lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

The Festival of Wesak


From ancient times, people have timed their ceremonies to the rhythm of the full moon and worshiped the celestial bodies within them. The full moon has always captivated our attention and been a good way to mark time and know when to meet.


The Ancient Wisdom Teaching, interpreted in the Alice Bailey books, tells us that each celestial body has its own Director informing and sustaining it. All of them are working in harmony with each other. When the Sun , Moon, and Earth are aligned at the full moon, these Great Informing Beings are aligned and in communication, also.


The Masters of the Wisdom, sometimes called "The Spiritual Hierarchy," are beings just like us who have walked a little farther on the path to perfection and taken greater responsibility. We are told that They meet at the time of the full moon and are able to tune into the telepathic conversation that is taking place between the Greater Guiding Beings. We too, can tune into this great alignment and telepathic conversation by aligning with our higher self and being receptive.


Every month has its full moon, but only one of them is Wesak, occurring when the moon is full and the sun is in Taurus. The impulse to create starts at the full moon when the sun is in Aries, takes the form of enlightenment in Taurus at Wesak, and is more available to humanity as concrete thought, at the full moon when the sun is in Gemini. In Cancer, the following month, it reaches mass consciousness. 


The legend of Wesak says that all who are seriously drawn to the ceremony, will find their way to the valley in the Himalayas at the exact time of the full moon. And, that local people who need to be there, migrate to this place at the right time. For those living far away, this may take place during meditation or out of body during sleep time.


As millions of people raise their vibration and tune in across the globe at the time of the full moon, this melding of minds creates a powerful planetary alignment with our Source.


Exact Time Full Moon Meditation

The influence of the full moon spreads over a three day period. The dates and exact times for the full moon when the energy is at its peak are as follows:

Please Note: The first time given below is Pacific Standard Time. The second time is GMT time.  Where Day Light time is in effect please add one hour to the times shown.


April 25, 2013 @  11:58 AM PST, 

April 25, 2013 @  7:58 PM  GMT

If you are living in another part of the world, please use the world time clock to find your time:


Ray IV

Exoteric Ruler, Venus (Ray V)

Esoteric Ruler, Vulcan (Ray I)

Hierarchical Ruler, Vulcan(Ray I)


The Principle of Essential Divinity

 Will Aspect:

Ray 4.  Harmony through Conflict…….The will to harmonize or relate.

Expressed in humanity as the illumined will, the basis of buddhi or intuition.

If you are living in another part of the world, please use the world time clock to find your time:


Toward the enlightenment of Wesak,






The Legend of Wesak


According to tradition, at the time of the full moon in Taurus, the Buddha comes to the Wesak Valley of the Himalayas to bring the powerful spiritual energy of Shamballa to the assembled masters, initiates and disciples of the Hierarchy, for the assimilation and eventual distribution of this Shamballa force throughout the world.


The Wesak Valley, lying at a rather high altitude in the foothills of the Himalayan-Tibet ranges, is surrounded by high mountains on all sides except towards the northeast, where there is a narrow opening in the mountain ranges. The valley is bottle-shaped in contour, with the neck of the bottle to the northeast, and it widens very considerably towards the south. Up towards the northern end, close to the neck of the bottle, there a huge flat rock. There are no trees or shrubs in the valley, which is covered with a kind of coarse grass.


Approaching the time of the full moon of Taurus, pilgrims from the surrounding districts begin to gather. The holy men and the lamas find their way into the valley and fill the southern and the middle parts, leaving the northeastern end relatively free. There, so the legend runs, gathers a group of those great Beings Who are the Custodians on Earth of God's Plan for our planet and for humanity.


 This group of knowers of divinity are the main participants in The Wesak Festival. They arrange Themselves in the northeastern end of the valley, in concentric circles, and prepare for a great act of service. In front of the rock, looking towards the northeast, stand Those Beings Who are called by Their disciples The Three Great Lords. These are The Christ, Who stands in the center; the Lord of living forms, The Manu, Who stands at His right; and The Lord of Civilization, who stands to His left. These three face the rock upon which rests a great crystal bowl, full of water.


Behind the grouped Masters, adepts, initiates and senior workers under God's Plan are to be found the world disciples and aspirants in their various grades and groups (either "in the body" or "out of the body"), who at this time constitute the New Group of World Servers. Those present in their physical bodies have found their way there by ordinary means. Others are present in their spiritual bodies, and in the dream state. The "dream," which they later relate, has been uniformly registered by people throughout the world, and bears the testimony to the recollection of an inner spiritual happening.


