lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light


There are just two of us sitting in the energies today. Anne felt cold and pulled a blanket around her legs.
We bring you warmth, we bring you Love from our dimension of time and space. We ask that you go into that stillness and feel the Peace, feel the Love that is there for you. It is a time of remembrance, a time of remembering those who came to serve on the Earth plane.
It suddenly struck me it would soon be Easter and I blocked myself, worrying it would be my own mind coming in with the next words coming through. I centered myself once more and trusted all would be well.
‘The Lighted One’ came to share his energy on the Earth plane and we share with you now to instigate that Light within you, so that you may shine your Lights brighter and stronger than ever before. There is a mass gathering of souls that draw closer and closer into our orbit, and we ask that now you become one with us, and feel that Love that envelops you. It is a bright gathering of souls and we have all met many times before on different planes of existence, and we share some secrets of those past lives that we have led. There are many who join our merry throng as we march along, gathering momentum, and we are propelled by that Light that beckons us forward, drawn like a magnet towards this Light. It is strong and powerful and yet gentle and loving, and we give thanks for those that serve.
We give thanks to the memory of Jesus Christ, who came among us and was reborn into that Light of Truth and greatest Love. We are exempt from the worries and cares that weigh down your world, we feel the strength of your Love as you approach us, we feel the Love within your hearts growing stronger as each day passes. And we are able to shine a Light on those things that trouble you and cause you to stumble along the pathway. We open up the very heart of you so that you may see inside what is causing that hurt and encumbrance.  There is no way of knowing how you will succeed unless you try!
There is an opening of the highest framework being made available to you, and we shall undoubtedly restore those times of bliss within you. Be open to the Love within you, let it melt away the pain and suffering, let it adorn you like the Lotus blossom, pure, unadulterated, sweet and gentle. Be restored, be forgiven if that is what your heart so desires. Sweet gentle Sisters of Light, be aware that you are so much more than this frail flesh and blood. You are an embodiment of God’s Great Love, you are the purest energy, you are Love Divine. And we radiate a strength of purpose that it may be registered in the annals of time that you were there, you were there with us as we took that bread of life, as we entered the Kingdom of Heaven, as we were restored and reborn in the truest sense! We shine that Light upon you and ask for a blessing for you and yours and you shall not be left out in any way, shape or form. You are born again in a new dimension of loving grace and we bring you to us in all sincerity and in the greatest Love.
Is there any way that we can impart Light into the hearts of those who dwell on Earth, whose hearts are dark?
My dearest child, you are doing this even as you speak, you are part of that Divine Light. We serve as best we may, we know you search and seek, helping all those in your pathway, and this shall seem to be done in all aspects of your life on Earth. And the same can be said for the many that follow in that Light of Love. And we mesmerise an audience with our prayers, with our verses, and we ask that you be bound by that Love. Thank you.
There are many on Earth who do not follow this pathway but they will soon be brought into the fold once more, into the loving arms of their Father in Heaven. For has it not be told that this shall be so, and we come once more into our Kingdom of Love and we bear witness to this, that we shall come in all loving grace for all mankind.
Do you send down envoys in the form of Avatars to help the Earth?
There are many who come to serve in different formats, in different variations of life forms, all with one purpose, to serve the purpose of mankind’s evolution. There are many who try to bar the way but Love is the guiding force, Love will encompass the Earth with greater strength and energy than ever before, and all in its path shall become ‘Love’!
We register the distaste of people of the Earth who are trying to counterbalance this productivity, but we strengthen the resolve of those, our followers, that they shall be motivated to strive ever more for that goal of Peace and happiness upon the Earth plane. And we are resolved to continue this fight to conquer over the distresses and turmoil that have arisen because of man’s greed.
We only want what is best for you, we want to bring back the Love and joy, to bring back the laughter and the happiness, to bring that momentum back into your lives, where there is no room for sorrow and downheartedness. Away with the doom and gloom, let us bring that Light back, back into the heart of us, back into all of creation! Let us feel ‘alive’ once more and vibrant, let us partake of that water of life, those precious drops. We absolve those souls of all hardship, of all enmity. We prepare for the dawning of a ‘New Age’ and this shall be the right of every living creature upon this Earth. This shall be our constant thought to make this happen in all entirety, to give back the Light that is yours by right! Peace be with you!
