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I Am A Conscious Twin Heart Flame By Yael & Doug Powell - Circle of Light - Parts 1 & 2

Today, beloved one, I speak to you about consciousness and the Christ heart, the living glorious heart of your divine, unique expression as the Twin Flame cell of the heart of God you are. For together we are awakening this whole sub-creation of life on Earth into the truth of the Real divine nature of that which all of you are, and into the recognition that everything on Earth is a reflection of your consciousness and your heart.

Now in the Real, the expression of consciousness and heart is this glorious wholeness of God I Am, singing forth in the great symphony of Creation and all of its magnificent notes, each Twin Flame heart holding its note in the divine and glorious symphony and every expression an expression of the wholeness of the living heart and consciousness of God I Am. Full circle, full awareness in alignment with the great heartbeat of life, consciousness, your awareness and energy moving forth in a great pulse, an explosion into the expression of glorious Love. This is the divine heartbeat, the divine wholeness, that which is the circle of life, consciousness and heart, energy and Love, moving together in a rhythm that is the expression of the Now Moment of Creation.

Yet, here on Earth, these expressions have been separated from the Real Source of life that I Am, and consciousness has become ego mind and heart has become old heart’s beliefs. Together these form a limited identity of humanness out of which comes all of the reflection that constitutes the conglomerate human life, the consensual dream of separation.

For all of you whose hearts are awakening and whose awareness now is joined to this great field of consciousness that is the Real of Creation, it is time to drop all last vestiges of identification with that which is human, because I promise you, beloved ones, those of you who have said “Yes” to Love and claim your truth as the heart of God, there is not only no need any more to engage in the dream of humanity. There is great need for you to be fully lifted into the focus on your Real identity, because as you know, it is that which you focus upon that you bring to life through the co-creative power of your glorious Twin Flame heart.

So, it only makes sense for you to step up and fully claim not only the awareness of that which you Really are, but the living Now Moment experience. That which I have brought to you is the upliftment into the Now full experience of the totality of your glorious being as both pure and magnificent consciousness and glorious pulsing radiating giving, ecstatic Christ heart. The living heart of God in its outward flow of giving is ever filled with the pure awareness of the consciousness I Am, that the wholeness of Creation is lived out in you, and in All That I Am, perfectly, moment to moment.

What does this mean to you as you live your lives? It means that I Am sustaining you in the new vibration which isn’t, of course, new at all but is the truth that you have always been. It is the vibration of perfection, of holiness and ecstasy and the great Love Making that is Creation, being given birth through you in each Now Moment.

Beloved ones, your glorious hearts are like a rose made out of the cosmos, designed out of the energy of pure consciousness, of life expressing forth in ecstasy as the one great union that ever results in giving – in giving the Love that we are. And yet you know that to use these words ‘I’ and ‘we’ is inaccurate because there is only life expressing itself as one great expression, yet with unlimited parts, all of which are the hologram of the One.
So to even use the words ‘oneness,’ ‘Christ heart’ – all of these things is confusing because All is expressing the same great movement, the awakening of consciousness through the great desire to give, and the coming together with Love until the heart of God is fully born into its eternal expression of Love being made and given. Yet in your life, you are made to participate fully as the whole. You are a perfect expression. You are a hologram. You are everything I Am, and yet, you are unique.

You are consciousness and heart loving All within you, and giving forth your Love as your heart comes awake, becomes fully conscious, fully functioning, blazing forth, expressing, radiating, pulsing the Love that we give. Therefore, what I Am showing you today is more a reminder than anything of what it means to have “stepped up to the plate” and said, “Yes, God, I Am the expression of the living heart of God right here. I Am the Christed heart, the hologram of consciousness and Love.”

The exquisite Twin Flame expression of Creation focusing here, and this focus is what I draw your attention to today, because it is so very important that you remember, every moment, where your focus is. It is on your true nature, your consciousness and your Love, your glorious Twin Flame heart, radiating Love each Now Moment, here on Earth, exactly as it is in the Real. This is the shift that I have lifted you into, and that I remind you of today.

For those of you who have been wavering, the world that you choose is brought forth by your focus, and your agreement to express your Real nature is your agreement to stay focused on the truth of who you are and not on the human sub-creation which has nothing to do with the Real, the Real you, the Real expression of Love – nor does it touch Real consciousness but instead it is the unfoldment of ego.

So as I have continually been telling you and show you again, where you place your focus is what you create, for your focus is your creative fiat. You are the focus of My Love. You are that which determines where My Love goes. Therefore, if you continue to allow the human focus to come into your consciousness or to be held in your heart, then you are inviting the whole sub-creation to be expressed again as the arena for your life. But if you choose as your focus the Real truth of your being, then it is this truth that will surround you and will every moment be expressed as the world that you live in, yes, but also as your own experience of yourself – as the Real Twin Flame Love that you are – rather than the human experience.

