On November 11th, 2012, we enter into the Eleventh Initiatory Gateway of Light, through theEleventh Ray of Illumined Truth and Divine Love, and the Overlighting of Lady Quan Yin and the Brotherhood of the Light.
Theeleventh ray of Illumined Truthand Divine Loveassists in connecting us to the realms of Illumined Truth through sincerity in action and the utterance of our Spiritual reality, and its manifest expression is to be found in Jacob's ladder through the SephirahBinah, Understanding. Through the increased Light frequencies and New Earth Templates, we are now experiencing a blending of earthly and Spiritual dimensions, manifest as stability, and the immutability of Mother/Father God. Stability requires that we are unchanging in the face of adversity and our perceived challenges are now expressed and transmuted through primordial wisdom, compassion and Divine Love, surrounded in this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Light. Our greatest fears are released through this ray of Illumined Truth and Divine Love, as we are embraced in the Cosmic Heart of the Divine Mother represented through Binah,Understanding.Additionally this ray allows us a deeper understanding of our immortal nature, experienced initially through the rejuvenation of the physical body and the lifting of all illusionary veils. Furthermore, the metaphoric depiction of our rebirth occurs as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love standing steadfast in the Light as the Group I Am Avatar Race.
We experience this initiation asThe Priestthrough our stability, faith, and loving kindness to all Life, as we are invited into the Crystalline City of Light above Palenque, Mexico, amplified through the total Solar eclipse on November 13th. The focus through this Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love and Solar Eclipse is to go within, and embrace our deepest fears, while experiencing the complete integration our Divine Masculine Spirits. Additionally we experience the activation of the 144 Satellite Sun Discs into the 12 Primary Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs, and the actualization of our Golden Solar Sun Disc within our Heart's Temple as we align to the Inner Earth Sun, our Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun, heralding the "Return of the Inner Sun", unconditional Love. The 12 Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs emit zero point energy, the energy of Divine, unconditional Love existing in the fifth dimension and beyond, and furthermore, are the new spiraling strands of DNA experienced within the new Earth Templates. It is at this point that we experience our DNA activation to the new Earth Templates and a deep sense of connecting to one another and all Life through the Group I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light.
From here, we are invited into the Ascension Seat of the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light in the Kingdoms of Light within Orion. As we experience the Universal Christed Consciousness of all Life, we are given an opportunity to activate the axiatonal lines through the 12 spin points found along the 12 acupuncture meridian lines in our bodies, and to appropriately youth and regenerate our physical bodies through anAxiatonal Chamber of Light. The axiatonal lines collectively hold the color frequencies necessary for the physical immortality of all initiates and are further able to assist us in the creation of our perfect physical Light body, our Adam Kadmon Body of Light and I AM Avatar Body of Light. The axiatonal lines, through the appropriate geometries of sound and color, are additionally able to bring about the necessary noise light emissions, as they are called, to cure dis-eases such as cancer, arthritis, blindness and many other illnesses. We are further placed in aTwelve Strand DNA Activation Chamber of Light, as we request the full activation of the 12 Strand DNA to the new DNA templates of zero point energy and fractal equations of Universal-Source frequency plus the activation of the twoadditional etheric chromosomes, creating our immortal genes.
As we experience the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon on November 28th/29thwe are given an opportunity to deepen the integration of our Divine Feminine Spirits as we bring completion to ourselves through the full merging and integration of our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes within in wholeness and Love. The old victim/persecutor consciousness fall away, and the healing of our wounded Masculine and Feminine Spirits occurs as we experience the radiance of the Divine Love within ourselves in power, compassion, forgiveness, wisdom and Divine Intelligence; as we radiate our Divine Love and receive it from all Life through the Center of All Creation.
As we bring a focus to the Unity Grid of Divine Love, and wrap the Earth and all her Life in this sacred Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love, we assist in bringing in the axiatonal lines within and around the Unity Grid of One Unity Consciousness, allowing all Life to experience the Love and wisdom of the Divine Mother and Divine Father through these beautiful ray qualities of understanding, strength, stability, loving kindness, wisdom, generosity, abundance, compassion, equilibrium and balance, organization and discernment.
