lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

WE RAISE THE BANNER OF HOPE - Eileen Zizecli Coleman

21st February 2017 WE RAISE THE BANNER OF HOPE

A male energy drew close very quickly, a young Native American Indian. Good evening friend and welcome! Good evening sisters! It gives us much pleasure to be here with you this evening. We are glad of this association and we know it takes time and effort to get this right. We are doing all we can to attain that frequency needed to bring us closer together, a synergy of essence is needed and we are working on this. It’s all about practice, we need to hone our skills and we shall do this. We bring an enormous amount of courage to open these portals of Light that let you through.

We ascertain a lightning bolt of information will be coming through very soon and we adjust our frequencies to make ready for this event. We underpin the energies with our Love for you, the human race, and we bring in a flavour of more than just Love. We amplify these energies and bring you about to face us head on, and we make ourselves known to you in the twinkling of an eye! Behold the time approaches when all shall come to fruition and we believe you will be well pleased with the results. We are dependent upon one another to bring this into view, be prepared for an upsurge in energies and we shall help you adjust. There are mammoth changes coming your way very soon and we need to be ready, we shall be more explicit when the time is right, but for now we ask you to have faith and be strong. Do not be put off or put aside, hold firm and stand in your Light. We will help you to do this and we honour those who stand by us!

We honour those who seek judgement for crimes committed and we shall bring them into the fold and shine that Light upon them, so that they may be brought into our jurisdiction and given the privileges not yet met! All shall be brought into the fold, there is not one that shall be dismissed, and we know you would wish it to be so! We indulge ourselves by asking you to take a moment’s respite, and to close your eyes and to go within to seek that solace, that strength and commitment.

The days go fast upon your journey, there has been much commitment on your part and we know you honour these proceedings with your presence. We thank you and shine that Light upon you, drawing you into the Love of the Great Divine and so it is. And we shall muster that strength, that Light and fulfilment, for this is your journey. And though it can be said that you stumbled from time to time, we have noticed how you pick yourselves up and continue along the pathway that you have chosen. And we bear witness to the Lights that you are, strong and full of purpose, do not berate yourselves for things you haven’t done, for there is yet plenty of time to fulfill your destiny. You are much loved and always have been and it is only now that you truly realise this as fact!

Be prepared to journey hence forth and to spread your Light even further, across the roads that you travel, across the water, across the universe and far, far beyond. Your work goes on evolving, never ending and we are there at your side, beckoning you forward to express yourselves, to give of that Love within your hearts. You are most cherished and much loved and so it is as you expand your consciousness that we come further into your orbit and nurture your prowess, and acknowledge what you have given in service so far upon this journey of a lifetime.

We know it makes sense at times to stand and take stock of where you are at this moment in time. And we ask you to do this, to look within and ask yourselves what is it that I want, what is it that brings me fulfilment, what is it that I need? Ask yourselves these questions and your heart will answer, and you will feel the urge to grow in any particular destination. You have a following of many advocates, those who watch over you and lead you as gently as they may to find your true vocation, where you can help the most, and we do believe the answers will come. It takes an incredible amount of strength and courage to sally forth, but when the time is right you will feel that pull in a certain direction. Open your hearts and fulfill your destiny, and encourage those about you to do the same, for the energies are growing stronger, and there is an expansion of minds right across the universe. It is a time of great excitement and rejoicing, for many have waited for this moment!

We see the impact of our words has reached home and we ignite the flame within you, the flame of Love burning ever brighter, for it is only with this expansion within your heart that you will get to see the truth of all that is. We lighten your load and help you carry the burden of your day to day life upon the Earth plane. Ask for help and it shall be given. Go now little siblings and expand your horizons! I opened my arms as Spirit sent powerful healing energy through the palms of my hands for quite some time and Kay went into a healing sleep.

There is a time to sleep and a time to play, all things are needed. This one has had a long and wearisome journey, we bring her shelter to revive her energies. There is much to consider. We bang the drum and bring you awake from your slumbers!

This has been a wonderful experiment, registering the energies around you and we believe we have made some headway. It is a trial and error process but we are working together as a team, this is a team effort! It is not just the sitter here, it is the energies of those here present on both sides that can make this happen. And we express our thankfulness, for without your cooperation and others that have come forward, we should not be able to achieve as much as we have done!

Thanks be to God, and may his Light shine upon us forever more in the sanctity of that marriage made in Heaven. We come now before you in openness and frankness and ask you to accept the challenges before you, for we shall open the purse strings and fill the coffers with Light, an abundance of Light. And though we register your distaste at such interludes, you shall be recompensed! We hold you firmly in our hearts and minds, and broadcast the frequencies necessary to bring you into our orbit, to access that franchise that was given to us eons ago. We bear witness to the tidal wave of Love that shall run across the land, and where before there was blood, there shall now be Light.

We respect the dead, our ancestors, and ask them to come forward, to approach us with their wisdom and to nurture us, and to give us the strength and courage to move forward. Blessed be those who hear these words. Nurture the Spirit within, hold it most lovingly within your breast. Hone those skills you were given and prepare for the greater energies coming to your door very soon! I raised my arms up. We raise the banner of Hope, Truth and Love and herald in a new awareness. The time has come for us to take our leave, and we thank you and bless you! We thank you. Namaste!

Views: 110

Comment by Ishema, Carol Suchecki on February 28, 2017 at 3:53am

Thank you Eileen for sharing these inspiring messages,

Blessings of Light and Love,


Comment by Dr. SohiniBen Shukla on February 28, 2017 at 6:11am

Dear Eileen,

Yes I do agree that what ever we have we should try to share and it gives Blessings always...



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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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