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Ascended Master Saint Germain, Chohan of the Seventh Ray by ContraMary

Ascended Master Saint Germain, Chohan of the Seventh Ray by ContraMary


Hierarch of the Aquarian Age

Saint Germain is the chohan of the seventh ray. Together with his twin flame, the ascended lady master Portia, the Goddess of Justice, he is the hierarch of the Aquarian age.

He is the great sponsor of freedom’s flame, while Portia is the sponsor of the flame of justice.

The name Saint Germain comes from the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning simply “Holy Brother.”

Each two-thousand-year cycle comes under one of the seven rays.

Jesus, as chohan of the sixth ray, held the office of hierarch of the age during the last 2000 years.

On May 1, 1954, Saint Germain and Portia were crowned as directors for the coming cycle of the seventh ray.

Freedom and justice are the yin and yang of the seventh ray of Aquarius, and together with mercy, they provide the foundation for all other attributes of God to be outpictured in this seventh dispensation.

Age of the Violet Flame

Saint Germain and Portia deliver to the people of God the dispensation for the seventh age and the seventh ray-the violet ray of freedom, justice, mercy, alchemy and sacred ritual-a new lifewave, a new civilization, a new energy.

As chohan, or lord, of the seventh ray, Saint Germain initiates our souls in the science and ritual of transmutation through the violet flame.

He is the seventh angel prophesied in Revelation 10:7 who comes to sponsor the finishing of the mystery of God “as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.”

Saint Germain on Choosing Spiritual Freedom

“I am an ascended being, but it has not ever been thus. Not once or twice but for many incarnations I walked the earth as you now do, confined to mortal frame and the limitations of dimensional existence. I was on Lemuria and I was on Atlantis.

I have seen civilizations rise and fall. I have seen the undulations of consciousness as mankind have cycled from golden ages to primitive societies.

I have seen the choices, and I have seen mankind by wrong choices squander the energies of a hundred thousand years of scientific advancement and even degrees of cosmic consciousness that transcend that which is attained by members of the most advanced religions of the day.

“Yes, I have seen the choices, and I have chosen.

By right choices man and woman establish their position in hierarchy.

By choosing to be free in the magnificent will of God, I won my freedom from that mortal round of incarnations and justifications of an existence outside the One.

I won my freedom by that flame, that keynote of the Aquarian cycle traced by alchemists of old, that purple elixir the saints do hold…

“You are mortal. I am immortal.

The only difference between us is that I have chosen to be free, and you have yet to make the choice.

We have the same potential, the same resources, the same connection to the One.

I have taken mine to forge a God-identity. For long ago, the still small voice within spoke the fiat of Alpha and the living God: ‘Children of the One, forge your God-identity.’

And in the stillness of the night, I heard the call and I answered, ‘I will!’

And when I said, ‘I will,’ all of cosmos echoed, ‘I will!’ The will to be summons the vastness of the potential of being…

… I am on the path of freedom. Take that path, and you will find me there. I am your teacher if you will have me.1

Saint Germain is known as a diplomat, expressing the godly qualities of dignity, grace, gentility, poise and true statesmanship through all who will invoke the seventh ray.

He is a member of the House of Rakoczy, founded by the Great Divine Director, in whose Transylvanian mansion the violet flame of freedom is presently enshrined.

Saint Germain as the Wonderman of Europe

Desiring above all else to liberate God’s people, Saint Germain sought and was granted a dispensation from the Lords of Karma to return to earth in a physical body.

He appeared as “le Comte de Saint Germain,” a “miraculous” gentleman who dazzled the courts of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe, where they called him “The Wonderman.”

He was an alchemist, scholar, linguist, poet, musician, artist, raconteur and diplomat admired throughout the courts of Europe for his adeptship.

He was known for such feats as removing the flaws in diamonds and other precious stones and composing simultaneously a letter with one hand and poetry with the other.

Voltaire described him as the “man who never dies and who knows everything.”

The count is mentioned in the letters of Frederick the Great, Voltaire, Horace Walpole and Casanova, and in newspapers of the day.

