lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

  • Female
  • Niedersachsen
  • Germany
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Sylvia's Friends

  • Glen Deffenbaugh
  • Michele Cheevers
  • Vermma Suundeep Golden Age Coach
  • Stasha
  • gino plantamura
  • Ben Enisuoh
  • Patrizia
  • nancy gilbert
  • manuel segundo yajure uzcategui
  • Arleem
  • Movimiento Cósmico
  • Maria Amparo Sotomayor
  • Luminakisharblaze
  • Jean Victoria Norloch
  • Angel~a

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Profile Information

How did you find out about Lightgrid?
Sonja told me
Have you read the information on the main page? If no, please do so after having read the next question ;-)
Do you wish to synchronize with two other members in extending the Violet Ray?
Please tell us about yourself - ENJOY!
I was...
... born 1957 in Hamburg, I'm married and mother of an adult son.
... writer of the Sunday column of "El Telegrafo“ de Ecuador 1989 with unconditional love Contents;
...rector of the first castings office "Maximas“ in Guayaquil, Ecuador 1990;
...Producer and director of the song „Ven“ to the event "Humanidad 2000“;
...Visionary and Director of the event "Humanidad 2000“, 14th of February 2000 in the Stadium in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Thousands of participants joined in a mass meditation of love and forgivingness.
...Holistic Therapist in Guayaquil, Ecuador from 1996-2001, healing through channelled information, Forgiveness, sound, Reiki, flower remedy, meditation, and universal Love energy;
....Spiritual Teacher, Channel and Founder of "SERAMOR“, a holistic centre in Spain, 2005.
...Producer and director of the Video "The Beginning of a wonderful Transformation“. The intention to show alternative methods with Love for holistic health was the inspiration to make the video, 2005;
...Director of "LOTUS“, the first trilingual New Age Magazine in Mallorca, Spain. The vision to bring same minded persons together was the idea of the magazine, 2006
I am ...
... Ambassador of "THE LOVE FOUNDATION“, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with the mission of inspiring people to love unconditionally, since 2006;
...Author of the new age trilogy novel "Reise zurück ins Licht“(Journey back to light) Das Erwachen(the awakeing), Der Aufstieg (the ascension), Im Sein sein(be aware of the being).
... Visionary and Director of the "BIG HUG“ event 1st of May, 2012.

The Big Hug Vision

The BIG HUG Vision

The Time is right
It is a moment of urgency for every one on this planet
To come together in respect, compassion and love.

We invite unity and love into our world
If you are longing for unity and oneness
You have to heal the opposites and polarities within.
There is no other way to become Whole and know Peace.

If humanity is gathered in oneness,
We can focus our power and co-create the world we all are dreaming of.
With Love, we will establish a new consciousness in our world

With Love,
We can make our dreams come true,
because we’ll co-create a society without unfair division.
A world that invites new possibilities to arise.

We have found the way to heal our wounding,
Now is the Time to experience true peace.
With the BIG HUG, we heal our differences on a global level
(North-South, rich-poor, dark-bright, head-heart, etc)

On Global Love Day May 1st, 2012
We will join hands from Chile to Alaska, forming a human chain of nearly
30.000.000 persons along the Pan American Highways
Beside we motivate every one in the world to create loving connections in their counties as well, The Big Hug encourages participants of different races, religions, cultures, languages,
and ethnicities to reach out and stand together.

As the incredibly large numbers of persons come together in ONE intention,
the Whole Planet will join with us.
Media will align with this loving manifestation to help people all over the world
Share the BIG HUG while watching TV.

What else does the Big Hug offer?

offers a platform for you
to present your action and intentions
for co-creating better life conditions for all.

Artists, healers, visionaries, light workers, peace
and freedom organizations,
meditation, shamanism and more, All find their place at

Along the Pan-American Highways, and all over the world
Large concerts will take place
Helping us manifest the Energy of Change.
Let us Join the Concerts along the way,
Encouraging fans and light workers to unite and join in peace.

BIG HUG means:
Manifested LOVE around the world in every city and every corner.

BIG HUG bestows:
A shift of consciousness, allowing Peace and Serenity
Into our Hearts and into our World.

is unconditional LOVE in action

The origin and base of BIG HUG is unconditional love
and the desire of all human to live in harmony and peace with each other.
We have no intention to make profit out of this desire.
BIG HUG shows a way out of separation and shows all of us,
that we are ONE humanity with equal intentions.

The only reason for us to spend money is to pay journeys and all fees of an office.
So if you like to offer some money for our costs, it is truly accepted as a helping hand
to make the organization possible.
Also merchandising brings money into the organization.

The event is created by persons with love and devotion to the topic.
Voluntaries that have the same ideals are needed in the office and on the road.

Artist, who share the energy of BIG HUG in their own event apart,
shall do it in their own responsibility,
they neither receive nor have to donate money when they are with us.
But they should collaborate with us so that a harmonic result is guaranteed.
We receive them with a heart full of love and gratitude,
because they make the event more colourful.

Every one who wants to be part of it has a large space to gather his fans or groups.
Their money earnings have not to be shared with the BIG HUG organization.

We invite every person on Earth who is interested to collaborate for a better world.
We invite those who have ideals and ideas to present them at the web space
We invite the media to report and make their stories about the BIG HUG.
Find your space and be a part of it.

Why the Americas?

We use the Pan American Highways,
Because it is the longest ground connection between
the opposite poles on Earth that exists.

