lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
15thNovember 2016 - We Reach for the Stars
Almost immediately Eileen’s cheeks and then chin started to change and her eyes appeared bigger, Kay felt it was a wise old woman. There was rapid eye movement and it was at this point Eileen had experienced dancing in a spiral higher and higher.
Welcome my friend, don’t be frightened, we are here for you to share your experiences.
We reach for the Stars in all their glory! We look forward to this journey with you, we are beside you and we nurture you and bring you to our way of thinking. There is a grand parade of souls coming to join you and we believe there will be many more in due course. Shine out that light within you, join the throng, we are gathering momentum and we are reaching those heights destined that we have waited for so long. It is a time of jubilation, a time of growing excitement amongst those multitudes who wait, who wait to see what will happen in your skies.
We are here waiting too, and all will unfold, all will be given clarity of thought, allowing the mundane to fall away and be no more. We are those bright lights that cheer you on, registering your concerns upon the Earth plane, we do believe you will make headway before much longer and we are right there bedside you, holding your hand, putting an arm around your shoulders when at times you weep.
We do believe you will break through that fog of uncertainty surrounding you at times and oh my goodness, there is such joy to behold, such joy and lightness of vision for you will see, you will see with your own eyes, right before you that which you have yearned for, for many years, many centuries! We come armed with a special brand of courage given to those few who wait at heaven’s door, we unlock the wisdom within your hearts and all will become apparent.
We shine light on those issues that confound you and do our best to help you make the adjustments necessary and these will open up a new field of vision for you. We open up the doorways and allow you through, be brave and be bold, do not hold back but venture forward on this stream of Light and let the Love enfold you. We bear witness to a new dimension of loving grace and we are here waiting, beckoning you to join us! We see your lights shining, we feel you growing closer and closer, and it is almost time when we shall have that honour of standing beside you, welcoming in a host of new opportunities, given to those who have taken that step.
(Kay could see a man with white hair and moustache). Welcome, friend we have met before!
We welcome you to this broadband of knowledge, enticing you from your armchairs to come and join us and play with us. We bring a revolution of sorts and there are those that hearken to the call. We bend to salute you and welcome you into the fold of Love and Light! And we too salute you!
This has been our greatest mission and we do understand the reservations you have at times at our words, but we endeavour to get our meaning across more precisely and in a manner accustomed to your language, your vocabulary. We do believe there is a lot to take in at this time, a lot of soul searching and nit picking but in the end the light will dawn. The trumpet blows a fanfare and welcomes you to these shores where you come in all earnest with a loving and open heart, and we thank you for this! You are just scratching the surface of all that is available to you, dig deeper and you will find so much more.
We bring to light a certain interview that shall be had, where we address the masses and we hope and pray for greater deliverance so that this may come about, and we do believe we have the mastery to enable this to happen. We bend and salute each and every one for the services that you bring, and we do help you adjust your sights so that all may come to fruition in a short space of time. We open up those reserves of energy and allow a few adjustments to be made.
(There was a loud crack in the room at this point and the girls could see different male energies coming forward. Kay said they were trying to get Eileen to open her eyes. Her shoulders were expanding and Kay felt there was quite a stocky man coming forward. They could see a Native American Indian and Kay thought he looked like her guide Geronimo. Eileen felt it was Sitting Bull. There was a deeper blending occurring and a smile.
Welcome, what have you got to say to us my friend? In a louder, deeper voice Eileen spoke.
We say, well done for making this happen, for allowing this work, we are most proud of you!
That’s lovely to hear, you’re doing very well. Have you any instructions for us tonight, any guidance?
We are well known for our wisdom and we ask you to be more alert in your daily lives.
(This sounds more like Sitting Bull as he was a Spiritual leader and Peace maker).
In what way?
We are planning procedures that will help you and encourage you and these shall be given to you at various times, watch for the signals, listen to the voice within, take notice, we shall come in more frequently and you may need to adjust your timetables. For when the Spirit moves you to act, then is the time to act, to do our bidding in a way that will not harm you or those around you but should be taken very seriously for we aim to update you on a daily basis, enlightening you and helping you to fare more well in this world of yours.
There has been much toing and froing and we always watch your safety as paramount importance, there are times when we would advise you not to touch something with a barge pole but to edge your way around a situation. You will know what we mean when these things, these occurrences come about, and we chaperone you and help you adjust, adjust your vibrations to give you that edge that may be needed. For there are many who come to sabotage and we will not allow this to happen, it is too important by far. We come into your jurisdiction to help you grow and this has all been agreed upon long ago by your very selves, and we honour this connection with you and your contemporaries.
We honour the boundaries placed around you, for we are not allowed to infiltrate too far at this time, we have to give you the time to make that decision to take that next step, and we are honour bound not to lead you astray but to point you in the right direction, and to allow you the space to grow in your own Light. We have been given sanctions by those from higher realms than even ours and we regard this as sacrosanct! We will always allow you that space, we will not bully you into submission, we allow you to decide for yourselves and this is open for discussion if you have any questions you would like to ask?
What is this to do with? Is it to do with our demonstration of mediumship or trance?
This is to do with your Spiritual progression from one sphere to another! You are doing very well in your earthly lives, spreading the news of Love and Light, helping those souls to move forward, helping those that have lost loved ones, giving them the information that their friends, their family, go on, they still exist in a different format in a different dimension.
So, is this to do with our teachings?
As you progress and your vibrations become lighter, those energies have repercussions on all those around you! And as your light shines so you bring those beneath you a notch higher, and they are lifted up to your vibration to your level, and then you lift even higher and this is what we are aiming for, for the whole population of Earth to be lifted up into a finer, lighter level. And we are the bearers of Light and Love, we are the torch bearers, the lanterns of hope. And as you are lifted up with our inspiration, with the vibrations around you, then those around you will also be lifted up. It takes some longer than others but eventually all will be lifted into the Light, and this has started to speed up, it is happening much quicker than anticipated.
Eileen’s voice became softer here.
The Light of Love grows more strongly; it glows around you and within you and we are propelled at a much faster volition into those higher realms, imperceptible to some until you reach that level that tips the scales. We turn up the tempo and raise the vibrations even further and this shall be felt by those such as you! Radiate that Love Light and all will be well, all is as it should be and in that finest vibration of Love. We tend to our flock and follow you to the ends of the Earth and far beyond, take heart, nurture that light within you, let it grow, let it blossom, be fulfilled.
(Another energy approached that looked very old). You are most welcome here!
(Eileen had the sensation of leaning forward at one point and holding two bright orbs in the palms of her hand that felt hot with energy, directed at both Lesley and Kay).
There is a Light within your soul that yearns to grow!
Can you tell us your name? I feel you were a very wise man.
Lesly commented the eyes were different. The energy didn’t answer but Eileen sensed it was a ‘Yoda’ type figure similar to the one in the Star Wars movie.
Another thinner face appeared and eventually Eileen started to sing.
If you wish upon a Star, makes no difference where you are, when you wish upon a Star your dreams come true!
We lighten the mood and ask you to join us, in song? OK, here we go!
When you wish upon a Star, makes no difference who you are, when you wish upon a Star your dreams come true!
We smiled and clapped one another and then the energy held palms together and bowed to Lesley and Kay. Namaste!
We thank you both for this evening, we thank you for watching over this soul and for sharing your energy, and we hope we have given some back to you also for you to take home and to share. Thank you.
The time has come to take our leave and we thank you most sincerely. May the Love of God go with you and may you walk in Peace.
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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