lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Archangel Raphael ~~ We Are All Love in The Circle of Love and Life
I bring many blessings with me and much love for you and for all. It is time now, for you and I are going on a journey together. It is a journey of the minds, that is to say. We are all in this wondrous existence together, and I take this opportunity now to speak to you regarding this matter.
We have all been gifted with wondrous abilities, and yet you are totally unaware of this at this point in time. You are living an existence there whereby you see only what is before you on your Earth Plane. But there is much, much more to life than this existence. What is taking place there is simply a sojourn which you yourselves set up for your own advancement into the Light. By doing so it gives you an opportunity to look at all things in a different light, in a different way, and it all comes back to the fact that we are all searching to find ways and means of explaining all of everything that we see before us. It is an ongoing expedition that we set up for ourselves and yet it is one by which we take much enjoyment from.
For it shows us a new way of looking at things and also in a new light. We do all see things differently, and yet we are all tuned in to each other in a way where the ties that bind can never be broken. It is up to all of us individually, and then later on unitedly, to bring back to The Whole, what we have learnt by our experiences. For how we see things is unique to us, and yet it is the different vibrations that we bring back to The Whole which make up the answers to the questions we sought out. None of us can ever see anything in the same way, or perceive it to be the same. But it is the fact that we all bring back a different scenario of it all, that changes the vibrations in the River of Thought.
And it is continually changing, just as we are of course. And yet, it is this change which expands the knowledge and the wisdom which is contained in it. It is a necessary occurrence, for all things must have a continual vibration running through them, though it must be an expansion of what it was before. It is of course the ebb and the flow. It is the seal of approval we put on our findings that we return home with.
Life in itself is a miracle, and yet we are all, all of us, given many opportunities to exist where we may, and also in the way we see fit to. Freedom is the key word, as also is free will, which of course is all part and parcel of the same thing. To be able to exist as you choose to is a wonder in itself. But we all do know deep down that wherever we do choose to roam, it is a temporary thing. For the ties that bind are very strong, and our love for each other, as also our love for the Supreme Being, will always draw us back to the fold. It is inevitable. But each one of us has our own very own perception of what life is and of what it means to us, and so we all do take time out to go in search of new horizons.
And that is as it should be, for The Ultimate One does grow also because of our roaming. He is also filled with the emotions contained in the wisdom that we do return home with. It is as a nurturing for one and all of us. For each and every single experience, and the knowledge drawn from it will go into the River of Thought, for the benefit of one and all. There are no exceptions to this. We go in search of our dreams singularly, but we always take what we find back, to share with all others. This is always the way that it is. It is an accepted thing, for all others are us anyway. And there is no question of anything else. We love all others unconditionally as they do us. All in perfect harmony with each other. All for the good of the whole and all for the love of the Divine One.
We are all as little branches of a massive enormous tree, just swaying to and fro, back and forth with the breeze, with the breath of Life, always remaining with our Life Force, where we receive our ongoing succor, our comfort. We always remain solid and intact within that massive enormous Tree, and we always have our branches embedded in the trunk of it, safely and securely.
For we are all joined explicitly to that Circle of Life and as we progress down our path the circle enlargers, allowing more and more knowledge and wonderment to enter into your space. The amount of information which comes into it depends entirely on you alone, for you do sift through all awareness in your mind before you allow it entry. So it all does depend on what your belief system is at the time. There is no end to this knowledge, for it is eternal, though allow us to reiterate that the amount you take in always depends on what you will actually allow into your space.
All of this wondrous knowledge is in a universal bank as it were, and you have access to whatever it is that you are seeking, and the only one who puts restrictions on what you can withdraw from it is yourself alone. And this will depend on many things - e.g. how you judge your self-worth for one thing, for your self talk usually goes this way - “Am I myself actually entitled to all of this wonderment and knowledge? No, it cant possibly be for me - it must be there for others who are much more worthy than I. What have I done to actually deserve this wonderful and enlightening information?”