As the hour of the full moon approaches, a stillness settles down upon the crowd, and all look towards the northeast. Certain ritualistic movements take place, in which the grouped Masters and Their disciples of all ranks take up symbolic positions, and form on the floor of the valley such significant symbols as the five-pointed star, with The Christ standing at the highest point; of a triangle, with The Christ at the apex; or a cross, and other well known formations, all of which have a deep and potent meaning. This is all done to the sound of certain chanted words and esoteric phrases, called mantrams.


The expectancy in the waiting, onlooking crowd becomes very great, and the tension is real and increasing. Through the entire body of people there seems to be felt a stimulation or potent vibration which has the effect of awakening the souls of those present, fusing and blending the group into one united whole, and lifting all into a great act of spiritual demand, readiness, and expectancy. It is the climax of the world's aspiration focussed in this waiting group. These three words - demand, readiness and expectancy - best describe the atmosphere surrounding those present in this secret valley.


The chanting and the rhythmic weaving grows stronger, and all the participants and the watching crowd raise their eyes towards the sky in the direction of the narrow part of the valley. Just a few minutes before the exact time of the full moon, in the far distance, a tiny speck can be seen in the sky. It comes nearer and nearer, and grows in clarity and definiteness of outline, until the form of The Buddha can be seen, seated in the cross-legged Buddha position, clad in his saffron-colored robe, bathed in light and color, and with his hand extended in blessing.


When The Buddha arrives at a point exactly over the great rock, hovering there in the air over the heads of The Three Great Lords, a great mantram, used only once a year, at The Festival, is intoned by The Christ, and the entire group of people in the valley fall upon their faces. This Invocation sets up a great vibration or thought current which is of such potency that it reaches up from the group of aspirants, disciples and initiates who employ it, to the Being we know as God. It marks the supreme moment of intensive spiritual effort throughout the entire year, and the spiritual vitalization of humanity and the spiritual effects last throughout the succeeding months. The effect of this great Invocation is universal or cosmic, and serves to link us up with that cosmic center of spiritual force from which all created beings have come. The blessing is poured forth, and The Christ, as the representative of humanity, receives it in trust, for distribution.


Thus, so the legend runs, The Buddha returns once a year to bless the world, transmitting renewed spiritual life, through The Christ. Slowly then The Buddha recedes into the distance, until again only a faint speck can be seen in the sky, and this eventually disappears. The whole ceremonial blessing, from the time of the first appearance in the distance until the moment The Buddha fades out of view, takes just eight minutes.


The Buddha's annual sacrifice for humanity (for He comes back only at great cost) is over, and He returns again to that high place where He works and waits. Year after year He comes back in blessing; year after year, He and His great brother, The Christ, work in the closest cooperation for the spiritual benefit of humanity. In these two great Sons of God have been focussed two aspects of divine life, and They act together as Custodians of the highest type of spiritual force to which our humanity can respond. Through The Buddha, the wisdom of God is poured forth. Through The Christ, the love of God is manifested in humanity, and it is this wisdom and love which pour forth upon humanity each Wesak full moon.


When The Buddha has again disappeared, the crowd rise to their feet; the water in the bowl is distributed in tiny portions to the Masters, initiates and disciples, and they then go their way to their place of service. The crowd, who have all brought their little cups and vessels of water, drink of them and share with others. In this beautiful "water ceremony of communion" is portrayed the symbol of the new age which is upon us, the Aquarian Age, the age of the Water Carrier.


In this ceremony is perpetuated for us the story of the universality of God's love, the need for our individual purification, and the opportunity to share with each other that which belongs to all. The water, which has been magnetized by the presence of The Buddha and of The Christ, carries certain properties and virtues of a healing and helpful nature.


The day of the Festival is to be known as the "day of safeguarding" whilst the two succeeding days are called the "days of distribution." These words mean something different to the Hierarchy of Masters than they do to us and it is fruitless (as well as forbidden) to elucidate them in their deepest meaning. They mean, however, five days of a most intensive effort in service, leading to the renunciation of all which could hinder our usefulness as channels of spiritual force. It means that after due preparation, dedication and upward striving for the first two days, on the day of the Festival itself we simply regard ourselves as the recipients of, or the custodians of, as much of that inflowing spiritual force as we can possibly hold. As channels, we must be prepared to forget ourselves in the service of touching, containing and holding force for the rest of humanity. We must regard the Festival itself as a day of silence (I refer to an inner peace and silent solemnity that can be preserved unbroken though the individual may be serving through speech and spoken interest), a day of service carried forward entirely on esoteric levels, and of complete self-forgetfulness in the remembrance of humanity and its need. During that period, two thoughts only will hold our constant attention-the need of humanity and the necessity of providing a group channel whereby the spiritual forces can be poured through the body of humanity under the expert guidance of the chosen members of the Hierarchy.


