lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Sirian Golden Heart Activation By Anrita Melchizedek...&...Finding Your Greatest Joy By Archangel Michael...&...Our Preparation Continues By Patricia Cota-Robles


Sirian Golden Heart Activation and Sirian-Lemurian Sacred Spine Creational Codes Activation By Anrita Melchizedek


Beloved hearts, every year between July 3rd and August 11th we experience a Sirian Golden Heart Activation – of the Heart and Thymus Chakra – through the Sirian Stargate of the Heart, also known as the Christed Gateway.

The Sirian Golden Heart Activation commences the annual opening of the Sirian Stargate, a moment when the Sun and Sirius, as a Spiritual Sun aligns, and radiates the Plasma Light Rays of Sirian Consciousness to expand the Quantum field of Galactic Christ Consciousness through and within our Loving Hearts along with the three-fold flame of Power, Love and Wisdom. Additionally, the Sirian Stargate continues to expand for the next several weeks as we deepen into Galactic Christ Consciousness and align to the upcoming 8-8-8 Lion’s Gate.


What this Now moment brings to us is a deepening of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine aspects, merged now for the Alchemical Re-Union on the Inner planes, whilst further releasing separation through Karmic Timelines.


We further synchronize our body and energy field to the 144 Unity Grid and Christed Grids of Gaia as well as the Galactic Christed Grids from within, as we expand the Portal of our Golden Heart as the Light of God We Are.


We invite you to go inwards now beloved heart, into your beautiful Golden Heart, as you breathe deep into the body, breathing in Love and breathing out Love as you now state:


I Am One with my Beloved I Am Presence,

and I Am One with the Beloved I Am Presence of every man, woman and child upon this sacred earth.

As my Beloved I Am Presence,

I choose to experience my highest potential and

the next level of my Soul's blossoming, magnificence and Light as the Light of God I Am.

I Am.


I am ready to go deep, deep within to activate the Templates, Grids and Stargates of New Earth as I align to the Sun and Sirius, the Central Sun and Great Central Sun, and the Heart of Mother/Father God.


I am ready to experience my Christed aspects and multidimensional Selves,

my Higher Selves and Beloved I Am Presence, my future Selves as well as all aspects of myself needing to be embraced within my Golden Heart.


I am ready to transcend all limiting beliefs, programs, judgments and old earth griddings, along with all levels of victim and persecutor consciousness,

and to gently Love and nurture All That Arises.


I take a moment now to deepen into this connection with my Universe,

feeling and sensing this re-union of hearts,

with my magnificent Soul and Higher Selves.

I breathe deep into my body,

as I focus on my Golden Heart.

I breathe in Love,

and I breathe out Love,

sensing my Golden Heart expanding now,

as I align to the Sun and Sirius

becoming the Sirian Stargate,

as I embody ever deeper, my Divinity, my Soul Light.


I experience now the Overlighting of the Lord of Sirius and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light,

wrapped in this beautiful Silver-Gold Flame of Light,

of this inner Re-Union of Hearts.

As I expand my Christ Light,

I sense now the Three-Fold of Power, Love and Wisdom

expand from within my Golden Heart,

into each cell and each molecule,

in these plumes of Blue, Pink and Golden Yellow Plasma Rays of Light.


My third eye now activates in scrolls of Light, sound, color, and sacred geometry,

through the Overlighting of the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light.

My Pineal gland now activates,

taking me into the timelines of Self-Mastery,

as my Higher Selves, Beloved I Am Presence, God Self and so much more,

as I continuously ascend and expand my frequency from within every cell,  as the sub-atomic particles spin in increased Light,

in Christ Consciousness,     

connected to the One Heart of All That Is.

Breathing in Love,

Breathing out Love.

Video Link: Cosmic Christ Consciousness Transmission



 As I continue this deep rhythmic breath,

feeling and sensing the energy waves of Photonic and Plasma Light from within,

the kundalini ignites as I move my pelvis backwards and forwards,

and from side to side,

and further experience the feelings and qualities of gratitude, joy, peace, power, and Love.


I merge now with my Sirian Higher Self.

My Sirian Higher Self now places upon my head a headdress,

a Golden Sun Disc encoded with the Sirian Light codes of Christ Consciousness as well as the focus and expansion of the next level of my Service Work as the Light of God I Am. I Am.


