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03 - Protecting The Future - Elemental Grace Alliance Discourses Master Jesus
“Blessings of Love and Joy to All as I open My Heart to share with you aspects of the Ascension paradigm, that will provide for a Greater Awareness on how to ‘Protect the Future’ of humanity as Divine Aspirants draw closer to their disembarkation from the present human consciousness. I Am the Christ Jesus and My Beloved Mary, stands beside Me, enveloping each of You in Her Love and Compassion. Indeed there is a theme being offered here that shall provide a number of considerations that human beings who truly wish to embrace their Ascension with Greater determination and commitment can further discern for themselves. For both Myself and Mary also have lived upon Earth and We too gained Our Ascension by the expansion of Our Three Fold Flames in Our everyday lives, albeit in different lifetimes. Ascended Masters are the living proof of these potentialities that now stand before many upon the Planet.
“So close is this potential Dear Hearts that if it is not on your mind, is not staring you in the face every hour of the day and night, it most certainly will make itself known to you in a much grander way before you take too many more steps upon your journey. Our lives are testaments, not only of the potentials of every human being in time, but the Truth of what We have been telling you over the last two thousand years. It takes a long time for humanity to change, for change is not a strong point in the nature of humanity in general. However, over the next 20 years the Souls who sent their life streams to Earth at this most auspicious time, Know that within this incarnation They will have the opportunities to make Their Ascension into Higher Realms. ‘Protecting the Future’ has never been so important for those who are awaiting Their Ascension, but that Ascension will not come unless the final preparations are not only undertaken, but achieved in full.
“I won’t go into the story of My Ascension in associations with the Essenes Support but this in its own way gives great witness and Validity to the Ascension of the masses. Those Beloved Brothers and Sisters of My Essene Family could not Ascend with Me and so those who have not made the transition since then are now upon Earth ready to come together once again so as to Unify the Group Consciousness of the Christos Energies. There is a ‘ring passeth not’ you see, that all Ascended Masters must pass through. And not even the Essenes 2000 years ago, those who supported and taught me what I had to learn, could not pass through those rings. The Higher the Levels of vibration one encounters, the more responsibility they shall be given to fulfill. The more responsibility is only tendered after the tests have been passed and those tests are always amplified to such a degree that the Self Realization thereof will be a miraculous achievement indeed. Each time a Ring of Consciousness is passed, less and less discord affects them and more and more Light and Love Radiates from them.
“Each achievement of each Vibrational Resonant Bench Mark, is followed by the next and the subsequent after that, is Greater and Greater still, until one can stand resolute in the face of all levels of chaos, anarchy, disorder, discord, imbalance, negativity displayed through word, thought or action and all fabrications of belief that opposes Truth. In this Constant the Light of God will exude, embrace and emanate the Compassion, Love, Wisdom, Power and Radiance of Divine Truth for all of humanity, All for the Greater Glory of God!
“As part of this awakening, a gentle reminder We wish to offer, three steps here that will secure one’s goal to Ascend. We offer these as constructive practices as well as part of this Elemental Grace Alliance Proposal that will aid in the Bridging of the gap between the old human consciousness and that of the Elemental, Nature, Deva and Angelic Realms. For indeed My Beloveds, these simple steps, although can be very detailed in their undertaking, will provide a very clear guideline to focus upon if that is your choice.
“Let us begin with the first step, that of developing ‘good characters’. Now this may sound rather simplistic and a matter of common sense. Yet We say to you, yes one could think that this was understood. But the practical development of this straight forward task, this Innate Quality of all of God’s Children, requires far more discipline that one may imagine. The fact is that every human being has this quality programmed within their genetic DNA. There are millions of human beings who will, when the call is sent out, respond in goodwill, compassion, kindness, gentleness, care, consideration, forgiveness and loving intentions.
“Yet generally these offerings are only short lived and when the crisis is over, so are the deeds of goodness, of gifting the love, compassion, forgiveness and charity to another. In the task that We are outlining here, We are inviting that the Godly Characteristics within humanity be without limitation, without boundaries, not only when the times are tough, but indeed when the moment comes forth for no other reason but The Expression of Love Its Self. Many Clarion Calls are sent out to humanity for their contributions and active participation, but when the crunch arrives and specifics are asked for, their commitment is less than any effective potentialities.
“There is no need for Us to elaborate on these things for those who are reading this will be very well aware of the building of one’s character to be totally in alignment with the Christ Light within Themselves. They will understand the envelopment of Integrity, Honor and Authenticity of One’s own Purity of Intention. The walking the talk is the test, and it is the Heart that knows the Truth and the Honesty of One’s Own Relativity to how they truly live their life that relates to Service of Humanity or Service to self.