For two days prior to the full moon, we will hold the attitude of dedication and service and seek to assume that attitude of receptivity to that which our soul will impart which will make us of use to the Hierarchy. The Hierarchy works through groups of souls, and the potency of this group work is to be tested out. These groups in their turn contact and feed the waiting dedicated attentive personalities. On the day of the full moon, we attempt to hold ourselves steadily in the light. We will not formulate to ourselves what will happen nor will we look for results or for tangible effects.


On the two succeeding days, the focus of our attention will be steadily turned away from ourselves but also from the inner subjective planes to the outer world, and our efforts will be to pass on, or to pass through, that measure of spiritual energy that may have been contacted. Our work then in this particular and peculiar field of cooperation will then be ended.


This effort of the Hierarchy is a five days' effort, preceded by a most intensive period of preparation. The work of getting ready for the opportunity starts for the Hierarchy exactly at the hour when "the sun began to move northward." But They tire not as do human beings and it is not possible for the human aspirant to keep up so long a period of preparation, no matter how deep his devotion.


When the Great Lord was on Earth, He told His disciples that successful spiritual effort of a healing nature went not forth except by prayer and fasting. Will you ponder on these words? This is a group effort towards a vast group healing and by prayer (sanctified desire, illumined thought and intense aspirational longing) and by the discipline of the physical body for a short period and for a definite objective, the work can be done.



What is it that should be accomplished at each momentous full moon in May? (This year it falls at the end of April) I shall state the objective sequentially and in the order of their importance, and with as much clarity and brevity as this abstruse subject permits.

1. The releasing of certain energies which can potently affect humanity, and which will, if released, stimulate the spirit of love, of brotherhood and of goodwill on the earth. These energies are as definite and as real as those energies with which science occupies itself and calls the "cosmic rays." I am speaking of real energies and not of emotionally desired abstractions.


2. The fusion of all the people of goodwill in the world into an integrated responsive whole.


3. The invocation and the response of certain great Beings, Whose work can and will be possible if the first of the objectives is achieved through the accomplishment of the second objective. Ponder on this synthesis of the three objectives. By what name these Living Forces are called is entirely immaterial. They can be regarded as the Vice-Regents of God, Who can and will cooperate with the Spirit of Life and of Love upon our planet, the One in Whom we live and move and have our being. They may be regarded by certain thinkers as the Archangels of the Most High, Whose work has been made possible through the activity of Christ and His body of disciples, the true and living Church. They may be regarded by others as the guiding heads of the planetary Hierarchy, Who stand behind our planetary evolution, and Who seldom take an active part in the world activity, leaving it to the Masters of the Wisdom except in the time of an emergency such as this. By whatever name we call Them, They stand ready to aid if the call comes forth with sufficient strength and power from the aspirants and disciples at the time of the May full moon and the June full moon.


4. The evocation from the inner side of a strenuous and one-pointed activity on the part of the Hierarchy of Masters, those illumined Minds to Whom has been confided the work of world direction. A responsiveness is desired and can be effective between the following three groups:

1. The waiting and (at this time) anxious Hierarchy-anxious because even They cannot tell how humanity will react and whether men will be wise enough to avail themselves of the proffered opportunity. They stand, organized under the direction of the Christ, the Master of all the Masters, and the Teacher alike of angels and of men. He has been constituted the direct intermediary between the earth and the Buddha, Who is, in His turn, consecrated intermediary between the entire waiting Hierarchy and the attentive Forces.


2. The New Group of World Servers, composed at this time of all those sensitive and consecrated servers of the race whose objective is world peace, who aim at the establishing of goodwill on earth as the basis for future living and world expansion. Originally, this group was composed of a handful of accepted disciples and consecrated aspirants. Its ranks have been opened - . . to all those people of goodwill who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the helping of humanity, and who see no separating bar of any kind, but feel alike to the men of all races, nationalities and religions.


3. The masses of men and women who have responded to the ideas which have been set forth, and who react favorably to the objective of international understanding, economic interdependence and religious unity. When these three groups of thinkers and servers are brought en rapport with each other, and when the three groups can be aligned, even momentarily, much can be accomplished; the gates of the new life can be opened, and the inflow of the new spiritual forces can take place. Such is the Group objective and idea.


