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In response to the concerns of readers of BBC World, Minotti highlighted the preventive character of many homeopathic treatment: "We have to straighten the trees before they bend."

He said those who attack homeopathy is because they do not even know fallacy called the recent warning by the World Health Organization.

Click Read: WHO warns against use of homeopathy

According to the WHO should not be used homeopathic medicines to treat some diseases with high mortality rate. Minotti disagree and why.

The doctor says that homeopathy can be more effective than allopathy to treat conditions such as swine flu.

The owner of Homeopathic Medicine Homeopathic Medical Association Argentina has toured several countries in America and Europe, giving lectures and lecturing at conferences.

In this interactive interview, acknowledges that there are limits on homeopathic treatments and indicates some of the diseases that medicine can not cure.


What is homeopathy and what is real scope?

Homeopathy is a branch of medicine, is one option. It is a complementary medicine is a medicine in itself. There are countries like France, where half the population is served with homeopathy and the other half.

When a child has tonsillitis, allopathy gives you an antibiotic to kill the germ, we do not give antibiotics, give medicine to the germ starve.

Allopathy says, "This child is sick because you have angina," and we say "this child has tonsillitis because they are sick." We will cure the acute and try also the willingness of children to this disease, so do not become ill.

Many of our readers want to know when it is advisable to go to a homeopath.

Homeopathy is the treatment of choice. I allopathic pediatricians I have channeled their children because they do not want to attack with steroids and antibiotics, because they know that homeopathy is safe.

In the United States government agency the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, for its acronym in English) has allowed the free sale of homeopathic medicines, no prescription, no prescription needed, and no U.S. any claim for malpractice by use of homeopathic medicines, as it happens with the allopathic. Notice how safe and how useful it is homeopathy.

For example, for kidney stones? Jesus Huchim Carlos Ahumada, Yucatan, Mexico, asked about it.

The kidneys have three cups, upper, middle, bottom. If the calculations are in the lower calyx can not be eliminated, if they are on the top and in the middle, they can be removed without any inconvenience.


Lahomeopatía not offer an effective treatment for weight loss itself. The homeopathic remedy for obesity only helps the patient to be more willing to undergo a diet, because it predisposes best, gives a better mood and more willing for you to do a diet.

Some readers, like Fernando Fontana, Montevideo, Uruguay, want to know about how homeopathy is useful in respiratory diseases like bronchitis and laryngitis.

Not últil is superefectiva. It is most easy to cure in adults and children. Can be cured at 100% in three or four months at the latest. There are people who have been cured in a month.

Children with allergies, bronchitis, bronchial asthma respond well ... because the tree must be straightened before twisting.

Ruben Gonzalez of Guadalajara, Mexico, says it takes 9 years using homeopathy and widely recommended, but is not too long the treatments?

Depends on the disease. If you have an important tuberculosis could not be cured by allopathy because there is resistance to antibiotics, with a very serious illness, you can not say that in a month will be cured 100%, you may need a year.

However, I have cases of cancers that were cured in 15 days and I will present at a conference next year.

The treatments are not very long. The treatment for a stomach ulcer, for example, can take five months.

To swine flu, Tamiflu "or homeopathy?

Tamiflu has never cured anyone, is a total fallacy. Tamiflu and vaccine absolutely no good at all, because the virus mutates and changes.

We have developed a preventative which has about 10 components and is giving wonderful results in populations of hundreds of patients.

It is a formula developed from the symptoms found in Mexico. It is not the panacea, but protects well patients to avoid infection.

But WHO has warned against the use of homeopathy in cases of high mortality as influenza, tuberculosis, malaria and AIDS.

Anyone who has read that report no experience of homeopathy. In all these diseases have achieved great success, except AIDS.

In the European Union each year 70,000 patients die of tuberculosis because of resistance to antibiotics, why to those 70,000 people do not give them an opportunity homeopathic? Could cure more than half. What economic interests are at the bottom?

AIDS is not curable with homeopathy, but the consequences of AIDS, for example, herpes, tumors, pneumonia trend, that is cured of the easiest and simplest is with homeopathy.

What responds to allegations that homeopathy is a "pseudoscience" and "money thrown away?

Will have to see what interests guide these people. Will always be people who are opposed to homeopathy, because I do not know, because they treated her, or because they have other interests and not in their interest that homeopathy progress, because remember it is very cheap.

What then are the limits of homeopathy?

If a patient comes to ask if we can cure something, we can not ever say either yes or no.

We have seen very serious diseases like cancer, who have been cured with homeopathy and, sometimes, is not mathematical.

Sometimes, other diseases are not serious, such as psoriasis (chronic skin disease) I'm afraid we can not cure. 10 cases of psoriasis are cured five.

Nor can we treat all disorders of the glands, including hypothyroidism, hipopitituarismo not be treated with homeopathy. The we can not cure diabetes, arthritis (rheumatoid disease) we can not cure.

The limits are 10% of the consultations, but 90% of patients coming to us can heal itself.

NO When we go to a homeopath?

The question is not when they go, is when not to return.

If you go to a homeopath, and treats in 10 minutes, and prescribes a list of remedies that are six or seven, and not under review, does not take the pressure, it sends you to a clinical trial, has to flee and never to return because he is a scammer.

The real homeopathic medicine makes unicist will be with the patient one or two hours, questioned about his record, from birth until now, seeking the causes of imbalances or disease you have now. And going to find a remedy that applies to you.

If they come to the clinic 10 patients with gastric ulcer, 10 patients are going to go with a different remedy. In allopathy, the 10 patients go to the same drug, because there is no individualization. So you have to know the patient well.

Views: 85

Comment by Myriel RAouine on December 13, 2010 at 11:43am

Thank you so much for this information, dear Maria!

Could you repost in "Self Healing and tips" and I will share with all the members of lightgrid?




Sonja Myriel


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Sonja Myriel RAouine

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