In this Now moment, we are transmuting for not only ourselves but for all Life on this earth plane. We are clearing the vestiges of old karmic patternings and relationships in Love and forgiveness, in compassion and understanding, so that all Life may choose to experience One Unity Consciousness; so that all Life may choose to ascend. We are creating a world focused on the reality of One Unity Consciousness through the Love of all Creation, the Love for ourselves and the Love for all bands of consciousness. And as we experience the final completion of the One Unity Grid on 12-12-12 through the Golden Ray of One Unity Consciousness, we will truly experience ourselves as the Group I Am Avatar Race. As the eternal Divine Liquid Light of All Creation is experienced through the New Earth Templates, the Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs, the Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs, the Crystalline Geometries of Light and our own Crystalline Bodies of Light, we are able to activate our Light Bodies/Merkabas and activate the Light Body/Merkaba field of Mother Earth, and experience ourselves through the Cosmic Heart of All Creation in this grand Galactic alignment of Light. This is our reality, our Heaven on Earth. And so it is.
Invocation to the Eleventh Initiatory Gateway of Light
I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light,
the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek,
the Chohans of the Rays: El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin and Pallas Athena,
the Mighty Elohim,
the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light,
Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta and Lord Melchior,
the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis,
and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge,
as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence, the Highest Light that I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
I now call upon Lady Quan Yin and the Brotherhood of the Light
to take me in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light into the Crystalline City of Light above Palenque,
so I may integrate this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love,
so I may release all my fears,
so I may heal my Divine Masculine Spirit,
so I may experience the actualization of the Golden Solar Sun Disc within my heart,
and the activation of my 12 Strand DNA to the New Earth Templates of Light
through the 12 Primary Solar Sun Disc Discs of Light.
As I enter into this Crystalline City of Light,
I am greeted and welcomed by Lady Quin Yin and the many Beings of Light from On High.
I am now wrapped in this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love.
As my heart chakra and third eye in particular is now activated,
I clearly see what my greatest fears are,
and gently release my fears through the Cosmic Embrace of the Divine Mother,
and this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Light.
I now experience the healing of my wounded Masculine Spirit,
releasing my anger and rage, and perceived justifications for my thoughts and actions
through forgiveness and Love.
I now embrace my inner persecutor within my Heart's Temple,
And now all sub-personality aspects of my Self needing to be integrated in this Now,
through the ray qualities of understanding, strength, stability, loving kindness, wisdom, generosity, abundance, compassion, equilibrium and balance, organization and discernment, and the knowing of my Self as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love.
And now, as the activation of the 144 Satellite Sun Discs into the 12 Primary Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs occurs,
I merge with my Beloved I Am Presence,
and now all 144 Soul rays of my Beloved I Am Presence of which I Am One.
As I now align with the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun, the Central Sun and Great Central Sun,
I bring a focus to my Heart's Temple,
and I now experience the actualization of the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within my heart.
I now connect into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, and focus once more on the 12 Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs,
as a recalibration of my DNA occurs,
taking me into the New Earth Templates of Divine Love, and One Unity Consciousness.
And now, as I connect to the Light Workers and Star Seeded Ones,
I experience the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light,
and the "Return of the Inner Sun".
I now anchor the eleventh major Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and two minor discs along the spinal column.
I gently move my body from side to side and backwards and forwards, facilitating the process of the cerebrospinal fluid and the recalibration of my sensory system, central nervous system, chakras and meridians.
I am now taken in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light
into the Ascension Seat of the Brotherhood of the Light.
I now enter into theTemple of Illumined Truth and Divine Love,
and surrounded in a beautiful dodecahedronal shaped Temple of Light,
I am welcomed and greeted by the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light asThe Priestand an Initiate of Light,
I am now placed in anAxiatonal Chamber of Light.
As thisAxiatonal Chamber of Lightis now activated,
through the appropriate geometries of sound and color and noise light emissions,
it rejuvenates and heals my etheric and physical bodies.
And now, the creation of my perfect physical Light body,
my Adam Kadmon Body of Light and I AM Avatar Body of Light occurs.
I am now placed in a12 Strand DNA Activation Chamber of Light.
I now request the full activation of my 12 Strand DNA to the new DNA templates of zero point energy and fractal equations of Universal-Source frequency through the related keycodes, harmonics, sacred geometries and fire letters.
I now request the activation of my twoadditional etheric chromosomes,
and the creation of my immortal genes.
I now assist the Brotherhood of the Light and all the Light Workers, Starseeded Ones and Beings of Light from On High,
to wrap Mother Earth and all her Life in this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love.