May I now make an inquiry? Of what importance is this full moon of May to you personally? Does it seem to you of sufficient importance to warrant your utmost effort? Do you really believe that on that day there can truly come a release of spiritual energy of sufficient potency to change world affairs, provided that humanity plays its part? Do you really believe, and can you stand practically to that belief, that the Buddha on that date, in cooperation with the Christ, and with the Hierarchy of Illumined Minds, plus the proffered aid of some of the Thrones, Principalities and Powers of Light, Who are the higher correspondence of the powers of darkness, stand waiting to carry out God's Plans, when given the right and the permission of men? Your major job at this time is not to wrestle with the powers of evil and the forces of darkness, but to awaken an interest in and mobilize the forces of light in the world today. Resist not evil, but so organize and mobilize the good, and so strengthen the hands of the workers on the side of righteousness and love that evil will find less opportunity.


If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed in what I have told you, if you have staunch belief in the work of the spirit of God and in the divinity of humanity, then forget yourselves and consecrate your every effort, from the time you receive this communication, to the task of cooperation in the organized effort to change the current of world affairs by an increase in the spirit of love and goodwill in the world during the month of May.

(Esoteric Psychology, Vol. II pp. 687-692)
(Article on Wesak, by Alice A. Bailey)

Views: 479

Comment by Arleem on April 24, 2013 at 5:08pm

Thank you....I will be there in the ethers!

Comment by Myriel RAouine on April 24, 2013 at 9:30pm

When Is Vesak 2013 / Wesak 2013?

Vesak Day 2013
When is Vesak Day 2013? Vesak Day 2013 falls on Friday, 24 May 2013, which is the 15th day in the 4th month of Chinese lunar calendar. However, some countries observes the Vesak Day 2013 on different dates.

Date Of Vesak Day
Vesak 2013 is celebrated by Buddhist around the world, and in different manners all over the world. Though some countries occasionally use different date for this festival, many would fall on the same day.

The exact date of Vesak Day varies according to the various lunar calendars used in different countries and traditions. In Theravada countries following the Buddhist calendar, it falls on the full moon Uposatha day (typically the 5th or 6th lunar month). Vesak Day in China, Hong Kong and Macau is on the eighth of the fourth month in the Chinese lunar calendar.

Thus the date varies from year to year, but as general consensus in many countries, falls on the full-moon day in May.

The decision to agree to celebrate the Vesak as the Buddha's birthday was formalized at the first Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists held in Sri Lanka in 1950, although festivals at this time in the Buddhist world are a centuries-old tradition. The Resolution that was adopted at the World Conference reads as follows:

"That this Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, while recording its appreciation of the gracious act of His Majesty, the Maharaja of Nepal in making the full-moon day of Vesak a Public Holiday in Nepal, earnestly requests the Heads of Governments of all countries in which large or small number of Buddhists are to be found, to take steps to make the full-moon day in the month of May a Public Holiday in honour of the Buddha, who is universally acclaimed as one of the greatest benefactors of Humanity."

The Buddhist across the planet celebrate WESAK as the full moon in May each year. It is considered a time in which the Spirit of Buddha enters the EarthPlane, This Year it is May 24-25.

Wesak is an Eastern Tradition

Years ago a l Buddhist Abbey contacted us about the fact that we were using the wrong date to celebrate Wesak. They reminded us  that Buddha was born a Hindu, under the Vedic (or Sidereal or Eastern) Astrological system. We checked online and virtually all the Buddhist countries celebrated Wesak at a different time than we were.

So I contacted a renowned Vedic astrologer who cast the Wesak dates back to the time of Christ and found they Wesak was ALWAYS on the full moon of MAY which, in the Vedic system is Taurus. It seemed westerners had again taken an eastern tradition and made it conform to our specifics by using the Tropical (Western) Astrological system. In 2013 it is May 24-25.

I looked into this very carefully and came to the conclusion that Alice Bailey made a typical western centric mistake - normal for her time and culture - and assumed Wesak was a western creation, under a western zodiac, the one with which she was familiar. She was told to celebrate on the Taurus Moon (and we all know it's really the Scorpio moon, Taurus sun.) I believe she went with what she knew - the western sun sign of Taurus running from April 21 to May 21.

