lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

LISTEN TO YOUR HEART Eileen Zizecli Coleman

20th March 2016

In my last communication it was suggested I ask questions that have been niggling at the back of my mind and to examine them one by one. I would like to ask – have you form or are you pure energy?

We can be seen and heard in many frameworks of existence and it is here we begin our journey. We are of a vibration that can coexist with those who work with us. We are evident in our apparel as being of human appearance but we can change this in a matter of moments. We can be whoever you expect us to be for your own higher good and we redeem a bunch of celebrities brought into view, those you admire and expect to hold a high vibration, this is because we cherish you and register your needs.

We sanction an over powering survey that will give us final resolutions on how we shall manage this stupendous feat of the imagination. We power you forward and accept the inevitable, racing towards those side-lines of perpetual bliss.  We summon an enquiry into the state of your mind and ask you to bear with us as we take you further forward. It is in the utmost respect and devotion to services that we have brought you along with us for the ride so to speak. We know you will do the utmost to help us in bringing forth more stories to be told of the utmost truth and highest calibre. We know you will do well and we push you forward ahead of us, ready to do our bidding and champion the cause of mankind. We beam ahead and light the pathway, opening up those reserves of energy that need firing and putting in place. We know you have great ambition to forge ahead and we supply you with the necessary requisites that will help you in this challenge.

Feel the fire within you, feel the passion, ignite the flame of Love which has slumbered so long in many of you. We bring to the surface all that is stored and hidden from view and we allow you now the courtesy of stepping out into a new arena, a new land of immeasurable growth. We pack Light for we carry our gifts within us and they are not a heavy load, they bear us aloft on wings of Love sanctioning and blessing our journey.

Are there still things within my soul that need to be brought to the surface to be healed?

Only you can know that!

But you know my heart better than I do, you know what I unconsciously hide.

We have placed before you a summary of offenses and we know you would do well to listen to your heart most carefully. Place what you learn into a thimble of Light bless it and kiss it and fling it into the void to be transmuted into pure energy. Do not worry, always send Love to any given situation. It is here you will find strength and clarity of vision.

The following day in meditation I was shown a little Mayan child then glimpses of wicker baskets. I could also see someone in a very ornate headdress of gold latticework entwined with feathers, he also had feathers around his forearms that ended with claws over the top of his hands.

I’m now in a cave and in the gloom can just about make out a group of bare chested men with dark hair, they seem to be waiting for something. I’m now moving slowly along some kind of passage way and caught a glimpse of a gorilla who I’ve seen before and feel safe with. Further along I see three little elves who surprise me and make me smile. I feel as if I’m being watched by a myriad eyes hiding in the shadows.

Light my path dear friends, please help me to see more clearly. I can hear someone saying ‘don’t worry’!

There is no need to fear, we take the pathway chosen by our heart and soul and we venture forward into the clutches of the Light.

I can see purple clouds parting to reveal beautiful golden shapes, it reminds me of an opera house with ornate gilded ceilings.

It is a time to laugh and be jolly! Leave the shadows and walk into the Light, trust in God and you shall come to no harm. The truth will out!

Just lately I have been shown faces and figures rather than being given words and I asked to be able to see more clearly. Today I was shown the face of my adoptive mother not as the motherly vision that I remember but young and radiant, this confirms that I am not conjuring her up in my mind and this time the vision was clear as a bell!

Thank you Great Spirit. Are there any words you would like to share with me today?

We come in all honesty to share with you in this time of loving bliss and we bring you glad tidings of great joy!

Thank you friends, please draw closer!

We monitor your success and are riveted by your conversations with us, your friends and helpers from those dimensions in time and space that spread the message that Love will conquer over all malfunctions on Earth. Love is simply the key that will unlock your destiny to shine like the brightest stars in the night sky. We are with you for all time and have always been so. We now broadcast our messages to the human race so that you may be satisfied. Trust in us to bring forth a flavour of ecstasy as we rein in those needs and desires of the population of Earth. We bring you under closer scrutiny, adjusting our methods to bring across a flavoursome episode that will allow you great courage in the forthcoming months.

We manipulate those key centres within you that will allow free expression and we trouble you not with idle gestures but believe in the essence of Love in truth and vitality of services. We express our ‘Beingness’ we express coming to terms with what we are about, the key essence of Love, born in the hearts of every one of you on the planet. For Love was there at the very beginning, that spark that essence of Love . . . the beginnings of life on Earth. And we bring mayhem into the hearts and minds of those who cannot adjust to this most, simple expression that Love will conquer all discord and strife. Love is the be all and end all and so it is!

We strive evermore for the glory of God and his host of Angels that gather on high and we shall come in all majesty to do your bidding for Peace on Earth and goodwill towards all mankind. We anoint the heads of those who come to kneel and we bring you our blessings in great strength.

Thank you friends.

We are born seekers of wisdom and we come now armed with Love for this great quest that we are on. We deliver to you for greater proliferation items of great interest that are born in the heart of our community. We bring you shelter from stressful conditions and monitor your heart beats so that we may strive for greater contentment. We acquiesce to delivering a greater functioning of this heart centre, accessing that portal that brings us great relief, travelling out into the main stream of energy that encircles your planet at this very time, and we believe we shall bring you greater upliftment in data that we have found to bring you closer into our fold.

There are great chasms ahead and we fill in the cracks to take you safely aboard. We know this has been a worthwhile cause to you and many others around the globe and we know that by sharing these messages of upliftment, we enable the growth of the population on a stupendous level and these reports shall be brought into open arena so that we may share the knowledge wisely.

We bring a certain amount of ineptitude when it comes to a banking of energies. Improvisations shall bring us to the surface of emotional debts and we desire you to be more courteous in your dealings with those of lower energies, they need all our support at this time. The times ahead shall be hard to deal with without the Love in your hearts that we have mentioned before, for it is in these dealings that your hearts need to expand. And we shall bring forth all that is stored and hidden to be reviewed and given the courtesy expected of those esteemed beings that have your ear.

We rein in a supposition of attributes that leave us speechless in the grand scheme of things and we now enter that place of total commitment. We have grown wholly accustomed to those beams within your heart that bring us racing to your side ready to start this quest. We make a beeline to those surfaces we recognise as being just and true and we venture forth. We do believe with your help we shall make the most important decision of our lives! We are freewheeling to success and we remember you in our sonnets. We shall be forever young and we frown on those who would have you think otherwise.

I kept drifting in and out of frequency and decided to go outside in the fresh air and sit on the roof of my sanctuary, here the birds were singing so beautiful it helped my energies lift higher.

We do not wish to speak out of turn but may we request a linking of minds. We do indeed read between the lines and access that place within your heart that tells us all. We know you believe in us purely and simply and we register the appeal within your heart that will take us to higher realms. Please believe we do have that strength and positivity to take you further forward and we shall rest on that crest and prepare for a new ‘coming home’ initiative. Take heart and strength in the knowledge that we are with you always!

I’m seeing someone with dark hair and beard, a biblical looking character who seems to be riding a chariot of sorts. I can feel the vibration of energy travelling at great speed.

We take you to a land of dreams and beyond, opening the gateways as you reach them, prodding and poking you into submission until we have gleaned the information that will take you on this franchise of excellence. We know you shall succeed!

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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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