Working behind the scenes, Saint Germain attempted to effect a smooth transition from monarchy to representative government and to prevent the bloodshed of the French Revolution.

But his counsel was ignored. In a final attempt to unite Europe, he backed Napoleon, who misused the master’s power to his own demise.

But even prior to this, Saint Germain had turned his attention to the New World. He became the sponsoring master of the United States of America and of her first president, inspiring the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

He also inspired many of the labor-saving devices of the twentieth century to further his goal of liberating mankind from drudgery that they might devote themselves to the pursuit of God-realization.14

Saint Germain Sponsors Spiritual Organizations

In the latter part of the eighteenth century, Saint Germain received from the lady master Kuan Yin her office as chohan of the seventh ray-the ray of mercy and forgiveness and of sacred ceremony.

And in the twentieth century, Saint Germain stepped forth once again to sponsor an outer activity of the Great White Brotherhood.

In the early 1930s, he contacted his “general in the field,” the re-embodied George Washington, whom he trained as a messenger and who, under the pen name of Godfré Ray King, released the foundation of Saint Germain’s instruction for the New Age in the books Unveiled Mysteries,

The Magic Presence and The “I AM” Discourses. In the late 1930s, the Goddess of Justice and other cosmic beings came forth from the Great Silence to assist Saint Germain in his work of bringing the teachings of the sacred fire to mankind and ushering in the golden age.

Master of the Aquarian Age

On May 1, 1954, Saint Germain received from Sanat Kumara the scepter of power and from the Master Jesus the crown of authority to direct the consciousness of mankind for this two-thousand-year period.

This does not mean that the influence of the ascended master Jesus has receded. Rather, as World Teacher from the ascended level, his instruction and his radiation of the Christ consciousness to all mankind will be even more powerful and all-pervading than before, for it is the nature of the Divine continually to transcend itself.

We live in an expanding universe-a universe that expands from the center of each individualized son (sun) of God.

This dispensation means that we are now entering a two-thousand-year period when, by invoking into our beings and worlds the violet transmuting flame, the God-energy that the human race has misqualified for thousands of years may now be purified and all mankind cut free from fear, lack, sin, sickness and death, and all may now walk in the light as God-free beings.

At this dawn of the age of Aquarius, Saint Germain has gone before the Lords of Karma and received the opportunity to release the knowledge of the violet flame outside of the inner retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, outside of the mystery schools.

Saint Germain tells us of the benefits of invoking the violet flame:

“In some of you a hearty amount of karma has been balanced, in others hardness of heart has truly melted around the heart chakra.

There has come a new love and a new softening, a new compassion, a new sensitivity to life, a new freedom and a new joy in pursuing that freedom.

There has come about a holiness as you have contacted through my flame the priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek.

There has come a melting and dissolving of certain momentums of ignorance and mental density and a turning toward a dietary path more conducive to your own God-mastery.

“The violet flame has assisted in relationships within families.

It has served to liberate some to balance old karmas and old hurts and to set individuals on their courses according to their vibration.

It must be remembered that the violet flame does contain the flame of God-justice, and God-justice, of course, does contain the flame of the judgment; and thus the violet flame always comes as a two-edged sword to separate the Real from the unreal…

“Blessed ones, it is impossible to enumerate exhaustively all of the benefits of the violet flame but there is indeed an alchemy that does take place within the personality.

The violet flame goes after the schisms that cause psychological problems that go back to early childhood and previous incarnations and that have established such deep grooves within the consciousness that, in fact, they have been difficult to shake lifetime after lifetime.”15

Violet Flame Mantra By Saint Germain

This violet flame mantra for the Aquarian age is for transmuting personal and planetary past errors in thought, feeling and action.

I AM a being of violet fire,

I AM the purity God desires.

Re-blogged from Paoweb :©2014 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762


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Comment by Dr. SohiniBen Shukla on March 20, 2014 at 1:17pm

Dear amparo,

Thanks a lot....

Comment by maac on March 27, 2014 at 2:32am

Thanks to you Dr. SohiniBen for being here appreciating the message...Blessings from my heart to yours...We are One...


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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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