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Libra Lunar Eclipse....A New Birth Is Upon You.....By Kelly...on 13th April.2014...

Libra Lunar Eclipse ~ A New Birth is Upon You

Libra Lunar Eclipse



There is another special celestial event happening during this very important week of the Cardinal Grand Cross—we’re going to see a total lunar eclipse.  This year, we have one of the latest possible dates for Passover and Easter and they coincide with the week of the Cosmic Cross, April 14th–23rd.  The Cosmos seems to be making a statement, especially with Earth Day capping off the week’s festivities.  It’s time for a new story!


The Libra total lunar eclipse on April 14-15 is the first of four occurring in the next two years.  The other three eclipses in the unusual “tetrad” of full Moons will be in October 2014, April 2015 and September 2015.  This month’s Lunar Eclipse will begin to show a shadow at 5:52am GMT / 1:52 am EDT on April 15th/ 10:52pm PDT on April 14th.  It will be full at 7:45am GMT/ 3:42am EDT/ 12:42 am PDT.  The eclipse will last about 4 hours, so make an eclipse party of it and share the beauty and mystery of our night sky with your friends.  The eclipse will be visible in the Western Hemisphere—from the extreme western edge of Europe through the Americas and over the Pacific.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon align, causing the Earth’s shadow to fall on the Moon, darkening it. This lunar eclipse is called the Blood Moon, because the crimson color of the Moon during an eclipse is caused by the refraction of sunlight through the Earth’s atmosphere.  We have folklore which speaks to the dangers of a lunar eclipse, but they are old stories, told by a patriarchal consciousness that feared the unknown.  These celestial events give rise to stories, because they are so mysterious and are writ large across the heavens.  What story will you hear as you watch the Moon turn red?

I’m a storyteller, and I look for the mystical in the everyday, or not so everyday.  And when I think of the red Moon eclipse, I am reminded of a story of the end of an age, when great evil comes back into the land and its presence demands that everyone stand together against it.  Guy Gavriel Kay’s soulful and exciting story is told in The Fionavar Tapestry.

A red Moon rises in the first of all worlds where gods and goddesses still walk the land and there is magic stirring all around.  It’s a world where you have to live a full life, a meaningful life.  Ancient Evil is awakening and all the lands are suffering from a great draught (climate change?).   When one young man offers his life to bring back the rains for the parched land, a red Full Moon rises on a New Moon night.  The Moon Goddess chooses to help defeat Evil. (The Goddess is returning to help us here too.)  She gives three gifts to the world, since the Goddess always works in 3s.  The first gift is healing, when she gives the sacrifice back his life just at the moment of his death.

His sacrifice and rebirth make him the Twice-Born—emissary of a god.  Not an easy path, but he now has the power of the god to use if he can (hint: it’s not a superpower.) And there will be others who sacrifice and take on power because of her gift of healing.  The second gift is the rain—breaking the hold of the powers of death over the land.  The third gift is a mystery, a magical creature created for glory and death and love.  It is a story worthy of the most famous Bards—Tolkien included.

These four red Moon eclipses, as well as the four planetary powers of the Cardinal Grand Cross, might bestow gifts as well as demands on us as well—four being the energy of manifestation.  A good story that speaks to your heart can help you shape the energies to give you purpose, passion and power.  A good story gives meaning to your life.  A good archetypal story impresses its energies on your soul.  It’s a good time to feed our souls. So as you’re sitting under the Red Moon, don’t forget to tell yourself a good story.

Libra Full Moon Eclipse 2014

This Libra/Aries full Moon eclipse had an interesting beginning on August 14, 1022.  (There are series of eclipses—this one belongs to Saros Series 122.)  With a Leo Sun and Aquarius Moon, this first eclipse spoke of the need to express our creative gifts (Leo Sun) so we can share them with the world (Aquarius Moon).  With Pluto on the galactic center in flowing angles to the eclipse, some form of transformation wanted to emerge around this issue of bringing our unique talents to the collective table.  But it was only a beginning.   Now almost one thousand years later, we are being posed a similar question.  What else are we supposed to do but bring our talents and gifts into the collective now?