I now assist in activating the Light Grids, the axiatonal lines, within and around the Unity Grid of Divine Love,
allowing all Life to experience the Love and wisdom of the Divine Mother and Divine Father,
and the knowing of themselves as sacred, precious Beings of Light.
And now, as I experience the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon energies,
I bring my Self into my Heart's Temple and the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within my heart.
Surrounded in this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love,
I now experience the healing of my wounded Feminine Spirit,
releasing the subjugation, victimhood and persecution of the Divine Feminine Principle through all timelines,
as I step into a deeper level of appreciation of my Self,
of loving and nurturing and forgiving my Self.
I now embrace my inner victim within my Heart's Temple,
and now all sub-personality aspects of my Self needing to be integrating at this time
through my Divine Love and the Love of the Divine Mother.
And now, as I experience the integration of my Divine Feminine Spirit,
I merge with my Divine Masculine Spirit,
amplifying the energy of Who I AM in all my magnificence and preciousness,
in completion and wholeness, in Love, appreciation and One Unity Consciousness,
through the Twin Flame energy of my Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes of Light.
I now find my Self back in my sacred space,
grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,
and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
I am now surrounded in this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Divinity,
and the Golden Flame of Empowerment and One Unity Consciousness,
Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now as you move through this 11:11 Stargate of Divine Love and Illumined Truth, through theeleventh ray, this beautifulPink-Orange Flame of Illumination and Love, and feel this now, sweet ones, wherever you are in your sacred space. Breathe deep into the body, come into your Heart's Temple and surround yourself in this beautifulPink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love. Expand the lower abdomen as you breathe in and contract the lower abdomen as you breathe out. Connect in to the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, into this holographic representation of the One Heart of All Creation, and now into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, merging with your Beloved I AM Presence, and all the Beings of Light from On High that you personally acknowledge, bringing them now into your sacred space, as you bring in your Pillar of Light and antakarana, breathing through this fluorescent tube of Light, connecting through all dimensions, to all the Beings of Light from On High, to your Higher Self, and Beloved I AM Presence.
Know what an exciting Now moment this is, sweet ones, as you move closer to the 12:12:12 Gateway of One Unity Consciousness, and the completion of the Unity Grid of Divine Love, within and around this Earth Plane, with the geometries of Light and keycodes and the New Earth Template to be experienced by all Life on this Earth Plane should they so choose; and these escalating Light Frequencies in this Now, sweet ones, take you into new levels of experiencing yourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light, bringing a deeper level of stability through the immutability of Mother/Father God. As you remain steadfast in the Light, you are able to embrace your greatest fears within your Heart's Temple, within the Cosmic Heart of all Creation, and further to this, through the Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs, to be able to actualize the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within your hearts, sweet ones, and experience the new DNA encodings of Light. It is a grand alignment of Light, taking you in to a deeper understanding of what is occurring on this earth plane sweet ones; of the changes that are being experienced in this Now, amplified too through a merging of your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine spirits, in wholeness and completion, through Divine Love and One Unity Conscious, and the "Return of your Inner Sun". Hold this focus through your Heart's Temple as the third eye is now activated, as you experience greater levels of understanding and insight through these merging Christed timelines and parallel realities as they come in now in streams of Light, sweet ones; of your highest potential, and indeed, a deeper understanding of this initiation asThe Priest.
