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12-12-'10.......From Melchizedek And Pleiadian Works.

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12.12.10 Transmission from The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Network

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Welcome, this Anrita Melchizedek, of the Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network and I am going to make a connection to the Elders for the 12.12 transmission now.

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you for this 12.12 transmission of light. This is a day in which you can experience the amplification of the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness. For the energy spiraling forth from these twelve rays takes you into the Cosmic Heart of Mother-Father God, and this energy frequency through the multiplication of this 12.12 vibration, brings through the 144 master components of this multi-universe.

To start with now let us place you in this beautiful golden ray One Unity Consciousness, this twelfth ray of Christ Consciousness. You now find yourself traveling through a portal of light in Soul consciousness in an external merkaba vehicle of light, entering now into this beautiful golden ray of Light, into this Ascension Seat, surrounded in this beautiful golden flame of light. As you experience these energies through the Overlighting the appropriate Co-Creative Council of Twelve, ground yourself into the energies of Mother Earth, into her crystal heart and experience now the sense of unity consciousness through finding yourself on the Unity Grid of Light, connected to the lightworkers and Beings of Light from On High, who are assisting in the ascension process of Lady Gaia. Truly feel this essence of Unity Consciousness, of Love, the sense of coming Home.

Within this Unity Consciousness Grid, this crystalline grid of light, the frequencies and key codes of all individuals bringing through their Highest Potentials are activated, should you request this. And now you ask for this activation of these codes of light for your individual focus as a lightworker on this earth plane. As these key codes are activated now, holding the Highest Potentials of all Life on this earth plane, we bring your focus to the master number of 144. Sweet ones, those of you listening to this transmission, are part of this core group of 144,000 Light Beings coming from different planets and stars systems, and anchoring at zero point the energy of the Divine Feminine and Unity Consciousness. It is foretold when the energy of this vibration is collectively awakened through 144,000 Light Beings so this planet is able to shift dimensionally. This is happening as you are awakening not only to the essence of your own divinity as these Master Beings, but coming into a greater degree of service, coming into the sense of self mastery; of truly recognizing yourself as this Keeper of Light to the earth plane. Know the importance of this light work, as spiritual leaders, facilitators and way showers, for the key codes been activated now, allow to take on at a deeper level of this mantle of leadership through the embodiment the I AM Avatar blueprint, through the merging and integration of your I AM Presence and shifting into the original Divine eight cell blueprint. You just experience now this connection and merging with your I AM Presence, the Highest Light of Who You Are and have Forever Been, within the Cosmic Heart of Mother-Father God. Now as you hold this focus of Unity Consciousness surround this earth plane in this beautiful vibrant golden color, this golden flame of light, allow the Highest Potential of all Life to potentially be embraced through this beautiful flame of light, this ray of Unity Consciousness, in this now moment.

We let you know the first twelve days of December follow a pattern of the first twelve months; every day of these twelve days is the experience of the month from January through December of the lessons, the experiences what it is that you have learned, remembered and reintegrated. For some of you, part of these lessons may take you into emotional oscillation, or have done for first few days in December. However, as the time has progressed, you have settled into a deeper level of knowing and Self Mastery, and so these emotional oscillations should be more stabilized in the integration of the Highest Light of Who You Are, through these streams of light and consciousness that had been radiating, not only from the Company of Heaven, amplified through these twelve days, leading up to the twelfth of December, but further to this, the energy of the rays are being activated and amplified, bringing through the energy of these beautiful twelve rays spiraling forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother-Father God. Now as you enter the New Year, the first twelve days are focused again on creating the blueprint of these next twelve months, In other words Sweet Ones, if you bring your focus and consciousness to creating this essence of Love and Unity Consciousness on a daily level for the first twelve days in particular, this will be a reality that you can bring through in streams of consciousness. What we would like to suggest is that you bring through the integration of the twelve rays, allowing the essence of these rays and the amplification of these keys qualities, colors and sonic vibrations to assist you in this templating for the year 2011. Get a piece of paper and write on it the numbers one through twelve, each day for the first twelve days, choose one of these numbers and focus on one of these rays qualities, allowing a level of integration and focus through these twelve months. To assist you in this, we will take you through these twelve rays, into these Ascension seats, in to the experience of these rays one at a time, so you may truly experience the energy of these rays allowing you to release any old cellular patterns, false beliefs and judgments that are still needing to be released by the body.

