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Three Levels Of being Are Grounded.....By Joshua David Stone.....

Written by Dr Joshua David Stone, Posted in Material Face of God | Leave a comment
The Three Levels of Being Grounded

In this book I speak a great deal about the importance of being physically grounded and learning to embody God on Earth. The importance of this is obviously beyond question. What I would like to share in this chapter is that there is another kind of grounding which most lightworkers and people are not aware of which is called being “psychologically grounded.” A great many lightworkers may not only be floating out of their physical bodies, do not have enough energy in their lower chakras and physical body itself, and are not fulfilling their Spiritual mission, purpose, contract and personal blueprint on the Earthly plane, but they are also not grounded psychologically. What this means is not only is their Spirituality not properly grounded in their physical bodies and the Earth, their Spirituality and energy is not properly grounded in their mental and emotional body!

When I speak of the three levels of being grounded, I speak of being first grounded in your physical body and then second not being grounded on the Earthly plane in terms of living one’s Spirituality on Earth and fulfilling one’s puzzle piece on Earth and living a legacy on Earth! This has already been explained in this book!

So the question is, “What does it mean to be psychologically ungrounded?” It means one is so focused and overidentified with the Spiritual and Heavenly worlds that one is, with no judgment intended, not only good for nothing on the Earth, one is also not grounding their Spiritually properly into their thoughts and feelings! There are lots of examples of how this can happen. Let me give some!

The first example is that one may not be co-creating with Spirit and the Masters, but rather is just channeling the Masters or is not being a Master themselves. I know people who can channel the Masters themselves but are emotional victims and run greatly by the negative ego!

They may be giving their power to God and the Masters too much! Their thoughts and philosophy may be out of alignment with the Masters, even though they may think they are in alignment! They may have a lot of negative feelings and emotions consciously and subconsciously and this is out of alignment with God and the Masters. They may not even know negative feelings and emotions are a sign of imbalance!

They may not be properly parenting their own inner child! They may be very heavenly focused yet not know the first thing about the difference of Spiritual/Christ/Buddha thinking and feeling versus negative ego/fear-based/separative thinking and feeling! They may be very imbalanced and filled with fear! They may channel the Light but are not demonstrating the Light! They may teach the Light but not embodying the Light! There may be enormous corruption going on in their motives yet they live a life totally focused in the Heavenly Celestrial worlds!

They may think they are Ascended Masters because they have taken the Seventh Initiation. However, they are totally unconscious of the fact that they may have taken this initiation or higher and yet have not integrated these initiations into their mental and emotional vehicles properly. They may not be integrating these initiations in their etheric vehicle properly! They may not be causing their reality and are victims on some level. They may have some pathologies. There may be subpersonalities running them that are not of the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha ideal! They may be run very much by the desire body and or lower-self! They may not be owning their personal power in proper balance to the Masters. They may giving their power to the Masters too much. They may be greatly lacking in self-love and self-worth! They be riddled by guilt and filled with attachments! They may not be properly dealing with their relationships. The list is literally endless, my friends, in terms of how this can manifest! They may be a world famous Spiritual Channel, Spiritual Teacher, or Spiritual Scientist and this is taking place! This is much more common than anyone realizes!

So most lightworkers are not only not fully grounding their Spiritual missions on Earth and are not Mastering money, earth energies, fulfilling their Spiritual contracts on an Earthly level, sanctifying the Earth, loving the Earth, living a legacy on the Earth, making a difference in Earthly civilization, and not recognizing how important this part is to their Spiritual path, they are also to a great extent not grounding their Spirituality properly on the psychological level. A great many do not even really recognize the psychological level. Some say it is a lower level. Others say they worked out that level in the Spring of ’72, which is, I guarantee you, never the case!

So my friends, to realize God you must become a Spiritual Master on all three levels! Spiritually, Psychologically and on a Physical/Earthly level. If you do not master and ground your Spirituality on all three levels the truth is you are not realizing God no matter how much prayer, meditation, spiritual reading and study, channeling, chanting, clarvoyance, claraudience or focusing on the Celestial levels you or anyone you know is doing! This, my friends, with no judgment intended, is a corruption of the negative ego! It seems like one is being Spiritual if they are always focused on the Heavenly worlds but, in truth, it is a corruption or at best it is realizing one-third of God! You will not be allowed to move into very high levels of Cosmic Ascension, for Spirit Masters will not allow it because your Ascension process is not integrated and is fragmented. I have said this before and I will say it again, contrary to properly opinion, the Masters are not into Ascension! They are into “Integrated Ascension”! If you are not demonstrating your Godliness on all three levels or on all four faces there is a corruption of the negative ego going on. This is not a judgment, it is just a most wonderful Spiritual lesson you are now learning and you need to have the Spiritual courage to not be defensive and live in denial and to make the attitudinal and behavioral correction that is needed to fully realize God on all Four Levels and to Embody God on Earth! Each level of grounding is a science unto itself. This is the true key to the Midas Touch! This is what Spirit and the inner plane Ascended Masters are truly looking for, “Integrated Spiritual Masters” who know what it means to fully embody God in a clear and integrated way that is truly in alignment with God and not being corrupted with negative ego in an unconscious matter, which is the case with so many lightworkers and people on Earth. Again, I do not say this to be judgmental. I say this as an instrument of Spirit and the Masters to bring Spiritual discernment to a “gaping blind spot” in the New Age Movement, in Religion, in Traditional Psychology and in the Consciousness Movement. The Spiritual Hierarchy has gone so far as to actually slow down the evolution of this planet because of the lack of integration and groundedness of lightworkers’ Spirtuality and Ascension process on these levels!