The geometry of Light that is activated through thiseleventh ray of Illumined Truth and Divine Lightis that of the dodecahedron, sweet ones, and we say to you your DNA is related specifically to the dual relationship between the icosahedron and the stellated dodecahedron and now as you re-sequence and reactivate your DNA through the twelve primary Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs, you will experience not only the new DNA encodings and templates of Light but additionally the two etheric chromosomes creating your immortal genes, which were activated through the full anchoring of the cosmic rays and the third level of Christ Consciousness, which occurred on your earth on April 23rd, 1994 through the combined efforts of both Sirius A and B and the entire Company of Heaven, when Sirius B was most closely aligned with Sirius A through its fifty year elliptical orbit around Sirius A, and in a star alignment with Earth that occurs once every ninety thousand years. At that moment in time the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light with the assistance of the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, and further Overlighted by the entire Company of Heaven amplified the frequency of Cosmic Love to activate the star-tetrahedronal shape, starting from the your original Divine eight-cell Blueprint to the third level of Christ Consciousness. This actualization was also imprinted into the Christ Consciousness Grid around your Earth Plane, the Unity Grid of Divine Love, and through the complete anchoring of the third level of Christ Consciousness, your immortal genes, two additional chromosomes were additionally reactivated. This means, sweet ones that you now have 46 chromosomes plus two additional etheric chromosomes, which are waiting to be physically activated, for many of you this will occur through the Halls of Amenti as you are crownedthe High Priestto the Order of Melchizedek and experience the Cold Flames of the Flower of Life. And as you move into the year 2013 and experience the cosmic rays starting with theCosmic ray of Solar Christ Consciousness,you have the potential to actualize your immortal genes, sweet ones, and we say to you that the understanding of your true immortal nature as these initiates of Light and Master Beings was programmed into the Christ Consciousness Grid, and into the Akashic Records, at the time of the reign of Akhenaton in 1500 B.C. During his time as Pharaoh Akhenaton was to create the Akhenaton Mystery School in which at least 300 people achieved immortality, following a period of training in the Right Eye of Horus. These immortal Beings of Light were later to form the Essene Brotherhood and many of these teachings of Light that are understood today through the kabbalah, sacred geometry, and quantum science, come through from the Brotherhood of the Light and the Essene Brotherhood, sweet ones. Additionally we say to you that a deeper understanding of your true magnificence as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love is to be found indeed within the Great Pyramid of Egypt and these many Chambers of Light, including the Immortal Chamber of Light holding the forty-eight symbols of immortality.
And the key to activation of your DNA into the New Earth Templates of Light, sweet ones, lies within the activation of your Light Body/Merkaba through the frequency of Divine Love. It is in this moment, this year of 2012, that you can experience the New Earth Templates and the collective consciousness of all Life on this earth plane, animate or inanimate, as well as the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, as you become one with all Life, sweet ones. And this is occurring for you and your planet through the 12:12:12 Gateway of One Unity Consciousness. In this Now what you are experiencing is a deeper activation through your Heart's Temple of all your shadow aspects, integrated through this beautiful Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within yourselves, and the recalibration of the DNA so you may match the geometries of Light found within the Unity Grid, sweet ones.
And now, you bring a focus to Palenque in Mexico, another pyramid of Light holding many of these key-codes for this new Golden Age of Light, you are lifted now in a beautiful external Merkaba Vehicle of Light with your Master Guides and Guardian Angel, and the Overlighting of your Beloved I AM Presence, Lady Quan Yin, and the Brotherhood of the Light, into this Crystalline City of Light. As you enter into this beautiful temple of theeleventh ray of Illumined Truththrough this Crystalline City of Light, you are welcomed and greeted as ThePriestto the Order of Melchizedek. Lady Quan Yin and your soul and star families of the Light, now come forward to embrace you. The ray qualities of understanding and strength, stability, loving-kindness, wisdom, generosity, abundance, compassion, equilibrium and balance, organization and discernment, are now anchored and activated in this beautiful pink-orange ray of Light through the third eye, and in this Illumination and Truth you see clearly through the Christed Timelines to your heart's calling, into clearing and transmuting all that still needs to be cleared and transmuted, sweet ones, for you to stand steadfast in the Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
Wonderful. You now sense and experience the geometry of the dodecahedron around your body and energy field, sweet ones. There are three dodecahedrons around your body, related to the etheric body, the emotional body, and the mental body. You have a sense now of these dodecahedrons of Light as they come in now, fitting perfectly within an eighth dimensional platinum bubble of Light 16.8 feet in diameter around you. These pentagonal dodecahedrons are made up of 12 faces of five sided pentagons, and initially now you visualize the etheric body dodecahedron, now the emotional body dodecahedron, and now the mental body dodecahedron; all fitting perfectly within this beautiful platinum bubble of Light 16.8 feet in diameter around you. This level that we are working with is an eighth dimensional level, sweet ones, taking you into the Kingdoms of Light within Orion and this sphere of Light further connects you to the Melchizedek Brotherhood of Light at a fifth dimensional level of Christ Consciousness.
And now, as you focus on the emotional body dodecahedron, you start to gently spin this emotional body dodecahedron in a clockwise direction, spinning this at a comfortable speed within your platinum bubble of Light. This dodecahedron is assisting in the activation of the DNA to the New Earth Templates, and the activation of the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light of Light within your heart. And now as you slowly stop this spinning of the emotional body dodecahedron, you bring a focus to the mental body dodecahedron and as you slowly spin this mental body dodecahedron in a counter-clockwise direction within this platinum bubble of Light, you feel yourself vibrating to a higher consciousness of Light, expanding dimensionally to the teachings and understandings of the Brotherhood of the Light. Wonderful. You now bring the mental body dodecahedron to a standstill, as you bring your focus back to this Temple of Illumined Truth and Divine Love, this Crystalline City of Light. And now, as you experience the total Solar Eclipse and New Moon energies, focus on the integration of the Divine Masculine Principal and bringing into balance your Divine Masculine Spirit, sweet ones.
