lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

I have been a person of compassion. Something didn't have to happen close to home for me to feel and understand and be compassionate, to send prayerful thoughts etc. I had read a post recently, a channel, reminding us....the human race...that the sadness we feel, has contributed to a delay in our ascension, our evolving to higher dimensional existence.

So many explanations of the thoughts on the illusions around us, the contracts souls agree to before coming here or while they are here on another level.... The outcome to bring about an intended reaction or a release. An event or action being a catalyst for a shift in consciousness.

Part of me feels that what I am going to post, has no place on this website. The other part of me felt the need to write about it and post. Five miles from my home at a shopping mall, a woman and her ten year old daughter walked to their car. The ten year old was raped and her mom stabbed to death. This is rare here. So much has happened in this world, this is just another story, yet such an atrocity. I am sensitive, my son as well. He has had night terrors lately about murders. I send light, give him suggestions on how to pray and change the energy of what he sees, yet he struggles still. Tonight I struggled....I cried so much as I imagined what this woman and her daughter had endured.

I do acknowledge we are evolving and embrace the divinity in all things, but shocked still and saddened when things happen that are not in line with our loving heart. I do not understand, how we should view correctly. Without adding sadness. We are constantly being told a number of this and that, from releasing, to it's an illusion, to everything has a purpose etc. When you are a loving being it is hard to ignore, being numb is not an option. Giving in to 3rd dimensional behavior and emotion doesn't feel right either. Where in lies the balance?

Views: 425

Comment by Apple Goddess on March 17, 2013 at 5:21pm

Dear Aimee-    I want to thank you for sharing this with all of us here. I send you comfort and an ability to see the events from a compassionate, unconditionally loving, forgiving and accepting vantage point....

A friend gave me a wonderful process recently , to use on any difficult situations with other people. It involves grounding to the Earth, then bringing the energy back up to the heart. Then connecting to Source. Then back to the heart, and see pink light, green light and gold light (for love, healing and Christ energies)  Expand outward from the heart to a beautiful spot in the stars. From there, see the persons/situation in a bubble, seal it. Then flood it with unconditional love(see the bubble expand as you do this), unconditional forgiveness, and unconditional acceptance. Then put the bubble inside a larger orb and fill it again with all 3 unconditionals.  do this once a day and when your thoughts go to the situation , simply pump in more of the 3 unconditionals, seeing it expand.  

This process helped me shift a very scary situation with a roommate who was being verbally abusive to me, and my friend who shared it (she made it up from various sources) said it had radically shifted her relationship with her son.  

When you do something like this, YOU feel the wonderful energy, plus whoever you are thinking about for sure, feels it.       That said, I am looking forward to a new world where this isn't necessary!!!

hugs, Faith

Comment by Anita Marie Anderson on March 17, 2013 at 5:32pm

Dearest Beloved Aimee,

I cannot think of a more Perfect place to share this, for this is a place of mutual Spiritual Understanding, and it is BECAUSE of this that the others who come here, may be equipped to assist you in becoming more adept at dealing with things of this nature, and letting them go.  As one who shares your Divine Gift of Empathy (though at times, I deeply understand it may not FEEL like a gift) in reading I FELT every word you wrote. Often, we may not understand the reasons for these horrific happenings, but, rest assured that ALL Heaven is aware of them, and has a Divine outcome for them. Some of the reasonings for them may be that mankind has 'Free Will', and on a Spiritual Level, perhaps two individuals had agreed together to go through them to balance karma, or to have that particular experience. To be Empathic, simply means that we are keenly intuitively aware. That we are capable of FEELING the emotions of others, as deeply as they themselves feel them (akin to 'walking in anothers shoes') and the greatest need we have as an Empath, is to become aware of this, and to learn how to deal with those experiences in an unattached way. To see, and understand, without becoming attached to the experiences. We learn to know if we feel anything other than Perfect Harmony that our Higher Mind is warning us of something we need to master in ourselves. Our goal is Mastery. To emulate the Christ within, as did the Master Jesus, and with understanding to use our gifts to uplift our Brothers and Sisters. To do anything else is to our own detriment. We are to be in the world, but NOT a part of it. In other words, to be aware of, but NOT personlly affected by those things in the outer.  The most important thing, and I cannot stress this strongly enough, is to practice Spiritually protecting ourselves. Not just once, but on a continual moment to moment basis. Then to promote awareness among those closest to us (our spouses, and children) and then others who come to us with the need for and desire to learn how to do the same. We are ALL interconnected, and are here to help each other in a Spiritual way.  If we are unbalanced we cannot do this.  I feel that you are someone who has been actively seeking to follow your own Spiritual path, and as such, having the Gift of Empathy, there is no time like the present NOW to cultivate and hone the ability to feel those experiences, and allow them to pass through you rather than to hold onto them. 

As for your son who suffers from night terrors, there are things that you can do to assist him in comquering them. If you would like, I AM here, and will do all I can to help you in any way. Let me know. Much Peace, Love, Light, and Understanding to you.  Anita

I shared your experience with my Friend, who suggested a slightly humorous way to help your son. In the movie 'The Good Witch', the Heroine of the story helps a little girl to deal with the same difficulty. Her advise was for the girl to tell herself all day long over and over, 'I will not dream of bunnies. I will not dream of bunnies. I willl not dream of bunnies.' Though a humorous approach, the Master Saint Germain advises that sometimes the best approach is a humorous one.

Comment by aimee on March 17, 2013 at 6:20pm
Thank you Sonja for posting Gillian's message. I have read her on spirit library. Wonderfully insightful, much to sit in stillness and ponder.

