lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light


18th September 2015

I bathe in that energy brought down from the highest Divine source and feel it entering my head that is tingling with the energy. I can see a dark haired Native American Indian looking up at me as I bathe myself in this energy and I feel myself floating upwards, cloaked in a beam of light. Out of the corner of my eyes I see the Indian cross himself as the Roman Catholics do and wondered why he had done this.

Great Spirit I ask you to draw ever closer as I settle into my heart space and await communication from those of the ‘Light’. I’m breathing in Love and breathing out Peace.

A triple documentation has come into view and we descend upon the earth plane to allow you this visceral knowledge.

What do you mean by visceral knowledge?

It has come to our understanding that there are many who wish to hear our words and we take a stance upon the earth plane to welcome you into this new energy, this frequency. We are bombarded with requests from all over the world, asking for this kind of information to be brought into your ‘upper’ minds so to speak. It is here we have a vested interest for we allow the frequencies to bombard your time frame, bringing you into alignment with us your friends and helpers. It is no mean occurrence and a feat of engineering in your world that would take millennia, in this way we can all adjust our frequencies to coincide with one another and this has been our main goal!

I can feel the energy travelling up my right arm like Goosebumps. Thank you so much my friends this is such a wonderful feat that we have all accomplished and I look forward to honing these skill so that we can draw closer much more often.

We are being drawn towards our destiny of that there is no doubt and we welcome you aboard when the time is right for this mass production of energy that will catapult you into a new time frame. We are honoured to make this connection and to come among you and your contemporaries on Earth and to fulfill our vision of life everlasting in a new world of amazing grace. We are preparing an update to your frequencies at this very time and we ask you to adjust your settings accordingly, remembering us, remembering who you are and where you have come from! 

It has dawned on me that my latest book, which is two books in one, is exactly twice the size of my first book, therefore making a triple documentation. Thank you friends.

20.9.15 - I’ve stepped into that golden pillar of light, visualising the energy penetrating the very core of my being, rejuvenating and re-energising me, knowing that this beam of ‘Golden Light’ connects me with home and to my Star family. I see the light passing through my body, leaving my feet and travelling into the centre of Earth. I visualise this beautiful golden energy healing Earth from within, sending Love and Light to all those life forms beneath earth’s crust. Now I’m bringing that golden energy back up through my feet to blend one by one with all my chakras, creating a rainbow bridge of Light to the outer worlds. Looking down from the cosmos, I see a canopy of golden light above planet Earth and watch it slowly melting, descending into Earth’s atmosphere, droplets of golden energy falling through the heavens into the oceans and seas, cleansing the lakes and rivers along with every drop of water upon the planet. I see this golden, healing energy falling upon the hills and valleys throughout all the world, softly descending into the mountains and deserts and to all those places laid barren by war. I see the golden light descending on all life forms, especially the refugees who are growing in numbers!

I see that golden light entering the hearts of mankind, bringing them into harmony, lifting Earth out of her shroud of pain and sorrow into the higher lighter realms of Love, joy and greatest bliss. I bring my attention back down to my heart centre and wait for my guides and inspirers to draw close. Great Spirit fill my heart with Love and joy and draw close with me so that I may share in the news for today. Can you speak to us please of the refugee situation and what can be done to help return a sense of peace and equilibrium?

We know it is within the bargaining process that we bring to your door that we are able to understand the humanitarian grounds for compassion, spread on a large scale across your world. We have forgiven those who have negative agendas and we bring a time of complete and utter dedication to the cause of upliftment among mankind. This is a treasured process that we are about to work through and we know it gives you great pleasure to hear us speak thus. We are preparing a new programme, one of the utmost joy for mankind, and we come in all earnest to rectify those clauses that have held us in contempt. We bring to your door a translation of those energies needed to fulfil your destiny and it gives us great pleasure to work alongside you and to complete this mission agreed on long ago.

We delve deeper and deeper into those anomalies that face us head on and we bring relief in a certain quarter not far from home. Please believe us when we say, we are able to adjust your settings so that you may venture further afield and we feel you will do justice to all that is available to you now and in the future. Mankind has complimented an era in which he is enabled to walk across to a new land of amazing proportions, a new land of great joy for one and all. And we shall see this happen in your time frame as complete and utter lunacy to many of you but to those of higher faith we say unto you ‘be prepared’ for the times ahead! We are able to unravel many mysteries and we confound you not with our stories from beyond the grave. We come in all earnest enraptured, registering what is needed to take you on this great quest.

I’m sensing an umbilical cord at this point.

