lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

WE THREE LADIES - The Master Jesus approaches - Eileen Zizecli Coleman

27.9.16 -  This week Kay Downie is sitting for communication.

Kay relaxed and went into a deep state of relaxation very quickly. When she spoke it was in a lower tone. Greetings! Greetings to you!

We have waited long and yet, tis a moment, I can hear the drums beating, not for war but for Peace. As the golden Sun and the flowers reach for one another, our souls are reaching out to you, we are with you, we are ONE! As we join together this evening I wish to plant within you the seeds of the flowers that you may go forth and multiply and spread the words, the words of my tribesman, the words of Peace.

For too long man has taken war to bring about Peace and it is not war that is needed, it is words, it is kindness, it is Love! The anger and the frustration of you men and women is like a disease within your heart, tightening your chest and enabling you not to breathe as deeply as you should, for when you are free you will breathe like the trees and the grass, you will run like the flowers in the breeze of the trees. You will wind through life like the river through lands, lands of freedom, lands of plenty, but first we must blend, we must learn to work together to trust one another, to find the wings of the Dove and spread them like the wings of the Eagle.

Thank you. Yes, thank you so much. Wise words spoken. We look forward to this time also.

As the drums beat in my village the music will beat in your heart, I sit in the doorway of my Tepee and I watch, I watch as man pillages from their own Mother the Earth, the planet that gives us life is being sucked dry from their own. There are many of us on the Earth plane in different guises, some are the swift Antelope, others the Buffalo but we are all equal, the animals and the humans, we are ‘ONE’ we are all children of the great White Spirit of our father of the Earth.

We know, we know that it is not many but a few who are breaking free, for it is freedom that is required, it is freedom that we were born to be. We were born to live, to Love and to hunt but we were not born to kill our own kind. Many moons ago my village was set on fire, not by white man but by my own.

Can you tell us your name please?

My name is Chen aw a! (pronounced Genoa)

Thank you. Welcome! The tribes are coming together aren’t they, to help mankind?

We have no tribes, we have no need for tribes, we have learned much since the day of that fire. We hold hands, we dance around our fires, we do not ask for rain for we do not need it, but we do ask that Peace reigns upon the Earth. We ask that children no longer suffer, that man and woman honour and respect one another, that they respect the Earth and all who dwell on her. Our greatest wish is for your planet to reflect our home, to be broadened with our wisdoms, to accept our words, to accept that everything is provided, all needs are met and it is Love and kindness not greed and guns and war that is needed upon this Earth. And we are meeting tonight with not only you but with many, in many countries, for where there are a few who wish to join us, we spread ourselves and come to you.

Thank you!

Eileen sensed the words, sunshine and roses. Kay’s face began to change again with her face becoming fuller. Lesley could see a faint moustache and felt someone else was coming through.  They were looking around the room. You are welcome! Welcome friend!

I open the book, I blow away the dust for many books have been left unopened, it is time to dust them off as you would dust the dust from your shoes. It is time to open and to expand knowledge, it is time for your feet to walk over mountains, down hills, over rivers and streams to meet with like-minded. It is time to listen and to read of all that has been, to take that knowledge and to build upon it, not to repeat what was done. For millenniums it has been known that there are those who will seek the good in all and there are those who will be threatened by them, to the point that they will take them and hang them on a tree. Do not let this history be. Where there is darkness, Light will always shine, let your thoughts and your words be that Light! We will. Thank you.

Eileen sensed the word Somerset. There was a bang in the room, and then again another bang. Someone younger came forward, a beautiful woman in a golden glow. Eileen sensed the name Bethany. You’re doing really well!

There was a sadness and there seemed to be a change with a man around her, who spoke as Jesus.

Take of this bread, let it feed you, for man may live by bread alone. Take of this cup and drink it, for it is of my blood. I have visited this room on many occasions and on each occasion I have been received with Love, but it was not always that way. Like you, I came to this Earth to feed my brothers and my sisters with the bread and the body and the blood of our Great Redeemer, but there were those who sought to kill me! But death is not the end, but the beginning, and whilst I may not be of the flesh, I am still of the Spirit within each of you and we are proud, we who are our children, our offspring, and the blood that you drink is of mine and is now of yours. Take the bread and share it, not just among yourselves but among many, let them know that life is eternal. Life continues from this world to your world and back again and again and round and down, but whilst there is Love there will be no end!

Kay resurfaced and we chatted about being honoured with the Master Jesus’s presence. Kay told us of the time when Jesus had drawn close during Reiki sessions, and to confirm it when they left the sanctuary there was a heart and arrow imprinted on the voile curtain more than once.

On research Eileen found that Bethany is recorded in the New Testament as the home of the siblings Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, as well as that of Simon the Leper. Jesus lodged in Bethany during his final days in Jerusalem, and the Palm Sunday procession started out from there. After Jesus had risen, he appeared to his followers (Luke 24:36), he then led them on the road to Bethany. Also the word Somerset could relate to Jesus visiting with his Uncle Joseph as a child.

We chatted amongst ourselves about all sorts and then as we had some time left before we closed, Lesley asked Eileen if she would like to sit and bring through her guides. The energies had dipped quite considerably by this time but we decided to try. Eileen was getting the beginning of a sentence – There is a point in question we would like to raise, but didn’t speak out loud and so we closed the session down. Eileen later tuned in at home to ask what they had wanted to say.

There is a point in question we would like to raise, and we would like to say with hands on our heart that we have never seen such a deserved group of excellence bar none, and we accept that all of you will honour the proceedings and agree only to speak of other matters after we have closed in prayer! This is because the necessary outputs do indeed need to be chosen carefully, and we register your input as we make massive changes to your energy circuits to allow us to convey what we wish to pass on to you. Idle chatter can clutter the airways and reduce the energy output to such a considerable degree that we are not able to make that finer contact that we desire, and which you yourselves have requested!

Thank you so much.

We are here to help you all and it is a matter of fact that we have come for the duration, we shall not be put off or cast aside for that is not our way. We push and pull you into shape ready to make our final announcements, and this shall come in due course when you are ready to take your place among others who have hearkened to the call within their breast. We go where the heart calls us and we call you to us, asking you to be rest assured that all is well and above board.

We do not believe that we shall master all the necessary requisites at this time but we have put in place a most beneficial feedback that will allow us to walk together as one, one whole person, a unit of considerable strength and knowledge. And we allow these words to sink in and be registered deep within your being, and we shall be governed by a mighty force of greatest Light.

We tend to the little ones and hope they will overcome their maladies that we may shelter them and protect them in the times to come. It has been a most ambiguous journey and we defy the laws of gravity to come among you, to be counted on and to be blessed with greater learning, for we shall move higher up the echelons of learning and maturity of Spirit.

We beckon you to join us and to take heart for the future is bright, much brighter than you could ever contemplate at this time. We do make massive changes to your energies and allow you to rest in Peace, preparing for our updates and future resources that are there waiting for us to take up and enjoy and implement. We beckon you further along the track and tend to the needs of our brothers and sisters, asking that you not be discouraged or put off at any hold ups. Be not alarmed at any mishaps, we shall iron out the creases and allow all to unfold gracefully and at your pace.

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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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