lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

London Startemple and Avalon and Avebury Shining LIGHT LUZ LUGH to ALL with Lammas Days

namaste dearest friends of LightGrid


sharing this wonderfull blogpost of ishtar babilu dingir

on holy energies of Albion and London 's sacred origin

as a startemple of Light

that has been revealed by work of John Michell and recently by Chris Street

tomorrow is Lugh Day  Lammas

fifth of the eight druid  pagan celtic festivals ceremonies of the year


Lugh in Myth is holding his holy Spear

to bring the Light   Luz  Luce     bringer of Light

And is very alike as also Shiva and Murugan  Skanday  holding their sacred Spear....

Could this be the same Holy Spear that Francis Bacon had in Mind

as he wrote the ShakeSpear Books


Thanks to Avalon WhiteFeather Cards

may the holy crows and ravens

and especially a little one  called Pixel

awaken the  magic and transformation

of all Albion  and all the World


This is a very special week of august 

The Fourth of August is Anniversary of President Obama

The Sixth of August is memory day of Hiroshima   Peace Day


Our Mother Moon sharing the Starenergies of LION  and AQUARIUS

and on 8 th of August  


is opening the Lion Stargate


The Holy Glastonbury Tor also is called the PHOENIX

as well as in ancient times was the starconstellation of Aquarius

that we unite  connect with thanks to Mother Moon



The Enchantment of the Olympics and the Earthstars Matrix

by Ishtar Babilu Dingir

Amid concerns about a possible false flag attack on the Olympic stadium, it might be reassuring  to know that the Olympic Park ~ as well as the whole of the Greater London area ~ is protected by a pair of nine-mile-high giant spirits who are quite visible to the naked eye, if you know where to look.

The Olympics Games are being held on the festival of the god Lugh/Lug/Lud, whose visage can be seen engraved into landscape, guarding the east of London. There is also an enormous unicorn that is plainly visible, guarding London to the west ~ just as the lion and the unicorn appear in the Coat of Arms for Great Britain.

The landscape giants of the lion and the unicorn are part of the Enchantment of London and the Earthstars Matrix, which appears to have been put into place long before even the Templars came into these lands, in the days of the Druids.

The Lion and the Unicorn

The Olympics is always held on the same dates, beginning  27th July, and it coincides with the time that the ancient Celts (and Gauls) would call Lughnasadh ~ the festival at which they honoured their sun god, Lugh/Lug/Lud. Lud is the British equivalent of the Greek Zeus or the Roman Jupiter.

Known as Lugh in Ireland, he was Lud in England of which the main capital city, before the Romans, was known as Caer Lud (Lud’s Town, now London). Around the eighth century BCE, the Britons built a temple to Arianrhod, Lud’s female counterpart, by the western city gate on a hill. They called it Luds Gate, but we now know it as Ludgate Hill.

The spring of his river, the river Lud/Lea, is actually within an earthwork enclosure known as Waulud’s Bank, which is a landmark along the St Michael ley line. It flows into the Lea Valley and then just before Temple Mills (formerly a Templar stronghold)  it loops round to surround the whole of the Olympic Park like a moat.

Lud is one of the guardians of the sacred city of London, the other being the unicorn, and both can be seen like huge landscape giants ~ Lud as the male kingly sun god lion (Lleu means ‘lion’ in Welsh) guarding London to the east, and the unicorn as the intuitive female moon goddess guarding the west.

It’s difficult to make out their bodies now that suburban Greater London has become so built up, but their heads and forelegs are quite distinct. On top of that, Lud the solar lion is wearing a crown, just as he appears in the coat of arms for Great Britain.

The unicorn to the west

The lion to the east

The lion with crown

Chris Street has written about these landscape giants in the chapter entitled Guardians of the Sacred City in the book Legendary London and the Spirit of Place, edited by Anthony Thorley.

“The head, back and mane of the Lion is defined by various features, including the A113 road from Passingford Bridge and Chigwell to Woodford. Meandering alongside it, virtually all the way, is the river Roding, adding a curly mane. The lion’s face follows the B175 road from Passingford Bridge through Stapleford Abbots to Romford.