A Libra Full Moon is opposite the Aries Sun.  Our sense of self-identity (Aries) can only be fully known when we relate to someone else (Libra).  With the Moon in Libra, we need to remember to have our own Aries standpoint when we relate to others.  We’ve been trained, especially women, to bend over backwards for others.  But that’s not how to create harmony and balance (Libra).  True balance comes when each person stands on their own side of the scale.  Our Libra sensibility is how we create good relationships.  Both partners’ needs can be met if we learn how to compromise. And compromise means knowing where you stand.

That’s the awareness we can get from this eclipsed Full Moon.  Lunar eclipses give us the awareness to bring a situation to an end.  While the Sun’s light is blocked by the Earth’s shadow, our unconscious motivations and desires are more easily felt.  Without the constraints of our ‘shoulds and oughts’, perhaps we can find clarity and healing of our relationship wounds now. (We’ve been dealing with the emotional aspects of those wounds with Saturn in Scorpio.)  We need to work together, and we need men and women to act together if we want to create real change.

Some of the asteroids come into play during this eclipse.  Juno, the great Queen, is conjunct the Sun, focusing us on the issue of equality between the sexes.  Ceres, the Grain Mother and Vesta, the sacred fires of life, are conjunct the Moon, opening us to our real needs as well as our caring nature.  It’s time we started to care about each other and bring that caring into our society.

I’m especially happy to see these Sabian symbols for the Sun and Moon, since they are the symbols for my Nodes.  This total lunar eclipse is just a few degrees from our present Nodes: the North Node is in Libra and the South Node is in Aries.  The spiritual directive is to leave behind self-interest and direct our energies toward the common good.   With the Moon conjunct the Libra North Node, we have to begin to trust our emotional intelligence.  It is the heart that knows truth and wisdom.  And there’s so little heart in our corporate society.

The Sabian symbol (from Steve Eardley) for the Sun at 26* Aries is: Standing in the center of the fiery fountain of life, a man is overwhelmed by hundreds of new inspirations. This symbol is so joyous—to stand in the fiery fountain of life is to be filled with a passion that wells up from the heart, to be intoxicated with potential and to engage with the Creative Imagination.   We have to jump into that fountain with both feet and yet not get stuck in our own heads.  We are called to the North Node in Libra—to partnership.

The Sabian symbol (from Dane Rudhyar) for the Moon at 26* Libra is: An eagle and a white dove change swiftly into each other.  This symbolizes the ability to process life with both our Spiritual Will and our soulful Love.  It is so important for us to unite our head and heart, our soul and spirit if we’re going to make the very real changes our society needs.  It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen person by person as we stand up for our values and our beliefs.  The Eagle of Spirit and the Dove of Aphrodite are really two sides of the same coin—spiritual self-awareness (Christ consciousness) united with Wisdom.

The Sabian symbol for the North Node at 29* Libra is: Vast masses of people push forward reaching for knowledge.  Our destiny now is to awaken, to push forward in our search for the truth, which is what knowledge gives us.  Pluto has been supplying the truth of the decay and hypocrisy of modern society.  And it’s no longer hidden so we can act on what we know.

The Sabian symbol for the South Node at 20* Aries is: A celestial choir has arisen to sing cosmic harmonies.   We get our passion from this innate knowledge of our conscious union with cosmic powers.  We have to have faith in the order and meaning of life in order to go searching for that North Node knowledge.

This lunar eclipse occurs within the womb of the Cardinal Grand Cross that is perfecting this week.  You can read all about it in the Cosmic Story: The Heavenly Cosmic Cross.  There are four mightyPowers taking up their stations in the heavens at each of the four arms of a cosmic cross.  As thesePowers turn the cosmic wheel, new energies will be available for us to use in our lives and for our world.

