lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Channeling will become more clear and more powerful in 2015!
Channeling will become more clear and more powerful among the lightworker community. For the un-initiated “channeling” is a term used to describe the telepathic reception of higher knowledge, often which is to be shared for the greater good of humanity. If you are a channel expect to become clearer and if you have never channeled and are truly on your path perhaps you soon will. Universal wealth and intelligence will be dancing with us through the year in new and precious archetypal forms.Strive to see the secret patterns, as Carl Jung did, that dance through life in secret each day. These archetypes are within us, they drive us, consciously and unconsciously, and a divine shower of them will now be entering the world from the Heavens. If you have conscious eyes the “white archetypes” are about to go viral!
New Moon In Aquarius: Divine Horizons Emerge - Astrologer Salvador Russo
January 20, 2015!New-Moon-In-Aquarius-Divine-Horizons-Emerge/c1i8f/561A753E-7C87-4883-A700-14AA1540834F
Read the whole post here:
New Moon In Aquarius: Divine Horizons Emerge
January 20, 2015
We have just crossed the cosmic threshold of a New Moon in Aquarius which ushers in a blissfully unexpected season of dream fulfillment. The nature of our reality will soon be shifting powerfully, suddenly, frequently, and wonderfully as if our Creator were changing the channels of Light on our planet. Prophetic allegories of "new times" and "new firmaments" will soon come to life as the Earth is quantum leaped into a future well deserved over the next six moons. The Olympic gods are playing chess for keeps and many great victories are being orchestrated for the conscious children of God to enjoy!
I predict the following themes and events to manifest over the next six months:
the fragmentation and weakening of terrorist networks
the rise of new international and humanitarian solidarity movements
the powerful emergence and expansion of global unity consciousness
the divine magnification of conscious, scientific, special needs, and humanitarian communities
social connection with the people best suited to help you thrive in 2015
mental enrichment and liberation from paradigm shifts of knowledge and perception
quantum leaps in multi-dimensional awareness, ability, and connectivity
political successes in the fields of economy, foreign policy, and immigration reform
historic breakthroughs in space exploration, robotics, and quantum computing
sudden dislocations and disconnections from the familiar
spiritual growth through engagement and evolution in social causes and services
channeled insights among lightworkers on the legendary “Christ Consciousness”
relief and blessing to refugees, the disabled, the homeless, and the downtrodden
the rapid evolution of cyberspace and the digital economy
divinely inspired social networking
milestone victories in every noble social or planetary cause throughout the world
mystical experiences with the future, the nature of time, and the multi-verse
spontaneous connections with universal wealth and intelligence
blissful experiences with the celestial kingdom
This lunar cycle will inspire an unexpected sequence of events which are designed to lead us all into new liberty, abundance, beauty, and future potential. New dimensions of living are about to explode into life revolutionizing the way we think, live, interact, invest, and journey into the future. These new dimensions will manifest suddenly and gradually with metaphysical and supernatural overtones. Expect “golden strings of synchronous fortunes” to guide and envelop you in the weeks ahead as the cosmos conspires to connect us with the perfect people at the perfect times to help us create the perfect futures. Epiphanies will soon be abundant, be trusting of them knowing their divine origins.
The future itself is rewoven fantastically and unpredictably beyond the New Moon in Aquarius. Be ready to act upon timely and fortunate "breaks" and "coincidences" which have been pre-designed by divine powers for the sake of our soul growth and life prosperity. Be quick to recognize and develop good opportunities with resonant people in the weeks ahead as we are all reconnected with one another according to the perfection vision of God’s intelligence. Flow harmoniously with new life momentums that take you into unforeseen yet promising territory as this is where the wealth and the bliss of this lunar cycle reside. Embrace the brightest potentials that life presents to win your highest future.
