on St. Germain and the Beings of the Violet Ray and ask them to FLOOD your whole being with the essence of the Violet Ray!
You have read the main channeling which you find in this group and on our main page: The Violet Ray descends from the Cosmos to the top of a mountain - and from there it SPREADS ... it usually works its way upwards from your feet - a beautiful and truly powerful FLAME of VIOILET LIGHT burning all around and throughout your body, soul and auric field ... often like a tornado, in spiralling patterns ... transmuting all negative emotion, thought, word, and action back to pure Divine Potential.
3.)When the Violet Ray has started the cleansing and transmuting porecess, set the intention to connect to everyone you know at lightgrid. See threads of Violet Light flow between you ... and then you envision how other members from all over the world also connect ... until you see a VIOLET NET OF LIGHT all around the planet, connecting the continents and races and transmuting all patterns of darkness back into pure Divine Potential - on an emotional, mental, physical and soul level!
4.) Then just observe how the Violet Ray works.
The Violet Light energy goes into the Earth, filling and charging the amthyst reservoirs within the Earth with VIOLET LIGHT. It touches the HEARTS, MINDS, BODIES and SOULS of all beings who are ready for transformation ... It is INTELLIGENT and does not need your guidance - only FOCUSED INTENTION!
Simply ALLOW the light to work - and while you are anchoring he Violet Ray on Earth, you are filled with its essence yourself ... and all which needs transformation in your life / emotions / thought patterns / habits / ... is filled with the transformative power of the 7th Ray, the Ray which will finally bring the CHANGE so we can create the New Era.
Please USE the Violet Ray for your own healing and transmutation FREELY and ABUNDANLY! You are not only part of Mother Earth YOU ARE HER ... your body IS HER - and what you do for your-Self you do for the world.
This is like a first step into UNITY - Work with the Violet Ray to free yourself from all which still binds you to the old paradigms of money, judgement, ... and so forth - and know that you are doing it for all who are on the same frequency and wave length as you at the moment, easing their access to healing and plowing a way of transformation through forgiveness and self love!
The following video was produced by
Katherine Scorzo aka Faunaserene (voice and instruments) and
me, Sonja Myriel (text and video production), to facilitate your first connexions - Please close your eyes and continue your journey when the music ends - and become ONE with Mother Earth and All Her Beings ... united through the use of the Violet Ray, which melts away all needless boundaries between the Beings of Light, leading us into a first perception of UNITY and Crystalline Christ Consciousness.
In gratitude to the many unknown artists whose pictures have helped to illustrate the content of the video!
Sonja Myriel
For more inspirational music by Katherine Scorzo aka Faunaserene, click here:
5.) Finally, and this step is not included in the video above, you are welcome to call on the power of the elements. Please know that the birds and cetaceans, cats and other ANIMALS (insects, butterlfies , ...) have all agreed to aid us in our connections, too - and the TREES! And not to forget the importance of STONES and CRYSTALS... The mineral kingdom, plant kingdom and animal kingdom are relatives of the human kingdom ...WE ARE ALL MADE OF THE SAME LIGHT ... WE ARE ONE! ... as we are ONE with ALL Life in the Cosmos ... our star brethren ... STAR FAMILY!
The wind carries the Violet Light energy ... and the water ways are filled with the Violet Ray essence ... and finally the whole EARTH - including her FIRE CORE are pure VIOLET LIGHT.
The songs of the birds you hear during lightgrid connexions help you to let go ... the insects are weaving patterns of transmutation in the air ... our cetacean brothers and sisters are connected to us and our star brethren, guiding us when we need their help to step into our power as the KEEPERS of the EARTH again ... and not to forget the trees who are channeling the Violet Ray Essence from Heaven to Earth and if we connect to them they can allow us to step into their essence of lived UNITY ... They are the eyes and ears of God - and know exactly what is missing - AND THEY ARE READY TO HELP US if we only ASK!
Please TAKE ALL THE TIME YOU NEED to get ACQUAINTED with the energies!!! Even if we are talking about other projects of lightwork - please know that through connecting to lightgrid and just doing this BASIC Meditation, you are automatically connected to all Healing Impulses set free by those of us who have been guided to work on the next level, which is the Work with the Crystalline Light Creatrix.
I recommend to work with this basic exercise for a at least a moon or more, depending on how much time and energy you can dedicate to it.