I now have a sense of aligning into the Inner Earth Sun,

the Golden Sun with my Loving Heart,

the Sun, Sirius, Central Sun and now Great Central Sun.

I align now through all dimensions of Light as I deepen into being my Beloved I Am Presence.


I now experience the full actualization of my Inner Christ,

the return of my Inner Sun,

in the Divine Flow of my Inner Alchemical Marriage.

As this Second Sun actualizes within my Golden Heart,

it illuminates every sub-atomic particle within my Beingness

and now activates into a Star Tetrahedron,

spinning counterclockwise and then clockwise

in filaments of Gold and Silver Light.


These Divine Light rays take me into the knowing that I am Home,

embraced within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God,

as a precious, illuminating, sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love.

I Am. I Am.


I continue to expand my consciousness,

as I connect now into the Crystalline Grid of Divine Love,

the 144 Unity Grid,

to share my Light Codes and to receive,

from Divine Mother, Gaia,

as well as my Soul Brothers, Soul Sisters,

and the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High,

as I deepen into the stillness of my Loving Heart,

and the Wisdom of my Higher Mind,

fine tuning my frequency,

whilst dissolving, releasing, expanding, and transcending,

and continually ascending in each Now moment,

ever deeper into the One Heart of All That Is.


All Life is now bathed in these sacred Flames of Divine Love and Christ Consciousness,

and the knowing of their Christ Light.


I now come back into my sacred space,

grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,

and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I Am a Christ Conscious Being of Light,

I Am All That I Am.

I Am. I Am. I Am.

Video Link: I Am Presence Light Code Activation - The Universal Heart Of God I Am -





Finding Your Greatest Joy By Archangel Michael

With Natalie Glasson

I Am Archangel Michael, and I greet you now with Divine Love, Joy, & Archangel Blessings. I bring forth a joy that is so pure and of such a high vibration to each of you now. Just allow this to flow over and through your being. May you receive it into the depths of your being – into areas that feel stuck or confused.
May it quicken your energy vibration. May it increase the movement of your energy and allow you to access a joy, within your being, that is so filled with love, fulfilment and truth, that it allows you to experience contentment and wholeness within your being and with the Creator.
At this time, the Creator is sharing a high vibration. It is a very subtle and yet impactful vibration, that many may miss.
They may not recognise it and yet the Creator is sharing this high vibrational energy in order to create a boost in the ascension of those who are ready and accepting of this high vibration.
The high vibration is pure joy from the essence/core of the Creator – the creative source of joy.
This pure vibration of joy is flowing throughout the entire Universe of the Creator. It is available for you to access…to download into your being…and to support you in discovering your own inner joy; the highest, purest vibration of your own inner joy.
The vibration of joy may seem luxurious, but it is something that your soul desires. It is also an energy that is very freeing and supports healing within your being.
It enables you to experience a deeper connection with the Creator and also yourself. It removes obstacles, boundaries, limitations that do not serve you, and it attracts the goodness of the Creator and the universe into your being.
By goodness we mean the nourishment for your soul and your body, as well as support, security, strength, love, deeper understanding of the truth and a greater grounding.
When you accept a joy that is of a high and pure vibration, it actually has an immensely grounding sensation when you allow them to integrate and synthesise with your entire being.
They ground you into your physical body and into your physical reality, but they also ground your true self/your essence into your physical body and reality, therefore allowing you to consciously exist as an aspect of the Creator upon this earth.
This essentially is ascension; existing as much as possible as an expression of the Creator upon the earth.
It is your purpose, as an expression of the Creator, to experience joy, love, contentment, success, grounding and abundance in your physical reality, letting the physical reality mirror the qualities of your spiritual divine self.
Video Link: Finding Your Greatest Joy By Archangel Michael
When you access your inner joy or your higher joy, you are experiencing joy and happiness without reason - causeless love and joy. You are simply experiencing joy/happiness/success/contentment/love….all of these divine energies.
You are experiencing them because you are an embodiment of them and for no other reason, and this energy is continuous; you can always access it.
There isn’t a need for physical things to create your joy, however, when you’re accessing a joy from within your being or from higher realms, it will create, within your physical reality, physical joys that mirror your inner joy, therefore filling your physical reality with physical joys of numerous types, situations and scenarios.
This acts as a beautiful understanding and confirmation that you are allowing your inner joy…your beauty, your love, your peace…to be expressed through your body, your auric field, your chakras, through your mind/thoughts, through your voice and even through your eyes.
Sometimes you may find it is impossible to continue in a space of joy, because often when joy arises, and fills your being like an ecstatic vibration and flow, it also brings to the surface the grit, the dirt, the things that you have been holding onto that are no longer required.
These do require your attention. But when you give them your attention with a focus upon your inner love & joy…as if you are holding joy lightly while you are allowing yourself to experience that which is emerging…it will resolve very quickly and easily.
To find your highest vibration of joy, you can ask to be connected into the joy vibration of the purest nature that is flowing from the Creator now. Let it flow into every aspect of your being; into your cells, into your auric field, into your chakras.
Breathe it in, and exhale joy outwards to fill your auric field and surroundings.
Sit and bathe in the vibration of joy of the Creator, as if you’re in a swimming pool of joy. You can bathe in this swimming pool for as long as you wish, absorbing its energies of joy.
It may create niggles within your being, aspects of yourself that say that they do not wish to experience joy. Accept these aspects with loving joy. Embrace them. Let them be heard. They will soon transform.
As you’re bathing in the Creator’s joy, you can ask your soul to download, from the highest vibration of joy of your sacred being, into your soul and physical body.
Observe how this joy downloads into your being; where it comes from, where you acknowledge it resting, where you feel you need to spread it.
What are the qualities of joy?
How does it impact your being?
Remember that this is your personal joy. It will have a personal impact upon you – a meaningful and purposeful impact upon you.
Allow yourself to spend time getting to know your joy…finding it, exploring it, emanating it…because joy is your divine right.
Whatever you are experiencing and whatever challenges you are moving through, joy will bring an upliftment and a healing.
I Am Archangel Michael. I Thank You.
Video Link: Accessing Oneness - The Divine Bliss Within You !

