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Crystal Excercise for shekhmet...Ashtar Command.....

Sekhmet - Crystal Exercise of Love and Courage
Ashtar on the Road Teleconference - 6-12-12

“Well, good evening everyone! That was a fun little ditty,* was it not? And it is so very true. Now, I am very happy that our news team** mentioned my role, and of course it is always delightful when Ashtar brings my energy in by speaking of me.*** I want to assure you when I do what I do, it’s all about Love!

"Now, I have mentioned before that I have been given a bit of a bum rap at times. Well, I am powerful -- we’ll just leave it at that. But everything I do is Love, and it is indeed to empower everyone. I stand for Courage and you know that that comes from the word for the Heart, because that’s where Courage emanates from. It’s not a mental thing - you have to feel it, you know. It’s not always easy to speak of Love when you have a group that doesn’t want to hear about it, and you all know that there are people who don’t want to hear about it!

"Just think about your own government, and you know there are people in governments everywhere in the world who don’t want to hear about that because they are afraid. Think about it, Courage is from the Heart; Love, unconditional, is Heart-based - fear is not. So when someone says, 'I think you are looney tunes,' they’re not feeling it. They are not feeling that high Love because they’ve got some fear somewhere. Smile. Let them know that you love them no mater what they say or what they think of you. That’s your Courage standing forth! You can say to yourself if you wish, 'They may not know right this minute, but thank you for the opportunity to speak to them!'

"You see, because you have this thing called timing, and timing may be speaking to you in your Heart, and your Love, and your Courage. And timing may be speaking to the other one, as in ,'No, it’s not time for me to hear yet.' But you can leave a thought sometimes. More and more of you are being recognized by your radiance! You may not even open your mouths to speak. Certainly, you don’t have to get up in front of a large group and speak, unless that is your mission, and you will know if that is your mission.

"But it is that more and more people will be approaching you and saying, 'Well you don’t seem to be very much afraid. How come you’re so happy? Why are you laughing? I’m standing right next to you. I’m seeing all this stuff in the world that doesn’t look happy - why are you smiling? Why are you so happy?' And you can say to them: 'I've got Love. That’s all you need!!!'

"That gets attention, does it not? And they might say that you are nuts, but they might also say, 'Could you tell me what you mean by that?' Now, of course, you are bringing in the Love Light and you are beaming them, and your higher self is talking to their higher self, and your higher self is saying,

'You know, it would really be good if you let him know that it’s time to hear more, time to open up and let some Love Light in, because we have plenty. We have plenty! Let’s get together on this, let’s have a little Communion party and let’s celebrate Love! Let’s be One together in all aspects of your being and mine!!!' That’s pretty exciting stuff, you know, just imagine that. Pass it on, pay it forward!

"One being starting it out, and the next one, and the next one, and the next, and pretty soon you’ve got a whole party going on! Now, that’s pretty powerful, and that’s how it is to be. And yes, we know there are things to look upon which are very difficult for you, but we want to tell you to find that place within yourselves where your Courage is, because sometimes it takes Courage to smile, and to radiate, and to beam that Love in the face of adversity, in the faces of others who are afraid and in fear.

"But, if you can engage with them, whether it’s a telepathic level or a face-to-face level, or a sending in words of writing somehow, it is so important to commune and to be One in the space of Love. You have the empowerment because you have been practicing and you know what it is to lift up. You know, and maybe they don’t. This is the time to share in your meditations and in your daily communications to every extent you can. This is the time to look into your Hearts and see the beautiful Lights there and remember that one which is, after all, a word that means Heart, which is Courage.

"Courage. Let’s all be related. There was one who was called the Lionheart. Well, I am lion - hear me roar! And I am telling you that you’ve got the same kind of Courage in all of you, you are all Lionhearts. Just know it and feel it and be it with me! I’ve got paws for everybody, reach out and hold them, and let’s be Love together!!!

"We have this Grand Company with us -- your guides, every one of your guides is here with each and every one of you in this gathering and beyond, for those who read the words or who listen to the words later on. This is a now moment, and this is for everyone’s now moment whenever they get the message. So let’s stand tall and let’s join in our circle and hold hands - while you hold hands, everybody can hold my paws because I can extend them around -- I am magical you know! So don’t worry I’ve got a paw for everyone, as we make our big circle.

"Feel, if you will, upon your shoulders lightly touching, standing behind you, all of your loving guides. Feel their Love, just let it pulse and wave right through the entirety of your beings. Everyone, feel your loving guides. And now, if you will, feel facing you - and feel their loving hands upon the front of your shoulders - the angels and the ascended ones all in the inner circle. There is no place to be except all of us in the middle. Just think of me kind of moving around, multiplied out so that everybody can hold a paw and the hand of the person next to you.

"Let us stand in this grand union, and let us breathe in the Lights of Love that we share with each other, and let us power ourselves up, up and up with this Love. It is time for us to come to the crystal room. And it is most appropriate that we travel together in this grand circle, powered by Love. Feel it, it can lift you up like a rocket in this Company that We Are! And as we zoom up through the atmosphere, straight up to my ship, we come up through the opening in the landing deck, which expands for everyone of us to come through together. Let us move right on up to the crystal room on the very top of the ship, together, powered by Love.

"For those of you who are interested in technologies this is the big one, it is the Supreme Power! And, Beloved Ones, we all have it within ourselves, each and every one of us. It is so beautiful, these radiant circles of Love We Are. So let us come into this crystal room and allow the crystals to receive our messages, which is Love, pure unconditional Love. The crystals are such willing amplifiers, and receivers and messengers. Let this Love just radiate out and fill the room we are in, the crystal room, and it is so beautiful!!!