I settled back into the stillness and unbeknown to me, my friend had asked for a sign that someone was with us.  After a few minutes there was a series of loud clicking noises coming from inside the room, almost like a typewriter when I played it back.
Throughout the session, flute music by a Native American called Nakai had been playing. They are a compilation of songs of the Rainbow world, called Emergence. Before the track of chanting began I could feel the energy of Sitting Bull coming forward. He held my head high and in a quiet husky tone began to speak.
Our Ancestors are calling us home! Where is home?
Home is where the heart is, as you know, home is within the very heart of you here. (holding both fists to heart). It gives us much pleasure to be here with you!  Thank you for joining us!
There has been much toing and froing across the plains and we come now in closer connection with this one, she is making that connection more easily and with greater practice we shall do very well. We are natives of this land with which you speak, we feel the call, we feel the connection of our clan. We are closer to the Earth plane, we hear the call of nature, we register the distress within the bounds of the Earth. We hear our Mother calling out to us for help! There has been a putrefaction of energies that cannot be tolerated and all is being done to give assistance in this matter. We strive for that goal of Peace and the commitment that was ours long ago, and we are ready now to make that connection, we are ready to make it count!
We clarify a few points raised recently, and this we have undertaken to do in the foreseeable future, to come among you and to chat to you so that we may air our views and come to some sort of completion. There has been a deliverance of greater energy and the power shall be used wisely. We admonish those of you who do not realise your true potential, for this shall be awakened and be brought to the surface in due course. There are openings coming your way very soon and we deliver to you, personally, our recommendations. We are doing all we can from our side of life and we know that you too are doing your best to enable this to happen.
Would it be best that we follow our hearts in these matters?
This is where we can reach you, this is where your understanding is of the finest vibration and cannot be misinterpreted. This is where your guidance shall be found and relied upon. The mind comes in and tries to shepherd you in a different direction; listen to the calling within your heart for ‘finer’ direction!
We take our leave of you now and wish you well on your journeys! Thank you.
We thank you for allowing this audience and for participating in these energies.
We thank the Great Spirit for the many blessings we have received this afternoon and we ask that Love and healing energy will go out to those in greatest need, to our families, our friends and those around the world that we have no knowledge of but are suffering in one form or another. We ask for healing for all of them, for all life forms and for Mother Earth. We thank you, Great Spirit for your Love and ask that we too may be healed and protected and given the strength to continue our journey.
It was wonderful of Sitting Bull to come through and it is very apt that the music playing at the time was called ‘Emergence’ and with the rainbow connection too, as when I painted his portrait I felt compelled to use the Rainbow as a background. With all that’s been going on in my life and my husband’s illness, I’m ashamed to say I had totally forgotten about the true meaning of Easter and so it was a surprise to me when the first energy spoke of Jesus. For me this is validation that the words were not coming from my own mind.

Views: 91

Comment by Myriel RAouine on April 14, 2017 at 3:08pm
May PEACE reign on Earth and may all living beings experience once again the interconnectedness of all life in this universe!

Thank you so much for sharing, dearest Eileen.

Love Light and HEALING to you and yours! The time of resurrection is nigh ....

Sonja Myriel
Comment by Ishema, Carol Suchecki on April 14, 2017 at 11:50pm

Thank you Eileen for this reassuring message.

Blessings of Love, Light and Healing,


Comment by Eileen Coleman on April 17, 2017 at 9:55am

Thank you friends, I look forward to when these chats with our Star friends become the norm!  Our heightened energies make it so, and I feel more and more will be able to receive these messages and share in all walks of life.

Comment by Myriel RAouine on April 17, 2017 at 10:53am
Yes, that's the future. Communicating with our star brethren and whoever we are connected to will become easy and the norm. No more telephones or computers needed then, lol!


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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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