Through this beautifulPink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Loveyou go within your Heart's Temple now in embracing your persecutor, the inner persecutor within yourself that feels justified in its actions and thoughts to experience the anger and the rage, sweet ones. And now, as you look at those within your reality with whom you may have perceived conflict, you forgive, sweet ones. For it is knowing that many on this earth plane are ignorant and unconscious, and are blameless from the perspective that they would not do what they do if they understood from a consciousness perspective the impact of their choices, decisions and actions upon others. And you forgive, sweet ones, because you have the conscious awareness to do so ~ you forgive, sweet ones, so your own anger does not envelop you and take you into being disempowered, or power and control issues. As you bring a focus back to your inner persecutor, you forgive and Love this archetypal aspect of yourselves now, sweet ones. It is to find the balance of being the Spiritual warrior, in empowerment, in Love, in wisdom ~ of knowing when to step forward in dynamic right action, and when to step back in Love and wisdom.
And now as you experience the activation of the 144 Satellite Sun Discs into the twelve primary Golden Solar Sun Discs of Light, a re-calibration of your DNA occurs, taking you into the Unity Grid of Divine Love and the geometries of Light in near completion, sweet ones. You have a sense of these geometries of Light, as the dormant DNA is activated through Melchizedek Consciousness and is experienced by you through your multi-dimensional selves at each dimensional level, and every multi-dimensional aspect to yourself that you have ever been, currently are, or will be in any probably timeline through the continuum, the ever-present Now. As you experience these geometries of Light you become an extension to the Unity Grid of Divine Love, taking on the New Earth Templates of Divine Light and experiencing and reflecting the exact sacred geometry and harmonic resonance found within this Unity Grid. As you connect through these twelve primary Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs you hold the collective consciousness of the entire planet and are able to change the shape of the collective DNA of humanity through the frequency of Divine Love, through the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light. And now, as you come into your Heart's Temple, you experience the actualization of your Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light taking you into Unity Consciousness, as you align now with the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun, the Central Sun, and now the Great Central Sun.
Wonderful, sweet ones. You are experiencing the solar vibrations of Light of this diamond and platinum matrix of Light through the axiatonal lines, though the photon rays and solar flares, through the super-electron and Spiritual Microtron, and through the geometries of Light that will assist you to activate your Light Body/Merkaba and the Light Body/Merkaba field of Mother Earth, in December 2012. As you now find yourself in the Ascension Seat of the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light and the Kingdoms of Light in Orion, you are welcomed and greeted by Lord Melchizedek and the Brotherhood of the Light, as an initiate of Light andThe Priest, sweet ones. As you find yourself within this beautiful Temple of Illumined Truth and Divine Love you are placed in anAxiatonal Chamber of Light, and we talk to you very briefly about the understanding of these axiatonal lines, for they are the Light grids used by the Brotherhood of the Light to assist in the forward evolution of the lower worlds. Your Beloved I AM Presence and Higher Self of the Light and the geometries of light of your physical organs, which form the physical body, can be described as a grid of magnetic domains and the lines that cohesively bring the body together as this grid of magnetic domains are the axiatonal lines, and these axiatonal lines, sweet ones, through the appropriate geometries of color and sound frequencies, are able to bring through the necessary noise-light emissions to rejuvenate the body as well as assist in the clearing of dis-eases that are experienced on this earth plane. Have a sense of the axiatonal lines being activated through your body, sweet ones, through the twelve spin points found along each of the twelve meridian lines in your body, bringing you back the master frequency of 144 and the templating of your magnetic domains. And as these sonic vibrations and sounds, colors and harmonics of Light come in, of Universal Source frequencies, sweet ones, bring a focus to any body part or organ that you need this frequency to be activated within, or around your body.