Many of the descriptions given by various western spiritualists - including I am told Bailey herself - say that the festivals of the three moons are EASTERN in origin. The Buddha full moon is a Vedic tradition - an eastern tradition. (Remember DK is the Tibetan.) The down pouring of the Wesak blessing has always been tied in with Buddha's birth/death/enlightenment, according to Dr. Stone. Wesak is the date of this birth, death and enlightenment. This is celebrated by Buddhist countries as the first full moon in May. The Vedic system shows Taurus at varying times - because it actually calculated when the constellations are directly overhead - but roughly mid May to mid June.

Sun in Taurus, full moon in sun sign Taurus, occurs twice in a year - once in the Tropical and once in the Vedic systems. We decided to used the Vedic system as it seems to be more in keeping with Buddha's heritage and traditions.

Where two or more are gathered the Ascended ones will attend, no matter what the dates may be. It is only we on this plane who are constricted by such measurements. We are fully in touch with Wesak's spiritual energies. Our participants fully receive the outpouring being offered by the Ascended Masters. While doing that they also receive information to allow them to incorporate that energy into their lives. The true Wesak in Eastern Tradition is in May ! But in truth the importance is the spirit of Dharma, of Love and of Ceremony, and that is valid and honored anytime souls gather in the holy sanctity of harmony &  love !

Vesak Day Around The World

Vesak Day is often referred to with other names in each country. Official names of Vesak Day are Vesākha, Vesak, Wesak, Waisak, Visakah Puja, Vaishaka, Buddha Purnima, Visakha Bucha, Saga Dawa, 佛誕 (fó dàn), Pht Đn, and วิสาขบูชา

In Mahayana Buddhist traditions, the holiday is known by its Sanskrit name, वैशाख Vaiśākha, and derived variants of it. Vesākha is known as Vesak or Wesak (衛塞節) in the Sinhalese language.

It is also known as:

·        बुद्धपुर्णिमा/বুদ্ধপূর্ণিমা Buddha Purnima or बुद्धजयंती/বুদ্ধজয়ন্তী Buddha Jayanti in India, Bangladesh and Nepal
花祭 (Hanamatsuri) in Japan,
석가탄신일 Seokka Tanshin-il (Hanja: 釋迦誕身日) in Korean (Korea),
佛誕 (Mandarin: Fódàn, Cantonese: Fātdàahn) in Chinese-speaking communities in China, Singapore, Taiwan.
* Ph
t Đn in Vietnamese (Vietnam),
ས་ག་ཟླ་བ། Saga Dawa (sa ga zla ba) in Tibetan (Tibet),
* (Kasone la-pyae Boda nei), lit. "Full Moon Day of Kason," the second month of the traditional Burmese calendar (Burma)
វិសាខបូជា Visak Bochéa in Khmer (Cambodia),
ວິຊຂບູຊ Vixakha Bouxa in Laotian (Laos)
วันวิสาขบูชา Visakah Puja, Vesakha Puja  in Thai (Thailand),
* Waisak in Indonesia,
වෙසක්පසළොස්වකපෝය Vesak / Wesak in Sri Lanka and Malaysia

·        Hari Waisak 2013 In Indonesia

Hari Waisak celebrations in Indonesia generally follows the decision of The World fellowship of Buddhist. Hari Waisak 2013 in Indonesia will be celebrated on Saturday, 25 May 2013. Traditionally, the celebration is focused nationally on the complex of Borobudur Temple in Central Java.

·        Rituals of national Waisak (Vesak) celebration in Indonesia usually observe following ceremonies:
1. Taking blessed water from the spring of Jumprit in Temanggung Country and torch ignition with the eternal flame of Mrapen, Grobogan County.
2. "Pindatapa" ritual, a ritual of giving food to the monks by the congregation to remind that the monks had devoted his life without livelihoods.
3. Meditation on the peak of the full moon. Determination of the full moon is based on the calculation of astronomy, so that the peak of the full moon can also occur during the daytime.

·        Besides the three main ceremonies, other Waisak ceremonies that were also conducted are Pradaksina, parades, and art events.


Singapore Vesak 2013
The Vesak Day is an extremely important occasion observed in Singapore. Huge crowds will usually assemble at various Buddhist temples around the city. Inside the Buddha temples the monks chant sacred hymns and a large number of devotees set caged-birds free. Setting the imprisoned birds free is considered as a graceful gesture which serves as a mark of respect to all living creatures in the world. On this day, Singapore Buddhist youths organize blood donation camps and distribute gifts to the poor people. During the evenings, candlelit processions are found walking across the streets of Singapore and this is how the festival is ended.