I Am Receiving all of the Divine Blessings & Miracles of the Creator's Universe ! And I Am grateful.

I Am My Divine Self's Supreme Love & Bliss In Action !
By Steven Hutchinson
This short prayer/invocation was inspired by a Violet Flame Masterclass that I recently took and found powerfully uplifting. Just click on this link if you  want to check it out - and it's free:
Your Divine Self is your direct connection to God's Presence within you and is great to call upon in your prayers and meditation. Just put in your own words what come to you from your Divine Self.
I Am my Divine Self's Supreme Love & Bliss in action with the Violet Flames and Father/Mother/God's Supreme Healing Love & Light - in Action throughout my Whole Being - manifesting my healing and the transmutation of everything in me that is not of God's Love & Light - and with every breath bringing me into a state of Supreme Peace, Joy, & Bliss."
Thank You God! And So It Is!
Beloved I Am Presence. Beloved I Am Presence. Beloved I Am All That I Am!"
Video Link: Moving Into Divine Stillness & Silence
When you remain present with God's expanding Love in your heart, you come to experience God's Grace, Healing, Peace, Joy, and Abundance.

Our Preparation Continues By Patricia Cota-Robles


We are still in the process of assimilating the Solar Light Codes we received during the June Solstice and the Full Moon that occurred June 20th through the 22nd in 2024. This very powerful influx of Light has further stimulated the Awakening of the masses of Humanity. This accelerated Awakening is giving Humanity’s I AM Presence the opportunity to once again intuitively remind us of just what our purpose and reason for being on Earth is during this critical time in our Ascension process.

Today, the Company of Heaven has asked us to empower the following invocation with the Divine Intent of assisting every person to more clearly hear this intuitive guidance from their I AM Presence. If you have the Heart Call to participate in this activity of Light, please join with me now.


This Is My Purpose and Reason for Being

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with my Father-Mother God, I AM One with the Solar Logos from the Suns beyond Suns beyond Suns in Mother Earth’s lineage, I AM One with the Legions of Light who have served the Evolutions of Earth since our inception, and I AM also One with I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth. What I invoke for myself this sacred and holy day, I invoke on behalf of every person on Earth in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

During this life-transforming Cosmic Moment, I AM experiencing a new level of Inner Knowing and Enlightenment with every Breath I take. As this Divine Wisdom surfaces into my conscious mind, I begin to fathom my purpose and reason for being on Earth with a new clarity.