So this month stay awake, have faith, be brave and face death. 

A new birth is upon you.

Neptune, Venus and Chiron in Pisces form another sort of womb—a collective yearning for something better to arise in our world.  Pisces is the realm of the Collective Unconscious and the longings we feel for union with each other and the Divine Source.  Neptune is the power of the imagination, Venus is the power of Love and Chiron is the power that heals our souls.  It is a potent combination that gives rise to Wisdom.  Keep in touch with your dreams and let them guide you through any turbulent waters you come across.  This is the time of resurrection and new life.  Send your love into the future.


Easter Morning in Wales

A garden inside me, unknown, secret

neglected for years,

the layers of its soil deep and thick.

Trees in the corners with branching arms

and the tangled briars like broken nets.

Sunrise through the misted orchard,

morning sun turns silver on the pointed twigs.

I have woken from the sleep of ages and I am not sure

if I am really seeing, or dreaming,

or simply astonished

walking toward sunrise

to have stumbled into the garden

where the stone was rolled from the tomb of longing.

~David Whyte~    Where Many Rivers Meet


Astrological events:

After the New Moon in Aries two weeks ago on March 30th, the Sun connected with each corner of the grand cross.  On April 1, Aries Sun squared Jupiter in Cancer.  On April 2, Aries Sun conjunct Uranus in Aries. On April 3, Aries Sun squared Pluto in Capricorn.  On April 8, Aries Sun opposed Mars retrograde in Libra.

April 14th: Pluto goes retrograde at 4:44 pm PDT at 14* Capricorn:  In a dense jungle, a perfectly preserved Mayan bas-relief.    When we discover ancient civilizations, we take comfort in our human experience and even the continuity of life.  People like us lived in earlier times.   Pluto here wants us to know (1) our civilization won’t last forever and (2) we will leave something of value behind.   That’s what evolution is all about—leaving behind what no longer serves life, and keeping those things that sustain all of life for the future.

April 14th: Mercury in Aries squares Jupiter in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn while joining with Uranus in Aries, filling our Mind with new ideas and necessary plans.

April 15th: Libra Lunar Eclipse

April 16th: Mercury in Aries opposes Mars in Libra.  With all the major players of the cosmic cross connecting with the planet of the Mind, stay centered in your thought, words and actions.

April 19th: Sun enters Taurus

April 20th: Easter Sunday.  Jupiter squares Uranus and opposes Pluto.  This can be a turbulent and intense day, but if we keep in mind the symbolic purpose of Easter—the belief in our spiritual resurrection—we can show the world and each other what awake and aware people can do.

April 21st: 5th Uranus in Aries/Pluto in Capricorn square.  This is the quintessence, the 5th time—the time to begin the rest of our lives.

April 22nd:  Earth Day.  Mars in Libra square Jupiter in Cancer.  It’s a good day to dream big and get past limiting beliefs.  We can save our Mother Earth and each other.

April 23rd: Mars opposes Uranus and squares Pluto.  This is probably the most intense day, with Mars pushing for revolution and evolution.  Be innovative and stay calm!

As you can see, these next few weeks are a cosmic roller-coaster of energies.  Have faith in yourself and the work you’ve done over the past 25 years.  It’s time to let your light shine out into the world now.  This is only the beginning!


Walk in the Light,



Libra Lunar Eclipse

Note from Kelley: I am taking a brief brake from writing the New Moon and Full Moon reports. I have invited astrologer Cathy Pagano to share her amazing gift of astrology, psychology and mythology with us. She is lovely, wise and very talented. Cathy is brilliant. Please Enjoy!

Love and Peace,



Views: 170

Comment by Dr. SohiniBen Shukla on April 15, 2014 at 2:21pm

Comment by Dr. SohiniBen Shukla on April 15, 2014 at 2:21pm

Comment by Dr. SohiniBen Shukla on April 15, 2014 at 2:22pm

Comment by Dr. SohiniBen Shukla on April 15, 2014 at 2:22pm


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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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