You can observe the Vesak Day festival in Singapore for free as people can enter the temples free of charge. Some of the best points in the city for observing the festivities of Vesak Day in Singapore are the Buddhist Lodge at River Valley Road, The Thai Buddhist Temple at Jalan Bukit Merah and Lian Shan Shuang Lin Temple at Jalan Toa Payoh.

The Singapore Vesak Day is always celebrated in the month of May and is a yearly event. Vesak 2013 is celebrated on Friday, 24 May 2013 in Singapore.

2013 Wesak Day in Malaysia
Wesak Day is the most important festivals of the Buddhists in Malaysia and fall in the month of May. In Malaysia, 2013 Wesak (Vesak) Day will be celebrated on Friday, 24 May 2013.

Vesak is celebrated to commemorate the birth, enlightenment and death of Lord Buddha because according to Buddhists, all the three events took place on the same lunar date.

The Wesak day celebrations begins much before the dawn when the Malaysian Buddhist devotees gather in Buddhist temples for worship all over Malaysia. The Buddhists will then hoist the Buddhist flag and sing hymns in praise of the holy triple gem namely; The Buddha, The Dharma (his teachings) and The Sangha (his disciples). The celebration is done with prayers, chants, offerings and giving alms. Simple offerings are also brought to the temple such as flowers while prayers using candles and joss-sticks are used.

The Buddhist eat a vegetarian diet prior to the festival in order to cleanse and purify themselves. Animals such as doves and tortoises are released by the Malaysian Buddhist devotees on the Wesak Day as a symbolic gesture of releasing the soul and giving up the past sins. Besides that, this particular act is also seen as a way of giving freedom for those that are held against their will or being tortured. Free meals are also given to the needy on the Wesak Day.

Wesak 2013 in Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka the Wesak Festival is celebrated as a religious and a cultural festival in Sri Lanka on the full moon of the month of May, for two days. In Sri Lanka, Wesak 2013 will be celebrated from Friday, 24 May 2013 to Saturday, 25 May 2013.

During these two days, the selling of alcohol and flesh is prohibited by government decree. As a symbolic act of liberation, birds, insects and animals are released in huge numbers.

Celebrations include various religious and alms giving activities. Electrically lit pandols called toranas are erected in various locations in Colombo and elsewhere, most sponsored by donors, religious societies and welfare groups. Each pandol illustrates a story from the 550 Jataka Katha or the 550 Past Life Stories of the Buddha.

In addition, colourful lanterns called Vesak koodu are hung along streets and in front of homes. They signify the light of the Buddha, Dharma and the Sangha. Many devout Buddhists wear simple white dresses on Vesak Day and spend the whole day in temples with renewed determination to observe the observance of the Eight Precepts of Buddhism.

Vesak celebration also means making special efforts to bring happiness to the people in more straightened circumstances. Food stalls set up by Buddhist devotees called dansälas provide free food and drinks to passersby. Groups of people from various community organisations, businesses and government departments sing bhakti gee or Buddhist devotional songs. Colombo experiences a massive influx of public from all parts of the country during this week.

2013 Buddha Purnima in India

In India, Vesak Day is known as Buddha Purnima. On this day, Buddhists do not eat meat. This is considered an act of compassion towards animals. People are encouraged to perform other acts of kindness such as sharing food with the poor. Some people even set up road stalls providing free, clean drinking water. Buddha Purnima 2013 will be celebrated on Saturday, 25 May 2013 in India.

Birth of Buddha or Tathagata is celebrated in India, especially in Sikkim, Ladakh , Arunachal Pradesh, Bodh Gaya and Maharashtra (where 6% of total population are Buddhists) and other parts of India as per Indian calendar. Buddhist People go to common Viharas to observe a rather longer-than-usual, full-length Buddhist sutra, as something like a service. The usual dress is pure white. Non-vegetarian food is normally avoided. Kheer, a sweet rice porridge is commonly served to recall the story of Sujata, a maiden who, in Gautama Buddha's life, offered the Buddha a bowl of milk porridge.

The Buddhists bathe and dress only in white clothes. They gather in their viharas (monasteries) before sunrise to worship Buddha, offer alms to the bhikshus (monks), hoist the Buddhist flag, and sing hymns admiring the sacred triple treasure: The Buddha, The Dharma (his teachings), and The Sangha (his disciples).

Many devotees offer flowers, candles, and joss sticks at the feet of the monks. Such a ritual allows a Buddhist to reflect on the truth that just as the magnificent flowers shrink and the candles and joss sticks burn out in short time, our life span is too short and will decay soon.

