lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Past Life Regression KH April 14, 2012
Cramped hands, elbows tight, Belly-a little uncomfortable, tickle in throat (had this for years), big toes numb, nose is stuffed
A man, adult, barefoot, loin cloth
Rocks and trees, warm place but not that warm, dusk
Feels like it is Jesus walking in the street with people, talking about how it should be. Stopped walking. No words of teaching, just knowing. Feeling tense, worried, neck is getting tight, feels like a gathering but I don’t see anybody—dark—a vision. Heart racing, people coming, not good vibes. They are coming to get Jesus, just got chills, it feels like it is his end time, he is there with all his apolstles and they are all there. They know it is like they are at peace but also sad. It is pretty much what it I going to be. He’s sad but he knows. I feel like I’m him but also that I am feeling like feeling I’m on the outside, but I’m also him, this feels really cold. As Jesus-peaceful. As observer-scared
Movement. Soldiers coming toward us. We are all still, sitting on the corner of a hill. Like our last stand. We knew they were coming and we are just waiting for them. They are coming to get me. I’m not afraid for them to come get me. It’s cold sitting on the hill- now see sandals on my feet, cold. Barely getting closer—almost like they are in place. Not a good thing, I’m freezing.
Next to us now, not being aggressive, they- the guy who was holding the staff is next to me and he is saying I have to go with him. He is a very weak guy but feels he is very important. I’m not going to resist him. No violence, no grabbing and just this knowing it is time to go.
I am hesitant to go, I don’t want to leave my people, I know I have to go but I’m torn. I’m not coming back-they are trying to be peaceful but I know that they are going to hurt me-I’m not going to come back. Very, very torn about this, I know I have to go, but I want to stay with the people, I’m not scared. They love me, they want to be with me, I love them too. I’m not scared, I just—the people need me more than….I feel like it is not time yet—I’m torn. Standing up and sitting down-but not scared. I can’t make a decision. Eventually I’m going to go but I am taking as much time…They don’t understand. The people are followers. They follow me, they love me, it is a group of people, not seeing any apostles. I’m calming down now, I think I’m going to…
I am more worried about the people-that they understand that they don’t do anything that will get them hurt. I’m not talking words, it is energies ,we don’t even need to use words. Cold again. I love them so much, Now I’m getting sad (sobbing here), I just feel so much love for them, I love them so much and I want to be with them and I can’t be with them. I wanted to hug and hold them and never let them go. Something lifted off me! The emotion went really fast and then went away. Feel calmer.
The soldiers backed up—are there—not concerned with them. This is the hardest decision I ever had to make in my life. So cold. A weight was lifted, so sad now back to where I was.
I feel I want to go now but I still don’t want to. At the moment that I’m going to have to force myself to leave because I won’t leave, I can’t go..I can’t decide. I do see myself getting distant. Feel I am equally distant from both, trying to get even, emotionally-wise. I see both sides but I am by myself now. I feel like I went to a place to figure it out—a spiritual type of…I feel like I need to get distant. I feel like I’m looking up..I’m needing answers.
I’m seeing a white light, feels like rays of light, like it is coming down—it is giving me hope, answers, but no words, it is a feeling. It’s like a calmness, it definitely is calming. It is not about me anymore, it is about…in that ray of light I thought I saw a white bird for a split second…it felt like it was God. I’m there but I don’t see it, I feel it. It’s not about me it is about something else…a little bit it feels like it is giving me guidance, maybe because before I was so torn and maybe it is giving me reassurance. I’m not emotional anymore. I was by myself..not in reality. Feel like I’m somewhere else.
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(NSB: 1,2,3)
A weird vision. I was walking with the soldiers back in town, at first peacefully, then I’m around people in the town mocking me..then I have hand cuffs on..I was walking. Then above me in the sky a cross with a skeleton on it appeared, wasn’t good, I didn’t like it, but it went away right away.
Walking down a dirt road getting into town, They are definitely laughing at me. They have no respect for me whatsoever. I’m meaningless to them. It is just sad. They are heckling me, mocking me. I’m really…they don’t even look at me like a human being. I’m nothing, they want to spit on me. As much as they hate me it is not their fault, they are brainwashed, they have no love in their hearts.
I’m not walking upright, I’m hunched over, they are making a spectacle of me, they are making sure everyone sees me. I’m carrying something-it feels like a beam. I feel like I’m struggling to carry it. I’m envisioning Jesus on the cross as I am walking. This looks like Jesus with the thorns and then it went away. I’m getting cold again. It feels like to me…they are definitely mocking me, they would stone me, spit on me. I feel like something is tying my hands but I am grabbing, pulling, feels like a cross but I can see it but it seems like it is my size but it doesn’t feel like it is big like someone would hang on. Walking, hunched over to the right, dragging, drag, drag, I see dust coming up. I’m not making progress, same faces but it feels like a lot of them but they are there. Back to a still moment, not advancing.
(NSB: 1,2,3)
A hill, meadow hill, grass, a place, definitely a cross. It didn’t feel like, when I get here, just a hill—3 crosses, black, popped up. Not solid but like a shadow on the wall, pop, pop, pop, disappeared. I don’t see anything going on. I can feel that’s my destruction and it is not good. I’m not scared. OK, lets get it over with. I’m down at the bottom of the hill- a hump of grass. Can’t see over the top. I don’t feel in danger, just “that’s where I’m going, that’s it!”
