lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
20th September 2016
We are three ladies who have decided to sit for Trance mediumship every week, sharing and meeting at each other's homes to develop greater communication with Spirit and in particular 'Direct Voice' where appropriate. This week it is the turn of my friend Lesley, already a very accomplished medium who has worked for Spirit for many years. In her sanctuary is a beautiful painting of Sitting Bull and she had rescued it from her attic after hearing that Sitting Bull is one of my guides.
Last week White Cloud made an appearance and was very pleased with how things were progressing. This evening there are just two of us and I turned on my recorder to pick up what was happening.
The energies are getting misty and softening around Lesley. There is golden Light all around her. Her face is beginning to change to that of a North American Indian with her chin and mouth resembling the picture of her guide White Owl. There was a bang in the room!
Oh wow thank you for coming, although I’m not sure if you are White Owl or Sitting Bull; you are very welcome!
There are more changes happening now with different faces coming in and out. Tuning in with Lesley I felt there was a desire with her to speak out loud which had me coughing. I keep catching glimpses of faces from the aristocracy, and I can see a gentleman with white wig tied in a bow tied at the back of his neck, he is wearing a red and white uniform with gold braid. Not sure if he is a footman of sorts or a soldier but I heard the words ‘governing body’.
I’m getting the word ‘Transcendence’ but didn’t say it out loud, which afterwards we said could have been a cue for Lesley to speak.
Now I can see a beautiful lady of noble bearing who looks very much like Lesley. Hello, its lovely to see you. Are you related to Lesley?
I can now see this woman much older, but she is still beautiful, she appears to be looking around the room.
I can now see an old gentleman of learning, wearing thin rimmed spectacles. There is a chap with a bald head and old fashioned clothes. There were more male energies coming forward at this moment and I asked if there was anything they wanted to say. I told them we are happy that you are able to blend and make this happen. The word Czech Republic came into my head. The faces are alternating between the bald headed one and someone with a longish pointed beard!
Lesley came out of trance state and said there were things going through her mind but she couldn’t say them. In the beginning she kept hearing WE ARE ONE! Eileen thought that if Lesley had said the word in her mind the rest would have followed, like in mediumship!
There were thoughts running through her mind, how maligned the Indians were and she could see the fighting going on, she had asked them to take it away as the emotions were too strong and she felt the tears coming.
Lesley had experienced the face changes and felt her nostrils flaring but said there was nothing concrete to say, but she was pleased that they had started to blend very well. Eileen kept getting the odd word here and there and it was decided that Eileen would speak any words out loud as a prompt, which may give Lesley the impetus to follow through, also Lesley will narrate what she is seeing.
The energies started to change in the room and Lesley asked Eileen if she would like to sit in trance. Eileen’s Geisha guide, Sayuri came through.
Lesly saw a glow around Eileen, a hazy blue colour and she felt Eileen’s guide was stepping in. You are very welcome here tonight!
Good evening, we are most honoured to be here with you once more in Love and Spirit. We do feel that these anomalies will be dealt with and we shall expect improvements all round. We are doing our best to accommodate you on our side and we know you will do your best also. This is a great achievement and we vow to undertake much more than this is the foreseeable future. Don’t worry, nothing drastic will happen, you are in charge of your own bodies at all times. We come closer into your energy field and adjust the frequencies that allow you to see us and experience for yourselves, what we are about. Thank you!
We transcend the doom and gloom of your world and rise into the higher lighter realms, and bid you to join us for these moments we have with you and which we know you enjoy also. Correct!
We take great delight in linking with you and opening up those reserves of energy that help us to grow closer together, it gives us ‘so’ much joy to be with you on the Earth plane. You’re welcome.
We are beyond reproach when it comes to entertainment! I understand.
Eileen’s guide started to sing and Lesley sang along with her.
Happy, happy talking happy talk, talk about the things you like to do. If you don’t have a dream, if you don’t have a dream, then how you gonna have a dream come true!
