lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

When we talk about senses, how much sense can we make?
It's never very easy,
To close the book of dreams,
But if I connect my head to my heart,
It's not as bad as it seems.
With the astrological aspects this week we can channel the highest energies and info from other worlds and/or get lost and confused and have a hard time distinguishing what is real versus our self (and others illusions). It can be downright confusing trying to get to the bottom of just what is going on!
It is not a good time to be making big decisions, signing contracts, or getting diagnosis and the energies quite chaotic. It is a good time to retreat, chant, dance, meditate and connect without highest aspirations. Time to use and develop our extrasensory perception to see, know, feel, and understand what our limited ego is unable to grasp. This energy will be passing by next week so stay calm, cool and collected allowing/trusting Spirit processes beyond your control. Namaste!
Astrology for the Soul, May 26 by Tom Lescher
So with this in mind and exploring what senses means to me, besides the most common ones we all know, our touch, smell, hearing, vision, feeling. There is something which isn't the same for everyone when we talk about intuition, which also is defined as a sense.
Or sensibility for that matter which has had a negative perception for a lot of people because you were expected to be able to handle all the influences and inputs life is bringing you. The perception you are powerless if you are high sensitive, and not able to cope with the business around you, or the loudness of the environment and people buzzing around.
I know I always had the need to escape crowds and busy environments with lots of noises. Even the family dinners with my uncles and aunts at my grandparents place were hard and difficult to handle and I ended up eating with my granddad in the kitchen alone together, al-one, in our difference of wired spirits. There was not much to be said, never need to explain, it just was. And we were at ease and peace in each others company.
So growing up with my granddad as a youngster he was a great teacher even without speaking about sensitivity, or paranormal energy awareness, or healing energy. The only thing he would speak about was the way he would perform healing prayer technique, with a cross over the wounded energy creating a safe pattern for the energies to heal. That was what he did, and who he was in essence.
And looking at ancestor links, he probably wasn't the first in this line of healers, and most likely not the last as well. There are several members in my family somehow working with energy or healing in a different way then the modern western medical faculty is applying. It seems when you are highly sensitive or having this para normal trade within your DNA, you are more the exception then the rule within your environment, so it needs a different way of adapting and adjusting. Specially when the need to be accepted as one with the group you live in, like family, or the community you are part of is in conflict with the ideas and perceptions about this way of anticipating and acting.
To me it also involved the higher perceptions, we call clairvoyant,psychic, even clair smelling as a part of my existence. With these elevated also came the knowledge, to see or hear differently as a way to detect something within somebody else, you weren't suppose to know or worse understand if they hadn't spoken about it. How on earth could you have known this?
That was weird to say the least of the remarks I have heard growing up. Sensing something was off, the tension you could sense with someone, or the sorrow that had to be shielded and put a mask over instead to cover it up. Denial when you mentioned something you sensed making a liar of me. Trades you cannot hide even if you want to, cause it is in your own DNA, your design, your signature.
What made it work for me? I learned to trust in my own feelings, my sense of knowing something is off, my sense of hearing behind the words, my sense of vision to see through the masks, my sense of feeling into the hearts and connect with the emotions that were hidden at times, looking beyond the layers and exploring to come to an understanding or helping out to help start a healing process.
The counterpart is that I also needed to learn which emotions for instance are not mine and don't belong to me when I picked up something, standing in line in the postoffice, sitting next to someone, telepathically connected with my mom picking up the phone at the same time.
It was a kind of training, learning in the now moments, how I felt initially and what shifted within a split second and to learn how to let it pass through me instead of internalizing it within. I tell you, this isn't an easy proces at times, specially when your kids or husband, family members and parents are concerned.
The closer the circle of loved ones is, the harder it is to learn this type of detachment, because that is what the proces is also about, learning to detach from the lessons, experiences, issues someone else is dealing with in regard their own life lessons and soul's experiences.
When it comes to strangers it is way easier to feel, sense, know and let go, then the experiences your kids are going through from a parents perspective and then know and trust their own inner souls guidance along the way and let it flow through instead of getting hooked and sucked in.
So, how much sense can we make of our daily experiences, of our connections with each other, close or not, sensitive or not, as long as we are not aware of the interconnections we all share with each other.
The more we can come to an understanding and realization every act will automatically call for re-act, we can use our senses, our common senses, to know the way we respect and honor each other will make the big difference in the outcome of any reaction. If we treat each other the same way we want to be treated, with love, compassion and kindness, we make a lot of difference every single moment in each other's lives, if this makes sense?
And so it will be done.
High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)
Heartfelt Messages 29-5-2015

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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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