Mental prisons which have held souls in hypnotic bondage will begin to be shattered by events which force dark truths into the mass consciousness - like a cosmic shock and awe campaign. The "butterfly effect" will be working wonderfully as divine causes and effects re-sequence the collective future of humanity in sublime ways.The nefarious collective known as the "illuminati" lacks the intelligence to calculate all the 2015 upsets and how their effects will ripple through time. Feel empowered to work with this new energy to create your future with a sharpened sense of clarity, focus, and control. Our minds will now be nourished to work with higher, abstract concepts, formulas, and theories which for some mystics have become shining facets of everyday life.
The new moon in Aquarius energy will be magnetizing conscious souls throughout the world. Heart resonance and consciousness level will overwhelmingly determine who we connect with in the near future. As hearts and minds are paired according to light, darkness, and cosmic law reflect on the concept of human networks, how they evolve, and the role that consciousness plays in sequencing our social interactions through space and time. Since we are all interconnected through the quanta we should strive to receive and propagate as much love and light into reality as possible. Can everyone promise to create at least one beautiful butterfly effect? If so then we can work magic together! I'll start with this new moon message which comes straight from my heart.
Our more noble communities will be shining with new life, wealth, spiritual invigoration, and vision for the future. This new energy and time cycle are wonderfully supportive of positive collective efforts with the best interests of the many at heart. Be open to joining and supporting benevolent orders, societies, working groups, committees, networks, and organizations that truly and effectively serve great social and humanitarian needs. There are threats on this Earth that if left unchecked would destroy us all. The name “Monsanto” comes to mind. Work to raise consciousness to common threats because many battles must first be won on the mental plane…
Members of councils, high and low, will be promoted and demoted according to past performance and future intentions. Look for shakeups, refreshments, and great opportunities in all the councils of our world. This includes every congress, senate, committee, and trans-national governing body, like, for example, the United Nations. The time has come for the “hallowed seats and tables” to be cleansed and re-ordered so expect good things to stream through these offices this spring, especially by the mentally enlightening transit of the Gemini Sun. Also look for knowledge and wisdom to spring up from history which focuses on the dealings and effects of high committees and councils. There is so much we have already learned about collective efforts and collective punishments.
Some of the sweetest experiences over the next six months will come through united efforts with brothers and sisters who share common values, vision, and purpose. At times it will prove most wise to suppress our own desires for the sake of a greater good. Rapid ascension can be earned this way at all times but now, with this Aquarian energy coming in, we will have more abundant and blessed opportunities to give of ourselves for higher causes. In doing so, in putting the needs of others and their future above our own, we paradoxically unlock a magical future for ourselves. I have observed this phenomenon for years and believe it proves that God is just. It is He who apportions our future based on the deeds of our days.
Every alchemist worth their salt has a basic understanding of the Law of Cause and Effect. Many people live unconsciously of time and how best to work with it, and to their great detriment. Many people lack vision for their future so they find their reality pinned to the toils and demands of the days, never realizing that their inaction is also their prison guard.This new moon energy and cycle will shower us with the inner realizations and outer support to break out of stagnant life patterns and to consciously work with higher laws that govern the creation of our reality and future. Be wise and invest in metaphysical studies, resources, and therapies that will help your mind to skillfully operate inter-dimensionally. These times are most certinaly upon us, they just don’t want you to think about it…
Channeling will become more clear and more powerful among the lightworker community. For the un-initiated “channeling” is a term used to describe the telepathic reception of higher knowledge, often which is to be shared for the greater good of humanity. If you are a channel expect to become clearer and if you have never channeled and are truly on your path perhaps you soon will. Universal wealth and intelligence will be dancing with us through the year in new and precious archetypal forms. Strive to see the secret patterns, as Carl Jung did, that dance through life in secret each day. These archetypes are within us, they drive us, consciously and unconsciously, and a divine shower of them will now be entering the world from the Heavens. If you have conscious eyes the “white archetypes” are about to go viral!