I am here today to promise you that that which you committed to have occurred – that you have opened up your glorious hearts, reconnected with the Real of Love and merged once more with the Vertical dream of consciousness, the Now. Yet, many of you continue to believe that this human sub-creation has something to do with you, and therefore, you keep being pulled off your center, and back into the reversal of Love.

Dearest ones, there is no need for you to, any longer, believe the old world or to feel that the expression of your life here requires you to put on your humanness again for any reason. For I can promise you that you are completely able to be the glorious wholeness of both consciousness and heart and walk forth in service into the world as illusion while every moment pouring through you the expression of Real Love, of the wholeness, the hologram of the divine life you are, the expression of your consciousness and your great heart, focused as your uniqueness, as the Twin Flame ray of Love, and drawing to you as the expression of this, all that you need in the symbols – symbols that will now express the wholeness that you are, rather than expressing belief in the limited humanness.

So what I ask of you is that every moment you make attunement with the Real by first, holding the Vertical, the experience of pure consciousness and the release from the ego, and the next moment the experience of your great radiating heart, pouring forth Love in a pulsing stream of giving that becomes your encompassing experience. This wholeness of awareness and radiating Love, although pulsing is a better word – yet, even that does not express the great shining light, the star that is your Twin Flame heart, the rays of gold, white living Love streaming forth in all directions and the energy of Real Love pouring forth from you – what I am building here in each of you is your awareness of your wholeness, of the full expression of Creation itself as a conscious Twin Flame heart.

I ask you first to hold these words deep in your being. Let them radiate in you. I AM A CONSCIOUS TWIN FLAME HEART. I AM THE CHRIST HEART OF GOD. I AM A CONSCIOUS TWIN FLAME HEART. I AM A CONSCIOUS TWIN FLAME HEART. Let those words become your experience. “Conscious” becomes pure awareness, completely free of ego mind -- awareness that is immersed in the vibrating River of Life. “Twin Flame” connects you to the great coming together, the glorious dissolving and emerging, the rhythm. “Heart” becomes the radiating, pulsing expression of the giving forth of Love out into the world we serve, a world that is no longer your Home, that has nothing to do with you except for the fact of your deep and passionate Love for every precious being and your consuming desire to give all the Love of Creation into the reversal – that by resonance it is magnetized easily back to Love, and the false idea of separation is released forever.

I AM A CONSCIOUS TWIN FLAME HEART. I AM A CONSCIOUS TWIN FLAME HEART brings you into the experience of the Real, the truth, the Now Moment and assists you to shift your focus out of the ego dream.
(to be continued)

Video Link: The Quantum Love Grid Has Been Reactivated
I Am A Conscious Twin Heart Flame - Part 2

I have brought to you the experience of pure consciousness, of the awakening into pure awareness that is the beginning of the movement. It is the background, the wholeness, the void from which Creation springs. As such, it is the undifferentiated life that must be acknowledged as part of the Real and of the wholeness of who you are. And yes, it is an exceptional experience beyond all turbulence, beyond all movement. And yet, it is only half of the truth because Creation is the movement of God I Am into the awareness of Love and of All That I Am as living Love, bursting into orgasmic song, ecstatic joy and glorious as I awaken to Myself and to all that is alive within Me through which I give My Love.

As you come into the fullness of expression and experience, each of you becomes the great Love Making of Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine, of consciousness and heart – coming together and understanding what it means to be and give not one or the other but both as the hologram of life. So for each of you there is the moment of pure, clear awareness, the Vertical, the River of Life that is pure energy, pure life, AND the experience of the pulsing heart, the giving forth. Both must be a living part of every Now Moment, beloved ones. As this becomes your focus, then all that you are becomes the magnet for reversing the illusion, the reversal and returning to the wholeness of Love.

So I ask you for a daily renewal of your experience of being and giving, of consciousness and heart, of Twin Flame Love in the Real, and I ask you to make this your focus, to remember that your focus is your fiat and that by your focus, beloved ones, you choose what world you live in and what is funded by your Twin Flame heart as the co-creative energy of God.

It is true that ‘co-creative’ could be replaced with a better word because it is one creation together. We certainly are not separate, and yet, you do have a unique expression of this consciousness and this Love that is your Twin Flame heart expressing All That Is.

So, to say co-creative simply allows for this uniqueness, and for the fact that each cell of My heart does have the power to give this Love that pours through every moment as you choose to focus it, but when I say “You” it is You with a capital Y. It is You as the Real You, You the Twin Flame heart, You who is in alignment with All That I Am so perfectly that anything that you choose to focus on is an amplification of that which I give – that you add to, that you enrich, that you make more out of that which is My Will pouring through you, that your precious unique perspective, your refraction of the One Great Light builds upon this flow of Love and deepens the field of consciousness, enriching the whole experience of the Love I Am.