And so the brain shuts off this information from coming into your field. This is a very sad but well documented truth. And that is why it is so imperative that you all work on loving yourselves more and to see yourselves as the truth of who and what you are. To acknowledge that you are all powerful Beings of Light, simply on an excursion. That you are in truth, part of The Lord, made in His image and with all the entitlements that indeed go along with that. This seems to be so hard for you all to grasp, for you to understand. Do you wonder why this is so?
It is that there is a deep fear in you all, one which stops you from allowing your True Self to emerge. It is guilt, it is sorrow, it is grief, it is self-loathing for the things done in the past, for the soul remembers all of it. And so it is very important now to work with the soul, to allow it to bring forth, and then feel all this grief and then to finally realize that it is of no consequence any more. And to release it all into the nothingness that it really is. It is that simple.
So work on this my dear ones and you will then open yourselves up to the Divinity that you really are. You will be able to see it all through Divine eyes and you will then understand that all of this was in the great plan of things. You will emerge as strong and jubilant and powerful. And nothing will then be able to stop you from taking from the Universal Bank whatever it may be that you long for or require.
You will drink from the Chalice of Wisdom and you will have access to (symbolically speaking) all the books the Hierarchy read from and live by. Their knowledge will be your knowledge and their wisdom, your wisdom. It is that simple. Nothing is ever kept from you except what you deny yourself.
What a lovely day this is, is it not. A lovely day to grow in strength and knowledge and yes - Wisdom.
I am Archangel Raphael.
Thank you Eckart for these inspiring blog posts today. This one is especially encouraging. I especially like this reassurance:
The Ultimate One does grow also because of our roaming. He is also filled with the emotions contained in the wisdom that we do return home with. It is as a nurturing for one and all of us. For each and every single experience, and the knowledge drawn from it will go into the River of Thought, for the benefit of one and all. There are no exceptions to this. We go in search of our dreams singularly, but we always take what we find back, to share with all others.
It is good to see you here.
Love, Ishema
Very encouraging message Eckart. We limit ourselves to infinite wisdom because of our past experiences. We need to release all limitations into nothingness. Wonderful key. Thank you Eckart for sharing this.
Divine Love and Light to All.
Leichtigkeit und Freude ??? Ich habe seit langer Zeit schlechten Schlaf und tagsüber noch eine müdigkeit vom Umbau des Körpers, da kann keine Freude auf kommen. Ich weiß schon gar nicht mehr , wie es früher mal war, wo wir noch Freude kannten. Warst du auf dem Fasching, weil du Neu anfangen musst ??? LOL
Ebenfalls noch viel Spass bei dem ganzen Spiel liebe Sonja. :-)))
Verbittert würde ich nicht sagen. Ich weiß nicht wie ich es ausdrücken soll ?? Aber die dauernde Müdigkeit drückt mich schon etwas runter. Hatte die letzten 3 Jahre vor der Rente ( mit 63 )( und jetzt 10 Jahre danach) auch nur noch halbtags gearbeitet da ich oft zu müde war. Habe alles mögliche versucht um Energie von oben zu bekommen. Nada !! Sicher habe ich frohe Momente wenn ich das Essen meiner Frau genieße oder Samstags treffen wir gute Freunde auf dem Markt usw aber das alles hält sich in Grenzen. Und da du den Neumond erwähnst. Das ist mein größtes Problem. Das sind meine schlimmsten Nächte wo ich noch weniger schlafe. Vollmond ist nicht ganz so schlimm zum Glück. Dann laufe ich den ganzen Tag wie mit einem Brett vor dem Kopf rum, zeige dann mal Freude. Na ja, es heißt ja, wir wollten dieses Spiel so mitmachen, aber wie ich gerade gestern auf "The Federation of Light" las, scheint doch einiges schief gegangen zu sein vor langer Zeit, und alles noch tiefer ins Dunkle gefallen zu sein als geplant, und deswegen sind wir ja auch da, um Licht reinzubringen.
Laut Kryon sind wir ja die Leuchttürme. LOL Dann wollen wir mal leuchten !
Wünsch dir noch ne schöne Restwoche und vielen Dank für deine Ratschläge.
Licht und Liebe
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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