“The eye is in the area of Battles Hall and St Mary’s Stapleford. The lion’s mouth is in the area of Havering at Bower, and its chest is the A112 through Chadwell Heath. The paws rest comfortably in Dagenham, defined by parts of the A125 and A111.

“The kingly stature of the lion is emphasised by the surprising fact that some of the old paths, tracks and boundary lines above its head can actually be linked up in the shape of very regal crown, remarkably similar to the one on the real crest.”

There are lots of Red Lion pubs marking the silhouette of the lion, and the horn of the Unicorn is exactly at a place called Horn Hill.

The Earthstars Matrix of London

So is it just coincidence that images of a lion and a unicorn can be made out so clearly in the landscape around the London? According to Chris Street, no, because the images form a meaningful part of a remarkable discovery known as the London Earthstars Matrix.

This London Earthstars Matrix is also emblazoned on the London landscape but in a different way to the lion and the unicorn ~ yet all three are fundamentally connected.

The Earthstars of London refer to a ground-breaking piece of work in which it has been discovered that the sacred sites of London are not distributed at random. They connect in a vast and complex geometric pattern or matrix which includes many old but lesser known parish churches and sacred hills, as well as Westminster Abbey, St Paul’s Cathedral, Southwark Cathedral and the Tower of London.

Says Chris Street:

“Two of the most important ley alignments in the capital pass through the Earthstars’ lion and unicorn ….

“Running through the lion is a royal ley line which combines a solar energy path aligned to midsummer sunrise …

It is also known as the Coronation Leyline, because it is in direct alignment with three sites where the kings of Great Britain have been crowned.

“The Coronation line runs through the King’s Stone at Kingston-upon-Thames (where seven Saxon kings were crowned), and St Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster Abbey …

“The unicorn has an appropriate alignment of churches linked to the lunar divine feminine aspect. Most of its churches are dedicated to Mary, who is often depicted standing on a crescent moon, as the Christian version of the virgin moon goddess archetype.

“And at the heart of the unicorn is Harrow-on-the-Hill, where the St Mary the Virgin church is at the centre of an extraordinary pentragram of sacred leys and holy hills all radiating at a perfect 72 degrees.”

The five points of the Harrow-on-the-Hill star are Horsendon Hill, Barn Hill in Wembley, Belmont Hill in Stanmore, Dabb’s Hill in Ruislip and St John’s in Pinner.

Christopher Wren

Anthony Thorley says it’s evident from earlier drafts of his plans that he never got to use that Christopher Wren knew of the Earthstars Matrix when he was given the commission to rebuild the sacred sites of London after the Great Fire.

Anthony has devoted a whole chapter to this subject, Sir Christopher Wren‘s Secret London in his book Legendary London and the Spirit of Place.

In all, the Earthstars Matrix comprises nineteen designs ~ mostly pentagrams, hexagrams, circles and triangles.None of them are separate. Each connect to the whole. Chris Street says that it is a recognisable temple ground plan, but on a vast scale and covering more than 400 square miles of Greater London.

And this giant sacred but hidden temple is protected on both sides by the holy protector guardians of Great Britain, the lion and the unicorn, as shown on the royal coat of arms.

This article is being discussed on Ishtar’s Gate forum. Just click on the Gate to enter.


Legendary London and the Spirit of Place: New Light on the Great Ch...

Earthstars: Geometric Ground Plan Underlying London’s Sacred Sites

Harmonic Resonance, Landscape Zodiacs and Crop Circles

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Views: 220

Comment by Myriel RAouine on August 9, 2012 at 11:30am

Thank you so much, dirk!

I am on holiday now in Carynthia, the South of Austria, and on Sunday I will continue to Croatia - to the sea :-))) The time when you posted this was a time of preparation for me - now I AM in the flow of the Ubiversal I AM again - what a bliss :-))

I will not be online much for the coming 2-3 weeks - but I want to let you know how much I love our connection! Your posts always touch a very special part of me - and I feel connected.

Love and Light and holiday greetings, dirk,

Sonja Myriel


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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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