“The second step is finding Peace within yourself. There are many ways of arriving to this requirement and there is ONLY One Ultimate Act to attain Peace, and that is, to attain Direct Communication with God. This can be through meditation of course, but there are other ways of connecting and listening to what Our Father/Mother has to say to you. Without God’s Will becoming your Will, it becomes an impossibility to know where you are upon your path. Giving yourself to God means giving your life to Him/Her, that is, no longer being driven by selfish desires, no longer wasting time, doing things that no longer serve you, staying in a situation or circumstance that is not giving you pleasure, freedom or advancement away from the mundane and old human drama and survival thought processes. This is about living Wholly within the New Cosmic Consciousness, not the old mass consciousness that is fraught with negativity and fear. To Truly find Peace in one’s life is to detach from everything that you have ever known that has been responsible for your hurt and pain, tragedies, relationships, traumas, dramas, diseasements and ill health. To find Peace, One has to Find God, and the only way you can do that, is to open your Heart and Acknowledge His/Her Presence within You! Then and only then, can He/She speak directly to you, so that you will hear what He/She has to say to you personally!
“The third step is that of being of Service. Service can take many forms, and the types of Service are endless. The key to this step is to find what that Service is through your Communication with God! The Truth is those who are upon the Conscious Path of Ascension will Know they are here to Serve Humanity and God, but the question is; what exactly is that Service and how does God Desire You to articulate and Individually and Impersonally Express this Service?
“Service is about dedicating your life for the benefit of your fellow Brothers and Sisters. It is about a life of selflessness, of giving, of providing All That You Are without expectation of anything in return. True Service begins when One has surpassed the needs of the ego self, the personality self and the expressions of life that maintain your hold within the old consciousness patterns of fear, lack and loss.
“Beloveds, please look very carefully at the life and times of the Ascended Masters, listen deeply to their Knowledge and Wisdom, for it is time to do more than just read and half heartedly follow such Guidance. It is time to leap into the abyss of Faith and Trust that the changes that are being asked of you, which are indeed those that you now require to finally step into your own Ascension.
“Only God Knows the time and place that this will transpire; only you can make the effort to walk toward it more Knowingly, with Greater self-confidence, conviction and intimacy in partnership. Partnership with God, The Elementals, Nature and Angelic Kingdoms, and of course in your human relationships with Divine Partners, Soul Groups and Heavenly Family Members. This is not a journey that you can take alone, but it is a journey that you have to travel individually, to attain the levels of attainment required to pass the tests that WILL be placed before you!
“‘Protecting the Future’ is opening yourselves to your future by living in the Now Moment, Being at One with the All That Is, and it begins by stepping outside of all previous conditions and programs that humanity presently live their lives by. Over eons of time Dear Souls, the human race has fallen to the depths of their beings. Their Salvation depends on your own personal Salvation, for through this achievement many others shall be Saved through your sharing and Your Divine Virtues of Love, Power and Wisdom. My Life and Mary’s Life is testament to this Truth! Your Ascension could not be more timely, but you Know all that, that is why you are here!
“The Elemental Grace Alliance is calling forth those who are fully committed now to make these transitions at whatever costs. Allow the Christ within each of You to Shine the Light God for All to see! Come out of your hiding places, and remove your disguises, for they serve you no longer. St Germain tells you to share your stories, to show others how you personally have achieved your Band of Colors. Now is Your Time! You are the Second Coming of the Christed One’s.
“I Am/We Are Christ Jesus and Blessed Mary Magdalene”.
If you would like a Free E-Book please writie to me - Bless You! - Peter
Dear Peter,
Thanks for this message...
We are the co Creators with our Father with totally New Divine Consciousness to help our Father with all to gather New Consciousness and with total purity, Honesty, Love & the Wisdom of God...
When we are serving the Humanity we are receiving guidance when ever we need it...We have reached the Christ Consciousness and living with that consciousness all the time ....we have ability to change the frequencies of the Elementals of all the Kingdoms...Mineral, Plants, Animals, Human beings, And living with Angelic realms and in that dimension we can very well help our Father God...
We are with the Council of Twelve of Christ Consciousness...all the time united with it...
Will print this out and take it with me into NATURE - From the bottom of my HEART - THANK YOU for your guidance and LOVE which speak to me through each and every word, line, sentence!!!
LOVE eternal,
Sonja Myriel
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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