These other levels may not be as glamourous as always focusing on the Celestial levels, however, if you truly have God purity and you truly want to achieve God Realization and not live in a fantasy world or in Spiritual denial, then God Realization must be grounded on all three levels! This is the guidance and direction lightworkers and people of the world need to hear and how Spirituality, Ascension and the Initiation process needs to be taught! The Clarion Call now goes out from Spirit and the inner plane Ascended Masters to claim this Integrated Sprituality and Integrated Ascension banner and make it an absolutely pivotal part of your own personal ideal for living on Earth and for what you teach others!

I can promise you, my friends, if you think you have been realizing God so far, wait until you fully realize God on all three of these levels and in all four faces to your highest potential. It is fulfilling beyond belief! Have the courage to stop any imbalance or corruption of the negative ego and make any adjustments you need to make to fully realize and ground your Spirituality in this manner! This, my friends, is truly the Revelation for the next Millennium! Spirit and the inner plane Ascended Masters are looking for “Integrated Spiritual Masters” to lead us into the this next Golden Age by embodying and teaching this ideal in everything you do!

So let it be Written! So let it be Done!

Views: 147

Comment by william abbott on August 7, 2012 at 9:36pm

Oh I love it and so very very true especially in my case and I would say most of us.

Divinity at present is something that many of us MYSELF INCLUDED seem to bounce in and out of especially within the higher levels (for lack of a better word).

I have grown to know this as Picking the pearl from the muddy waters. Where by one is able to remain divine in all situation and to not be effected by the muddy waters (negative energy etc...) and one remains the pearl Divinity. One does this firstly by trying to remain pure and in alignment within the fabric of the one and the divine self path being manifested by the self. This is only a temporary measure as using this method one finds themselves bouncing in and out of the divine (PEARL LIKE STATE).

One then grows and evolves the understanding that everything is the divine everything is the pearl one just has to be one and this will connect one to the many which is all one.

He He I sound like David Carridine in the series Kung Fu.

I very much agree with the message within the above intention as resonate with the interpretation that I received from the intention.

I can remember new students arriving filled with enthusiasm about there path and the excitement of learning ancient secrets about enlightenment.

I also remember clearly the sup-prize within there faces as they were given brooms or told to weed gardens.

I would walk the rounds daily checking the progress day one would always result in partially weeded gardens or poorly swept yards and the student faces presented themselves with a myriad of expressions from ones of total disbelieving to utter disgust.

Each day I would walk the rounds and each day there would be progress until one day every so often I could feel a sense of peace only to look and to discover the job tasked well done and the student therein  In a state of quite bliss .

This student was then ready to begin the training (In fact they already had had they not)

This is a very important understanding Its great to have the desire to reach the moon and elevate the spirit within however its also important that we spend time on the vehicle given and maintain its function within all levels of existence.

By doing this we will gain an ability and we will be able to see the divine in all things within all aspects of existence and this will aid us in helping one and eventually grounding one .

Where by we remain in a constant and progressive path and discontinue from flowing within and without of the divine in this way we can indeed grow to understand and experience GOD within the higher aspects of the training.

William Abbott   I will list this as a blog as it may help to clarifie the above information.

Comment by Steve Hutchinson on August 7, 2012 at 9:50pm

Thanks for posting this Dr. SohiniBen Shukla.  Would you know what Dr Stone would have recommended to get grounded on all 3 levels - what would he tells us to get 'psychologically grounded?

Comment by ayana on August 8, 2012 at 4:02am
Walking our talk, removing the many 'glamour'-ed temptations...pertinent info Mother SohiniBen. Thank you Dr. Stone (followed/studied his 'soul psych' and 'soul ascension') many years ago-before I knew much else ;-)).

Thank you Mother SohiniBen .

Blessings ~ Joy


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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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