lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Online Messages June 13, 2011
Message from Dr. Meg:

Online Messages June 14th, 2011

Greetings to each of you! My apologies for the wide gap between transmissions! I have been traveling extensively and am finally home long enough to do this justice.
The energies of late have been feeling very different. It feels very much like a subterranean river, that the energies have gone to a lower frequency (this isn’t bad) which is grounding in all of our recent changes from the star gate influences that we have been speaking of.

The energies are following one of those transdimensional pathways, being streamlined and focused in a way that concentrates them like we have never seen. Because of that, we are existing in a sort of status quo for now. In august, the energies are going to break loose from their current path and bring us immense changes like a hot wind searing though our very beings. Again, this isn’t bad. What will happen is that things will begin to open for us in ways we haven’t ever seen. The best way to utilize the current energy aspects is to manifest. I mean really – create, create, create! Since the energies are so concentrated, they are carrying messages through creation with focus and power. Whatever we put out there now is going to come blasting out the other end of this energetic tunnel in August and September then again in December.

How are these energies affecting us now? Well have you felt bursts of energy only to later experience fatigue so great that you need to just take time out? Is your diet or what you want to eat different lately? Some are experiencing blurred vision off and on while others are reporting erratic sleep patterns (ie waking up a lot or only needing a few hours of sleep or conversely needing a whole lot more sleep than usual). Others are experiencing transient joint issues where joint pain moves from one area of the body to another. I have also notices a particular clarity to being present in that our local reality is much crisper than usual. Also energy waves of a silvery white have been moving through our reality. They can be very distracting, as if something or someone has just passed through the room or outside of the window but then when you look, no one is there. These are energy waves that are literally clearing the veils from between us and all other reality.

I am feeling the mass of our connections growing stronger and more vast in every moment. As we harmonize in our own rising of vibration and consciousness we are also harmonizing with each other. This is a concept that I really wish everyone on the planet could grasp. We as a collective are a creative force beyond measure!

When I was in Peru in March, standing in the parking lot in the airport at Cusco, I had a huge revelation. With me was my dear friend, a true beacon of light in our world, Jorges Luis Delgado. He is an Incan born Shaman of the highest light (You may have seen him on Ancient Aliens on the History Channel). All of a sudden my guys said to me,
“You must be in Peru for December of 2012. You will gather the masses on Machu Picchu where the ley line convergence will carry your intentions across the earth and those who come will receive an attunement of the infinite”.

Well I had wondered why I didn’t have instructions about where to be in December of 2012! So I turned to Jorges and said “ Jorges, what are you doing for the 2012 alignment? I think we are supposed to work together”.

Jorges laughed and said “Yes, I heard that too. I have already called the office and told them not to book anything for that time because I will be busy!” And a journey of massive human and cosmic importance was born! During our time together in March, Jorges and I worked together to plan the most amazing power trip we could come up with. We divided the trip into two parts to make things easier for everyone both in cost and time.

We will begin in Puno on the shores of Lake Titicaca, and experience the major power places in that area such as the portal of Aramu Muru, which is an opening into a vast wormhole system from which Aramu Muru appeared bearing the golden Sun Disk, which became the Incan’s most sacred object. We will go to and Puma Punka in Bolivia. These are phenomenal sites of great and strange as well as mysterious energies. I know with everything that I am that Tiahuanaka was an intergalactic communications and landing site for the Visitors who came long ago. When the Conquistadores went through there, they destroyed the alignment of some of the magnetics. We will also visit several other major sites of the Incans and their forebears.
From there, we will go to Cusco. On the way there we will experience the temple of Viracocha, the creator. Once in Cusco we will go to many of the surrounding sites that literally are aligned as a radiating sun from the center of Cusco. Then we will go to the Urabamba Valle, the Sacred Valley, as it is known in Peru. There we will go to the Temple of the Moon, Morray (another galactic site!) and Oyataytambo, where condors and warriors carved in the mountains there keep silent track of celestial happenings. We will take the train to Machu Picchu and have a day to explore and experience its vast intricacies and energies and on the last day we will meet up with other groups on Machu Picchu in a gathering of souls to create an expression of the future of our lives and all of humanity as well as our planet. Of course there are other things we will do along the way and a full itinerary link is at the bottom of this email. I hope that you will join me on this amazing once in every 26,000 year opportunity!