Will it happen in my physical life span, this great journey into the unknown, or will our work be handed on to those young ones born in the last few years or so?

We have registered comparatively a new line of support that will take us further than ever before and we rely on your judgement to take that next step forwards and on to further adventures. This is a never-ending journey as well you know with life in different formats in different zones. It is our prerogative to assist you in your journey in this time frame and we allow our thoughts to percolate within your breast and given freedom to roam upon those tides and currents that bring you to our door. We are forever your friends and allies and we assist you in this great quest that will take you to the ends of the Earth and beyond!

I’m getting the sense of it being about the journey rather than the arrival, it’s all about the journey that never ends!

It is of no great consequence  . . . you will however achieve that which you set out to do and with a brave heart!

I’m seeing the most beautiful pulsating purple cloud that has parted to show a golden skeleton.

You yourself have been here many times before, a wonderful feat of the imagination to traverse these lands; back and forth you travel free of the encumbrance of your body, carried by our Love and by the Love in your own heart.

I’ve suddenly started to sing:-

Twinkle, twinkle, little Star, how I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle, little Star, how I wonder what you are!

Welcome aboard, welcome to this land of honeyed bliss!

I’m feeling a real pull of energy in my solar plexus . . . and now am very relaxed and peaceful.

We welcome you to these shores and be sure there is a huge welcome for you here! We belong to a land of soothsayers who bring visions of the greatest consequence, visions of ‘Light’ and harmony, soothing and calming those troubled minds upon your earth plane. We bring you joy to take those most necessary steps along this highway to protect you and propel you further forwards, resurrecting what has become obsolete in your world, ‘Love’ and compassion for your fellow man, and we bring this in bucket loads, showering upon you our greatest wishes!

I can hardly talk . . . I’m slowing right down now and sensing the song ‘Sweet Dreaming Baby’. I’m not sure how long I was out of body but suddenly was catapulted back into normal consciousness.

Views: 205

Comment by Myriel RAouine on September 27, 2015 at 6:15pm

Oh Eileen, how I love especially this part of your message, as I so fully feel and understand it that it is easy for me to indulge in it:

"... this beam of ‘Golden Light’ connects me with home and to my Star family. I see the light passing through my body, leaving my feet and travelling into the centre of Earth. I visualise this beautiful golden energy healing Earth from within, sending Love and Light to all those life forms beneath earth’s crust. Now I’m bringing that golden energy back up through my feet to blend one by one with all my chakras, creating a rainbow bridge of Light to the outer worlds. Looking down from the cosmos, I see a canopy of golden light above planet Earth and watch it slowly melting, descending into Earth’s atmosphere, droplets of golden energy falling through the heavens into the oceans and seas, cleansing the lakes and rivers along with every drop of water upon the planet. I see this golden, healing energy falling upon the hills and valleys throughout all the world, softly descending into the mountains and deserts and to all those places laid barren by war. I see the golden light descending on all life forms, especially the refugees who are growing in numbers!

I see that golden light entering the hearts of mankind, bringing them into harmony, lifting Earth out of her shroud of pain and sorrow into the higher lighter realms of Love, joy and greatest bliss. I bring my attention back down to my heart centre and wait for my guides and inspirers to draw close. Great Spirit fill my heart with Love and joy and draw close with me ..."

Perfectly interrelated it all IS!

Comment by Dr. SohiniBen Shukla on September 29, 2015 at 2:46pm

Dear Eileen Colemen,

Very good experience...

Sending you Lots of Love & Golden  Light Blessings...

Comment by Ishema, Carol Suchecki on September 30, 2015 at 1:39am

Thank you Eileen for bringing us this most inspiring message!

May the Golden Light of Love Bless the path of all those who are suffering!


Comment by Sylvia Liney on September 30, 2015 at 6:14am

Thank you dear Eileen, How exquisite that was, I could visualise the Golden Light gently descending & gently caressing all it touched, just as you described it....It made my Heart swell....

May thanks for sharing your most Wonderful Experience!

And, Isheme, I also second that lovely blessing, and add my own Love nd Light to it!!

In Peace & Love, Joy and Harmony, and the Golden Light of Love...

Sylvia, I AM Melaynia  xx

Comment by Sylvia Liney on September 30, 2015 at 6:15am

So sorry, Ishema, that was just a typo!!

Peace and Love 

Sylvia xx

Comment by Eileen Coleman on September 30, 2015 at 9:27am

Your very welcome my lovely friends, thank you for the lovely inspiring pictures and remember to hold that golden light within you always!


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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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