As I Awaken to new levels of awareness, my I AM Presence reveals that I AM not just a victim of the circumstances occurring in my life. But rather, through the various thoughts, words, feelings and actions I have expressed during my myriad Earthly sojourns, I have Cocreated my current Earthly experiences.

I now remember that through the Universal Law of The Circle, I AM the Cocreator of my experiences in the physical plane of Earth. With every Breath my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs are projected onto the atomic substance of physical matter.

As the Gift of my Holy Breath, which is my Life Force, flows through me it picks up the vibrations of my Consciousness and then expresses those vibrations in visible form, experiences and circumstances. In other words, what I think about, what I put my feelings and energy into, I AM bringing into form.

Because of the confusion I have experienced in the past, I have given power to physical matter through my human ego. I have allowed the distorted manifestation of physical matter to become my reality, when, in Truth, it is only an illusion created by my thoughts, feelings, words, actions and beliefs. In my newly Awakened state, I now realize with a deeper level of comprehension and clarity, that physical matter is nothing more than a mass of atomic energy controlled by my Consciousness. Never does matter control Consciousness.

My world reflects my human Consciousness. In the past I have set about trying to change the physical conditions in my world, instead of changing my Consciousness. Those conditions are only the reflection of my Consciousness. Trying to change physical conditions without changing my Consciousness is like trying to change the reflection in a mirror without changing the object causing the reflection. It is a futile effort.

Now, in my Awakened Consciousness I realize that I AM One with my I AM Presence and that ALL my Father-Mother God have is my Divine Birthright. With this knowing a tremendous shift of Consciousness is occurring subtly and deeply at an atomic, cellular level within my Mental Body, my physical Brain Structure, Spiritual Brain Centers, my Subconscious Mind, my Consciousness Mind and my Superconscious Mind. This process is being greatly accelerated by the new Solar Light Codes that have now been encoded within my Twelve 5D Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA.

The seed of this new awareness is now growing within me. It is blazing like the Sun and radiating forth multifaceted and multidimensional Crystalline Rays of 5th-Dimensional Solar Light. My Heart Flame is expanding and the Flame of Comprehensive Divine Love which is cradled in the Divinity of my Heart is expanding as well.

With every Holy Breath I take, the Flame of Comprehensive Divine Love in my Heart is now expanding and connecting with the Flame of Comprehensive Divine Love blazing in the Heart of every man, woman, and child on Earth.

The Company of Heaven is now revealing that through Humanity’s unified Heart Flames, we are being given an extraordinary opportunity to be the Instruments of God we have been preparing for Lifetimes to be. In response, to this revelation we decree on behalf of ALL Humanity…


I AM an Instrument of God

 I AM weaving my gifts, talents, skills, knowledge, strength, courage, compassion and Comprehensive Divine Love into the Tapestry of the Divine Plan for the 5D Crystalline Solar New Earth.

I AM responding to my Heart’s Call. I AM God in Action

and I AM Consecrating my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs to be the greatest  Force of Light and Love I can possibly Cocreate on this sweet Earth.

Every single day the Free Will choices I make add to the Light of the World and I AM Cocreating positive changes.

Through the focus of my I AM Presence, I KNOW and accept the following Divine Truths:

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with ALL Life. I AM Divine Love. I AM Infinite Abundance. I AM the Harmony of my True Being. I AM Vibrantly Healthy and Eternally Youthful and I AM a Peace Commanding Presence.

I have a Healing Touch and the actions I take every day improve my family, my job, my community, my city, my country and the World.

I AM able to communicate intuitively through open heart and mind telepathic communication with my I AM Presence, my Father-Mother God, the Company of Heaven, the I AM Presences of ALL Humanity, the Angelic Kingdom and the Elemental Kingdom.

All I have to do is go within and ask my I AM Presence for guidance. Then, in the state of Listening Grace, I will take the time to listen.

My Purpose and Reason for Being is to daily and hourly Transfigure Mother Earth into the Heart-based patterns of perfection for the 5D Crystalline Solar New Earth through my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs.  And so it is.

Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.


Dear One, God Bless You. I look forward to being with you next week.


Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909 Fax: 520-347-5440
Video Link: Our Preparation Continues -

Views: 67


Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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