Several followers listen to the continuous speech on the life and preaching of the Buddha throughout the day or request monks to come to their homes. Buddhist monks recite 2500 years old verses obtained from Buddha and urge people to respect other religions.

2013 Hanamatsuri in Japan
In Japan, Vesākha or hanamatsuri (花祭) is also known as: Kanbutsu-e (灌仏会), Goutan-e (降誕会), Busshou-e (仏生会), Yokubutsu-e (浴仏会), Ryuge-e (龍華会), Hana-eshiki (花会式). It is not a public holiday. It is based on a legend that a dragon appeared in the sky on his birthday and poured soma over him.

It used to be celebrated on the 8th day of the fourth month in the Chinese Lunar Calendar, based on one of the legends that proclaims the day as Buddha's birthday. At present, the celebration is observed on April 8 of the Solar Calendar since the Meiji government adopted the western solar calendar as the official calendar. Since the 8th day of the fourth month in the lunar calendar commonly falls in May of the current solar calendar, it is now celebrated about a month earlier. Thus in Japan, 2013 Vesak Day will be celebrated on Monday, 8 April 2013.

In Japan, the general populace are not practicing Buddhists (and may be called casual Buddhists), so most Buddhist temples provide a way to allow the general public to celebrate and participate in only the aspect of the day being Buddha's birthday, providing the statue of baby Buddha and allowing the populace to worship or pay respect by pouring ama cha, a tea made of Hydrangea. In Buddhist temples, monasteries and nunneries, more involved ceremonies are conducted for practicing Buddhists, priests, monks and nuns. Also, there are public festivals made out of the day in some areas.

2013 Visakha Bucha in Thailand
In Thailand, where majority of the population are buddhists, ach year, the nationwide festival of Vesak Day is held to pay tribute to the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha. The Vesak Day will fall on Friday, 24 May 2013, however celebrations can be seen for more than a week.

In Thailand, people will congregate around the Buddhist temples to pray and give thanks to the deity on the Vesak Day. Monks dressed in their saffron robes will lead sermons and services throughout the day, with candlelit processions often taking place once night has fallen.

2013 Buddha Poornima in Nepal

The birth of the Buddha is often celebrated by Buddhists in Nepal for an entire month in the Buddhist calendar. The actual day is called Buddha Poornima (or Buddha Purnima), also traditionally known as Vaishakh Poornima. In Nepal, Buddha Poornima 2012 will fall on Friday, 25 May 2013.

The event is celebrated by gentle and serene fervour, keeping in mind the very nature of Buddhism. People, especially women, go to common Viharas to observe a rather longer-than-usual, full-length Buddhist sutra, as something like a service. The usual dress is pure white. Non-vegetarian food is normally avoided. Kheer, a sweet rice porridge is commonly served to recall the story of Sujata, a maiden who, in Gautama Buddha's life, offered the Buddha a bowl of milk porridge after he had given up the path of asceticism following six years of extreme austerity. This event was one major link in his enlightenment.

It is said that the Buddha originally followed the way of asceticism to attain enlightenment sooner, as was thought by many at that time. He sat for a prolonged time with inadequate food and water, which caused his body to shrivel so as to be indistinguishable from the bark of the tree that he was sitting under. Seeing the weak Siddhartha Gautama, a girl named Sujata placed a bowl of milk in front of him as an offering. Realizing that without food one can do nothing, the Buddha refrained from harming his own body.

2013 Buddha Birthday in China, Hongkong and Taiwan
In the Chinese speaking countries of Hongkong, China, as well as Taiwan, the Vesak Day called Guanfo (bathing the Buddha) or Yufo (Buddha's birthday celebration featuring washing Buddha image with perfumed water). The celebrations begin before sunrise and devotees throng the temples early at dawn to meditate. Chanshi (the ceremony of chanting the sutras and confession and prayer) is practiced by monks.

As the day progresses, Buddhist devotees visit orphanages, welfare homes, homes for the aged and charitable institutions to distribute cash donations and gifts to the needy. On this occasion, caged birds are freed to symbolize humanity and compassion.

The celebration is also marked with the devotees performing the "bathing Buddha" ritual where they held a wooden ladle and poured water over a small statue of the Buddha. Bathing a statue of the Buddha symbolizes a fresh start in life and the care given to newborn babies.

Legend has it that when the historical Buddha, Prince Siddhartha, was born, there were auspicious signs heralding his birth. They describe the sky as blue and clear on his birth, with dragons spurting purified water to bathe him. Since then, Buddhists have celebrated his birthday by using fragrant water to bathe the image of Buddha.

