lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

how important is it to reset your belief system

Lis­ten­ing as well read­ing up a lot of mes­sages these past months about the shifts and changes we are go­ing through as hu­man­ity one thing struck me the most. The way our be­lief sys­tem is hold­ing its grasp on us. Now this is not new to me, since I have been work­ing with this for the past 40 years or so. At least on a con­scious level that is.

You can lis­ten to an au­dio ver­sion of this ar­ti­cle, look fur­ther down. 

Start­ing my train­ing as a spir­i­tual healer and shaman work­ing with the el­e­ments, the heal­ing of plants and flow­ers as well work­ing with en­ergy. Now that last one, was some­thing that needed to shift my per­cep­tion, as well the be­lief sys­tem I grew up with. Be­ing raised in the Catholic Church, I was also raised with the be­lief in Arch An­gels, Mother MaryJe­sus and a lot of saints.

Be­ing taught in the way of a lov­ing God, be­ing the best you can be and also be in ser­vice of oth­ers if they need your help. I have to give my par­ents a lot of credit for that as well. Be­cause there was a lot of free­dom and lov­ing care in the way they not only taught us the prin­ci­ples. They were my role mod­els in the way they were giv­ing form to their be­liefs. So you could say, I was al­ready raised out­side of the norm. My par­ents were lib­er­ated and thought the way to be prac­ti­cal in your day to day ac­tions, was part of be­liev­ing in God. Raised within the Catholic Church I grew up with the Latin ser­vice as well the rit­u­als that were per­formed.

My be­lief sys­tem was col­ored so to speak. Yet al­ways cu­ri­ous how oth­ers were ex­pe­ri­enc­ing their be­lief I went to other churches as well. Grow­ing up I wanted to learn more about the dif­fer­ences be­tween the world re­li­gions, like the way of the Hindu Bud­dhism. Along the way my be­lief sys­tem changed as well. It be­came even more ap­par­ent to me, there are a lot of ways that lead to God, what ever name you are used to give the Source of All.

To learn and con­nect with the com­mon fac­tor of each re­li­gion I came across was of im­por­tance to me. Not wanted to be­ing put in some kind of box, ei­ther this or that. When I started my train­ing as spir­i­tual healer shifted my be­lief sys­tem even more. To be able to feel and sense what kind of en­ergy field we hold around our­selves, as well oth­ers, cre­ated a new way of aware­ness. This was an im­por­tant re­set for me.

The way I was fa­mil­iar with, as well get­ting to know more about the con­scious aware­ness. For me pieces of a puz­zle fell into place within. I loved to learn more and more about the way it all is con­nected. Our own be­ing, the phys­i­cal, men­tal, emo­tional body as well the etheric one. Be­ing raised with Arch An­gels and An­gels, for me it was­n’t such a big step to get ac­quainted with the dif­fer­ent en­ergy lay­ers.

In that pe­riod of time, the way spir­i­tu­al­ity was per­ceived, was part of a new age move­ment. It changed a lot in the west­ern world for sure. East was meet­ing West so to speak. Like The Bea­t­les, when they went to In­dia to meet up with Bhag­wan Osho, in­spir­ing a lot of young teenagers who were big fans. It also changed the mu­sic world.

The way our so­ci­ety changed with it along the way, was part of a big re­set in be­lief sys­tems as well. Not just re­li­gion shifted in per­cep­tion, the med­ical world did as well be­cause of the knowl­edge that was spread in such a big scale. It be­came more and more a norm to be­lieve in the con­nec­tion na­ture has with every liv­ing be­ing. As did the med­i­cine world was us­ing more and more the knowl­edge about the heal­ing po­tency of plants and flow­ers.

In co-cre­ation with the way this new knowl­edge made his en­try, it de­manded a re­set in the mind­set of so many peo­ple. To cre­ate a plat­form, to en­able this to flour­ish and be­come more and more a stan­dard as well. Why is this im­por­tant? Life is a con­stant chang­ing con­cept. With all the mod­ern tech­nol­ogy and the use of the me­dia, peo­ple were con­nected all over the world with each other. In or­der to co-ex­ist shifts in per­cep­tion were in or­der. Not to every­one’s lik­ing, we all know the way how the old regime wants to hold on to their be­lief sys­tem. Learn­ing from each other also re­quired re­spect. In­stead of con­demn­ing some­one for their be­liefs, it is nec­es­sary to have an open mind.

Yet even more im­por­tantly, an open heart is nec­es­sary to be able to see the other, in­di­vid­ual or so­ci­ety. That may re­quire to re­set your own be­lief sys­tem about the way you may per­ceive the world. Or re­li­gions, or rit­u­als, or spir­i­tual con­nec­tions. But most of all, I learned how im­por­tant it is to be ready and able to re­set your own be­lief sys­tem. In or­der to grow, to be able to re­lease and let go of the ones that aren’t held in love. To me the com­mon ground with every one I meet or what­ever re­li­gion I en­counter is Love. Love for life, re­spect and love for every liv­ing be­ing. Ei­ther hu­man or the an­i­mal world, plants and rivers, seas, oceans, moun­tains and val­leys. It is all part of our world, as we are all con­nected with each and every as­pect of it.

For me to live in a world, mi­cro and macro, it is of great im­por­tance to be ready and will­ing to re­set any be­lief sys­tem, which is not func­tion­ing for my own high­est good. It all starts within, in my own be­ing, my own be­lief sys­tem about my­self. Not just for me, this is the com­mon ground for every­one to build a healthy and happy life. Know­ing your­self, lov­ing your­self, have re­spect for your­self, self-worth is some­thing that is not ac­cepted in a lot of so­ci­eties where du­al­ity is the way to em­pha­size the dis-bal­ance.

Where power is be­ing abused in the name of God, to sus­tain a false kind of wor­thi­ness. Re­spect is to be earned, not by force and fear. The im­por­tance of this re­set of be­lief sys­tems, is a world wide process. We can only live in har­mony when this has been re­set in love and light. Every move­ment that calls for change of au­thor­ity, is a re­set of be­lief on a grand scale.

This is how the world around us will change again, through the grow­ing con­scious­ness around the world in peo­ple. Be­cause con­scious aware­ness cre­ates al­ways a re­set in old be­lief sys­tems that no longer serve their pur­pose. Peo­ple want to live in har­mony with each other. Every soul wants to be loved and con­nected with the world around.

High Self @RheaD­op­mei­jer ©

Heart­felt Mes­sages 29-3-2018

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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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