Be your neighbor’s keeper and strive to express brotherly and sisterly love with one another. The energy of Saturn and the agenda of the illuminati Saturn cult is to divide us in every way possible. They make war through religion, politics, economics, and cultural perversions, a common factor always being do divide because in division there is weakness. We are empowered and blessed in our ability to unite while transcending personal differences. Haven’t some of the greatest human experiences been won through unity? Keep unity and truth in your heart and you shall rise through the trials of Saturn in Sagittarius. Take time to reflect on the common dreams of humanity then ask God what role you have to play. Utopia is possible with God in your heart and mind.
When darkness comes I'm at my best, through Mercury the mind is blessed. Is alchemy just one big test? For us to shine our soul the best? You bet I think of sacred things, the distant thoughts of ancient kings. The mysteries that dreams can bring, the melodies that stars can sing. I’m born again before you now, and in good time I’ll teach you how. For now I spend my days in bliss, Amari’s love and then her kiss. New futures come, new shapes and twists, shining through new cosmic mists. Transcendental mind translations, knowledge from the divine stations. New stars above to bless the nations, alchemists grow rich in patience.
In cosmic service,
Astrologer Salvador Russo
© Copyright 2014, Salvador Russo, Starseed Astrology
Thank you Ian for reading and commenting,
I think you may be right that many channelings are tainted by the dark side. They will use whatever tool they have.
Though. I believe many chanellings are advancing new ideas. I have learned more from them than any other source. I like such channels as Kryon, Salusa and The Group through Steve Rother. They have seemed to be constantly true for a long time. There are several others who don't come to mind at the moment.
This post is based upon astrological aspects. It is an interpretation, though not a channelling. I have followed some of Salvador Russo's other posts and respect his work.
Some of my favorite channels repeat that they give possibilities, not predictions because the freewill of humanity is always a factor.
One must always use discrimination with channelings and predictions.
Love and Light,
When channeling becomes stronger it only means that each of us will access their inner knowledge more readily, I suppose :)
And to be honest, I do feel that a lot of inner changes are taking place since the last Solstice ... A deep and profound shift seems to be underway ... I cannot yet put my finger on it, but it has definitely to do with finding our CENTRE and thus BALANCE. Which supports and feeds us, so we feel EMPOWERED and much more confident ... I suppose that we are truly in the phase of preparing for expressing our unique truths - which in the end will unite all of humanity as ONE ... we had / have to face our shadows - and then we shall be able to proceed ... some of us are already entering this stage of self expression - and we will neeed this access to direct inner guidance described above to thrive in this new fluidity which I already sense right behind the corner :-)
Love Light Blessings,
Sonja Myriel
Thank you Sonja for sharing your views. I feel the deep spiritual grounding of the members of our site.
Blessed be,
Thank you I feel all you had to say. I am with you in Spirit. I pray for the Nations to unit under the direction of the Creator and all he is. Blessing I am hearing the call to hold strong for all
Thank you Dee and Sonja for your supporting comments.
I think my mind has been more on our collective evolvement than my own. This is a poem I recently wrote about it. I believe the Shift is slowly and steadily happening.
What are We Creating?
What are we creating I ask,
We came to build a better world
Then we became confused.
We worked materially to build
Making it precise to fit our schemes!
Thus we felt we had control.
But then, Light hit our waiting minds
Revealing our depth of Soul,
Anchored in Universal coherancy.
A knowing settled in as we embraced
Our feminine self, of harmony,
Of balance with the other lives on Earth.
Now we begin to build again
With the patterns of perfection
Ever there to be embraced,
With coalescing consciousness
We begin to care.
Many Blessings,
I so LOVE this poem, Ishema!!! YES, indeed, the Divine Feminine Aspect is raising our Spirits now to aspire to even MORE than we thought possible in the beginning ... but it will take time, of course, and we are here to ANCHOR these changes so they can BLOSSOM in the future, whence we will return to enjoy the fruits of our work of NOW :-)
We are going to shift timelines, soon. March is what the group through Steve Rother has let us know - thjis is what we are NOW preparing for. It is all becoming clear - each step when needed to be taken is revealing itself :-)
Broadcast message shall follow at the weekend.
Love Light Blessings,
Sonja Myriel
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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