As for me, I spent more than a year with just these steps - and step five developped in its course ;-)
BLESSINGS of LOVE and LIGHT to YOU, who have read this NOW - whenever this NOW is ;-),
Sonja Myriel
Overview to print out:
1. Ask for the Violet Light to come and CLEANSE your body, emotions, thoughts and soul on all levels.
2. This set in motion, see all the other members of lightgrid as Violet Light Dots all around the globe - and send a Violet Ray to them. This is the way in which we are weaving a VIOLET NET OF LIGHT all around the planet, connecting the continents and races with each other, all peoples and religions.
3. Remain in a meditative state for as long as you like - but at tleast 10 to 15 minutes. The Violet Ray is an intelligent force of light and goes to all places and into all situations on the planet now where it is mostly needed. This is the service of light which we render to the planet and all its beings - while at the same time our body, soul, thoughts and emotions are being cleansed by the transmuting flame of the 7th Ray of Forgiveness and Freedom.
4. Become aware and conscious of your surroundings. The wind in your hair, the sun on your body, birds singing, insects flying, the trees swinging and waving a hello your way ... you are part of MOTHER EARTH and SHE IS IN ALL THAT SURROUNDS YOU. The plants and animals are WITH US in our daily connections - especially birds, cats, insects, cetaceans and TREES! They originate from other stars and planets in our universe - just as we have come to Mother Earth eons ago. They are waiting for us to realize this truth again. We are connected throughout the universe ...
Please know that there is NO RIGHT OR WRONG in the way in which you do your meditation. All that counts is your INTENTION and FOCUS. Trust that you are guided and you will find out the best way for you personally to connect to the Grid of Light.
Of course, you can ALWAYS work with the Violet Ray whenever you wish! But the times mentioned above serve us to SYNCHRONIZE our effort which makes our work much more powerful, potentializing our individual work enormously! Telepathy and other means of direct communication, as spontaneous knowing and insight, become more and more common in the course of our lightgrid work which unites us on all levels for the Best of ALL concerned.
Sonja Myriel
Ah the tears it brings me, looking forward for a group link xxx
hello all. i am having a prob figuring out the time zone thing. can someone tell me when the time is for new york eastern standard
Hi Ken, midnight here is 6 pm New York / New York and 11 am is 5 am.
In relation to Sydney, Australia it is 9 am (midnight CET) and 8 pm (11am CET)
England is one hour earlier to CET, that is 11 pm and 10 am.
ouch so for the group thing at 11 am then i have to be up at 5am.
wait i added wrong. so 11am there is 5pm here right?
11 am here is 5 am New York time - but maybe 6 pm suits you better? ;-)
Acknowledge that we are there together - and emit the VIOLT LIGHT FLAME for the best of all :-)
does anyone have a video to meditate to that repeats the words of what we need to do above? my problem is i read the words but when i try to do it i forget the process. video would be helpful for forgetful people like me lol.
A video is a good idea, Ken :-)
As of yet none exists - but we could make one if anyone knew how to make a video :-)
Do it step by step, Ken - in the beginning just get a feeling for it ... I would like to quote here from the channeling which I translated from Spanisch into Englisch before I started the English lightgrid site.
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now. This may or may not have consequences for you as spirits in search of truth. Therefore, in order to avoid losing orientation in the sight of innumerable new impressions which will flood your mind, it is necesary to use the power of affirmative decree.
I AM God in Action
I AM God's Will in Action
I AM God's Love in Action
I AM God's Creative Intelligence in Action
By affirming the three qualities of the first three personalities of God, you will be able to enter through the Seventh Door which is represented by the Seventh Ray, to the three higher aspects of the manifestation of God. If God is Will, Love and Intelligence, you are Will, Love and Intelligence as well, affirming the decree:
I AM God's Will
I AM God's Love
I AM God's Intelligence
In this way you will find your way to the true key of your I AM presence.“
You can use these as matras to simply relax into the arms of the Violet Ray Energy :)
I like this discourse which helps me to sum up - Thank you, KEN :-)
i can make video montages , do we need music or a frequency images what images this is a link to my youtube video uploads, if anyone need help i have 12 years in telecommunication Even my son Bradley mentions he can be a person in slow motion, (my camera is able to do this look at balerina style) so if any help is needed im inn !
i find it easier to relax when it is videos of jesus mary etc etc. it makes me calm.
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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