And now see yourself assisting multi-dimensionally in the activation of the axiatonal lines within and around Mother Earth's Light Body and the Unity Grid of Light ~ assisting the Light workers, star seeded ones and Legions upon Legions of Light as you bring in now this beautifulPink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love. Wonderful. As you come back now into this Ascension Seat, surrounded in thisPink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Loveyou are placed in aTwelve-Strand DNA Activation Chamber of Light, experiencing the New Earth Templates, and indeed too, sweet ones, the activation of your two immortal chromosomes. You are experiencing the new DNA templates of zero-point energy, and these fractal equations of Universal Source frequencies in the activation of your two additional etheric chromosomes. To assist in this activation we will speak in tongues, sweet ones.
"You are a Child of the Light, a Child of the Sun, ever growing, upwards in Light"and the time is Now, sweet ones, for your ascension process ~ as you become the Spiritual Suns through the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within your hearts, the Earth herself becomes the Spiritual Sun for this Solar System and all Life potentially experiences the Cosmic Heart of all Creation, and you are leading the way as the Lightworkers and facilitators and teachers of Light ~ you are creating change within your current reality, you are paving the way into this new Golden Age of Light, sweet ones. Wonderful.
And now the re-calibration the left and right hemispheres of the brain occurs, of the pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands, as you now further experience the anchoring and activating of the eleventh Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and the two minor Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs along the spinal column. These Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs ~ thirteen major and twenty minor ~ are connected to the 33 Cosmic Portals of Light to be experienced December 21st, sweet ones ~ 21:12 ~ and this integration allows for you to activate your Light Body/Merkaba and the Light Body/Merkaba of Mother Earth as you experience the re-booting of the ascension grid at that Now moment through the Galactic Heart of All Creation.
As you come into your sacred space once more, sweet ones, and surround yourself in this beautifulPink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Loveyou experience the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse ~ the shadow around the shadow ~ being activated through the partial lunar eclipse on November 28thand 29th, and the Full Moon. What this is signifying and allowing you to experience, sweet ones, is the integration of the Divine Feminine Principal, and the healing of your Feminine Spirit, sweet ones, regardless of your gender. So take the time to come into your Heart's Temple now, to embrace the victim consciousness; to move through the timelines of healing of the Divine Feminine Principal for all Life, sweet ones. For this work that we do brings you to the culminating point of experiencing Divine Love and Unity Consciousness through the merging of your Twinned Flame aspects ~ your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits, within your Heart's Temple, and this time is coming now, and it is in this wholeness and completion that you may chose to deepen your connection to the center of Divine Love and radiate your Love out to all Creation. Have a sense now of merging and integrating your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits in wholeness within your hearts, sweet ones. As you now call upon the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and ask them to place you in aKundalini Activation Chamber of Divine Love, you start to feel this kundalini activation in the base chakra area, monitored by these Beings of Light and all the Beings of Light from On High. As this liquid warmth fills the base chakra and pelvic area you continue this deep rhythmic breath through the lower abdomen as you move these beautiful energies of Light through your body, adding vaginal and anal muscle contractions at this stage should you so wish to, to further enhance your experience. As you breathe in, you can contract the vaginal and anal muscles, and as you breathe out, relax the vaginal and anal muscles. Gently rock the base chakra and pelvic area from side to side, backwards and forwards, as this kundalini energy spirals upwards from the base chakra, though the sacral chakra and into the solar plexus chakra. This kundalini energy further moves up the spine to the heart center, passes through the heart chakra in two golden spirals of Light now, into the throat chakra, and then the third eye, and now from the third eye, this kundalini energy moves into the crown chakra and the crown chakra opens right up to receive the rays of Eternal Love, the Divine Love of Mother/Father God, of All Creation.
As you come back into the Heart's Temple you receive this Love from your family and friends of the Light, as you send your Love out now to every single person on this Earth plane - to the Light workers and star seeded ones, to all the Beings of Light from On High, sweet ones. As you ground once more into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, sweet ones, and merge with your Beloved I AM Presence, know that indeed the time is Now, where you are overcoming your challenges, understanding them from a cosmic perspective, integrating the shadow aspects, activating the dormant DNA, and truly becoming the Group I AM Avatar Race. This is occurring NOW, sweet ones, in your reality of Heaven on Earth. And indeed it gathers momentum through the month of November, through this 11:11 Gateway of Divine Love and Illumined Truth. Go within and hold the focus of the knowing of your magnificence and your preciousness, as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. And we thank you for your service work, sweet ones, to all humanity, to all Life, and we bless you, as we bid you a most magical day.
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
You need to be a member of LIGHTGRID - Lichtnetz - REDDELUZ to add comments!