To start with now, we take you energetically in Soul Consciousness linked to this core group of lightworkers and to those listening to this transmission in particular, into the First Ray of Will and Power.As you are surrounded in this beautiful red flame of light, Overlighted by the appropriate Co-Creative Council of Twelve, focus on the key word of Empowerment; step into a deeper level of empowerment, finding your voice, finding your truth, trusting and surrendering to the Divine. And now you are taken into the Second Ray of Love and Wisdom, surrounded in this beautiful blue flame of Love, hold to this focus through the heart chakra, one of Self appreciation and Self Love, as well as the amplification of the gift of creativity and inspiration that you personally bring with you. And now you are taken into the Third Ray of Divine Intelligence, as you enter into this Ascension Seat, surrounded in the beautiful yellow flame of light, focus on the key word Wisdom through Knowledge, linking the Higher Mind into the wisdom of the Mind of God, and an amplification of the teachings of Light from On High. You are now taken into the Fourth Ray of Harmony Through Conflict, as you are surrounded in the beautiful emerald green flame of light, focus on the gifts of creativity, harmony and peace in your Life. You now find yourself in the Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge, surrounded in this beautiful orange flame of Light, with a focus of Equilibrium through the balance of polarities, balancing the emotional and mental bodies, the physical and spiritual bodies, finding this balance of good health and well being, of exercise, of emotional and mental stability. And now you are taken into the Sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism. As you are surrounded in this vibrant indigo flame of light, focus on Devotion Through Trust, another level of taking you in to the connection of your I AM Presence, trusting and surrendering, finding time for yourself in the activities connected to the spiritual amplification of your true nature as these Beings of Light. And now you find yourself in the Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic surrounded in a beautiful violet flame, as you focus on abundance through ceremonial magic, abundance in all aspects of your Life, creating ceremony and magic, getting out into nature too, experiencing your footprints of light through your connection to Lady Gaia and the many ceremonies of Light to be experienced on this sacred earth, bringing you a deeper level of joy, inspiration and delight. You are now taken into the Eight Ray of Transcendence. As you are surrounded in this beautiful seafoam green and violet colored ray, you focus on the key quality of Transmutation, transmuting old cellular memories, those genetically inherited, carried through from parallel realities, streamlining this consciousness into a level of Unity Consciousness, into one of Self Mastery. And now, you are taken into the Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials. As you are surrounded in this beautiful blue green flame of light, you focus simply on Purpose Through Joy, finding a deeper level of your service work, in the essence of joy and self appreciation and creativity, as you align at a deeper level into your original Divine eight cell blueprint. Now you are taken into the Tenth Ray of Divinity surrounded in this beautiful pearlescent flame of light, with the focus on Synergy Through Divine Equality, recognizing the Divine Equality of all Life, stepping out of the lesser than and better than consciousness, simply in the acknowledgment of all life is created equal and it is simply the levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness that differs from person to person. This ray further brings through the perfect balance between the First Ray of Will and Power, the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom and the Third Ray of Divine Intelligence, of empowerment, Love and wisdom. And now you are taken into the Eleventh Ray of Illumined Truth. As you enter into this Ascension Seat, surrounded in this beautiful pink orange flame of light, you focus on Compassion and Love. The essence of this ray brings through the Divine Feminine archetypes and aspects of yourself, a key focus for the year 2011. Now you stay within this beautiful Ascension Seat for a moment surrounded in this beautiful pink orange flame of light as the heart chakra and the third eye is activated. For the essence of 2011 is focused, sweet ones, on the energy of this ray. It is an amplification of this energy of loving kindness, of compassion as well as insight and understanding to your service work, that would take you in to the essence of the Divine Feminine aspects of yourself. Further to this, we bring through the understanding that as part of your soul contract, you anchored this Flame of Love at zero point and it is important to hold these key codes of light, acknowledging yourself simply as this Being of Light, as this Keeper to Mother Earth. As you move into the energy of another year, this year of 2011, in this rapid acceleration, in this rapid merging of parallel realities and timelines you will experience a deeper level of unconditional Love, empowerment, and understanding of your service work. It is important to have some level of preparation; this requires you to bring a focus to creating the time and space of connecting to your I AM Presence, of connecting to the energy of your Highest Light, as well as living lovingly in Self appreciation and Self Love. For it starts with this, that takes you into the deeper essence of loving all life, the energy of this ray is for the focus on activating the third eye. And this activation will bring through many of these parallel streams of consciousness, taking you in to another awakening, a wave of recognizing, the gifts your bring through as initiates of light from parallel and past life realities. In these downloads of the key codes, you will experience many gifts, perhaps changing directions, service work, networking but more but coming together in these essence of insight, wisdom and Love. Hold this focus and hold this knowing, for you are truly this Keeper of Light, a starseeded one, affecting and creating change simply by your beingness and often in the current geographical location that you have chosen, you are creating change, whether you are aware of it, or not. It is a time of coming together more, a time of networking, as we have mentioned in larger numbers, in larger gatherings of light. The perceived sense of isolation and separation will move aside, as you join energetically and on inner planes for a greater level of connection into the energy of One and into the energy of Love.

And now again, we take you in to this Twelfth Ray of One Unity Consciousness. As you find yourself, within this beautiful Ascension Seat surrounded by this golden flame of Light, bring a focus into connecting in union, into Christ Consciousness, as you repeat the following affirmation to yourself, " I am a Christ Consciousness Being of Light, I am wisdom, devotion and illuminating intelligence. I am Love, power, harmony and peace. I am equilibrium, creativity, and inspiration. I am a Keeper of Light to Mother Earth, I am One with all Life. I Am All That I Am". Hold this focus of Unity Consciousness, as these precious Keepers and sacred Beings of Light. Recognize this is Who You Truly Are and Who You Have Forever Been. Allow these key codes to bring through a deeper level of your service work, activating the dormant DNA to a level of potentiality that will allow you to experience all the gifts that you hold and bring with you, as this Master Being. We honor you and thank you, for your service in Love. And with this, we bid you a most magical day.


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Views: 83

Comment by Dr. SohiniBen Shukla on December 12, 2010 at 2:45am

Dear Sonja,

I think these color of the letters we can not read so if it's possible you will have to make certain changes when it is not completed yet...

This is the request.....


Comment by Myriel RAouine on December 12, 2010 at 7:13am

Far from completed - LOL!


But the changes here are due to ning-making - it seems more difficult in thhe beginning but actually we have much more options now - as for example expanding the size of the letters :-)


I copied your text and pasted it inot a text file - changed the colour pasted it back in here and changed the size of the letters :-)


Love and Light and BLESSINGS to you, sweet soul sister,


Sonja Myriel

Comment by Myriel RAouine on December 12, 2010 at 7:27am


Comment by Dr. SohiniBen Shukla on December 12, 2010 at 7:32am

Dear Sonja,

So kind of you !

God Bless you !

I do not know any thing here about how to change and first of all I was afraid to see the changes from Ning....

Slowly I will learn...


Comment by Myriel RAouine on December 12, 2010 at 10:56am

Just like me - lol!


Connecting now :-)




Sonja Myriel


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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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