January 2016
Full Moon of the Violet Ray brings Blessings…
Dear Lightgrid Family,
Tomorrow's Full Moon is bringing a special gift of the purest of initiation energies gifted to Earth by Lord Maitreya and Beloved Buddha to prepare us for the coming two full…
Full Moon of the Violet Ray brings Blessings…
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Plant a SEED
Dear Lightgrid Family,
TODAY let us plant the seed of LOVE and UNITY!
You have been thinking about which seed you would like to plant in your personal life for 17 days - Today is the last day…
Plant a SEED
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The Power Month of June
Dear Lightgrid Family,
We are haeading towards realization: on Wednesday, June 1st we celebrate the New Moon with a Partial Solar Eclipse over the Northern Hemisphere, on June 15th we will witne…
The Power Month of June
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. I share this with all of you, as it has clarified for many in my class, "Birthing The Heart and Mind of God," their own clarity of intention for thei…
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And away we go… by Allison Rae;
These final, still moments of the waning moon are filled with expectancy. A portal of awakening beckons.
Beginning this week and continuing through mid-July, we’re carried by rhythms of creation on a…
And away we go… by Allison Rae;
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Purification of the Air Element
Dear Lightgrid Family,
I have been led to work with the elements of air, water, earth and fire much more than ususal durng lightgrid connections for the past five to six weeks, and also with the…
Purification of the Air Element
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Birthday Cards from all over the world for M…
A message to all members of LIGHTGRID - Lichtnetz - REDDELUZ
Meikel is 13 years old. He suffers from cancer and is undergoing a difficult time. His 14th birthday is AUGUST 11th - and he is not…
Birthday Cards from all over the world for M…
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INVITATION to participate in the Circumpolar…
INVITATION to participate in the
Circumpolar Rainbowbridge Meditation
from August 13th, 2011,
until August 18th, 2011
with the main focus on
AUGUST 16th,
which is the 24th " birthday" of the
INVITATION to participate in the Circumpolar…
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Dear Lightgrid Family,
I've just come across the Natalie Glasson's latest channeling which starts out like this:
Techniques to Embody the Qualities of the 2010 Energy Wave
With Lord Merlin…
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"good" - warning
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I have to warn you NOT to respond to the message our new member "good" has left on your page. She - or is it he?!? - is not looking for spiritual help and exchange but ra…
"good" - warning
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The 7th Day is Dawning!
Dear Lightgrid Family,
TONIGHT at MIDNIGHT we are shifting into the 7th Day after the 6th NIGHT - this is the 13th and final wave movement of the Galactic Underworld!!! UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, Bal…
The 7th Day is Dawning!
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A Message From God ~Thro'~ "Circle of Light"…
The Messages from God
through Yael and Doug Powell
at Circle of Light <a href="http://www.circleoflight.net">www.circleoflight.net</a>
Even a Moment's Shift to the Heart
Brings the Reality of Love
(even if the mind
doesn't register it)
A Message From God ~Thro'~ "Circle of Light"…
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January 4, 2011 - Meditation Focus
Dear Family of the Violet Light,
WELCOME in 2011 :-)
Tomorrow, January 4th, 2011, a Partial Solar Eclipse over Europe, Africa and Asia will initiate the New Year with a pow…
January 4, 2011 - Meditation Focus
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Dear friends of the starting Sacred Healing Art Gallery,
Keep it Sacred!
Competitions is from the EGO-Mind and flows not with our Heart Energy of oneness, unity.
Remember what the main goal is…
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What Will Happen ON And After 2012. ?~ Thoma…
What Happens in 2012?
The Mayan Calendar
by Thomas Michael Murasso
Hundreds of websites, books, videos, workshops, and discussion groups are devoted to the Mayan calendar and why it e…
What Will Happen ON And After 2012. ?~ Thoma…
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About the importance of transmuting the PAST…
Dear Lightgrid Family,
Last year, in the summer of 2010, I was instructed to include the dolphin energy during connexion time by calling on them - and also our star brethren who are watching over…
About the importance of transmuting the PAST…
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May PEACE reign our world ... Egypt and Aust…
Dear Lightgrid Family,
IMBOLC has come and we celebrae the return of the LIGHT - and part of the world is in havoc ...
The situation in Egypt is changing from hour to hour. Cyclone Yasi is nea…
May PEACE reign our world ... Egypt and Aust…
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SanandasEagles ~ By Ash ~ Thought Strings ~…
Light Grid
Posted on: 01-29-2011 Posted in: Inspired Visions, Journey Notes
"Ancestral" By Ashley Foreman
The human body is like a circuit on a circuit board…we transmit the electrical codes of the…
SanandasEagles ~ By Ash ~ Thought Strings ~…
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Lightgrid - The Grid of Light - the Violet C…
Dear Lightgrid Family,
The Triple Date Grid Stargate Portal of 10:10:10 is nearing and much information is available - here and all around the net. I will not repeat what has already been said and…
Lightgrid - The Grid of Light - the Violet C…
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Last Pieces of Information on 10:10:10
Dear Lightgrid Family,
Our special meditation and connection time is very near.
Please keep in mind to help anchor the Crystal Energies from tonight until the 20th of October.
Here's a link to the…
Last Pieces of Information on 10:10:10
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Meditation for 9/11
Dear Lightgrid Family,
Today we commemorate 9/11 - and I ask you to do this with LOVE and PEACE in your heart,
knowing that no-one is better than any other person and that we are all BROTHER…
Meditation for 9/11
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