lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

YOUR NEVER ALONE - Eileen Zizecli Coleman

4th February 2019 – YOUR NEVER ALONE

I have felt a great loneliness today as the week stretches before me, wondering how to fill it and yet wanting to curl into a ball and hibernate.

The nobility has graced us with their presence, we come armed ready to withstand a barrage of abuse and we put it to you my dear, we are lucky to be represented by such a noble charge! We feed you with lines of the greatest respect and donate our services to the cause of mankind, opening up streams of energy that will allow us to come that little bit closer than ever before. We are open for negotiations!

We demonstrate the loneliness that we suffer at your absence and it brings a tear to the eye to reminisce over times gone past, we amply express our Love at this joyous connection which has brought us together and we thank you for your assistance in this matter. We divulge information that come into us from the ethers and we allow a modicum of sanity to restore those of feint heart and mind. We empower you to recover your senses and to bear witness. We have acknowledged your presence here with us today and we are honour bound to march forward and make our mark. Undeterred we sally forth, pushing against our restraints, breaking free!

I left it here but the following morning I watched a programme called ‘Egypt’s Golden Empire’ that covered the long reign of Rameses II. I hadn't had time to warm my sanctuary so sat in my lounge and tuned in, proving that it doesn't matter where you are as long as you are enveloped in Love.

The times, they are a changing, and we beam to you on this Lightship of Love to open up the facets of your imagination, bringing us closer into your orbit and streamlining our connection. There are mammoth advantages to this and we give thanks to the Gods who summon us and bring us about full-steam ahead! We have mobilised our connection with a summary of events on the horizon. We take you to task, uplifting a nation in distress and we relieve you of your duties of the past, putting into effect a mammoth study that will revitalise our connections and bring us into the land of the living.

We have spoken of this in the past and we come now to aid and abet you, discovering for ourselves what holds you back. We generate thought patterns that will assist us in this quest and we beam you aboard in the hours of daylight to make our connections stronger and firmer than ever before. Please believe we hold your safety as paramount in this endeavour and we put to rest idle gossip that could cause dismay! Do not venture far from this dialogue that has your best interests at heart, we have made mammoth statements in the past but nothing of more importance than this! We register a stream of innuendo and we tire of those thought forms that make impact in a horrendous way. We do not allow those who would foul the pathway with dark, molesting thought patterns, they know not the power such thoughts will have upon themselves as all comes back to the source, afflicting those who send out scorn and hatred!

(I feel the following refers to the great Pharaohs whose tombs were plundered and eventually moved by priests to a place of safety, also those whose names were struck from monuments and defaced).

We bear witness, to a den of thieves and robbers who scorched the land and bade us farewell in terms of endearment that denied our very existence. We were torch bearers in a land of plenty and yet we came to our grave in tatters! Our Spirit lives on in golden harmony for it is not the place of internment that matters but what is held in your heart, these thoughts we take with us to our next destination. We forego the gold of your earthly kingdom for it shall not bring you true happiness, in fact quite often the opposite. We prefer the golden vibration of the heavenly kingdom and this can be reached by all those who empty their mind and soul of hurts and insults that form a barricade, preventing you from entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Here we expect those souls who have proved their worth, stabilising the population of Earth with Love as the key weapon.

We are beholden to those of you who do this with just and loving hearts and we remind you of a parable, told many centuries ago by the Master Jesus himself, and we refer to this great figure in your history as being paramount in the reduction of violence upon your planet. Jesus told us of the parable of the seed, of the life force within, planted and nurtured, given Love and attention. We see the seed blossom and grow, cared for and loved, bringing forth a bountiful harvest, whereas the seed that is planted in stony ground, neglected and forgotten, is stifled of growth! We need you to Love yourselves, to arm yourselves with Love, protecting you from the follies of mankind, opening your heart to the heavens, aligning yourselves with those in the heavenly spheres who watch over you, granting you absolution.

We are prepared to take on a summary of events that have happened in your distant past, and which we now bring to the surface to be looked at and given recognition. We are bound on a heavenly course and we look forward to the coming of spring, where we shall open and flower and blossom under our direction. We nurture you and uplift you to come among us and we shall indeed count those ears of golden corn as being very relevant to our cause. Open your textbooks, relive your past lives and know that we are with you and have always been so!

No matter how alone you may feel, this is farthest from the truth! I remember the years I lived alone in bedsits, wondering if I would ever find true love. If I had listened to that inner voice back then my life would have become more meaningful much earlier. I had been brought up in the Baptist church as a child so always had a connection to their teachings. However, I drifted away and became lost in my search for happiness and a home. I remember standing outside a Spiritualist church and looking at the notice board, wondering if I dare go in. It was to be several years later before I actually stepped foot over the threshold, receiving my first taste of spiritual healing. My spiritual flame ignited in a flash of blue Light, before being engulfed in purple energy. Here I found my vocation, becoming a healer myself and helping others who felt alone and vulnerable.

Views: 89

Comment by Ishema, Carol Suchecki on February 12, 2019 at 7:29pm

Thank you Eileen for these inspiring messages.

With gratitude and love,


Comment by Dr. SohiniBen Shukla on February 13, 2019 at 1:48pm

Dear Eileen,

Thanks ...I like because I never feel alone !!

You are very right...



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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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