We both clapped and smiled, and Eileen sighed.
Fond memories of times gone by. Yes!
We all then give a sigh for all those moments repressed! We share the joy within your hearts and welcome you home. We do believe that all things are possible and the Great Creator has manifested such a beautiful world for your perusal. There is so much to be thankful for, so many blessings that abound around you both. And we shower you with our blessings and give you hope for a much more prosperous future. And we undertake this mission with great Love in our hearts to be shared and given to those around you, among you for this upliftment of spirit is much needed on the Earth plane. And we rein in the harmonies to bring you bliss and to undertake this mission that you have agreed upon. We will!
We take great delight in your company and the company of those that you draw around you to help us on this journey. We amalgamate with many of you and we deliver our messages to help you and encourage you to bear witness to what you have seen and what you have beheld, for what you have felt, and to wrap this all up and to deliver it out into the world to share with others, and they too may experience this for themselves at some point in their journey.
We empower you to do your best and we know you will. We will!
You have that gentleness of Spirit but also that strength within that pushes you forward and onwards. We see beyond that rainbow the brightest Light, and it warms our heart to know that you are with us even still and though you are of the Earth plane you remain within our hearts. We bombard you with messages and at times this may seem too much to take on board, but we let you digest what is given and little by little you will understand and more knowledge will filter through. We feed you this information drip by drip, every day, filtering into your minds and helping you, giving you the courage to move that little bit further along, step by step, baby steps at first but then we see you running, running free across the meadow, watching the birds take flight. Wonderful.
You are a song, whisper on the breeze and we call to you in ways that reach your heart, and we do so love to come close to you. We register the ups and downs of your life and we help you as best we may not to be discouraged, not to give up hope, not to be downcast! Problems can always be solved with a little contemplation and a lot of Love.
We melt into your thought streams, coursing through your body Peace and perfect Love. Breathe us in . . . breathe in that vibration of Love, let it flow through your veins, become one with your true essence. Vitality, this is our gift to you this night. Breath in Love and breathe out Peace, you know this very well and you practice it yourself, we know this. You are much loved in these higher dimensions, more than you can ever know at this time, but you will! You will trust and have faith that all is well in this circle of Light and Love that you bring around you, that you bring into this room, where you have helped many people and will continue to do so wherever your abode. For you take that Light and Love with you wherever you go. You could be in a shack or in the forest, in the meadows or a mountain top, but where there is Love within your heart, within your energy field, we are there with you and will always be so. Draw this energy around you like a mantle of Light wherever you go, we will follow, we never leave your side, we are but a thought away.
We develop the powers of manifestation when the timing is right, when you can welcome us in without any doubts or fears, and this will come to pass when you are ready and we look forward to these sessions and know we will all grow together in greatest Love and Joy! We transcend the difficulties before us and openly enlighten the population of Earth on what they can expect when they transcend this dimension and are welcomed into the higher spheres, this will bring great jubilation on a grand scale, deliberations of a heavenly nature.
Eileen felt so at peace and went much deeper, feeling a North American Indian presence. Lesley felt the radiation of Love coming from this guide, a great deal of Love and said it was as if they were as ‘one’. Lesley felt that Eileen’s guide would like to say a few words at a later date as she could see her voice box being used. Lesley commented on the tremendous Peace within the room.
Oh what beautiful colours Sylvia thank you! You'll never guess what I received on Friday as I sat in my sanctuary alone Sylvia, it was amazing, Sitting Bull came through to speak to me and I shall share it under the blog post EXCITING NEWS! Thank you for your Love and support and giving us the encouragement to take that one step further! xxx
Dear Eleen,
29th September is my special day my birth day and you friends have started the very good connection with all our Divine Masters and that can lead the source and all happiness and peace in the surroundings !!
Sitting white buffalo reminds me of White buffalo cow woman who gives prosperity...and abundance...
Wishing all the best to all of you and success of your mission...
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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