Also, this is the LAST CALL for travelers to my Crop Circle Journey in England in July. We can still take a few last minute reservations and hope you can find a way to make it. There is a link at the bottom of this email with full itinerary and reservation info. This is a small group so we will be able to spend more quality time everywhere and with each other. I will be joined by Dannion and Kathryn Brinkley and we may have a very special surprise guest show up! We also have private entrance to Stonehenge and the Glastonbury well and we will be visiting Glastonbury, the Tor and other knock your socks off places so if you are even thinking of coming, bring your thoughts into action! We have some extra tickets for our PRIVATE Stonehenge entrance! If you are a local and want to join us that morning, please contact Jane at

Here is how I feel – As we travel to these different sacred sites, not only do we receive all they have to offer and all the ancients left for us, we carry those energies everywhere we go, weaving a sweet web of past present and future across our planet. As we do we assist in awakening everyone we encounter just by our presence and our being!

When I was in Peru a couple of months ago I brought back some very special things to add to my web store. Many of the people I know there assist their communities in unbelievable ways. Part of my mission is to assist them as well, as there have been many challenges to their already meager incomes. The items I have added to my web site from Peru are being sold for these people. I have an assortment of medicine bags, all used for ceremonies in the sacred sites by local shamans as well as Mesa cloths (to hold your sacred objects), altar cloths, are and more amazing pieces of inlaid silver jewelry with power animals, sacred geometry and mystical symbols and more. I hope you find it as magical as I do. Every sale contributes back to the communities in Peru.

I said I wasn’t going to do this but I have had so many requests, I hear you! I am offering a summer 2 for 1 session special in which you literally BUY ONE AND GET ONE FREE! When you order, you will receive a form in response that will ask you everything that we need to get you and your loved ones booked as easily and quickly as possible. Sessions once designated are non transferable without our approval in advance and are good for one year. They are non refundable. Please see the links at the bottom of the newsletter to order yours. Appointments will be on a first come first serve basis as always, starting late NOVEMBER, as those are the first openings I have. I look forward to serving each of you and those whom you gift these sessions. My assistant, MJ, will contact you shortly with an appointment. Ok with me if you get together with a friend and you each get one with the special. At the end of this newsletter is a link to order. My gratitude to all of you who support my work year after year. This is my gift to you!

One last piece of fabulous news! My new book, Touching the Light, What Miracles ore Made Of: Healing Body Mind and Spirit By Merging with God Consciousness will be out November 1st. has it out for pre-order. This is the healing book of all healing books that I have wanted to write for many years. It explains everything about multi-dimensional healing, and I mean everything. I hope you love it and it assists in healing everywhere! Here is a link

I am, as ever, grateful beyond words for your love and support of my work. I hope that I am a mirror to each of you, shining back to show you how beautiful you are!

Wishing you laughter in your days, joy in your hearts and love in everything that you do. Blessings, grace and peace,

Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.
Message from the Masters:

Message from the Masters
June 14, 2011

Ansi! Anshallah! Asi, Asi, Asi

As it is we greet you of the light, with the light and within the light.

You have entered into a time of assimilation, of, shall we say, a temporary cosmic pause, as the energies that have been exciting your experiences have shifted into a different zone and are currently literally running underneath you. Because of this, you may feel as if something is about to happen, something is coming, but yet you have no insight or instructions as to what it might be or when.

This is a time for you to acclimate to the changes in your energy systems and that of your world and beyond. For several years now you have had many periods of intensity that have shaken many of you to the core, changed your perceptions, your choices and in some cases, even the course of your lives.

Now is the time to adjust. To regenerate. Now is the time for you to be still. To be with all that has come to you. As we have said previously, the way that you are learning from all that is, is that the information, the symbols, the knowledge, is being absorbed into your energy fields in a process not unlike osmosis. As this occurs, your brains are unaware of what is happening, the cosmic education you are receiving purely energetically. In a sense, you are becoming the rememberings. That which was, that which is and that which will be.

None of this information can be understood in a linear fashion. None of this information can be regurgitated as simple factoids or particles of information. As you become of the rememberings they are you and you are them. In the perfect now, what you need to know, what is necessary for the moment, will come to you purely, fully and completely.
The cause of the changes in energy flow and the reason for your period of assimilation was brought on by the fourth star gate system opening. That of the Urnallum which began its opening process last August, clarifying you with its intensity and rendering your realities with change and different perceptions.

(From Meg: Here is a recap of what the Masters had said about these stargate systems before if you are new to the list:

There are many events, which will escalate, in the coming times. Now that the triangulations have culminated and particulate relationships are reordered and reharmonized, there comes a vast opening of multiple Stargate systems. This is a multi-level system, meaning that it crosses the time space continuum, dimensional thresholds and is interconnected by a vast series of wormhole systems. These systems are regulated with a valve system which allows for a, for lack of better descriptive in your language, vacuum system type of operation which in turn allows for expedient transfer of matter in particulate form. At the same time, these valves maintain positive and negative pressure thresholds between transfer stations and angulation changes within the system.