In these East Asia countries, Buddha's birthday is celebrated in on the eighth day of the fourth month in the Chinese lunar calendar. Thus in 2013, the Buddha birthday falls on Friday, 17 May 2013.

2013 Buddha Birthday in South Korea

In Korea the birthday of Buddha is celebrated according to the Lunisolar calendar. This day is called 석가탄신일 (Seokga tansinil), meaning "the day of Buddha's birthday" or 부처님오신 (Bucheonim osin nal) meaning "the day when Buddha arrived". Lotus lanterns cover the entire temple throughout the month which are often flooded down the street. On the day of Buddha's birth, many temples provide free meals and tea to all visitors. The breakfast and lunch provided are often sanchae bibimbap.

In 2013, South Korea will celebrate the Buddha Birthday on Friday, 17 May 2013.

Happy Wesak 2013 ! Happy Vesak 2013 !

Wesak Day / Vesak Day 2013

May 24, 2013

Wesak, also spelt Vesak, is a day celebrated by Buddhists around the world. The term Vesak came from the name of a month in the Indian calendar.

This is one of the most important festivals in the Buddhist calendar as it commemorates three significant events in Gautama Buddha's life namely his birthday, enlightenment and his passing away.

During this festival, devotees will bring offerings of flowers, joss-sticks and candles. This is to remind them that just as flowers wither and die and joss sticks and candles burn away, so too is life - temporary.

Besides that, local temples will carry out special services and various welfare activities such as providing vegetarian meals to the poor and needy. In some countries, Buddhists free captive birds as a sign of liberation from captivity. The 'Bathing the Buddha' ceremony is important and often a part of the celebration where water is poured over the shoulders of the Buddha. This serves to remind fellow Buddhists to purify the mind from greed, lead noble lives and practise morality and kindness.To top it off, a candle procession will be held in the evening and this includes the traditional dragon and lion dances. This will be the highlight of the public holiday as people of different religion and races gather to watch the procession.

Different countries may celebrate Wesak Day in different ways. This being how over the years religions have spread and cultures assimilated into one another. It is considered a public holiday in most of the South East Asia countries like Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Malaysia,Thailand and Singapore but most of all, it is a celebration of much colours and joy.

Unity peace 
Chkra Framed 
WESAAK 2013 Buddha 
Comment by Myriel RAouine on April 24, 2013 at 9:33pm

The short answer is that it is when any souls gather in love...

Comment by Myriel RAouine on April 24, 2013 at 9:33pm

The short answer is that it is when any souls gather in loven ... :-)

Comment by Myriel RAouine on April 24, 2013 at 9:34pm

I see so much potential in this ... Three eclipses in a row - and WESAK now - and WESAK at the end this eclipse row ... WOW!
I am looking forward to meeting you both there, dearest Arleem and Ishema :-)


Sonja MYriel

Comment by Ishema, Carol Suchecki on April 24, 2013 at 10:38pm
Thank you Sonja for explaining the other traditional ways of observing Wesak and Vesak. The Wesak tradition that I presented is based on a yearly procession of meditations at the time of the full moon. Each of them is attuned to the energy the sun is in. The full moon augments the energy. The Tibetan, DK, introduced this through his channel, Alice Bailey. He said that the Masters met in meditation at these times and this was the easiest time for us to contact them in meditation.
The first three of the year, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, are called the Three Linked Festivals. The full moon when the sun is in Aries, brings a fresh impulse, resulting in enlightenment for some in Taurus, and more general awareness in Gemini, as a greater flow of Love known as Christ Consciousness.
I like that you said whenever we are gathered together, the Masters will meet us.
Blessings, Ishema
Comment by Arleem on April 25, 2013 at 6:28pm

Comment by Arleem on April 25, 2013 at 6:28pm

Comment by Arleem on April 25, 2013 at 6:37pm

Comment by Myriel RAouine on April 25, 2013 at 9:24pm

Thank you so much for this beuatiful summary, Ishema - and to you, too, Arleem for these videos!

It has begun!

The alignemt which brings together body mind and soul ...

Ishema, do you happen to know what masters are celebrated on the third moon in Gemini? Jesus and Buddha together?

We are experiencing a very interesting transition this year - and the eclipse NOW leads to the solar eclipse at the new moon and to the lunar eclipse on the third moon - which is usually in June, but this year in May ... WOW!

Connecting DEEPER now ...

See you in the ethers!


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We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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