"The Lights of Love glow so bright everywhere, and we move higher dimensionally, for so doing. You didn’t need a space suit to come up to the crystal room, did you? That’s because you are already acclimated, aligned and attuned to being in a Higher Dimension, because we come together, because the power of Love not only brings us up to the crystal room but it brings us through the Dimensional Portal with ease and grace, with Joy!!! And yes, you may be hearing the music, the high frequencies. It is what you call out of the realm of 3D and much higher, and it is to be together in this bliss, this Joy, and yes, this Oneness of Love, that we are here gathered!!!

"Now, breathe in the Love, breathe in the Joy, and feel your Hearts expand. Where there is only Love there is automatic Courage, yes! Feel your Hearts expand, feel the Love, the unconditional Love, and yes, let your Hearts fill with Courage, too, because we are about to enter into the second phase of this Exercise that we have gathered to do. We are in Communion with each other now, we are joined in the energies of Love. Keep breathing it in. Let it come in through your crown, let it come up through your feet, let it come in through your hands of Light, let it swell your Hearts comfortably, joyfully!

"While we are here gathered in this loving Community of One, let us now look down at Planet Earth. Oh yes, the very floor we are standing on becomes, what you call, crystal clear, like a window, one big, gigantic window. We are able to see all of Planet Earth as it spins around. There is no time where we are - time is suspended. And we are able to look at all of Planet Earth, and we are able to see great Lights upon the planet shining back at us even as we shine our Lights! But we are also able to see places of darkness and discouragement, places of fear.

"It is with particular attention that we see the children of the World. They have their own network, these young ones! They are called the crystals, and they have ways of communicating upon the crystalline grid that we, are telling you, Beloved Ones, that you can access, too, because the World is becoming an activated crystalline grid, as are your bodies, your physicalities. But let us look, and let us invite the children to stand forth, they are the crystals - they are receivers, yes? They are messengers and amplifiers. Let us direct our Love Beams to these children, the crystal ones, and let us tell them how loved they are, and how much we honor them for being where they are, wherever that is, and no matter what their situations are. Let us have the Courage to look at their situations and assure them that They Are Love, and they are loved beyond words!!!< /strong>

"Let us share our courage with them, and let us give them our thanks and our Love and invite them into the One We Are, the Oneness, the Communion! Let us invite them to share with us in sharing this message, this Communion, this Oneness, to the entirety of Planet Earth. You see, they are especially equipped to do this, these bright, beautiful crystalline children, wherever they are, and they are everywhere upon the Planet!

"As we send them this message of loving Oneness and invite them to share our Communion with us, see them look up and see them smile at us! They are smiling with their Hearts, Beloved Ones, they are getting it, they are hearing it and they understand. They appreciate so much, and have so much thanks for the Courage that we share with them! That is so important for them, that they not be like the little girl in that picture that Ashtar spoke of, but rather, that they can smile as children smile, that their eyes can light with Joy, that we are here with them, that We Are One with them, and that we are indeed Love, just like them.

"Let them breathe in this wonderful energy that we share with them, let their Hearts expand with it and let them know that they are Lights upon the Planet. Let them know that they are serving their Divine Missions and let our Love stay with them in their Hearts, Beloved Ones, no matter where they are, no matter what awaits them in their next moment because we give them the Courage and the Love to continue to serve, and to be the messengers!

"As they breathe this in and they actually can reach out and hold hands with us, and of course my paws. They are ready, they are charged up, as it were, beautiful crystal Lights of Love to share with the World around them, whatever it might be! They have the Courage, they have the Love, and their Hearts are filling with it even now. Let us keep this going, even after this Exercise is over.

"Let us continue, Beloved Ones, let us command and decree that this Love and this Light shall continue to stream into these crystal children, that they may beam their families, their communities and particularly in places of great unhappiness and despair, that they may help others to feel the Love that we send and to feel the Courage, to stand tall and stay on the path of Love no matter how difficult, challenging or dangerous it may seem to be, because it’s over, and it is to be acknowledged and accepted and yes, in a lot of cases, even awakened to!!!

"The more the consciousness of Planet Earth is uplifted with Love, the more we’ll truly rise on the path of Ascension, and before the Ascension actually occurs, the more the Golden Age will come into bloom!!! And all of the changes will be completed and there will be Freedom throughout the entire Planet - Freedom from all that has enslaved and created all of the darkness and all of the fear that has been a result!

"And so it is that we are actually helping to bring all of this even closer by simply loving, by being lifted up by Love and by bringing these blessed children, these crystal ones, into our circle of Communion, that they will fill up their precious Hearts and assist those around them to become unconditional Love in expression! As this happens, Beloved Ones, all of the greatness that you have been waiting for, all of the changes and all of the wondrous technologies, and everything, will come shining forth along with, of course, Freedom to enjoy it and the Peace on Earth and the unconditional Love in which that Freedom shall thrive!!!

"Stay in this space as long as you choose, and return! You all have permanent boarding passes to the crystal room on my ship at any time that you choose. So come and join this Grand Gathering and celebrate this Communion in the atmosphere of Love. We thank you so much for making this journey with us, for opening your hearts to receive the Love and the Courage to look at whatever is not Love, so that you can help it to lift up where it belongs! Thank you, Beloved family! We are in Joy!!! And so it is! Namaste!"

Sekhmet's Exercise was followed by Love Lift Us Up Where We Belong, sung by Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes,

*All You Need is Love, sung by The Beatles,

** Tara and Rama

***In Ashtar's preceding message

Transcription by Brian Coe.

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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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