This series of star gate systems was utilized by the precursors of the Atlanteans, beings of an intergalactic nature. These systems are the Um, the Lenhe, the Aetnalin, the Urnallum, the Renari , the Leioni and the Dendor. 7 being the number of truth, 7 being the number of Stargate systems opening. This will begin on October 3rd of 2009)
The next event will be the opening of the Renari Star Gate system which will begin in your August of the current year. This opening will be overlapped by the opening of the Leioni star gate system which will begin on September 9th of your current year. The tandem opening of these systems will be like a hot wind of energy flowing onto your world. There will be effects on multiple levels including world events and intensities of weather. There may also be a response from your planet in the way of seismic activities or volcanic expressions.

The harmonics that will occur during this powerful upcoming time will be a different set of frequency relations from that which you are accustomed. Because of this, you may find for a period of several weeks from the last two weeks of August into and through the first week of September, that not much seems to make sense. Realize this: It doesn’t have to. Your brains will not be able to quantify the energetic changes that will be occurring in your next months. The information flow, the intensity of the energies, the massiveness of change on multi-dimensional levels will be happening so fast that it will be impossible to grasp a singular event or perception of the events. That being said, the best way to maintain your balance will be to get as fully present in each current moment as you can. There, you will find all that is needed for all aspects of your lives and experiences.

Many of you may find in the coming times that the shape or alignment of your skulls is changing. If this is your experience, you may also find that with those changes may come minor headaches or neck pain. This will pass as long as you do not get emotional about the experience. Your emotions literally act as a locking mechanism to trap energy in your bodies. If that occurs, pain results that can become chronic, all because you clamped down on yourself. If it occurs in the next months that you are feeling off balance or disconnected (which may well happen on certain days during the star gate systems opening) stop and breathe. Your breath carries energy through your body keeping is clear and nourished.

Another symptom of the star gate shift is that you may find yourselves traveling much more extensively in your night times as you sleep. You may find that the experiences have already begun and that you awaken knowing that you have experienced immense travels and even learning experiences but you can’t quite grasp the importance or even the content of those experiences.

In your nights, many of you are leaving your bodies and meeting up with fellow travelers, students and even Masters, who teach you profoundly timeless lessons which have been carried forth to your world only recently. You may recognize some of your instructors as fellow human beings. Look again. They have traveled for lifetimes, becoming just as you are now.

The last of the seven star gate systems, the Dendor, will begin its opening on November 12th, 2012 and will continue its process into January 13th, 2013. The ancient Egyptians built the temple of Dendora over an even more ancient temple which will be found to exactly state the expression of the star gate system openings. There are two others as well that have opened in the before times, which will also be found as described in the subterranean temples there. In the temple, they speak of the times of the night, in which the sun was blocked by volcanic ash, and your earth seeped lava and acrid smoke. But humanity survived.

The times past are not your current experience or the experience of any future in your lifetimes or that of your children. There is no reason or need to fear cataclysmic events at the culmination of the Mayan calendar. The shift that was and is predicted began several years ago and will continue to occur well past the December of 2012 date and time.

The alignment that will occur then will only strengthen all that you have intended and that you have sent out into your world as aspects of future manifestation. Now is the time to create your future and the future of your world. Now is the time to set forth all that you imagine. Because you as a collective humanity, a gathering of souls, have reached outward from deep within with your IAM, your light of the source, there has been a reaching of souls expanding the light quotient exponentially as each of you has begun your awakenings. You have reached a critical mass that has shifted all possible outcomes into a different result. You, the power of the human free will, the power of human light, of the love in your hearts, have changed the potential outcome of a nearly 26,000 year cycle to one of possibilities and a far greater future.

Do not fear what you have created. You are still doing it. With every thought, every breath, every movement, intention, idea, in fact every expression of energy that you create, communicates infinitely into the massive being of the One, commanding it to reorder to bring forth the reality that you have intended, directly or indirectly. Be aware of this power in each of you for as you come together in unison, your creative power becomes unlimited in force and effectiveness. Each of you is an aspect of God.

Collectively and in conjunction with all other aspects of creation your will to choose determines far greater than you can conceive of.

We are grateful to be of service in this now. Be in peace.

End of transmission.

Please help keep the Online Channelings and Messages free to everyone!
Due to the tremendous volume of response to the messages, we have had to greatly increase our technology to keep up. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated and will assist in meeting the rising costs of the transmissions. Blessings and Gratitude, Meg
©2011, Rev. Dr. Meg Blackburn, Spirit Light Resources. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this website may be reproduced without the specific written consent of the owner, except when purchased by the visitor for personal use.
Any distribution, republishing, copying or dissemination without prior consent is violation of copyright and is prohibited.
Photos of Dr. Meg courtesy of Yamini

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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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