This is completely different from the ego mind’s usurping the Will of Love and turning it backwards and saying “I am a co-creator with God, yes, I am.” Certainly you know by now that this is not the Real You, but the Real You is a unique, living life and glorious Twin Flame heart that truly does refract the light of the whole through you so uniquely that All I Am is blessed and made more because of You.

So ‘co-creative’ as I use it allows for this, for the awareness that this living whole of consciousness and Love is also made up of countless unique expressions of That Which I Am and That Which I Give which is giving through You, dearest ones. You as you are in the Real. So Creation is dynamic. It is expanding and expansive. It is ever the enrichment of consciousness and it is giving forth in ever-greater ways of Love. It is only when you look at only one part of a living whole, so dynamic it cannot be separated, that it begins to seem confusing and you become overly concerned with the little things such as the nuances of how you express in words that which is totally wordless; beyond the ability to be expressed through the ego mind and through language.

Everything we do, please remember, we do through consciousness and heart, through the hologram of living Love that is Creation being expressed uniquely through every heart. It is this expression from the Real that is your focus every day. It is only by changing your focus, thus, that you can be free of your belief in a limited human world as well.

So I am not looking for 50-50, even for 75-25. I am asking you, beloved ones, to be 100% with Me, to release the human world, the human focus, the human identity and to do this each moment by your choice of that which you focus on and which you experience – not through your little mind but through your consciousness and your heart.

Let every breath be part of the circle, the breathing-in and the breathing-out, for this is it. Breathing in is the pure light of the Vertical, the experience of being fully present in the Now, and thus, being conscious in the Real, in the Vertical, in the River of Life. Let the out-breath be your experience of your great Christed heart pulsing forth the living Love that is ever and always being made in your Twin Flame heart. Pulsing it forth as Love directed, not as your mind or your ego does, but by completely releasing the little mind and will, through this act of becoming the circle, the breath, the heartbeat of All That Is Real.

Then you become not only the magnet for the expression of All That I Am as your life in the world, enhanced and made richer by you, by your uniqueness as a Twin Flame heart, but also by becoming the pure conduit for the Real, by becoming the living Christ heart. All of you in the past had been mistaken, had been programmed to believe that you were human and that the human world was where you belonged, but you have made the choice to return yourself to the Real, to the heart of Love, to the Moment of Creation. To do this means you must be committed to focusing on the Real, on consciousness and Love, and on feeling it as the Real You, and feeling your glorious Twin Flame heart as it pulses forth the Love that I give as it is given through you, My heart.

You do not lose your precious uniqueness. Oh, beloved ones, I cannot tell you how I value the amazing wonder that I find when I examine My heart, and I discover how much Love I can express in so many ways, and each one of those ways is one of you – the embodiment of a stream of My Love, the embodiment of that which is My heart, and most of all, the embodiment, all of this as consciousness of the Moment of Creation itself. The awakening, beloved ones, My awakening through You. I want you now to feel it – all of it, every bit, all the glory, all the wonder, the amazing freedom of being the experience of pure consciousness, yes, AND the experience of being the Christ heart, the magnificent pulsing forth of Love. Together, you are the complete expression of All That I Am, given unique perspective in, as and through you.

So I truly cherish each precious cell of the heart of Love I Am, of this incredible LoveMaking, this Moment of Creation, held in consciousness by you. As you live each day centered in the Now Moment, you can live the Real, right here and when you are completely returned to your focus in the Real, then consciousness and Love coming together will be expressed as a direct manifestation through you, showing up as the symbols of the perfect world of Love, but until then, whatever you do in the world of human beings, I ask you, beloved ones, not to hold it in your focus – to simply perform any task, accomplish anything that is needed to be accomplished while holding your awareness, your inner experience as being one of consciousness and heart.

Consciousness dissolving into the Real. Consciousness as circle of life and at the same moment, as the in-breath and the out-breath come together, please be fully in the experience of your great Twin Flame heart, pulsing forth the ecstasy of giving Love. Thank you for choosing to acknowledge that you are the living Christ heart, the heart of God I Am, in unique expression. That is what Christ heart means to Me.

So in every way I shall be assisting you to withdraw all focus, all ego mind, all emotional investment in the human world that isn’t Real, and instead, assist you to place your glorious focus, your energy and your Love on the Real, on the hologram, on the heartbeat, on the breath that far beyond words, you shall be in the experience that is the experience expressed by the words I AM CONSCIOUSNESS AND HEART. I AM THE CHRIST HEART OF GOD.

Video Link: The Crystalline Light Body Activation Has Begun

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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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