And thank you Anita for your thoughts, understanding and well as the humor! I have considered myself as an Observer in life. I did not feel the need to interact my views publicly. I had struggled with posting, commenting etc. as I felt it was the ego vying for attention. I know that is silly and have certainly learned soooo much from what people post, channelled messages, sharing .... period. We learn to embrace ourselves, our short-comings unconditionally. Allowing others and self to express safely which in turn helps unite, heal and exist in love. Lesson learned :)
Comment by aimee on March 17, 2013 at 6:21pm
Thank you Apple Goddess as well! Much love and gratitude for suggestions and kind words.
Comment by Myriel RAouine on March 17, 2013 at 7:45pm

WOW - we are sooo near the PULSE of changing TIMES!!! You may want to read this ...

Our Dear ONES in human form,

We realize how difficult it is for you to remain above the fear and sorrow that lies hidden in your world. As your expanded perceptions allow you to see beyond the illusions, you can perceive the truth these illusions have been hiding. These truths of how decadent your world has become is almost enough to force you back into the safety of your illusions. However, as Lightworkers you no longer have that option...

For more click here:

Comment by Michele Cheevers on March 17, 2013 at 9:36pm

Hello Aimee it is so nice to hear from such a caring soul.  You have definitely come to the right place as the group of people here on this website are some of the most loving beings I have ever encountered.  My feeling in this is that  with so much darkness surrounding the poor souls of the mother  and daughter, you felt the need to share and to get as much light and love sent to them as possible.  Even though we don't know them personally each of our hearts aches out for them but does not diminish our light or love, it strengthens it as we come together.  If nothing else our prayers for them pay respect to the fact that they are souls that are a part of each of us that deserve more respect than their short lives here on earth gave them.  I know in my heart that they feel each thought and loving light that is sent their way, even if it is anonymously     On the other side of the coin,I must send light to their attackers, even though it is hard to do.  I pray that something somewhere reaches them for healing or removal from ever being able to harm another.  The ones that are capable of such acts must be in such pain and unfeeling in their hearts in order to commit such a horror on another human being.   I pray for them to be stopped.   I am not sure but did you mention if the young girl survived or not.  If she did maybe it would be nice to send her some kind words of support from all of us to let her know she is loved.  If you have any information from the victims advocate of your local District Attorney's office of how to reach out to her that would be great.  If she did not survive, then we will send her light and love during her transition   Blessings to you and your kind son and I hope that you both will find peace in this soon.  Thank you for sharing.  The world needs more and more loving people to stand up and show their loving hearts as you did.  God Bless you.

Comment by Myriel RAouine on March 17, 2013 at 10:40pm

Dear Sophia,

I would like to emphasise that we can use our connexion times to bring the transmuting light into all these places of darkness! Our ability to CHANGE the state of being is so much more powerful when we allow all connected feelings to RISE! And  in UNISON - that is during our connexion times - our lightwork is supported by ALL who simply connect with the pure intent to bring the Violet Light and Ray to where it is mostly NEEDED at a given time!

I have had several experiences as of late which have shown me that sometimes we work as channels, focussing the Violet Ray Power of our connexions - and at other times we serve to add to the energy through intent without actually knowing consciously in which ways we help - and then there are times when we simply get a GLIMPSE of what is happening ... like remote viewing ... sooo many different ways!

But PLEASE do not hesitate to work CONSCIOUSLY with the Violet Ray on a certain topic of your interest ... 

Another possibility is to work for YourSelf! YES - this is absolutely necessary and not to mistake for selfishness!!! On the contrary, when we use connexion times to work on personal issues - we release on a collective basis, too ...

I was given some insights into these happenings for quite some time now - I had been planning on broadcast messages, too - but never came around to really write them ... now I seem to have received a broader view of our work and the many, many possibilities in which we can choose to work ... When the time is right, these words will find their way into the in-boxes of all our members ... for now I simply had to sum up what has already been shown to me.

THANKS to ALL for making this community so strong! Lightgrid is ALL of us working together ...

So many beautiful souls :-) THANK YOU!!!

Sonja MYRIEL RAouine

Comment by Marchie Hya on March 17, 2013 at 11:10pm
Dear Ones this is a very hard read for me - I also feel 'perfectly in the middle' feeling the Whole World as it is - the horrors and our Ascension ..due to its extremities it almost as w live in a 'bipolar world'.. I believe it comes down to our stubborn creative vision and mentally HOLDING ON and magnifying the good .. I also find myself crying more than ever so I do experience it first hand how easy it is to be energetically not WHERE WE WANT TO CREATE. I feel for All of You - for All of Us - Dear Ones as we are All pedalling in the same boat .. as far as we always return to 'where we need to feel and create' we are moving Up and Forward - Much Love Light and Oneness - Wellness is Everyone's Birthright ♥♡♥ March'
Comment by aimee on March 17, 2013 at 11:38pm
Thank you Sophia and Michele. I have found lightgrid to be an amazing place for healing and sharing. We are blessed...many thanks to Sonja oxox.
The girl survived, she is ten. I do feel all of this light will in some way finds its way to her.
Comment by Apple Goddess on March 18, 2013 at 1:39am

There is so much wisdom and kindness in this group!  I had the thought after posting earlier, that it is a great opportunity and service for us to send compassion and forgiveness to the attacker/ well as to the victims. I am sure the attacker/s were abused badly in some way, that is the only way a person can get to want to commit those kind of crimes, they are holding a lot of anger and rage and have no idea what to do with it. I really recommend the visualization I posted earlier that allows us to 'bombard' a person with unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness, and unconditional acceptance.

Just think what the world would be like if we all had that! We WILL get there, soon!!!  hugs to all, Faith


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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