With the BIG HUG our energy flows through the spine of our planet,
which seems to be represented by the Andes.

JOIN the

You are with us ...
...if you are interested in a peaceful humanity.
...if you have a group with like minded interests and all want to bring in the
collective power of unconditional LOVE..
...if you wish your energy to flow into the human chain. Every person counts.
...if you are interested in helping sponsor this organization with your
time, mind, ingenuity and/or donation.
...if you are interested in volunteering some of your time and skills to this organization.
...if you can use your loving energy to translate our news written in German or
English into other languages of the world.
...if you have the willingness to be a part of the change and shift into higher

Please sign in at

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Sylvia's Blog

Money good bye ...!

Posted on March 16, 2012 at 6:00pm 16 Comments

Hallo ihr lieben: Ein Jahrtausendereignis steht bevor und wir sind dabei!

Schaut euch mal diese Seite an.

Es ist genau das, was ich seit Jahren empfinde. Ich bin der…


Hallo liebe BIG HUG 2012 Freunde

Posted on June 24, 2011 at 10:54pm 0 Comments

Zunächst möchte ich bitten, meine lange Abwesenheit zu entschuldigen. Vor genau einem Jahr zog ich mich zurück. Ich hatte sehr schwere Aufstiegs-Symptome. Aber ich habe inzwischen gelernt wie man eine Webseite erstellt, um der Welt zu zeigen, was bei der großen Menschenkette von Chile bis Kanada zu erwarten ist.

Die Website heißt



Hola amigo/a del evento BIG HUG 2012/ el ABRAZOTE.

Posted on June 24, 2011 at 9:15pm 2 Comments


Primero quiero pedir  padrón por mi larga ausencia. Hace exactamente un año me retiraba. Tenía unos síntomas muy graves de ascensión. Pero me preocupé de aprender como se hace una página web para demostrar al mundo lo que es el evento de la gran cadena humana desde Chile hasta Canadá.

La página web se llama



BIG HUG 2012 needs your action now

Posted on June 19, 2011 at 11:25pm 12 Comments

Hello BIG HUG 2012  Friends


First I would ask you to apologise my long absence. Exactly one year ago I retired. I had very serious ascension symptoms. But I was concerned to learn how to create a web page to show the world what is the event of the great human chain from Chile to Canada.

The website is called…


Comment Wall (25 comments)

You need to be a member of LIGHTGRID - Lichtnetz - REDDELUZ to add comments!


At 4:50pm on March 3, 2019, Eckart said…

Hallo Sylvia, lange nichts mehr von dir gehört. Bist du noch in unseren Dimensionen oder schwebst du schon in höheren ???LOL

Lass mal von die hören !!!

Licht und Liebe


At 9:31pm on March 19, 2012, Ishema, Carol Suchecki said…

Thank you Sylvia for your friendship and for the invitation. I will find a way to share The Big Hug on the Internet. It is a wonderful idea!

Blessed Be,


At 6:53am on February 11, 2012, Myriel RAouine said…

Es ist wunderschön!

Es drückt so einzigartig die VERBUNDENHEIT jeder Blute der Pflanze aus ... und genauso sind alle Pflanzen einer Spezies und darüber hinaus verbunden - JA!

Danke für dieses wunderschöne Geschenk, Sylvia!

Alles Liebe,


At 10:50am on January 23, 2012, Arleem said…

At 8:19pm on January 17, 2012, Michele Cheevers said…

Thank you so much for reaching out.  I share my love and light with you as my friend.

At 6:50pm on January 17, 2012, Patrizia said…

Dear Sylvia, thanks for adding me as a friend! I needed to see your page before accepting...and i've found your smiling face! Your smile is like a BIG HUG, thank you, i'm sure your friendship will help me to grow more :-)

In Love and Light

Patrizia :-)

At 6:09pm on January 17, 2012, gino plantamura said…


At 5:55pm on January 17, 2012, Arleem said…

Welcome my Dear sister!

LOve and Light, Arleem

At 10:47am on June 27, 2011, Myriel RAouine said…
The Godspark

It'll all come together.
Just smile and watch it all come together.

You can call it the Godspark, the 100th Monkey, The Reunion, Critical Mass, or whatever you like, but, regardless of what you call it, it is coming. People are going to be lifted up and out of this encumbered mindset into a freer, more exalted place. We may or may not leave this Earth, however, the days of being a slave to another man's whims, the days of having our happiness tied to how much money we have, the days of us harming ourselves for reasons we are unaware of are coming to an end. It will be a huge relief and a release such as we have never felt before. We'll wake up one morning, and everywhere you go you'll see people happy and smiling because they will be being given everything they need freely and lovingly.

At 10:47am on June 27, 2011, Myriel RAouine said…

"Consider what happens when you strike a match. There is a critical point when just enough friction occurs to cause a spark to spring forth and a fire that wasn't there a moment before to burn brightly in front of you. It's the same with mankind as we move into the new millennium. It doesn't take all of us to bring about the change; it just takes enough of us to intend that we live in a world of peace and freedom and joy. It will happen in an instant. One moment we may still be shuffling through the shadows, and then, suddenly, in the next moment, one inspired person breaks a lifelong pattern and opens up to the highest good - and with this simple act of love, the entire human race reaches a critical point. A spark of light flickers, then bursts into flame, heralding a new standard and the life that we all deserve to live.


From The Intenders Handbook


That person could be you."

My Intention for today is:

I Intend that I am completely and utterly free.



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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