(NSB: 1,2,3 to destination)
I’m at the top of the hill, I’m definitely envisioning the cross but it is not solid, it is a shadow. I feel like it is time, I don’t feel any emotion, I feel like its time, that’s it.
Not that many people there. But I don’t see anybody. I feel like I’m supposed to step up on the cross, stepping, step, step. That’s weird, I pictured from the,..something came from the sky and it was very powerful, a white cross, the beams, white light, the beams with thick corner pieces, a white light, if you draw a circle in the middle, not like the black crosses, But the white light hit me like this…
Something is drawing me up. Light, the clouds. I’m not wanting to stay with the cross down here…no not meaningful to me. Useless. These crosses down here meant nothing compared to the white. I feel like I have a big white beam in my eyes as big light white of sun.
I was never on the cross. Man, something is telling me and it is powerful. It seems like we are supposed to think, in one world, that I am on the cross and it is supposed to be important, but it is not that at all. I keep seeing the 3 black crosses but they are not strong.. the light cross.. I never got on the cross, I made efforts to go on the cross but I envisioned the 3 black crosses, they went away and the white crosses…just keep picturing the white cross in the sky, so much energy, just want to go to this.
(NSB: 1,2,3 to a few moments before your death
Somebody’s pulling me. A rock wall..the tomb of Jesus, and my feet are limp, just dragging in the dirt and they are pulling me. I don’t have my robe on me anymore, something is covering me—whatever I had on is now covering my hips and shoulder—see thorns on my head. They are scooping me and taking me…a big round rock. I’m not making any movements. I’m just going with them. I’m not clean anymore, sweaty and dirty…feels like I went to war and back. But I don’t feel hurt. In the physical body like they feel I am dead and they are taking me to the tomb. I feel like I am putting on an act, letting them go through the whole procedure, it was all planned, but now I feel like I am back in the body,
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now they…I don’t feel dead, I feel I was out of the body, now I am definitely back in the body going into the tomb. I’m still in the body and I’m behind watching too. Still at that thing we are going but not getting anywhere. That’s where they are bringing me.
(NSB: 1,2,3 the next place)
It is very small, very tight in there. We are inside, I can still see the big rock, I can see the inside, all rock and gritty, sandy. Definitely carved out—a place they built, rounded out and goes down. Nothing in there, just rock and that’s it. Nothing, this feels, I don’t know what it really feels like, blah, really blah there. The outfit, around crotch area, white, dirty.
(NSB asks, “are there marks on your hands or chest?”
Hair on chest. I have, complexion is olive, really tan. Really curly hair on chest.
Really tight in here. People still there. As soon as you walk in 2 to 3 people max…but when they walk in they spin me this way, sit me down, I’m seeing my face, definitely scruffy, dirty, sweaty. I feel like they want to take me and lay me down but they are not being aggressive. They are definitely not the soldiers, they definitely care about me.
(NSB asks, “do they think you are dead?)
I think so. I’m not dead. I had the appearance of dead, bloody looking. I don’t look good. All scruffy, sand on face, sand, tons of dirt, sand, as though rolled in it. The body feels the presence that I’m dead but I see everything.
(NSB asks, “ is the heart beating?”)
I don’t see it. I think so. I’m definitely alive. They are very sad. They want to…they are not happy about what happened. They want to lay me down, they are turning me this way, they lay me down. I feel like I’m laying down. Head is straight this way but legs are together leaning toward the right.
(NSB asks, “are you thirsty?)
No, this is…I feel like they want to take care of me, maybe they want to clean..I keep picturing my head…they are wanting to clean my face off. They do not like seeing me as filthy as I am. These are the same 2 or 3 people there.
(NSB asks, “do you know them?)
I feel like I do. I know they care about me. They had to bring me there. Not like they were mean. Definitely they are trying to get me in a better place and they are trying to clean me up. I’m feeling male/female type.
(NSB : 1,2,3 to when the body leaves the tomb)
Rays of light again coming down and even though the tomb is closed the light is coming through, nothing stops the light. In the tomb bright white light—I saw wings flickering, like a little body, in the light.
I can see the body, it is just a shell, it’s there, but
(NSB asks, “is the body definitely dead?)
I feel like the body doesn’t mean anything anymore. No meaning.
(NSB note: not sure who said ) follow the light to spirit world, it’s easy.
I feel lost, I’m there but I don’t know where I’m supposed to go. Envision going up with light rays and then it got (silence). I don’t know, I really don’t know. I followed the light up and it turned to felt like
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something…opening…clouds but not you go in somewhere just go in and it is like the sky, a little deeper color of blue with hints of purple…solid mass not scary.
NSB says, “look around and invite guides and ancestors)
She is very reserved...a thing over her.. I’m not letting go…a stand off.
NSB note: I stopped taking notes at this point but I recall that there was more experience in the spirit world with a scene of trees which was described as how it was before we ruined it, before pollution and so on. There also was another hooded entity in the distance that did not speak.
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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